Review for Energy Quiz

Review for Energy Quiz
1. In what cell organelle does aerobic respiration occur? mitochondria
2. What 3 major components make up ATP? Ribose, adenine, 3 phosphates
3. Which compound has the most energy: ATP, ADP or AMP? ATP (more
4. During glycolysis, glucose is broken down into what 3-Carbon molecules? 2
Pyruvic Acid
5. How many ATP result from the breakdown of one glucose molecule during
the glycolysis step? 2 ATP
6. Which is NOT an autotroph? Moss, fern, mushroom, oak tree mushroom
(all fungi, like animals, are heterotrophs!)
7. What molecule is referred to as the “common energy currency” of the cell?
No abbreviation please. Adenosine triphosphate (= ATP)
8. How many ATP result from glycolysis and anerobic respiration of one
glucose? 2 ATP
9. How many ATP result from glycolysis and aerobic respiration of one
glucose? 38 ATP
10. Consider the following reversible reaction:
ATP --A - ADP + P
B-a. Which reaction (A or B) occurs as a result of cellular respiration? B
(builds ATP)
b. Which reaction (A or B) occurs as the cell uses energy to power its
activities? A (uses ATP)
11. What is another name for anaerobic respiration? fermentation
12. What is needed for aerobic cellular respiration to occur? Oxygen gas
13. What gas is released as a “waste” product of cellular respiration?
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
14. What organisms do cell respiration? Why? All organisms; all need ATP
to do work
15. Under what conditions would our muscle cells resort to lactic acid
fermentation for power? If oxygen not available
16. What are some things that occur in humans which allows more oxygen to
be available to cells as a person become more fit?
Heart pumps stronger, more capillaries, increased blood volume, more
17. Consider the following reversible reaction:
ENERGY + Carbon Dioxide + Water
a. Which reaction (A or B) represents what occurs during photosynthesis?
b. Which reaction represents what occurs during aerobic cellular
respiration? A
18. Give examples of foods made by lactic acid fermentation. What
organisms do this?
Pickles, sauerkraut, yogurt, cheese, etc.; bacteria
19. Give examples of foods/beverages made by ethanol fermentation. What
organisms do this? Bread, beer, wine, etc. ; yeast
20. In what cell organelle does photosynthesis occur? chloroplast
21. What is the green pigment found in chloroplasts called? chlorophyll
22. What is the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis called? Calvin
23. Where in the chloroplasts do the light-dependent reactions occur?
24. What gas is produced during the light reactions of photosynthesis? O2
25. In which set of reactions of photosynthesis is the carbon in CO2
combined with H+ and made into glucose? Light-independent What is this
called? Carbon fixation
26. Where in the leaf do gases and water vapor enter and leave? stomata
27. What gas do plants “get rid of”, when in excess, during photosynthesis?
28. What is the chemical formula for glucose? C6H12O6 Carbon dioxide?
CO2 Water? H2O
29. What organisms do photosynthesis? Autotrophs (plants, some bacteria,
some protists)
30. What do plants make that allows animal (and other heterotrophic) life
to exist on Earth? Glucose and oxygen
Do other pigments besides chlorophyll exist in plants? Explain. Yes.
Unmasked in fall
Why do you think rainforest destruction is of world-wide concern
based on what you have learned in this unit? Plants provide needed oxygen
and food to all living things
In addition, plants absorb CO2 (reducing greenhouse gas in air)
What gas turns bromothymol blue a lighter color? CO2
Will bromothymol blue change color if connected to a jar containing
the following:
a. plant in a jar in a dark room? Yes. Can only produce CO2 in cell
respiration, can’t do photosynthesis
b. Plant in a jar in a light-filled room? No. CO2 produced in cell
respiration will be used in photosynthesis.
c. Guinea pig in a jar? Yes. Can only do cell respiration.