PURPOSE OF THE QUARTERLY: To educate and instruct by the collection, preservation, publication and distribution of Nebraska records of a genealogical value. To encourage accuracy and careful documentation of materials submitted for publication. NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS: President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Publications Director Mr. Gene Bang, Box 62, Fremont, NE 68025 Mrs. Gloria Smethers, 1834 Summit St., Beatrice, Ne 68310 Mrs. Elaine Batenhorst, 3507 Avenue M, Kearney, NE 68847 Mrs. Lucile Bates, Box 32, Cozad, NE 69130 Mrs. Ruth Anna Hicks, 6703 Holdrege St., Lincoln, Ne 68505 THE EXECUTIVE BOARD consists of the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer Publication Director and fifteen elected Area Delegates-at-Large. THE NEBRASKA ANCESTREE STAFF Editor Mrs. Ruth Anna Hicks, 6703 Holdrege Street, Lincoln, Ne 68505 Query Editor Mrs. Lesta Westmore, 2707 N. 100 Ave., Omaha, NE 68134 Indexer Mrs. Barbara Dripps, 7000 Y St., Lincoln, Ne 68505 THE NEW BRASS KEY STAFF Editor Mrs. Ruth Short, 2125 Bradfield Dr., Lincoln, NE 68502 Query Editor Mrs. Lesta Westmore The Quarterly, NEBRASKA ANCESTREE, is published summer, fall, winter and spring The Newsletter, THE NEW BRASS KEY, is published six times per year. Subscriptions begin with the summer issue of the Quarterly and with the May/June issue of the newsletter. Send all material for NEBRASKA ANCESTREE to Mrs. Ruth Anna Hicks, 6703 Holdrege, Lincoln, Ne 68505 Send all material for THE NEW BRASS KEY to Mrs. Ruth Short, 2125 Bradfield Dr., Lincoln, Ne 68502 The Nebraska State Genealogical Society reserve the right to edit or reject and assumes no responsibility for errors in the contributed material. Reprinting of the material appearing in NEBRASKA ANCESTREE (quarterly) publication of the Nebraska State Genealogical Society is strictly forbidden unless permission, in each instance and for each voluipe, has been given in writing by the Publications Director and/or the Edecutive (sic) Board of the Nebraska State Genealogical Society. Membership, Renewal and Change of Address Notification of Change of Address must be sent at least 6 weeks in advance, or the Society must charge $1.00 to cover resulting re-mailing costs. Send Change of Address, Memberships and Renewal to Mr. Ray Billesbach, 925 N. Hewett, Hastings, NE 68901 Fiscal Year is from May 1 through April 30. CONTENTS CHERRY COUNTY CEMETERIES 115 GRANT COUNTY CEMETERIES 115--ll6 DOUGLAS COUNTY, Graduates of Brownell Hall l16--ll9 CUMING COUNTY, Rock Creek Mill 120 BANNER COUNTY. Pleasant Hill Cemetery 120--121 BANNER COUNTY, Lone Pine News 121--122 BANNER COUNTY, Out of Old Nebraska 122 Beginnings of the Methodist Church in Nebraska 123--124 Early Methodist Ministers 124--128 Bordeau, France Embarkation Camp 128 CASS COUNTY, Directory of Leading Farmers WASHINGTON COUNTY, Fontenelle Guards DOUGLAS COUNTY, Omaha Bee's Junior Birthday Book TREE STUMPS LOCAL GENEALOGICAL SOCIETIES IN NEBRASKA STATE CHAIRMAN Corresponding Secretary Finance Librarian Legislative Affairs Membership Publicity & Public Relations Research & Correlating Publishing Lineage & Surname Workshop Co-ordinator 128--l30 130--131 131 132--134 Mrs. Hortense Wilkinson, 2030 E. 1st St. Fremont, Ne 68025 Mrs. Lucile Bates, Box 32, Cozad, NE 69130 Mrs. Cora Esch, Rt 1, Box 13, Splading (sic), Ne 68665 Mrs. Virginia Foster, Box 756, Alliance, NE 69301 Mr. Ray Billesbach, 925, N. Hewett Ave., Hastings, NE 68901 Mrs. Virginia Foster Mrs. Ruth Anna Hicks, 6703 Holdrege St., Lincoln, Ne 68505 Mrs. Florence Schmitt, Box 37, Lexington, NE 68850 NSGS Staff, Box 62, Fremont, Ne 68025 FOR SALE We have for sale back issues of The NEBRASKA ANCESTREE (quarterly). The following counties are featured in the quarterly. VOLUME 1, No. 1 Franklin, Butler, Harlan, Frontier, Clay, Cherry, Washington, Phelps, Jefferson, Buffalo, York, Otoe, Douglas, Thurston, Dawson, Gage. VOLUME 1, No. 2 Hitchcock, Johnson, Burt, Buffalo, Kearney, Phelps, Harlan, Franklin, Butler, Saline, Otoe, Fillmore, Nance, Pawnee, Polk, Nance, Boone, Washington, Douglas, Dawson, Pierce, Webster VOLUME 1, No.3 Washington, Butler, Adams, Dawson, Chase, Scottsbluff, Cherry, Valley, Box Butte, Webster, Boone, Nemaha, Harlan, Cass, Franklin, Hamilton, Merrick, Johnson, Platte, Colf ax, Pierce, Wayne, Holt, Burt, Jefferson, Lancaster, Nance. VOLUME 1, No. 4 Seward, Greeley, Red Willow, Boyd, Saline, Butler, Sioux, Sheridan, Sherman, Richardson, Thayer, Furnas, Hayes, Custer, Dodge, Antelope, Kearney, Cherry, Otoe, Gage, Polk, Platte. VOLUME 2, No. 1 McPherson, York, Brown, Saline, Jefferson, Saunders, Wayne, Gage, Franklin, Pawnee, Clay, Adams Cass, Butler, Red Willow, Sheridan, Thayer, Johnson, Scottsbluff, Madison, Antelope, Douglas Colfax, Hamilton. VOLUME 2, No. 2 McPherson, Sherman, Rock, York, Polk, Box Butte, Dodge, Johnson, Dawson, Burt, Merrick, Washington Johnson, Scotts Bluff, Kearney, Buffalo, Saunders, Saline, Webster, Adams, Lancaster, Douglas Boone, Seward, Wayne, Platte, Custer, Richardson, Blame, Cherry, Keya Paha, Harlan VOLUME 2, No. 3 Sioux, Thomas, Lincoln, Holt, Harlan, Gosper, Douglas, Lancaster, Butler, Franklin, Dawson, Saline, Furnas, Buffalo, Washington, Howard, Cass, Box Butte, Madison, Johnson, Platte, Sharpy Hitchcock VOLUME 2, No. 4 Kearney, Lincoln, Boyd, Cedar, Merrick, Valley, Box Butte, York, Douglas, Gage, Cherry, Saunders Sarpy, Madison, Wayne, Thomas, Franklin, Clay, Saline, Lancaster, Johnson, Washington, Otoe. Nance. VOLUME 3, No. 1 Cherry, Brown, Boyd, Madison, Stanton, Perkins, Valley, Hall, Saunders, York, Sarpy, Red Willow Kearney, Gage. VOLUME 3, No. 2 Kimball, Grant, Keya Paha, Bolt, Madison, Burt, Keith, Custer, Boone, Colf ax, Lancaster, Chase Otoe, Clay, Saline. VOLUME 3, No. 3 Brown, Cheyenne, Franklin, Dakota, Lincoln, Boyd, Richardson, Cedar, Banner, Johnson, Merrick, Platte, Brown, Thomas, Dodge, Polk, Cass. VOLUME 3, No. 4 Buffalo, Cass, Platte, Greeley, Webster, Antelope, Gage, York, Hamilton, Harlan, Dixon, Dodge, Dawson, Adams. The price is $3.00 per issue (includes Postage). Nebraska residents add tax. A VOLUME, 4 issues is $12.00. Send orders for the NEBRASKA ANCESTREE to Mrs. Ruth Anna Hicks 6703 Holdrege Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68505 NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 115 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Submitted by Mrs. Ruth Harms, Kennedy Road Valentine NE 69201 CHERRY CO. CEMETERIES Shackelford Cemetery About 1910 a cemetery was laid out on Wes SHACKELFORD's homestead.(Sec. 19, Twn. 27 Rng. 38). Gene FRY, who had had some surveying experience, surveyed the lots out and he was the first one buried there. His grave is the one on the northeast. There are at least 9 persons buried there. They are Gene FRY, a RIDGEWAY girl, a Jim MARTIN girl, a woman who lived northeast of Martindale Post Office, Guy JONES' grandmother, Johnnie SNYDER, his father, Joe SNYDER and Ora KING's new born twins. The cemetery is on the OLO summer range at the extreme north. As far as I know, there is no marking and the fence has been taken down .... Archie CHURCH. North County Cemeteries Graves on ranches north of Hyannis as listed in Grant County Library Cemetery Records: On the Leo Egan Ranch, Sec. 7 Twn. 25, Rng. 39 Mrs. SWEENEY; On Sec. 32, Twn. 25. Rng. 39 Almond CASTLE born 12-16-1834, died 11-6-1910, father of Frank CASTLE; On the Plummer Ranch, now known as the Dumbell two GODFREY children buried near the site of present buildings; Brennemann Ranch, graves on the Old Farrell Ranch-children of Jim FARRELL, Olive FARRELL 18901896 and Owen FARRELL 18941896. Old Mason Cemetery Also known as Stansbie--Perrett Cemetery, located 14 miles north of Ashby on the Leo EGAN Ranch. Graves listed by name and not as to location in cemetery. Roberta WILSON 2-9-1891; Edithe BUCK 1-9-1895, age 1 mo. 24 days, daughter of Henry and Illa David BUCK. Mrs. Buck, a sister of A. T. DAVIS; unknown grave; WILSON, perished in a blizzard near the cemetery and buried by early settlers; W. S. PERRETT 5-6-1831 - 5-6-1911; Maria PERRETT 6-16-1890, parents of F. L. PERRETT: Louisa E. NEAL 9-14-1867 - 7-2-1894 wife of F. L. PERRETT and mother of Walter PERRETT:' An infant son and daughter Vivena 6-30-1894 - 8-14-1894, children of F. L. and Louisa E. PERRETT: An infant son, daughter Marian and son Freddy, children of F. L. and Maria Calahan PERRETT: James STANSBIE 8-11-1889, 60 years old; Minnie BAUGH Aug. 1889, 1 yr. 7 mo. 16 days; Harold BAUGH 2-22-1902, aged 3 weeks, 2 days. Children of Dan and Stansbie BAUGH; Nellie JOHNSON 9-291894, 1 yr. 10 mo. 24 days, daughter of Chet and Mary Stansbie JOHNSON: Jane STANSRIE 3-8-1901, 26 yr. 3 mo. 24 days; Several children of Will MASON; SIEGFRIED; Two girls 11 and 13 years old, parents John and Mary COOMBS. GRANT CO. CEMETERIES South County Cemeteries Graves on ranches south of Hyannis as listed in Grant County Library Cemetery Records: Two children of Ancel & Carrie CONNER, buried on Vinton Ranch; An infant daughter of George and Lydia SWIGGART, buried on Vinton Ranch; MALIKOFF infant died 1912, location not listed; Child of Elaine WRIGHT, buried in Spring Valley on Owen WRIGHT's Timber Claim. Spring Valley Cemetery Located on the east side of Spring Valley Lake in a grove of trees is a little cemetery marked by two gravestones. Three children are buried there. This land, once owned by Ben WRIGHT and later owned by Merle and Opal (Ben's daughter) REX, is about 20 miles south and east of Hyannis. The first child that was buried there was Howard Wm. GREEN, the son of Ferris and Elaine GREEN. (Howard was a half-brother to Lyle WRIGHT) The stone on his grave reads: Our Loved One, Born July 29, 1923 - Died June 5, 1924. The second baby buried there was Geraldine REX, infant daughter of Merle and Opal REX, Engraved on her stone is: Our Little One, Born Sept. 28 1930 Died Dec. 27, 1930. The last child to be buried there was the son of Jim and Jewel Latitner. This baby was still born and the date of burial is uncertain. Ashby Cemetery The oldest known graves in the Ashby Cemetery are Mary DUNKEL, 1915; and Anna M. DUNKEL, 1916, infant daughters of Ollie and John DUNKEL. The graves of BERNETT, 1910 and 1918, were moved to the BIXBY plot later. In 1925 a group of Ashby citizens formed the Ashby Cemetery Board. It was filed for record with the County Clerk on June 29, 1926; it set forth - perpetual trusteeship, annual dues of $5.00, and holding annual meetings for reports. NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 116 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Grant Co. Cemeteries (continued) The original trustees were J. Y. CASTLE, S. A. FIELDS, Jas. L. OVERMAN, J0 B. KERR and J. A. DUNKEL. C. W. KREAMER was County Clerk and deputy was Howard LICHTY who were to take care of the cemetery. In the late 1930s and 1940s the Ashby Women's Club cared for the graves. In 1969 the Ashby community gathered to clean, trim, mow, fix fence and remove the debris. In 1972 one of the original perpetual trustees, J. Y. CASTLE, came to visit on Labor Day. Known graves were identified and markers installed. INDEX OF ASHBY CEMETERY Plot Name 36 17 Hugh A. BAIRD John W. BARNES 15 Maggie E. BARNES 16 12 25 23 24 22 21b 21c Year of death 1925 1945 Plot Name Alice M. GOSHA Joyce E. HEBBERT 1925 37 3001 18 1918 1924 1918 1910 1947 1922 1954 1962 35a 35b 34 33 4 27b 26 02 22b 26b 13 19 21 Wesley D. BARNES Lee BARR (WWI Vet) James H. BERNETT Nary Eliza BERNETT Mary Jane BERNETT William BERNETT Curt BIXBY Orion P. BIXBY (Cremated) O'Ryan C. BIXBY Ima BIXBY June E. BLOOD August W. CARLSON CERVONNI (infant) 1977 1969 1923 1943 19 20 I8b 18c 09 02 5 6 27 29a 28b 29b 28a 36 Max CHRISTENSEN Melvin CHRISTENSEN Zella Mae cROUSE Ella L. (Ollie) DUNKEL Anna M. DUNKEL John DUNKEL Mary M. DUNKEL Elizabeth ELAM 1942 1930 1933 1923 1916 1960 1915 1918 32 3 2 1 01 28c 13a Year of death 1918 1962 Infant son of Alta HINTON Ellen E. JOHNSTON James M. JOHNSTON Baby boy KERR Earl KERR Karl KORTH Phyliss KNUTH Lula E. MERRILL NELSON, Infant 1943 Mary NICE Ralph M. MOORE Infant HIBBLER Harry L. PAIGE Jack PATTERSON (WWII Vet) John RENIK Anna J. STEVENS Infant STEVENS Lorentis J. STEVENS Margaret A. STEVENS Andrew JESSEN Infant dau. of Charlie & Mary GIBSON 1924 1921 1921 1977 1956 1956 1935 1927 1937 1930 1977 1919 1938 1932 1937 1944 1947 1952 1979 - 8 7 9 10a 10b Albert C. ELLENWOOD Luella ELLENWOOD Anna M. FIELDS Daisy B. FIELDS Shelly A. FIELDS 1929 1942 1928 1947 1954 13b 13c 30 31 JENNY, Infant Adeline E. JENNY Infant SHARP LEED's Infant 1925 1925 1949 - *********************************************************************************************** Submitted by Pat Downe, 263 Congressional Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20852 GRADUATES OF BROWNELL HALL, 1863-1914 - Douglas Co. Alumnae 1868 Helen HOYT (Mrs. Horace L. BURR) Helen M. INGALLS (Mrs. Flemon DRAKE) 1871 Nellie CLARKSON (Mrs. F. H. DAVIS) Ida Virginia CLEGG (Mrs. George TIIDEN) Nellie FLINT 1872 Idalyn GWYER (Mrs. Willis YATES) 1873 Fanny M. CLARK (Mrs. Philip POTTER Edith CLARK (Mrs. Allan FLEMING) Minnie R. WILSON 1874 Mellona M. BUTTERFIELD NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 117 1875 Anna HAYDEN (Mrs. Ashbel PATTERSON) Carrie J. LAKE (Mrs. Jay MORTON) Caroline L. McNAMARA (Mrs. S. D. BARKALOW) 1876 May CAMPBELL (Mrs. John C. CHADWICK) Meliora S. HALL (Mrs. T. L. RINGWALT) Jessie MASON (Mrs. Fred Harris) Ella WHITE (Mrs. George JONES) 1877 Josie GOODALE (Mrs. W. T. PRICE) Mary A. TOWNSEND 1880 Carrie BENNETT (Mrs. F. H. WILSON) May DUNDY (Mrs. E. W. LEE) Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Graduates of Brownell Hall (continued) Alumnae 1880 (cont.) Margaret Z. MAXWELL Jean MORTON (Mrs. Joseph CUDAHY) Fannie WALL (Mrs. F. C. WAXELY) 1881 Grace MASON (Mrs. Hiland WHEELER) Lettie M. WELCH Henrietta WILSON (Mrs. Daniel BOUGHTON) 1882 Mamie AMBROSE (Mrs. F. C. REVINIUS) Susan HAGER Mary L. WAGGONER (Mrs. G. W. LOOMIS) Florence WARE (Mrs. R. S. HALL) 1883 Caroline DINSMORE Margaret WILSON 1884 Oslie M. K. ABBOTT Jennie COOPER (Mrs. George L. WHITTIAM) Lulu CREMER (Mrs. George GRISWOLD) Fannie M. LATHAN (Mrs. Van BUSKIRK) Anna J. THOMAS Anna WILSON (Mrs. J. D. McDONALD) 1885 Hattie DREW (Mrs. Wm. TRUMAN) Daisy M. REESE (Mrs. Charles SANFORD) 1891 Amy Frances BARKER (Mrs. C. W. MARTIN) Edith BRANT (Mrs. John C. DREXEL) Irene LABAGH (Mrs. Charles E. SMITH) Mary LIONBERGER Mary E. SCOTT (Mrs. C. W. PIERCE) Carrie M. THOMAS (Mrs. Henry S. WOOLFENDER) Este].la THORPE (Mrs. Alfred Knee land SMITH) 1892 Pearl BARNES (Mrs. BOYLE) Abba Willard BOWEN Jessie CONWAY Naomi EVERTS (Mrs. John W. TOWLE) Madge MEANS (Mrs. TOLAND) Mary MURPHY (Mrs. A. L. CONKLIN) Hattie May ORCUTT (Mrs. BERRY) Maud Anna PARSONS 1893 Edith ABBOTT Ellen M. BAIRD (Mrs. Paul PATTON) Edna ELMER Louise RHEEM 1894 Sarah H. BOWEN (Mrs. C. H. YOUNG) Katherine D. COLLINS Anna COUCHMAN (Mrs. Henry ROBERTS) Leila SHEARS (Mrs. Albert KOCH-ANDRIANNO) 1886 Emma FRIED (Mrs. W. S. CHAMBERS) Ada McBRIDE (Mrs. G. W. SELLERS) Ida WIGGENHORN (Mrs. W. Arthur MEYER) Florence YATES (Mrs. George VOSS) 1887 Florence AYERS (Mrs. George CARTER Flora CASTELLAR (Mrs. George J. NASH Mary GANDY (Mrs. A. T. TIMMERNAN) Elizabeth HALL (Mrs. Oscar FUNKE) Alta May ROYCE (Mrs. George Cassells SMITH) Cornelia THOMAS (Mrs. John HALL) 1888 Bell BUCKWORTH (Mrs. Cal. DIAMOND) Lucy BURGESS Leola C. CARTER (Mrs. Newton BARKALOW) Minnie COMFORT (Mrs. EDIE) Carlotte E. CRAWFORD May CRAWFORD Ethel DAVENPORT 1889 Blance BUCKWORTH Louie B. ROE 1890 Winifred BEASLEY Kate E. DRAKE Angeline HANSEN (Mrs. John L. NEBLE) Maude L. HAYWARD (Mrs. J. B. WATKINS) Lulu LORINC (Mrs. A. D. ANNIS) Mamie RAINBOLT (Mrs. W. H. BUCHOLZ) Jessie M. TISHUE (Mrs. Will LONGWORTHY) Mary E. COUCHMAN (Mrs. ARNOLD) Elizabeth McCRACKEN 1895 Flora Jane BESLEY (Mrs. Roland SPENCER) Winifred M. CATTLE (Mrs. Byron R. NEWTON) Charlotte DIEBOLD (Mrs. Steven LANGWORTHY) 1896 Helen Morgan BURNHAM (Mrs. J. B. LEWIS) May Alice HETZEL (Mrs. Joseph V. DAVIS) Mary Isabel RICE (Mrs. Fred RADCLIFFE) 1897 Lillian McCRACKEN Alice NELSON Edith SMITH (Mrs. Clarence Richmond DAY) 1901 Luree BEEMER Laura CAMPBELL (Mrs. George W. LANDER) Verenice COCHRAN (Mrs. George W. EGAN) Hope HANCHETT Susie L. ROBB Minnie STORZ (Mrs. Edgar A. HIGGINS) 1902 Olga LAMHOFER (Mrs. George CHARTERS) 1903 Alice FRENCH (Mrs. Oliver CARPENTER) Elizabeth GOODELL 1904 Helen DAVIS (Mrs. Walter ROBERTS) Isabelle FRENCH (Mrs. George W. JOHNSTON) Gertrude GRAVES Katheryne G. McCLANAHAN Edith M. PATRICK (Mrs. Myles STANDISH) Olive PATTERSON NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 118 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Graduates of Brownell Hall (continued) Alumnae 1904 (cont.) Mabel PERRY (Mrs. Wm. MICKEL) Maud PERRY (Mrs. Howard BARNARD) Alice POTTER Josephine ROCHE 1905 Belle BRYANT Muriel CATTLE (Mrs. W. H. PACKARD) Katherine Lee GRABLE Katherine KILPATRICK Helen REMGAN (Mrs. Ralph SHEPHARDSON) Dorothy RINGWALT Marcia WEBBER 1906 Carolyn BARKALOW Bess BAUM (Mrs. John ROUSE) Margaret BRUCE Shirley CASTETTER Florence CATTLE Gwendolyn CATTLE 1908 (cont.) Pauline MILLS (Mrs. W. H. TEMPLE, Jr.) Mary MELLOR Aurel MURTEY Carrie PATRICK Fanny PUTCAMP Annie ROGERS Nettie WATTLES 1909 Eunice ARTHUR Louise BARNARD Vera BENSON (Mrs. James LOVE) Ethel BICKFORD Elizabeth BRUCE Margaret BUCKLEY Mary BUCKLEY Maude BUTLER Mildred BUTLER Margaret DOUGLAS (Mrs. Edwin TURNER) Lela M. PARIS Jean CUDAHY (Mrs. Frank WILHELM) Edith FISHER Annie C. FRY Elsie FUNKHOUSER Mona KLOKE (Mrs. Louis CLARKE) Ada OSTRANDER Louise PECK (Mrs. D. BARKALOW) Mary RICHARDSON Letta ROHRBAUGH (Mrs. J. C. CHAPMAN) Ethel TAYLOR Elizabeth WHITTMAN Eleanor WILLIMAN Louise YIELLS (Mrs. E. B. LEFFERTS) 1907 Charlotte FIKE Alice FRY Lela GALLOWAY Margaret GUTHRIE Evange line ROMAN Alice Cary McGREW (Mrs. Wilson AUSTIN) Elizabeth McMILLAN Denna MELICK (Mrs. J. C. SWETZENBERG) Dorothy MORGAN (Mrs. Ralph PETERS) Gladys PETERS Elizabeth PICKENS Ruth RAINEY Alice L. TROXELL (Mrs. Cyrus BOWMAN) Gwendolyn WHITE 1908 Ethel ANDERSON Margaret BUSCH Carnelita CHASE Perle EDDY Helen FORBES (Mrs. McPHERSON) Zoe FRIES Gladys GRAHAM (Mrs. Joseph BARINA) Gladys IMPREY Grace JACKSON Margaret KOEHLER Mary LANNING Dorothy HALL Helen HALLER (Mrs. Wilfred ARNDT) Ruth HAMMER (Mrs. Harold PRITCHETT) Ethel IRWIN Helen KOEHLER Stella LOVE Dora McGURK Evelyn V. PARK (Mrs. Guy C. CONGDON) Bernice STEWART (Mrs. George PORTER) Marguerite STOWITTS Amy THOMAS (Mrs. DICKINSON) Jessie THOMAS Hattie WELLER Irma WILLING 1910 Lois Majorie ALLEMAN (Mrs. Louis ATKINS) Katherine M. BEESON Myrna M. BOYCE Mary Alice CARTER Margaret T. CATTLE Mabel Irene CLARKE Frances P. DAMRON Ida Rowena DARLOW Irma M. DOUGLAS Janet Ellen HALL Ethel K. HOLMQUIST Catherine F. THUMMEL Helen Sylvig HUNTER Ida Belle JONES (Mrs. Boyd BLAKEMAN) Violet Carl JOSLYN (Mrs. T. W. MAGOWAN) Helen Marguerite MATTERS Zoe MELLOR (Mrs Stanley HOFFMAN) Evelyn Bess MILLER Stella MULLIGAN Daphne E. PETERS Hazel RUMSEY Helen Edith SMITH Margaret SPARGO Estella Belle STEPHENS Olga A. STORZ NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 119 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 GRADUATES OF BROWNELL HALL, 1863--1914, DOUGLAS County, NE Alumnae 1911 Bessie Willifer CATTLE Nona Ruth COTTERMAN Bertha DICKEY (Mrs. Blomfield BROWN Catherine HUFFMAN Perna JACKSON Ava G. JOHNSON Helen Elaine LETT (Mrs. R.L. TODD) Mildred I. MILES Alma Brooks SEYMOUR Ruth STREITZ Ruth WALES Glenn WAY 1913 (cont.) Genevieve BROOKS Eva Gertrude HALL Alice Lucile JAQUITH Trenna Marie CHAMBERLAIN Bess DICKINSON Gertrude DRAPER Hannah Elizabeth FORBES Fern Irene GILBERT Gladys Martin KINDRED Charlotte Eva MELLOR Marion Ruth TOWLE Florence Ruth WALKER 1912 Alice Lucile BACON Helen BLAKE Harriet COPLEY Halcyon COTTON Mary Alice DUVAL Margaret FUGITT Anne Millard GIFFORD Frances Eunice HOCHSTETLER Stella Margaret HOLMQUIST Eleanor JOHNSON . Eleanor MACKAY Pauline PAUL Margaret Louise SALLADIN Stella Louise THUMMEL 1913 Mabel Latham ALLEN 1914 Ruth Allen BEECHER Elizabeth Hartwell DAVIDSON Lydia Emma DAWSON Helen Louise EASTMAN Mary Etta HIGINBOTHAM Ruth Leavitt HOWELL Jean Margaret HUNTER Dorothy Stockett KNITTLE Frances NEBLE Dorothy SMITH Margery Violet SMITH Mildred Marion TODD Naomi Everts TOWLE Helen Eugenie VAN DUSEN Isabel VINSONHALER Eliza Belle YOUNG Bishops Rt. Rev. Joseph Curikshank TALBOT, D.D., 1860-1865 Founder Rt. Rev. Robert Harper CLARKSON, D. C., 1865-1884 Rt. Rev. George WORTHINGTON, S.T.D., LL.D., 1885-1908 Rt. Rev. Arthur Liewellyn WILLIAMS, S.T.D., 1908 Heads of School Rev. O.C. DAKE, Rector, 1863 Mrs. Louise R. UPTON, Principal,1898-1901 Rev. Isaac HAGAR, Rector, 1864 Miss Euphan Washington MACRAE, Principal, Rev. Samuel HERMANN, Rector, 1864-1869 1901-1909 Miss Elizabeth BUTTERFIELD, Principa, 1869-1871 Miss Edith Dearborn MARSDEN, Principal, Mrs. P.C. HALL, Principal, 1871-1876 1909-1911 Rev. Robert DOHERTY, Chaplain, 1874-1876 Miss Euphemia JOHNSON, Principal, 1911Rector, 1876-1897 *********************************************************************************************** NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 120 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Submitted by Mrs. Belva Maichow Walker 11907 Cobblestone, Houston, Texas 77024 The following article appeared in the West Point Republican on June 24, 1937. It was written by Miss Norma Kuester, now Mrs. Hugo Malchow of Wisner, NE. She was then a school teacher in District 4 where the old mill was located. ROCK CREEK MILL - Cuming Co. Rock Creek Mill, or Lambrecht's Mill, which was located northwest of the present site of Beemer, was once a popular community and business center; in fact, in pioneer times, a center that bid fair to become the site of a city of more than passing importance. It was built in 1865 and furnished with machinery and other equipment brought from Council Bluffs, Iowa. Grain was brought to it from far and near some of it hauled from the Platte river valley some 200 miles, to be ground into flour. It was a combined saw and grist mill and it continued in constant use on its original site for over 20 years. It was run by water power, which was secured by a dam in Rock Creek. This dam was a cause for constant concern during periods of high water in the spring. It was no uncommon thing for all the neighbors to be called in to rebuild the dam after a time of flood water. It was made of brush and dirt. Nothing remains of the original mill. A stump or two mark the site, but give no hint of its former grandeur and importance in a land of most primitive means of handicraft and every day work. In 1886 it was replaced by the mill, which is pictured with this story. This building was used for the milling business until 1891. In the picture the elderly man standing on the platform is August LAMBRECHT, owner and builder of the Rock Creek Mill. The other people in the picture are now unknown. The mill faced south and the creek goes through to the north of the building. In 1891 Beemer had become accepted as the central town of the county and the center of business activity for the secion (sic) and the mill was then moved into it. Mr. and Mrs. LAMBRECHT retired to Beemer, which was their home the remainder of their lives. Mr. and Mrs. LAMBRECHT grew up in Germany and were married there in 1846. They came to America in 1854 and lived in Watertown, Wise. for nine years before coming to Nebr. and settling on Rock Creek in 1863. Mr. and Mrs. LAMBRECHT came overland with ox teams and they homesteaded on the farm on Rock Creek in Elkhorn township. Their capital on arriving here consisted of $75 in cash. The family lived in a dugout for a year, taking possession of that comfortable but lowly structure March 4, 1864. The first meal served Mr. LAMBRECHT in the new earthen residence was shared with six Indians who continued friendly with their host all through his business career. *********************************************************************************************** Submitted by Vivian Travis, Rt. 1, Box 68, Dix, NE 69133 Source: Banner County News, Harrisburg, NE, Thursday June 7, 1934 PLEASANT HILL CEMETERY One of the pioneer cemeteries of Banner County, the Pleasant Hill cemetery at Hull (also called the Hull Cemetery), is rich in pioneer history. The following account of some of the burials in that cemetery is from an article in a recent Nebraska History magazine, written by Mrs. J. A. GEORGE of Lyman, Ne. The Nebraska History magazine is a publication of the Nebraska State Historical Society. The cemetery at Hull, known as the Pleasant Hill cemetery, was laid out 1888 by T. D. DEUTSCH and Alex BOOKWALTER, a civil engineer from Kimball. The first person buried there was Mrs. Alfred CALDERWOOD. About 1895 the G.A.R. Post at Hull decided they would like to honor their comrades lying in unknown graves. As times were hard then as now, a monument was out of the question, but nothing daunted the pioneers. A mound of sod about 4 feet in diameter and 3 feet in height was made, decorated with wild flowers in honor of the unknown soldiers. A year or two later a monument of inch boards, painted white with black lettering was made by the members of the post. This served until the spring of 1933 when contributions by the many people interested made it possible to erect a monument of Georgis marble 5 feet high, of regular size and width, gray in color, smooth on the front and rough on 3 sides, bearing the NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 121 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Pleasant Hill Cemetery (continued) following inscriptions: "To our unknown soldiers of all wars; united in glory, re-united by death, 'tis the duty of soldiers, 'tis the fate of the brave" The following Civil War Union soldiers are buried in Pleasant Hill cemetery: Orange J. BAILEY, George WIECK, John WILSON, A. M. STODDARD, John H. SLINGBAUM, Levi B. SPEAR, Simon RITCHIE, 16th Ill. Vol. Inf. with Sherman. J. S. RICE who was one of the pioneer storekeepers at Dorrington, a P,O. long since discontinued. Clark B. WHIPPLE, Postmaster at Dorrington. George ADCOCK, who when he was discharged in 1865 from Army came to this section and was one of the early cowboys. Hiram ARMAN who died shortly after family arrived here in 1886 and was first buried on his homestead but was the 2nd person buried in cemetery. Dr. David C. TREMAIN who was the pioneer doctor of this section and with his saddle bags and white horse brought relief from suffering in many homes of the early settlers. He was a man of noble Christian character and always ready to go where duty called, regardless of the weather. He continued to practice until death called 1906. A loading station on branch line of U.P. is named for him. Warren SALISBURY who was Color Bearer in the Army was at the Decoration Day services. He was also one of the early mail carriers, at one time carrying the mail from Harrisburg to Gering vis Dorrington, Hull, Granger, Mingo and Mitchell, changing horses enroute. Later he carried mail enroute from Alliance to Gering and on his last route from Harrisburg to Hull. Moses W. LOOP was the 2nd Postmaster at Hull, and James FOREMAN. This completes the list of Veterans buried at Pleasant Hill. The following are some of the early settlers: D. L. LaGRANGE a brother to men whom the town of LaGrange, Wyo. was named. Catherine KESSLER, wife of John KESSLER of LaGrange. Mr. Kessler is one of the earliest settlers of this section. MR NICHOLAS lost his life trying to help fight a prairie fire which swept the area in Spring 1888. The following women were members of W.R.C. at Hull: Martha SALISBURY, Martha BAILEY, Esther WHIPPLE, Sadie SPEAR, Susan RITCHIE, Cordelia LOOP, Hettie FOREMAN. I cannot give these women a record of any sort except to say they were always ready to help in times of sickness or distress, in fact taking the place of nurses, always ready to lend a hand where and when needed. I have merely dipped lightly into the lives of those who are sleeping on Pleasant Hill. I only wish I might tell the stories of selfsacrifice and loving deeds committed by them, and their will to carry on through tragedies and the comedies of their lives. It seems as though many times the former came oftenest. But they forgot the tragedies and laughed at the comedies. Banner County News, Harrisburg, NE, Thursday March 18, 1937 LONE PINE NEWS It is now 51 years ago since the first permanent settler located on this end of the divide. It was James Henry McLATCHEY who located on a homestead and tree claim on the N1/2 Sec 6-17-53 in the spring of 1886. According to his own statement he was born and raised in Nova Scotia. When he was a young man he went to sea and became a sailor, but how long he was before the mast I cannot remember him saying. However, he lived at different places until he finally drifted to this breezy country and engaged in farming and stockraising like the rest of us. At first he lived with his family in a cave, but as soon as he possibly could, built a substantial log house as there was quite a lot of pine logs here in the hills those days, although it was a lot of hard work to cut them and get them home and trim in proper shape for the buildings. A year or so after Mr. McLATCHEY came here Charles TROWBRIDGE and his mother came here and located on the S1/2 of the same section. A few years afterwards they sold their homesteads to McLLATCHEY so he became the owner of the whole section. Mrs. TROWBRIDGE also had a tree claim in Sec 12-17-54, now owned by J. G. JOHNSON who lives in the same section. In Dec. 1890 Mrs. McLATCHEY passed away shortly after giving birth to twin boys who were named Roy and Ray. She was buried on top of the bill just south of our school house, but about 10 or 11 years later, on Xmas day, the remains were dug up and re-interred in the Lone Pine cemetery. Mr. McLATCHEY was left with 8 children, all at hone except his oldest daughter, Ida, who was teaching school. The others in order as near as I can remember are: Annie, Maud. Mabel, Alice, Walter, Roy, and Ray. The twins were taken care of temporarily by Mrs. McLATCREY'S sister who lived at Lexington, NE and was here during the last days Mrs. McLATCHEY lived. A year or two later Mr. McLATCHEY remarried a widow, Mrs. Ella PORTER, who taught school here one term and who proved herself a splendid stepmother to this brood of children. Later she became the mother to 3 children of her own while the family lived here: Florence, May and James. Early in the spring of 1900 McLATCHEY'S house burnt down, but most of the contents were saved. The NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 122 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Lone Pine News (continued) same year or following Mr. McLATCHEY with his family and household goods and some of his livestock moved to Alabama; and his son-in-law, Newton HOGUEWOOD, who married Annie, leased and worked the farm a year or two. By the way, John FADEN married Mrs. McLATCHEY's sister, Clara VANVLEET; and Byron VANVLEET, their brother, married Mr. McLATCHEY's oldest daughter, Ida. These two families went to Arkansas and located, but if they are still there or not I do not know. Mr. McLATCHEY traded off his farm here to one Mr. TURNER of Aurora, Ill., who in turn sold it to C. W. JOHNSON who's estate is still the owner. After living in Alabama a couple of years or so, Mr. McLATCHEY moved to Woonsocket, S.D. where he and his sons engaged in farming and stockraising. Also owning a ranch in Montana where his son Walter lives, the last I heard. Ray, one of the twins, was killed from the effect of a kick of a horse. Roy was here on a visit a few years ago which I mentioned at the time. Mr. McLATCHEY passed away a number of years ago as was mentioned in these columns, but if Mrs. McLATCHEY is still alive I do not know. Where the balance of the family are located at the present time I do not know. While the family was still living here, Maud passed away at Lexington in the early 90s. I was told that another son was born to the McLATCHEY's shortly after they moved to Alabama, but did not learn his name. This ends my reminiscence of the first homesteader in this neighborhood. Banner County News, Harrisburg, NE, Thursday December 19 1946 OUT OF OLD NEBRASKA by James C. Olson As the Union Pacific pushed across the plains it became necessary to place Forts along the way to protect the construction crews from the Indians, who opposed the invasion of their hunting grounds by the iron horse with all their power. By 1867 the rails had reached into the Nebraska Panhandle, and in December of that year--just 79 years ago this month--the Army established Sidney Barracks at the site of the present town of Sidney, seat of Chayenne (sic) County. Fort Sidney, as it came to be called, was never a large post, and its history is somewhat overshadowed by the development of Sidney itself, which during the 70's had the reputation of being one of the wildest towns in the wild and wooly west. Indeed, the story goes that at one time there was so much shooting on the streets that the Union Pacific ran its trains through the town without stopping. Buildings were not constructed at the post until almost 2 years after its establishment, and Sidney Barracks was never a fort in the technical sense of the word. It appears primarily to have been a distribution point for troops and supplies. Some of the troops who had taken part in the Powder River expedition were sent there, and for a time, Major Frank NORTH and his Pawnee Scouts camped near the post. While Major NORTH was there, his old friend, Buffalo BILL occasionally came over from his home in North Platte to hunt jackrabbits. Bill apparently was quite a favorite with the troops. Fort Sidney was quite a garden spot, largely as the result of an early experience in irrigation. The officer who located the post had dammed Lodge Pole Creek and conveyed the water to the area in an open ditch, which flowed in front of each house, the barracks, and the stables. Trees were planted along the streets, giving the fort the appearance of a park. There appears to have been a difference of opinion as to the influence of the soldiers upon life in the town of Sidney. The Buffalo County Sum at Kearney once quoted the Omaha Bee as saying that when pay day cane the soldiers, "usually carmined the town," frequently waging battles with the freighters in which bloodshed was not unusual. A rare old pamphlet, put out at one time by the Chayenne County Real Estate Association gives an altogether different view; "The post, with its fine buildings, dense shade trees, gentlemanly officers, and well-kept grounds, upon which daily concerts are given by the Military Band, make it a delightful addition to the town." In any event, it is apparent that not all of the soldier's time was taken up fighting Indians. It is not clear from the records available just when the troops abandoned the fort, but for a number of years after their departure it was kept in excellent condition. Finally, in 1899, when the Burlington joined the Union Pacific at Sidney, the buildings were auctioned off, and the parade ground was cut into streets. ********************************************************************************************* NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 123 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Author: Velma Cooper, Rt. 1, Decatur, NE 68020 BEGINNINGS OF THE METHODIST CHURCH IN NEBRASKA The actual formal start of Methodism in NE took place in the following manner: On June 3, 1854 Bishop E. R. AMES wrote to the Rev. W. H. GOODE, D.D., who was the presiding elder of the South Bend district in Indiana, asking him to go from Indiana to NE to ascertain the need for Methodist ministers in NE, and where they were needed. Thus, four days after the Kansas-NE bill and four months before organization of the Territorial government, the Methodist Church had appointed one of her best men to go in person to NE. At that time, Dr. GOODE was age 50 or over. Five days later, on June 8 he left Richmond, Indiana, by team and wagon and in four weeks arrived in Kansas which was to be his headquarters because there were more settlers there. Dr. GOODE reached NE late in July. He had been ill in Kansas and was very severely ill for nine days on his way to NE. Because he was not strong enough to handle his carriage and horses, he sold them, disposed of his equipment, and returned to St. Joseph, Missouri where he took passage on the stage for Council Bluffs. Dr. GOODE left the stage at Oregon (a settlement in Missouri), obtained a horse in order to ride west to the Missouri River. He arrived at the cabin of Colonel ARCHER, a Tennessee Methodist, who took Dr. GOODE across the Missouri River the following day. They went up the Nemaha a little way, and he was in NE Territory for the first time on July 29, 1854. There were no settlers there, so Dr. GOODE went back across the Missouri with Colonel ARCHER. Dr. GOODE again rode the stage going to a point across the river from Old Fort Kearney (Nebraska City), where he left the stage and again crossed the Missouri into NE. The site of Old Fort Kearney had been a military post until the troops were moved 200 miles up the Platte River. There was a substantial blockhouse, one old log dwelling, the remains of a set of "rude, temporary barracks." There was a single frame shanty there with a few goods, and a single settler and his family in the old fort cabin--Major DOWNS. Major DOWNS was interested in Dr. GOODE's mission. He took down his city plat and marked off some lots which he donated to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Dr. GOODE recrossed the Missouri, returned to Sidney, Iowa, and again took the stage reaching Council Bluffs the next day. There he rested for a day before crossing the Missouri to the village of Omaha which was being laid out at that time. Rev. GOODE went on down the river to spend Sunday, August 6 with Rev. Wm. HAMILTON of the Presbyterian Church at Bellevue. Rev. GOODE preached his first sermon in NE that day. The next week he returned to Council Bluffs and returned to his home in Indiana, going by stage to Rock Island and from there he traveled by train. After this preliminary survey and his report, Rev. GOODE was commissioned to be superintendent of missions in Kansas and NE. By December of 1854 he had been in Kansas again for a month. In early December he was on his way to NE, traveling on horseback, his usual means of travel in wintertime. Because it was often difficult to find food for him and/or his horse, he carried some corn and provisions. His first horse became lame. Dr. Goode obtained a second horse which became so sick that he had to get a third horse. There was so much ice in the river that the regular ferry had been abandoned, so Dr. GOODE crossed the river in a skiff in order to get to Nebraska City where he planned to preach on the Sabbath. Major DOWNS' hotel was so crowded that Dr. GOODE went to the cabin of the pastor, W. G. GAGE which was in the brush some distance from the hotel. Since it was after dark, Dr. GOODE had great difficulty getting to the cabin parsonage. The first quarterly meeting in NE Territory was held the next day, Sunday, in one of the rooms of the hotel (December 1854). No class had been organized; the pastor was absent; hotel guests who were not interested in church services caused much confusion. But it was the first quarterly meeting of the Methodist Church in NE Territory. Dr. GOODE had planned to go to Omaha too because there was no pastor there. However, his problems with finding horses caused him to decide against going on to Omaha and, instead, to return home. In that winter of 1854 there were few actual settlers, but many men had been in NE to look around and to stake off their claims. These men had returned to their homes, planning to bring their families with them when they returned in the Spring. Dr. GOODE published a call in the Advocate for Methodist pastors to come to NE. W. D. GAGE was assigned to Nebraska City in 1854, and was the only one in the Territory. There were enough volunteers answering the call to supply the needs. Dr. GOODE, being from Indiana, apparently obtained many ministers from his home state. He had pastors in NE at all the NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 124 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Beginnings of the Methodist Church in Nebraska (continued) strategic places before there were organized groups for churches. Later, in 1859, Dr. GOODE left home on February 3, 1859 to do the northern portion of his fourth round of quarterly meetings. Thursday, February 9, was his last day at Takamah. At home, his wife became ill that day and died before he arrived back home on about February 15. EARLY METHODIST MINISTERS William D. Gage William D. GAGE was born in 1803 in Pennsylvania. He was orphaned at age 6, learned the shoemaking trade, worked at that trade until age 21, then became a Methodist minister, serving as a minister till 1856. He had served for 26 years in the ministry in New York, Illinois, Arkansas, Missouri, and Kansas, before being appointed, at age 50, to the Nebraska City Mission. He settled at Old Fort Kearney (Nebraska City) in 1853, becoming the first Methodist pastor in NE. W. D. GAGE married Miss Sarah SCHOONMAKER at Flatbush, New York January 1, 1832, and they had seven children, all girls. Mrs. Gage died in 1862 leaving three daughters--the other four daughters had died earlier. The Nebraska City Mission included all the settlements extending north along the river as far as Rock Bluffs. The first Methodist class in NE was formed as early as March 1855 in the Morris neighborhood. The first Sunday school organized a month or two later. That settlement was distinctively Methodist, with ten Methodist heads of families who were there as early as 1853, bringing their families in 1854. Thomas ASHLEY was also a part of this group, and he was converted at the second camp meeting held in NE, in that neighborhood, in August 1857, two or three miles southwest of Rock Bluffs. William D. GAGE was chaplain of the first NE legislature, was treasurer of Otoe County in 185556, and was a county commissioner in Cass County in 1857. He died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. BAILEY, at Weeping Water, NE, November 20, 1885. Another daughter, Mrs. J. W. BARNES, lived at Tecumseh. The home of Thomas B. ASHLEY was the place in which the first sermon ever delivered in Cass County was heard; this was in October 1854. The preacher was a local preacher, Abram (or Abraham) TOWNER. This group of people at Rock Bluffs were earnest Methodists and immediately started having prayer and class meetings, with an occasional preaching service. These were in the cabins of the settlers. The first Methodist Church building constructed in NE Territory was dedicated November 1856 at Nebraska City. John B. Maxfield NE Conference was held April 4, 1861 at Nebraska City, the first in which Kansas and NE held separate conferences. In 1856 there had been 197 Methodists in NE. In 1861 NE Methodists had two districts, with 19 charges, and 1,344 members and probationers. At the 1861 conference, John B. MAXFIELD was received "on trial." Rev. John B. MAXFIELD, D.D., was born in Syracuse, New York, February 24, 1833. He was converted at a revivial meeting in Knox County Ohio in February 1856. In 1857 he went to Kansas and soon came to NE. He was severely ill for nearly a year then decided to become a minister. He joined the NE Conference on trial in 1861. He was first a junior preacher on the Beatrice circuit with Rev. Joel MASON as senior preacher. Maxfield's next charge was the De Soto circuit in 1862. In 1863 MAXFIELD was received into the conference, ordained a deacon, and appointed to the Decatur charge. He had made only one round on this circuit when he was appointed superintendent of the Pawnee Indian manual labor school at Genoa, NE, where he remained for four years. Mrs. Robert ASHLEY, a faithful member at Decatur, wrote, "In 1863, Rev. J. B. MAXFIELD was sent to be our pastor. He made his home with us. After staying less than three months, he was transferred to Pawnee Reservation, and we were left without a pastor. Brother MAXFIELD was appreciated in Decatur; he was a powerful preacher. We held services in a small schoolhouse, and every one attended. There was a warm feeling for him in the entire community, and his removal caused great consternation." The circuit was supplied by Joel MASON for the rest of that year. Dr. MAXFIELD was described in Morton's History of Nebraska as being a preacher who "has had few equals and no superiors in the history of Nebraska Methodism." MAXFIELD was also described as a "masterful personality," a "born leader of man," and he had executive ability. NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 125 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Early Methodist Ministers (continued) He was the first president of Nebraska Central College, was a member of the first board of regents, and helped organize the University of NE, and was a member of the commission that organized Nebraska Wesleyan University. Dr. MAXFIELD held many important church positions in NE, having been presiding elder of these districts: Beatrice, North NE, Norfolk, and Omaha. Dr. MAXFIEU had served the church at Bellevue, Mount Pleasant, and Plattsmouth. In 1871 he was presiding elder of the Beatrice district; in 1875 presiding elder of North NE district. In 1870 he served First Church in Omaha, then became presiding elder of Omaha district. Next he became the first president of NE Central College, at Central City, where he was for two years, resigning because of ill health. Dr. MAXFIELD had attended every NE conference for nearly forty years; a severe stroke forced him to retire, and he died September 11, 1900 after a third stroke. Somehow he had managed to complete the work to earn his Doctor of Divinity degree from Hedding College, Abington, Illinois in 1882. Jerome Spillman Jerome SPILLMAN was the first pastor at Fremont which was laid out (platted) by a group of families in 1857. SPILUAN had been assigned to Fontanelle Mission; Fremont was a part of that circuit. SPILI14AN is described by David MARQUETTE as being a "flaming evangelist." He was born and educated in Indiana, where Methodism was "of the most aggressive type and was led by men who were giants in intellectual stature and full of the Holy Ghost, mighty in word and deed." Jerome SPILLMAN was studying at old Asbury College, learned of the call for ministers in NE, and before his graduation, he reported to J. M. CHIVINGTON, presiding elder, for work. E. H. ROGERS was the first leader of the Methodists at Frenont. CHIVINGTON's letter to him follows: "Omaha, June 22, 1857 E. H. Rogers, Esq. --Dear Brother: This will intruduce to you Rev. Jerome SPILLMAN. I have employed him on the Fontenelle and North Bend Missions. He is a young man, as you will see; still he is full of fire, and will do you good service. He is just now from Indiana Asbury University (of the junior class), is a good scholar and will prosecute his studies until he graduates. Board him if you can. I will be out on the eleventh of July. Kind regards to yourself and family. Yours truly, J. M. CHIVINGTON" Fontenelle was one of the oldest towns in NE and Jerome SPILLMAN soon reported 45 full members and 28 probationers there, where a year earlier there had been only 15. SPILLMAN was also supplying Fremont and North Bend, and probably other locations. In 1859 SPILLJIA1' was assigned to Bellevue, and there was a great revival there; in 1859 there were 9 Methodists, and at the end of SPILLMAN's first year there, he reported 62 members and 82 probationers. SPILLMAN continued at Bellevue in 1860, with J. H. ALLING as junior preacher. In 1861 there were 111 members and 64 probationers there. Judge A. N. FERGUSON of Omaha, son of the first Chief Justice of NE Territory (Fenner FERGUSON), said this about Jerome SPILLMAN--"I was but a boy of sixteen at that time, but I often heard SPILLMAN during that great revival and at other times, and no preacher that I have heard in NE has impressed me more profoundly than did Jerome SPILLMAN" The Florence Circuit, later called the De Soto Circuit. included Florence, Be Soto, Fort Calhoun, and Cuming City. Jerome SPILLMAN and Jacob ADRIANCE were listed among the early preachers on that circuit. Jerome SPILLMAN's last charge in NE was at Plattsmouth and Oreapolis in 1861. Early in the Civil War, he went into service as a chaplain. After the war, SPILLMAN remained in the South. Isaac F Collins In March 1855 Isaac F. COLLINS arrived at Omaha, long before there were enough Methodists there to form a class. At Omaha, as at many other places in NE, the religious "firsts" were Methodist-first sermon preached, first religious official, first pastor assigned and at that location, first church organization, first Protestant church building constructed (on corner of Douglas and Thirteenth Streets) COLLINS came to the Amsbury home at Omaha; this was actually near Florence. Unmarried when he came to Omaha, Isaac COLLINS later married a daughter of the Amsbury family; her brother, Rev. W. A. AMSBURY, is listed among our early Methodist preachers. At Omaha, Isaac COLLINS organized a Methodist class of six people in September 1855. The Methodists built a church and dedicated it in December 1856. NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 126 Early Methodist Ministers (continued) Jacob Adriance Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Jacob ADRIANCE was born in Cayoga County, New York, October 22, 1835. His parents had belonged to the Dutch Reformed Church, later joined the Methodist Episcopal Church. They moved to Niagara County, N.Y. when Jacob was ten years old. He grew up there attending the district school and spending three terms at the Wilson Collegiate Institute. His parents, Thomas and Margaret ADRIANCE, were natives of New York. Jacob ADRIANCE was religious-minded, even in childhood, but thought he should be grown up before stating his beliefs, so he was sixteen when he became a Christian. At age eighteen he felt called to preach the gospel, and felt that it should be at a great distance from home, but he resisted that idea for more than a year. At age 22, Adriance was licensed to preach and started West on April 7, 1857. His father had given him a government land warrant for 160 acres of land. He reached Nebraska City on April 26, but the Conference had adjourned on the previous day. So Jacob ADRIANCE walked to Glenwood to see Dr. GOODE, then to Omaha to see the presiding elder there. Jacob ADRIANCE was a modest man who thought he would be an assistant to a pastor. Instead, he was put in charge of De Soto Mission. He then sold his 160 acre land warrant for $163, so that he could buy a horse and the outfit needed for riding his circuit. A good brother gave him a pair of saddle-bags. The remainder of his money, less than twenty dollars, was soon spent for Sunday school libraries purchased from Rev. Moses SHINN of Omaha. Using a map, the presiding elder showed ADRIANCE the nine appointments on his circuit which included De Soto, Cuming City, Takamah, and Decatur. The other towns on the map were either paper towns or towns that had gone into the river. The entire circuit had no church, no parsonage, not even a Methodist class. It did have an inexperienced young minister, 22 years old, to travel the circuit and to develop and encourage Methodist beliefs. In the previous year, the settlers had raised a little sod corn, but most of them had arrived too late in the year for such planting. Not one of the four towns had one hundred people. Decatur at that time expected a railroad, a hope which was repeatedly built up, then frustrated, at various times through the years. Jacob ADRIANCE was the first regular pastor at those places. His first service was May 3, 1857, at De Soto in the home of a Baptist named Jacob CARTER. There were two Methodists there. (By the close of the year, there was a class of 22 Methodists at De Soto.) That same evening (May 3, 1857) ADRIANCE preached at Cuming City in a log cabin which lacked a door. A local Iowa preacher, L. F. STRINGFIELD, had been there in the fall of 1856 a few times, but did not organize. ADRIANCE organized his first Methodist class at Cuming City, seven people. On May 17, he organized a Sunday school there, again purchasing books from Rev. M. F. SHINl at Omaha and hauling them out on his pony. At Takamah, Adriance found that L. F. STRINGFIELD had been there a few times in the fall of 1856. A general history of NE states that the first sermon ever preached in Takamah was in 1854 by a Methodist minister, but gives no name. In 1855 a local preacher who lived near Takamah, Rev. Wm. BATES, preached a few times. A brother of this man, Rufus BATES, was an excellent and enthusiastic choir leader in the church for many years. STRINGFIELD supposedly organized the Methodist Church in 1856, but ADRIANCE found no trace of the organization. ADRIANCE stated that he organized the first Methodist class at Tekamah. Brother ADRIANCE's first service was at the Benjamin FOLSOM home. Mrs. Folsom was a staunch Methodist; other members of this class were Michael OLINGER and his wife, Adam OLINGER, and John OAKS who later was the founder of Oakland. (Benjamin FOLSOM had been the leader of the party which founded Tekamah.) ADRIANCE organized a Sunday school at Takamah on May 24, again purchasing a library and hauling it from Omaha on his pony. ADRIANCE made his home at Tekamah while he served the De Soto circuit in 1857 and early 1858. There were about ten people at Decatur, but no Methodists. ADRIANCE preached there regularly but was unable to organize a class. His first service at Decatur was on a week night, May 7, 1857 at the hotel with 10 persons present. JACOB ADRIANCE wrote that, except for De Soto, there were no public rooms available for meetings, and settlers' homes were small and full. Jacob ADRIANCE was an unassuming man, one who spoke plainly, genuinely, and sincerely. He was a man of warmth and sympathy, "gifted with a wonderful power of song." His singing was especially impressive at camp meetings. Traveling over 150 miles to attend his first conference, which was at Topeka in 1858, Jacob ADRIANCE was appointed to the Platte Valley Mission, which was Fremont and some settlements west. He was followed on the De Soto Mission by Jerome SPILLNAN. The following year NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 127 Early Methodists Ministers (continued) Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Tekamah and Decatur were not included in the De Soto Mission and were listed as "to be supplied." The first week in May 1858, ADRIANCE moved his two trunks from Takamah (going to the Fremont area) with his pony and a one-horse wagon. At the Bell Creek ford, he found that the water would corns into the wagon bed so he made a bridge with the wagon and a tree so that he could carry his trunks over without getting them dunked in Bell Creek. One day, lacking a bucket, he carried water to his pony in his hat. The Platte Valley Circuit extended from Fremont to Columbus, with twelve or thirteen appointments, which included North Bend and Buchanan. His circuit was over 300 miles. ADRIANCE visited the settlements on the Elkhorn as early as possible. He wrote, "on December 6, 1858, I found a settlement of three families, eight grown persons and two children all in one cabin, twenty-five miles from Fontenelle on Logan Creek, where Oakland is now located. February 21, 1859, four of them joined on probation, and March 21st, one more, so a class of five was organized, with the mother of the four daughters class-leader. Sister ARLINGTON had been a Presbyterian in Philadelphia, but made a good leader and kept up their Sabbath prayer meetings for over two years. No settlers coming and being so isolated from society, they finally abandoned their claims with the improvements, and relocated in Burt County, six miles south of Decatur, where Sister ARLINGTON died a few months ago, upwards of eighty years old." (Her death was probably in 1903) In 1859, Jacob ADRIANCE was appointed to the Rock Bluff Circuit as junior pastor to J. T. CANNON, but was not there long, as he was soon sent to Colorado with Dr. GOODE. He served in the Denver and Pike's Peak area, being the first resident minister in Colorado Territory, and organized the first Methodist church in Denver. He was the chaplain of the lower house of the Colorado Territorial Legislature. J. M. CHIVINGTON was the only other Methodist minister in Colorado in 1859. After Conference in 1860, Jacob ADRIANCE went back to New York to visit his parents and friends. While there, he met, and seventeen days later, married Miss Fanny A. ROGERS. They arrived at Golden, Colorado about July 1, and began housekeeping in a little 12 by 14 foot cabin which had "no floor, one door, half a window on each side, slab roof, eaves about five feet high, three stools, and a little sheet-iron stove." In 1861 Rev. ADRIANCE was at Central City, Colorado. Then ADRIANCE visisted (sic) Cayuga County, New York for 18 months. In 1862 he secured a farm in Dodge County, Maple Township, using a land warrant given to him by his father. His patent was signed by President Lincoln. In 1864 Jacob ADRIANCE was sent to Decatur Mission where the disheartened Methodists were about ready to give up. By putting in a year of his good work, ADRIANCE had the charge in better condition. After that he was sent to Fremont, Ft. Calhoun, Fontenelle, North Bend, and Wahoo. Later he was appointed in Douglas and Sarpy counties. After long service as a Methodist minister, Rev. ADRIANCE had failing health and failing hearing. He was placed on the "superannuated list," retired to his farm (320 acres near Jamestown in Dodge County), and lived there until May 1905 when he and his wife moved to Fremont. The ADRIANCES had four children--Lillie E., Myrtle E., Emory R., and Effie L. The fact that his wife, Fannie A. ROGERS, was the daughter of a minister, Rev. Lucius C. ROGERS, may have been good preparation for the rigors of the life in our pioneer days in NE. EARLY METHODIST SERMONS IN NEBRASKA Rev. HARRISON PRESSON preached the first Methodist sermon in NE on April 21, 1850, on the present site of Omaha. He was with a large group on their way to the Pacific Coast, and they camped over the Sabbath at that place. Rev. PRESSON used Isaiah 35:1 as the text of his sermon. The place was at about the location of the Douglas House in 1906. There was an audience of about four hundred with the white emigrants grouped in the center and the Indians, wrapped in their blankets, around the outer edge. This Rev. Harrison PRESSON served in the Civil War, went to Minnesota, and moved to NE in 1871, apparently remaining in the Methodist ministry. He was born in Maine in 1816. He addressed the annual conference in Beatrice in 1904 when he must have been about 88 years old. A Methodist preacher named Wm. SIMPSON preached on the site of Omaha as early as 1851. At Nebraska City there was also one of the earliest sermons as Rev. W. 3. GAGE preached a sermon at Old Fort Kearney in January 1853. He was formally appointed to Nebraska City in 1854. Rev. GAGE was chaplain of the first Nebraska Territorial Legislature, and his name is honored in the name given to Gage County. NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 128 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Early Methodist Sermons in NE (continued) In 1857 Z. B. TURMAN, Methodist minister, preached the first sermon ever preached in Lancaster County, in the hone of James EATHERTON. In 1857, Rev. TURMAN also preached the first sermon ever preached on the present site of Lincoln. *********************************************************************************************** Submitted by Mrs. Kathryn Kaufman, 1306 Hampton, Lexington, NE 68850 BORDEAUX EMBARKATION CAMP GENICART, BORDEAU, FRANCE 1 Feb. 1919 Headquarters 33rd Artillery Brigade (CAC) Complied by Pvt. W. J. Donovan Sgt. Major, Senior Grade CHAMBERS, Lincoln, NE Sgt. Major, Junior Grade Lee MURASKY, San Francisco Sgt. MILLER, Chicago, Ill. lawyer First Sgt. Arthur SHAW Sgt. ROLAND Sgt. CAVIN, San Francisco, Calif. Sgt. Harold JACKSON, NE Sgt. TURNBULL, Cedarville, Ohio Corp. Lee DARLING Corp. IRONS, Calif. Corp. Henry Hank AMORDI Corp. Pete JARMAN, Minn. Corp. Laurence SNOW, Salt Lake City Corp. George F. DECKER Corp. George McKAY Corp. Harold WEBB, Denver, Cob. Louie SOCAL - mechanic a wagoner/MEYER (Mess Kit Charlie) Ernie OHLSTROM - wagoner Mike CARBREY - cook Bob ADAMS - cook DABES - cook for officers Ben PUNCELLI - bugler Pvt. 1st Class - Clifford BEST, Calif. Pvt. 1st Class - Paul S. BRITTON, Mich. Pvt. 1st Class - Emory DUDLEY, Missouri Pvt. 1st Class - Otis FERKIN, Roland, Iowa Pvt. 1st Class - Slim JOHNSON, Iowa Pvt. 1st Class - Ed ROSETTE Pvt. 1st Class - Billie STAPP Pvt. 1st Class - Dallas SUTTON Pvt. 1st Class - George TURNER, San Francisco Buck Privates August ARIEY Thomas F. BARNES, Lincoln, NE* William BAUZER Arthur BALANGER, Mass. Herman CHILDERS Frank CLAVERIE George J. DEASY DRURY, Kansas Edmond ESMIOL, San Francisco, Calif. Arthur HOWARD. Calif. Ed LaPLACE, Southern France Louie REDMAN, Chicago, Ill. Charlie REINKE - a steady K.P. Jimmy STROUD, Lincoln, NE Teddy TRUEMAN, San Francisco, Calif. Jean M. VICTOR Rene VIGUIE, San Francisco, Calif. Neal W. WAITE, New York State *my father *********************************************************************************************** Submitted by Eldon Meisinger, 1004 Main St., Plattsmouth, NE 68048 DIRECTORY OF LEADING FARMERS OF CASS COUNTY, NE - 1905 PLAT BOOK AVOCA PRECINCT Name AHRENS, Earnest ANDERSON, A. ANDERSON, Lewis BAIER,,O. P.O. Nehawka Weeping Watr Weeping Watr Avoca Sect. 24 7 6 27 Name BETTS, J.B. (R) BETTS, W.H. Jr. BOGARD, John CHRISTENSEN, N.C.(R) (R) is renter P.O. Avoca Avoca Avoca Weeping Water Sect 29 22 30 21 BARTELS, Win. BATES, John BATES, W. L. BATY, H. M. (R) BEHRNS, Henry BEHRNS. H.J. BEHRNS, J.H. BEYHUNE, E.E. Weeping Weeping Weeping Weeping Nehawka Weeping Nehawka Weeping Wtr. Watr Wtr Wtr. Wtr Wtr 5 6 5 7 22 17 22 18 CONRAD, J.H. (R) CUTTER, A.E. DOTY, C.E. (R) DOWLER,E.L. (R) EHLERS, Jacob (R) FLEMING, Torence (R) FLESHMAN, D.W. (R) FRIES, I.S. Avoca Avoca Nehawka Weeping Water Avoca Weeping Water Avoca Nehawka NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 129 Directory of Leading Farmers of Cass County, NE, continued. AVOCA PRECINCT Name P.O. Sect. Name GIBERSON, E.C. (R) Weeping Water 18 BLUMA, Henry HARSHMAN, Floyd Avoca 13 BONDA, Chris (r) HARSHMAN, G.W. Sr. Nehawka 26 BORNEMEIER, Simon HARSHMAN, G.W. Jr Nehawka 27 BOSTWORTH, Ira (r) HEEBNER, George Avoca 19 BOUTON, Wm. A. HOBACK, R.L. Weeping Water 8 BRUNKOW, Mrs. Annie HOLTEN, Rudolph Weeping Water 9 CALKINS, L.E. HOUTS, Chas (R) Avoca 19 CARNES, M.J. (r) HUTCHINS, Elmer Weeping Water 10 CHRISTENSEN, H.P. (r) HUTCHINS, R.O. (R) Weeping Water 8 CONTRYMAN, R.E. JACOBSON, Charles (r) Nehawka 27 COON, Fred (r) JOHNSON, J.H. Weeping Water 17 COON, George (r) JORGENSEN, Peter Weeping Water 16 COON, Samuel JOSEPHSON, J.R. Weeping Water 9 CRITCHFIELD, L.D. LARSON, Siren (R) Weeping Water 19 DAY, C.W. (r) LUNDY, Eli Avoca 20 DAY, Frank LUTCHINS, R.0. (R) Weeping Water 8 DOMINGO, John McDARMED, F. N. Weeping Water 20 EARL, Charles (r) McKAY, John Weeping Water 6 EASTERDAY, Margaret MEYER, Henry Weeping Water 4 EASTERDAY, Willis MEYER, Mathias Avoca 21 ERHART, W.G. (r) MILLER, D.A. Weeping Water 7 FERGUSON, J.D. MURRAY, Clarence Nehawka 35 GAEBEL, Charles J. NEUMEISTER, Cottlieb Avoca 16 GILBERT, C.K. (r) NORRIS, E. H. ' Avoca 20 GILMORE, George W. O'DAY, T.J. Nehawka 36 GLAUBITZ, August PARKER, Charles (R) Avoca 34 GLAUBITZ, Win. (r) PETERS, George Avoca 21 GORDON, J.F. (r) PETERS, H.L. (R) Avoca 21 GUHLSTORFF, John PITTMAN, T.S. (R) Avoca 30 GOLDEN, S.M. POLLARD, M.H. Nehawka 26 HOPP, Carl (r) QUINTON, C.D. (R) Avoca 31 JANESON, J.F. ROSE, W.A. Avoca 29 JOCHIM, Stephen ROUGH, J.D. Weeping Water 18 KAHLER, Henry (r) ROUGH, J.S. Nehawka 24 KEHNE, Henry ROWLAND, C.M. (R) Avoca 30 KENNEDY, C.E. RUHGE, Charles (r) Avoca 29 KENNEDY, W.J. SCHOMAKER, Christian (r) Avoca 28 KIRKPATRICK, W.W. SCHOMAKER, Edward (r) Avoca 34 KRAFT, Anna SHELDON, Amsdel Avoca 19 KRAFT, Charles SPERRY, James Weeping Water 6 KRAFT, Win. F. (r) STRAUB, M.M. Avoca 33 KRECKLOW, August F. SWITZER, L.D. Weeping Water 18 KRECKLOW, C.F. TEFFT, Orlando Avoca 31 LAU, Charles H. VETTIE, Henry (r) Avoca 27 LAU, Win 30 19 26 28 31 20 32 36 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 (r) renter P.O. Louisville Weeping Water Wabash Weeping Water Wabash Louisville Wabash Weeping Water Weeping Water Weeping Water Wabash Manley Manley Weeping Water Weeping Water Weeping Water Weeping Water Wabash Manley Manley Wabash Louisville Louisville Wabash Weeping Water Wabash Wabash Wobash Wabash Weeping Water Louisville Weeping Water Manley Manley Louisville Manley Weeping Water Weeping Water Louisville Louisville Louisville Manley Manley Manley Wabash Sec. 2 28 17 24 19 5 20 32 33 36 16 15 22 24 25 36 25 29 14 14 8 4 4 16 24 18 32 30 6 36 4 25 1 11 1 23 23 33 3 3 2 16 16 9 5 WAGGONER, J.H. (r) WESYLAKE, Fred (r) WESTLAKE, Wm. WISEMAN, J.W. WOLPH, Bucephalus WORMAN, Elmer (r) Weeping Weeping Weeping Weeping Nehawka Weeping Water Water Water Water Water 5 19 18 8 36 16 Manley Manley Weeping Water Wabash Weeping Water Louisville 15 21 24 30 25 2 CENTER PRECINCT ANDRUS, C. M. ANDRUS, D.D. BAILEY, R. (r) BAUER, J.A. BIRD, W.S. (r) BLUMA, Christena LEHNHDFF, Henry LUETCHENS, Fred (r) LUETCHENS, John H. MANN, A. Herman MARSHALL, A. C. MINNEEAR, James (r) MOCKENHAUPT, C.E. MOULTON, Stephen (r) MURPHY, Charles M. MURPHY, John C. NEUMANN, Win. OBERNALTE, Simon & Lena OEHLERKING, Henry F. OEHLERKING, Magdelina PANKONIN, W.G. Louisville Wabash Wabash Manley Weeping Water Weeping Water Wabash Louisville Weeping Water Manley Wabash Wabash Wabash Wabash Manley NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 130 1 17 18 10 36 24 8 5 12 12 7 19 7 18 3 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Directory of Leading Farmers of Cass County, NE, continued PAUTSCH, August PAUTSCH, Ernest PERRY, J.E. PERRY, W.W. RAUTH, John C. RAUTH, W. C. ROCKWELL, D.S. ROHRDANZ, John (r) ROSE, Rhoda ROSENOW, Fred (r) RUBY, B.F. REUTER, Peter SCHLIEFERT, Andrew A. SCHLIEFERT, Fred W. SCHLIEFERT, Herman SCHLIEFERT, Win F. SCHOEMANN, J.G. SHIPMAN, M.M. SMITH, Albert (r) SMITH, Henry P. SMITH, O.D. Manley Louisville Wabash Wabash Manley Wabash Manley Manley Weeping Water Louisville Weeping Water Wabash Manley Murdock Manley Murdock Louisville Weeping Water Weeping Water Wabash Weeping Water 16 6 31 31 14 20 22 16 34 4 27 20 8 7 15 17 5 22 33 30 34 CENTER PRECINCT STANDER, Frank H. STANDER, L. H. STANDER, W. E. STEINKAMP, Adolph (r) STOHLMANN, F.A. STOHLMANN, Geo. J. STOHLMANN, Win. J. TABER, C.G. TIGHE, Albert TIGHE, John TIGHE, M.J. TIGHE, P.W. (r) TREAT, Carry VIALL, Robert (r) VOEGLER, Henry VOEGLER, Peter WARD, Chas WARD, I.M. WENDT, Win WILES, R.C. WILLIAMS, Wm. L. (r) Wabash Weeping Water Wabash Manley Louisville Louisville Manley Manley Wabash Manley Wabash Abash Weeping Water Weeping Water Manley Manley Weeping Water Wabash Louisville Weeping Water Wabash 8 22 31 11 2 10 11 29 29 14 29 29 35 13 9 3 23 30 4 13 31 *********************************************************************************************** Submitted by Mrs. Georgene Morris Sones, 6604 Curtis Ave., Omaha, Ne 68104 Source: Material found in Archives (NE Military, RB18, Box 3, File 10) at NE State Historical Society, Lincoln, NE FONTENELLE GUARDS, Washington County, N.T. Fontenelle, June 26, 1861. At a meeting of the "Fontenelle Guards' held May 3rd, 1861, the Company elected officers and the entire Muster Roll to be filled out. Nevin McCANDLISH, 2nd Liet. & acting Orderly Sergt. William KLINE, Captain Nevin McCANDLISH, 0. Sergt. William BELL, 3rd Sergt. B. F. HANCOCK, 1st Corporal John EVANS, 1st Lieutenant John S. LEMMON, 2nd Sergt. George Hendley, 4th Sergt. James STRICKLAND, 2nd Corporal William HECKER, Jr. 3rd Corporal J. H. PETERS Chas. E. EVANS Jacob CANAGA Jr. Christy ACHILLIES John K. CRAMER Chas. OSTERMAN Win. B. PARKER B. L. KEYES Henry WILKINEY William MOORE John BUSH Win. C. BINCHAN H. J. CARPENTER W. C. KITCHEN Henry WHITTIER T.R. GIBSON, 4th Corporal E. J. HANCOCK M. McDONALD Thos. CANACA S. J. FRANCIS Henry OSTERNAN John C. BASS Henry RECKMEYER Frank EMERY Win. KRUGER Edward CORLESS John RAY John H. FRANCIS S. A. FRANCIS W. B. HAMILTON Muster Roll of the "Fontenelle Guards' of Washington County, NE Territory, 23 August 1862 W. N. McCANDLISH, Captain John Evans, 1st Sergeant Jeremiah DENSLOW, 4th Sgt. Theodore UEHLING, 3rd Corp. W.F.A. HECKER William KLINE George A. NEWMAN, 1st Lieut. Charles EISLEY, 2nd Sgt. Jacob SCHWAB, 1st Corporal George HINDLEY 4th Corporal Silas E. SEEH C.H. ACHILLES H.B. PARKER, 2nd Lieut. Christain HENNEMANN, 3rd Sgt Henry OSTERMAN, 2nd Corporal H.I. CARPENTER Win. H. JOHNSON W. H. WHITTIER NEBRASKA STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Page 131 Spring 1982 Volume IV, No. 4 Fontenelle Guards Muster Roll continued. G.F. EISLEY Henry WILKENING Henry BRINKMANN Win. HILGANKAMP Win. MOSHUGR (?) Henry SPRICK Edward CORLESS Hugh COIL Jacob HENNEMANN C. STORK J. Frederick BUSCH Hugh McBROOM Samuel WILLIAMS William KRUGER I.K. CRAMER H. H. LADD H. STORK Frederick KRUGER Edward FLERSCKHANER (?) John G. HAAS I. H. PETERS Win. R. HAMILTON *********************************************************************************************** Submitted by Mrs. Georgene Morris Sones, 6604 Curtis Ave., Omaha, Ne 68104 From: The Omaha Bee, Douglas Co., Ne Jan 3, 1911 THE OMAHA BEE'S JUNIOR BIRTHDAY BOOK Name and Address Fearn L. BOURLIER, 3938 Gold St. James S. BUZBER, 4028 Charles St. Jessie DAVID, 2507 Krug Ave. Jennie DUNN, 2027 Center St. Presley GAMBLE, 2820 Castellar St. William GEWINNER, 1826 North Seventeenth St. Paul GOLDSTEIN, 1419 North Seventeenth St. Velta M. GREUR, 805 William St. Maggie HERD, 814 South 33 Lonita HUNT, 4602 North 22 Leo Charles KLEFFMANN, 3512 South 20 Lillie KOOPER, 1424 North 20 Emil KOSTAL, 3810 South 14 School Windsor Walnut Hill Vinton Castellar Dupont Kellom Kellom Lincoln Columbian Saratoga St. Joseph Kellom Forest Year 1905 1904 1903 1902 1898 1897 1904 1902 1900 1903 1903 1901 1905 Edward KYSELA, 1909 South 2 Clifford MAITLAND, 2201 North 20 Bessie MARCUS, 3109 13 and Boulevard Mary C. McBRIDE, 2228 South 11 St. John H. McCoy, 1516 South 29 St John D. McCONNELL, 4302 Grand Ave. Marie Munson, 3711 North 17 St Norman NATTERSTADT, 1424 North 19 St Cecelia NEPODAL, 3019 South 11 St Arthur NICKLES, Fortieth and Poppleton Ave John NOWAK, 2590 South 31 St Walter OLESON, 3109 South 19 St Ilean ORMSBY, 2927 Dupont St Album PETERSEN, 1623 North 21 St Pearl PETSOL, 1009 South 6 St Rose PIRRUCELLO, 1118 South 7 St Mildred R. RAY, 3102 Bedford Ave. Mary E. REDGWICK, 1206 South 27 St. Edward REESE, 1612 William St. Helen ROBINSON, 2114 California St Ruth RYLANDER, 709 North 41 Ave. Cora REED, 4312 Saratoga St. James SHIELDS, 1012 Dorcas St Jennie SELANDER, 3110 South 23 St Leon C. SMITH, 402 North 23 St Margaret THOMPSON, 2717 Bristol St. Carmela VACCARO, 1132 1/2 North 18 St Benjamin F. WRIGHT, 1108 South 51 St Train Lake Bancroft Lincoln Park Central Park Lothrop Kellom Brancroft High Tm. Conception Vinton Dupont Kellom Pacific Pacific Howard Kennedy Park Comenius Central High Central Park Lincon Vinton Central Lothrop Cass Heals 1902 1899 1905 1897 1905 1903 1903 1902 1899 1894 1903 1905 1898 1897 1902 1901 1905 1900 1897 1901 1896 1900 1899 1899 1898 1902 1900 1904 *********************************************************************************************** -132TREE STUMPS! Please submit queries on 3 x 5 cards according to the instructions in your membership packet. Your name and address should be in the top left hand corner. Queries should be limited to 50 words, not including your name and address. Members may submit one free query per issue as space permits. Additional queries will be accepted from members at a cost of $2.00 each. Queries from non-members must have a Nebraska connection and be accompanied by $2.00 each. Queries from non-members will appear only in the newsletter. There may be a delay of up to four months before queries appear in the quarterly because of the printing process. Submit queries to Mrs. Lesta M. Westmore, 2707 N. 100 Ave., Omaha, NE 68134 Maxine Ferguson, Box 336, Frankton, CO 80116 Where are Andrew and Catherine (ASHCRAFT) McCLANHAN buried? Married 3 Oct ASHCRAFT 1839, Muskingum Co, OH. At least 4 children. Elizabeth, John & Elijah McCLANHAN born OH, 1840-45. Andrew Jackson born 1858, NE, lived in Burt Co. CatherHARDESTY me was daughter of Elijah & Elizabeth (HARDESTY) ASHCRAFT. Mrs. Mildred N. King, Box 203, Brady, NE 69123 Will exchange info with descendants of Andrew BAKER Phebie COLLINS. MarBAKER ned 1802, Henry Co, KY. To Monroe Co, MO 1830. Children: Andrew married COLLINS Nancy NOBLE, Isaac married Elizabeth JOHNSON, William married Ruth STANDERNOBLE FORD, Polly married John HAYDEN, Nancy married Warfield SNELL, Moses married JOHNSON Frances HANSON, Phebie married Jesse PERKINS, Elizabeth married Charles PARHANSON ISH, Elisha step-son. STANDERFORD * * * SNELL Searching for descendants of daughters of Andrew BAKER & Nancy NOBLE. PalJACKSON ly married Mr. JACKSON, Kisiah married Mr. MILLION or MILTON, Nancy married MILTON WOODS SURBER HAYDEN PErKINS PARISH NOFF Joseph WOODS (2) Mr. NOFF, Louisa Elizabeth (my grandmother) married Jacob SURBER. She is buried Arapahoe, Furnas Co, NE (1886). To NE from MO 1875. * * * Is anyone researching the surname SURBER? My great-grandfather Jacob D. SURBER, born 1848, where? Died 1918 Frontier Co, NE. Son of Henry & Elizabeth. Was in Nodaway Co, MO 1871. 1880 census Frontier Co, NE. Had brothers John & Erial. Mrs. Verla Nundell, Rt. 2, Box 76, Cozad, NE 69130 (308) 784-2752 JARVIS Becky KINNAN's marriage record to Mr. HARKINS gives her father as Richard KINNAN KINNAN, born about 1780, NJ, d about 1848, Westmoreland Co, PA. Her mothHARKINS er was listed as Anna JARVIS. I need the names of Anna's parents. Doris Ronne, 3160 Watt Ave., Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 482-1518 Searching for information concerning or descendants of Frederick ChristophRONWE er Marcus RONNE, born 1842, Hamburg, Germany. Worked several years on merLEWIS chant ship. Came to Cass Co, NE 1870. Married Martha Jane LEWIS. MothSTUTROTH er's maiden name STUTROTH. One sister, Marie HOLLER, heard from 1920 from HOLLER Hamburg, Germany. Margaret Bader, 1407 Park St, Lexington, NE 68850 Need information about Lavina WOOD, born 1856, married Joseph PARKER who WOOD died before 1870 at Earlsville, IL. Their daughter, Nellie PARKER, born PARKER 31 Oct 1867, LaSalle Co, IL, married George L. ADAMS 21 April 1888. NelADAMS lie & George lived at Doniphan, NE. Janice E. Andrews, 1102 E. Camden Ave., Omaha, NE 68110 Seeking information on Henry & Jesse COLCLESSER. Both born in IN. Both COLCLESSER died 1920 to 1930 at Rushville, Sheridan Ca, NE. Gloria Hill Harris, 13556 Patrick Ave., Omaha, NE 68164 HARRIS Need any information on John HARRIS, born 1846, died 1880. Married Janie EVEN EVENS, born 1846, died 1915. Son James married Nannie Myrtle WATSON, born WATSON 1883, died 1949, all Maury Co,TN. -133TREE STUMPS! continued D. JoAnn Shimonek Schiefelbein, 8924 W. 10th St., Wichita, KS b7-i Seeking descendants of Catherine (SIMONEK) & Frank KOVARIK, both born BaSINONEK hemia. Settled Spilleville, IA after 1862. Saline Co, NE after 1880. KOVARIK Mary SIMONEK, mother of Catherine, lived with them in 1880. Children: EON (1) Fannie, born about 1863, married Mr. BOON, married (2) G. B. MARBLE; MARBLE (2) Louis, born about 1865; (3) Edward, born about 1867. Mrs. Alice Z. Alwran, 5890 Shindler Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32244 (904) 771-7287 I would like to exchange information on LACK, STRANSKY, NOWATNY, & BARTA. Edna C. Clark, P.O. Box 391., hemingford, NE 69348 Will exchange information on HUME, especially children of Hiram Warren HUME HUME, born in England, 1830. Had brother Ed and seven other brothers. First wife's children: Charles, Minnie, Alace, lived in Hardin Co. IA, 1867. Second wife had Edith, Carrie, Howard, Herbert, Harry L., Ethel, twins Lawrence & Florence, & Era. Nary H. Anderson, 31027 - 8th Ave. S.W.. Federal Way, WA 98003 Seeking information on Walter. Frederick M. or Laura U. HURD or their HURD children. parents were Reuben Hiosdale KURD & Elmira U. :iOYi'. The fam- ily lived at Deer reek, Madison Co, NE in 1884. Devorah Phillips, 4805 Vir-D:raa Ave., Oroville, CA 95965 IWGWERSGN I need any information on the family INGWERSON or INGWERSEN. Edwin WinRARSHMAN field INGWERSON was buried in 1928 at Lodgepole, NE. His wife, Barbers PULCIFER HARSHMAN INGWERSON, was born 28 Mar 1871, Avoca, NE, died 20 Apr 1945, HOLLEY Lodgepole, CL. Also need any 'Information on BETTS, & BETTS HEATH. Virginia Wahlstrom, 721 PineCrest Dr., Chadron, NE 69337 I need information regarding Joseph (James?) ATKINSON/ATKISON, born about ATKINSON 1876 in IL. Known to have been living in victor, IA in 1932. Is he burled there? Does ne have descendants? Mrs. Elmer Kadel, Henderson, IA 51541 SCOTT I am trying to locate where Thomas A. SCOTT was born in PA. He married SHIRTS Sarah Ann SHIRTS, later her sister Elizabeth in 1851. Married Sarah in OH (Columbiaria Co.). Married Elizabeth in Des Moines Ca, TA. Mrs. Sylvia Altman, Culbertson, NE 69024 LITTLE Need information on John N. LITTLE, medical doctor and sheriff. Moved from IN to Lee Cc, IA 1853. Wife Sarah. Children: David, Margaret & Matilda (twins). John died Lee Co, IA 1879. Margaret Spies, 631 - 9th St., Manning, IA 51455 I am gathering information on all persons named SUMMERVELLE. Have inforSUMMERVILLE mation back to 1846 to share. Susan K. Wattier, Rt. 1, Box 225, Randolph, NE 68771 Need information on the following children of Charles C. ROBINSON: AndROBINSON rew (Andy); Nora Oella married Ed WARDEN; Core Maud married Mr. SOLVENS; WARDEN Robert (Robbie). Some or all thought to have lived in Omaha, NE in earSOLVENS ly 1900s. I have ROBINSON Family Bible. Mrs. Ruth Anna Hicks, 6703 Holdrege St., Lincoln, NE 68505 Information wanted on the following children of Perry CARLTON: Florence, CARLTON born 10 Aug 1859; AmoS, born 6 June 1862; Mary, born 6 July 1864. Lived Sherman Co, NE 187Os. -134Doris Ronne, 3160 Watt Ave., Sacramento, CA 95821 Searching for info concerning or descendants of Waverly T. ALLEN, d. 1910 ALLEN near Waverly, NE. Town of Waverly was named for him. He built mill or MIDDLETON elevator there. Where & when was he born? Married Edith MIDDLETON, 1886 Janice E. Andrews, 1102 E. Camden Ave., Omaha, NE 68110 Want correspondence with anyone tracing William Y. HEATON who came with HEATON his father from Illinois to Fremont Co. IA before 1872. Mrs. D. JoAnn Schiefelbein, 8924 W. 10th St., Wichita, KS 67212 Emily "Emma" C. PATTERSON, b. 1840 Vt, mar 1865 to George W. HANNITT, RePATTERSON moved to IA, later Saunders Co., NE. Dau Leila, b. 1875 IA, mar Frank GROSS. GROSS Resided Saunders Co., NE. Emma d 27 Nov 1898 & body taken to IA for bur. HANMITT Where? Virginia Wahlstrom, 721 Pine Crest Dr., Chadron, NE 69337 Need info re Mary WEST FRAZIER & husband, George C. FRAZIER. They lived WEST in Burlington, IA probably between 1890 & 1920. Her parents were ElIzaFRAZIER beth FOX & William WEST of Il. Are the Fraziers buried in Burlington, IA? Martha Clavey, USHER GRANNIS BIVINS 270 Michigan Ave., Hobart, IN 46342 Seek info re persons named USHER, GRANNIS & BIVINS. Have info to trade. Usher lived in Plattsmouth 1873 & Hamilton Co. 1870's. GRANNIS was in Thayer Co. 1870's. Sylvia Altman, Rt. 1, Culbertson, NE 69024 LITTLE Searching for the death date of John N. LITTLE & wife, Sarah I. MILLER. MILLER They moved from Adams Co., IN in 1853 to Keokuk, Lee Co, IA ca 1879. Mrs. Elmer Kadel, Henderson, IA 51541 I am trying to find my Mother's birthplace. 1895 census states Story Co. IA. YOCUM 1900 census states Kansas. Her name was Minnie Mae YOCUM born 8 Nov. 1885/86. Edna Boedeker Bennett, 1613 Shady Crest Dr., Lebanon, TN 37087 Desire info re parents and/or family of Josephine K. LAUX, born 7 Nov. LAUX 1872, Crete, NE. Parents were Katie PFEIFER & William LAUX. There were PFEIFER FAMILY MEMBERS IN Crete in the 1920's. Descendants may possibly still be there. Mrs. Gayleen J. Brown, 595 5. Newbury P1., Arlington Hts., IL 60005 Seeking info re Elias Edward RORK, b 9 July 1853, OH. Married Elvira RORI( MEYERS ca 1877. They were divorced and Elias went weat ca 1889. Where MEYERS did he go? Had second family. Who were they? Who were his parents? Mary Bell, Ord, NE. I am seeking info re John N. McNIEL, also called John M. HOWE. He was said McNIEL to be 39 yrs old and living in Council Bluffs in 1938 when his grandfather HOWE James McNIEL died. May have worked for Union Pacific. His father, John V. McNIEL died 11 Jan. 1902, buried in Indianola, IA. NEEDED! NEEDED'. NEEDED'. QUERIES' QUERIES'. QUERIES'. QUERIES'. 135 INDEX--VOLUME IV, Nos 1-4 NEBRASKA ANCESTREE Abernetny, LU Abicos, 41 Abitz, 56 Ablassen, 65 Abney, 55 Abrahams, 27, 88 Achilles, 130 Achillies, 130 Ackels, 30 Ackerman, 30 Adair, 20, 50 Adams, 2,20, 27, 28 31, 33, 45, 49, 60, 61, 84, 90, 95, 99' 128, 130, 132, Adamson, 27, ' Anderson, 13, 21, 27, 29, 40, 41, 44, 45, 48, 50, 60, 61, 62, 71, 72, 81, 82, 93, 96, 102, 103, 105, 113, 118, 128, 133 Andersson, 75 Andeson, 105 Andre, 70 Andrews, 2, 36, 42, 74 82, 132, 134 Andrus, 34, 129 Anhorn, 1 Annls, 117 Ansink, 64 Anson, 40, 60 Ault 31 Austin 10, 20, 34, 59 103, 11, 118 Avery, 20, 70 Avey 96 Avise, 56 Ayers 81, 82, 117 Ayler, 106 Aylsworth 42 Ayres, 36, 78 Ayter 29 Baack 9, 75 Babbit 28 Babcock 39 Barker 21, 49, 107, 117 Barkite 18 Barlow, 1, 93 Barnard 5, 118 Barnes 17, 29, 41, 45, 49. 63, 70, 80, 83, 85, 111 116, 117, 124, 128, Barnett 40, 101, 103 Barney 61, 62 Barns 63 BarnUm 34 Barr 95, 96, 116 Barrett 15, 25, 41 Barrows 102 Barry 31, 40, 41, 42 Barta 133 Adcock, 35, 121 Adkins, 29 Adkson, 57 Adriance, 125, 126, 127 Agler, 20, 105, 106 Agnus, 84 Ahara, Ahlman, 66 Ahrens, 128 Ainscow, 93 Aitken, 8, 113 Aitkenhead, 93 Akin, 20 Alberts, 20, 21 Albertson, 20 Aibrecht, 20 Alden, 20, 42 Alder, 26 Alderman, 20, 48 Aiderson, 65 Aldrich, 13, 25 Aldridge, 50 Alexander, 40, 70, 77, 85 Alford, 1 Alfson, 64 Allawy, 78 Alleman, 7, 118 Allen, 1, 18, 20, 21 22, 25, 29, 30, 41, 42, 44, 62, 70, 87 97, 98, 119, 134 Allgeier, 67 Alling, 125 Allison, 24 Almeda, Altman, 75, 133, 134 Alwran, 133 Ambrose, 31, 117 Ames, 123 Animerman, 121 Amordi, 128 Amsbury, 125 Ainsler, 31 Anamos 45 Ancilet 49 Anders 60 Anderson, I. 5, 9, 1 Anstine, 85, 87, 88 Anthony, 31 Aouw, 56 Appelget, 25 Applegate, 21 Arasmith, 86 Arbre, 96 Archer, 25, 27, 28, 102, 123 Arendt, 87, 88 Ariey, 128 Arline, 35 Arlington, 127 Armstrong, 14, 20, 31 39, 42, 103 ArI1dt, 118 Arner, 20 Arriett, 27 Arnhold, 42 Arnold, 7, 10, 20, 22, 41, 46, 55, 56 95, 107, 117 Arnot, 22 Arp, 22 Arteaux 77 Arthur 118 Ash, 20, 21 Ashbaugh, 20 Ashburn 41 Ashcraft 101, 132 Asher 18 Asheron 93 Ashford 78 Ashley 75, 77, 124 Ashman 56 Ashton, 40 Ashworth 20 Asmaus 23 Athey 21 Atkins 118 Atkinson 14, 20, 26 133 Atkison 133 Atwood 4 Aubert 101 Audiss 2 Aufdengarten 22 Aughey 113 Aukerman 104 Bachmann 99 Backey 21 Bacon 3, 119 Bader 75, 132 Bagholye 105 Bagiz 41 Bagley 30 Bagnell 14 Baier, 128 Bailey, 3, 21, 25, 30, 33, 56, 86, 121, 124 129 . Baily 61, 62 Bainbridge 14, 45 Baird, 14, 51, 62, 77 106, 116, 117 Baker 1, 15, 21, 25, 26 55, 62, 77, 78, 88, 90 104, 132 Balanger 128 Balcombe 104 Bald 104 Baldridge 27 Baldwin 1, 29, 100 Bali 93 Ball 27, 28, 98, 100 103 Ballard 3, 107, 111 Balley, 1 Ballou 12, 22 Balster 87, 88 Bambur 34 Banard 1 Bandomer 41 Banister 87 Banks 40 Bann 103 Bannister 29 Bantz 43 Baquet 88 Barb 64 Barber 27 Barbour 105, 106 Barg 81 Barger 3, 21, 25 Barian 118 Barkalow 116, 117, 118 Barteis 128 Barter 29 Barth 107 Bartholomew 31 Bartles 62 Bartlett 45, 82, 96, 105 106 Bartloff 29 Barton, 3, 14, 26, 41, 42, 102 Bascom 61 Bash 6 Bassett 49, 60, 95, 1.00 Bate 74 Batenhorst 97 Bates, 2, 16, 35, 69, 77, 79, 90, 111, 126, 128 Batliner 71 Baty 128 Baucher 49 Bauer 42, 129 Baugh 115 Baugher 45 Baum 48, 118 Bauman 30, 64, 70 Baumeister 111 Baumers 47 Bauzer 128 Baster 29, 31 Bay 77 Bayha 101 Bayne 13 Bays 31 Beacon 44 Beagle 44 Beal 90 Beals 50, 101 Beanblosson 90 Bearg 35, 70 Beasly 117 Beat 43, 44 Beatty 63, 67, 96, 99 Bechtold 1 Beck 1, 4, 81, 88, 90 Beckman 31 Beckmeyer 40 Beckord 87 136 Beckwith 11, 18 Beckworth 82 Becteson 47 Bedford 15 Bedner 2 Bedsore 35 Beebe 28, 106 Beecher 119 Beemer 51, 117 Beer 100 Beeson 118 Beethe 26 Beggs 26 Begun 31 Bertelson 9 Berton 39 Besley 117 Best 128 Betcke 79 Bethune 128 Betts 128, 133 Betzer 96 Beverage 111 Bevins 106 Bicek 2 Bick 85 Bickel 5, 105, 106 Bickenstaff 100 Bouchard 87 Bouck 74 Boughner 19 Boughton 117 Boulder 30 Bounty 101 Bourd 94 Bourlier 131 Bourne 96 Bouton 129 Bowan 88 Bowe 21 Bowen 117 Bower 31, 62 Brigham 95 Brighten 29 Brillhard 22 Brineacomb 41 Brink 36 Brinkman 31, 71, 131 Brisborn 18 Brisco 31 Briss 3 Britt 85 Brittain 87 Britton 86, 105, 107, 128 Broadbent 103 Broatt 12 Behne 97 Behrens 105 Behrns 128 Beilinski 77 Beith 84 Belau 56 Belden 15 Bell, 14, 28,41, 42 47., 49, 68, 93, 102 104, 130, 134 Bellamy 21, 49 Bellar 101 Beller 40, 90 Bellinger 14, 96 Beilmore 102 Belmer 21 Belsley 102, 103 Bemis 96 Bendstan 95 Benedict 65 Benjamin 75 Benner 77 Bennett, 1, 11, 12, 21 31, 41, 60, 70, 87, 105, 106, lii, 116, 134 Beno 95 Benson 59, 60, 101, 118 Bent 44, 104 Bental 103 Benton 41 Bentz 1, 10 Beny 106 Benzston 1 Berdolt 96 Berdow 45 Berellito 29 Bereuter 87 Bergen 37 Bergeson 103, 105 Bergess 30 Berghold 82 Bergstrom 5 Berkley 15 Berlin 95 Bernard 39 Berndt 59 Bernett 115, 116 Berrell 41 Berrie 26 Berry 1, 36, 37, 41,42, 117 Bickford 63, 118 Bicknell 67 Bidweil 113 Biede 79 Bierhop 29 Bierman 82 Biermann 84 Bigelow 28 Biggs, 79, 96 Bignall 35 Bille 82 Billesbach 67 Billick 3 Billings 6, 64 Billingsly 113 Bing 14 Bingham 130 Birch 60 Bircher 29 Bird 44, 98, 129 Boggs 96 Bohan 15 Bphannan 87 Boher 65 Bohike 59 Bohu 101 Bokelman 55 Bolar 21 Bolen 42 Boles 18 Bolinsky 79 Bollinger 31, 33 Boltjes 23, 24 Bonda 129 Bonekemper 43 Benentje 59 Bonner 56 Bookwalter 120 Boon 74, 87, 133 Boone 87 Booth 63, 65, 66 Borden 78, 85, 86 Bordwell 96 Bornemeier 129 Bosdel 30 Bosen 31 Bosshart 2 Bosta 42 Bosteder 105, 106 Bostleman 84 Bostwick 50 Bowers 28, 90 Bowlby 51 Bowle 51 Bowley 21 Bowling 2 Bowlsby 63, 100 Bowman 8, 30, 41, 95, 118 Boyce 118 Boyd 20, 21, 36, 41, 42, 74, 84 Boyer 27, 44 Boyle 84, 117 Brachle 72 Brackett 21, 27 Bradbury 26 Braddock 31 Braddy 21 Bradeen 62 Bradford 41, 82 Bradley 2, 15, 21, 22 41, 50, 74 Bradway 27 Braham 1 Brahmstadt 47 Braider 100 Braithwait 1, 3 Brandau 90 Brandel 21 Brandes 52, 96 Brandt 17, 19' Brannan 77, 78 Brannigan 50 Brannon 11 Brans 1 Brant 21, 87, 117 Bratt 28 Braum 14 Braunt 82 Bray 40, 102 Brayton 28, 96 Breeze 98 Brenander 40 Brenizer 21 Brennan 105 Bressler 106 Brewer 74 Bridenbaugh 78, 84 Bridge 31, 113 Bridgeford 21 Briggs 1, 22, 74, 87 Bostworth 129 Brodel 31 Brocerick 31, 40 Brodger 41 Brohardt 29' Brook 41, 5] Brooke 86 Brooks 14, 27, 61, 101 104, 107, 119 Brosheit 9 Brothhwell 107 Brown 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 26, 27, 31, 40, 41, 43, 44, 49, 56, 62 71, 82, 84, 87, 88, 96 98, 107, 119, 134 Browne 93 Brownell 22 Browning 43, 56, 99 Brox 85 Bruce 118 Bruken 23 Bruemeimier 1 Brumken 23 Brummerhop 1 Brummerrbrrger 97 Brumnsier 1 Bruner 1, 14, 21, 59, 60 Brunken 23, 24 Brunkow 129 Brutt 40 Bryan 41, 86, 104, lii Bryant 22, 104, 118 Bryden 40, 41 Buchanan 64, 66, 98 Buchholtz 3 Bucholz 117 Buck 30, 47, 115 Buckingham 75 Buckiand 80 Buckley 17, 118 Buckner 40, 41 Buckworth 117 Bud 86 Buddecke 73 Budler 10 Budioff 1 Budltemeier 24 Buhdorf 74 Bukowsky 42 Bule 10 Bull 96 95, 105 137 Bullard 27 Buller 10, 43, 88 Bumbridge 14 Bump 26 Bundy 34, 45 Bunn 21 Burch 15, 28 Burchard 50 Burden 13 Burgan 21 Caddick 102 Cady 96 Cafferty 31 Cahill 40, 82 Cain 44, 84 Calder 85, 86 Calderwood 120 Caidwell 2, 13 Calf 98 Calhoun 42 Cash 61 Casler 88 Cass 44, 84 Cassairt 66 Cassedy 12 Cassell 7, 8, 102 Casselman 99 Cassiday 13 Cassleman 50, 65 Castel 103 Christ 66 Christensen 32, 41, 62, 65, 79, 107, 116, 128, 129 Christiansen 9, 105, 106 Christianson 9, 60 Christie 95 Christionsen 106 Chronister 22 Chubb 113 Burge 21, 28 Burger 41, 110 Burgess 31, 60, 117 Burgh 65 Burgholtz 105 Burhop 29 Buright 82 Burk 48 Burke 6, 29, 31, 40 56, 107 Burkhead 79 Burks 77 Burley 21, 31 Burlingame 41 42 Burnaby 14 Burnes 31, 90, 95 Burnett 14, 41, 105 Burnham 40, 117 Burmmann 111 Burns 31 Burr 113, 116 Burroughs 101 Burrows 14 Burt 3 Burtis 56 Burton 11, 39, 101 Burwell 40 Busby 105, 106 Busch 22, 88, 118, 131 Bush 3, 7, 30, 130 Bushell 30 Busk 88 Busell 56 Bute 10, 43, 102, 103 Butker 3 Butler 28, 31, 41, 64 70, 113, 118 Butte 10, 42 Butter 45 Butterfield 14, 100, 116, 119 Buttery 111 Butts 21 Buzber 131 Byer 14, 29, 45 Byerley 70, 83 Byerly 70 Byers 104 Byington 85 Byrnes 41 Byron 104 Calkins 100, 129 Call 11, 44 Callaghan 37, 74 Calmalet 96 Calver 20, 48 Calvert 31, 49 Cameron 12, 44, 45 Camerson 44 Camfield 63 Cammins 1 Camp 10 Campbell 3, 7, 14, 25, 45, 60, 66, 85 86, 89, 102, 106, 116, 117 Canaday 7 Canaga 130 Cannahan 88 Cannell 24 Cannenburg 48 Cannign 22 Cannon 25, 65, 127 Cantral 107 Carbrey 128 Carey 40, 42 Carl 1 Carlile 49 Carll 30 Carlson 14, 116 Canton 113, 133 Carlyle 26 Carmine 25 Carnes 29, 30, 129 Carney 65, 66, 82 100 Carnihan 77 Carothers 25 Carpenter 14, 40, 48, 87, 88, 93, 105, 106, 117, 130 Carper 70 Carr 87 Carren 63, 64 Carson 15, 51, 59 Carstens 29 Carter 2, 3, 26, 31, 60, 55, 61, 62, 117 118, 126 Cartine 41 Cartmal 42 Cartwright 40 Carver 10 Casady 59 Case 56, 75 Caselman 48 Casey 14 Castellar 117, 118 Castile 32 Castle 10, 82, 85, 115, 116 Caswell 100 Cate 104 Catlin 64 Caton 14, 90 Cattle 117, 118, 119 Caughin 40 Caughley 93 Cavanaugh 6 Cavin 128 Caywood 1 Cega 30 Cenfare 29 Cerl 86, 87 Cerney 30 Cervonni 116 Chadwick 32, 116 Chaffee 3, 39, 44 Chalupa 32 Chalupsky 32 Chamberlin 30, 119 Chambers 98, 117, 128 Champlin 61 Chaney 36 Chaon 105 Chapin 41, 86, 88 Chapmen 68, 118 Charboneau 36 Charleson 64 Cjarters 117 Chase 49, 66, 113, 118 Chatfield 62 Chavanu 73 Cheeney 78 Chenanr 105 Chenaur 106 Cheny 60, 77 Cherry 64 Chester 66, 102 Chief 98 Child 12 Chi1drs 97, 98, 128 Childre 104 Childs 26, 42, 61 Chistenon 30 Chistenow 30 Chivington 125, 127 Chlevoun 22 Chloupeck 24 Chrastil 22 Chrisler 8 Chubback 111 Chubbuck 25 Chultz 94 Church 82, 115 Churchal 40 Claassem 52 Claassen 2, 23, 24 Claiborn 111 Claire 84 Clampett 7, 8' Clapp 78, 79 Clark, 2, 6, 11, 28, 30, 32, 33, 43, 61, 64, 70 75, 78, 86, 96, 100, 101 116, 133 Clarke 95, 113, 118 Clarkson 116, 119 Classen 52, 53 Claus 14 Clausen 81 Claverie 128 Clavey 75, 112, 134 Clay 51, 98 Clay's 56 Clayburg 56 Claypool 88 Cleamen 27 Cleary 40 Cleavland 9 Clegg 116 Clemens 70 Clements 75 Clemmens 100 Cleney 27 Cleveland 16, 19, 103 Clime 1, 13, 14, 44, 103, 105 Clitzbe 47 Cloe 34 Close 87 Closson 66 Clotfelter 56 Cloyde 45 Cluck 93 Clure 88 Coad 88 Coat 42 Coats 30, 42, 43, 59 Cobb 27, 78, 113 Cochran 32, 77, 95, 107 117 Coe 65 Coen 2 Coffey 13, 98 Coffin 40, 45, 113 Cogsball 36 138 Cogswell 36 Coha 2 Cohn 32, 44 Cohrem 41 Coke 14 Colburn 63 Colclesser 132 Cornick 1 Corrigan 32 Corrington 67 Cortan 95 Corum 42 Corwin 85 Coryell 46 Crosier 32 Cross 70, 86, 97, 100 104, 106 Crouch 82 Crouse 116 Crow 12, 32 Crowe 84 Davoll 2 Davy 88 Dawson 1, 7, 8, 119 Day 63, 129 Dean 28, 75, 102 Dearborn 106 Deardorff 40 Cole 17, 18, 41, 44 59, 60, 61, 62, 64 88, 96, 102, 103 Coleman 2, 14, 15, 40, 50, 100, 113 Coleson 95 Colladay 40 Collen 14 Collett 9, 10 Collins, 2, 49, 117 125, 132 Coltrain 87 Colvin 32, 111 Coiwell 17, 19 Combs 42, 66, 78 Corner 85 Comfort 117 Compton 87 Constock 65, 97 Conant 82 Conarro 95 Congdon 118 Conklin 24, 32, 88, 117 Conn 29 Connehly 45 Connor 1, 40, 83, 105 115 Connors 106 Connover 11 Conover 105, 106 Conrad 96, 126 Conroy 40 Contryman 129 Conway 13, 96 Cook 1, 8, 12, 14, 32, 49, 60, 94, 95 105, 106 Cool 62 Cohley 40 Coon 6, 29, 102, 129 Coons 44 Cooper 29, 32, 41, 61 101, 102, 117, 123 Copeland 28 Copland 4l Copley 119 Copsy 43 Corban 41 Corbett 106 Corbin 22 Corby 64, 66 Cordes 7, 32 Core 41 Corely 96 Corkle 100 Corless 130, 131 Corlis 40 Corn 29 Cornelius 23, 24, 52 Cosgrove 40, 41 Cossairt 63 Cots 64 Cotter 95 Cotterman 70, 73, 119 Cotton 119 Cottrell 56 Couch 1, 101 Couchman 117 Coughtry 84 Coupland 65 Courtney 14, 97 Covell 42, 79 Coveny 84 Cowart 35 Cowen 49 Cowley 27 Cownie 82 Cowperthwaite 86 Cox 9, 10, 86, 96, 104 Coykendall 104 Coyle 77, 95 Cozad 5 Crabill 88 Crab tree 14 Craft 102 Cragen 96 Craig 6, 7, 86 Cram 34 Cramer 1, 130, 131 Crampt 28 Crandell 14 Crane 14, 29, 43, 48 Cranston 44 Cratsenberg 65 Craven 32, 37 Crawford 61, 66, 106 117 Creason 110 Creighton 15 Cremer 117 Cress 32 Cressy 65 Crew 96 Crichton 74 Criddell 44 Crile 25 Crismond 88 Criswehl 82 Critchfield 129 Crites 32 Crocker 28, 96 Crockwell 77 Crofts 22 Cromwell 71 Crone 86, 87 Cronin 31 Cropsey 113 Crosby 2, 3, 65, 98, 111 Crowell 32, 70 Crowse 6, 7 Crozier 27, 32 Cruwell 7 Cudahy 117, 118 Cullen 32, 98 Culver 10, 105 Cuming 15, 31 Cummings 31, 42, 45 Cumshaw 30 Cunningham 40. 42, 56, 105, 106, 133 Curren 78 Curry 25, 82 Curtis 9, 25, 48, 79, 111 Curzon 96 Cushing 32, 42 Cushman 32 Cutter 129 Cybalk 65 Czervinski 93 Dabes 128 Daggett 60 Dahl 96 Daily 14, 15, 30, 40, 42 Dakan 96 Dake 119 Daley 41 Damana 2 Damonde 103 Damron 118 Damson 41 Dana 95 Daniels 28, 90 Danks 48 Darby 2, 30 Dare 36 Darling 47, 103, 128 Darlow 118 Darow 82 Daucke 99 Daudt 85 Daughtery 86 Davenport 21, 27, 32, 41, 51, 56, 117 David 131 Davidson 12, 44, 113, 119 Davidsons 53 Davies 88 Davis 2, 12, 16, 23, 42 44, 60, 61, 68, 69, 72 77, 82, 87, 88, 94, 96 104, 105, 115, 116, 117 Deasy 128 Debelly 88 Debord 94 Decamp 65, 100 Decker 100, 128 Decora 98 Dee 42 Deeds 86 Deffie 42 Defrees 52 Defreese 23, 52 Degmond 96 Dehart 41, 113 Dehays 95 Deicks 32 Deilks 32 Deins 44 Deland 3, 8 Delaney 83 Delany 2 Deleski 32, 70 Delfs 25 Demaranville 102 Deniing 14 Deminski 32 Dempster 6 Denama 1 Denboy 42 Denham 113 Denman 43 Dennett 95 Denning 22 Dennis 41, 47 Denslow 130 Denton 14, 93 Depriest 22 Derby 64 Deroin 98 Derr 26 Detamore 103 Determann 25 Detweiler 72 Detweiller 90 Deutsch 120 Develle 98 Devesen 104 Devore 82 Dewaters 102 Dewy 2, 48 Dial 61 Diamond 117 Dible 26 Dice 87 Dicheard 11 Dick 43, 44, 56, 62 Dicksenson 32, 88 Dickey 40, 41 Dickinson 22, 118, 119 Dickson 44, 75, 83 139 Dicky 24. 77, 96, 119 Didrlksen 75 Diebold 117 Dieken 24, 52, 53 Drayton 101 Dressler 31 Drew 117 Drexel 117 Eastmen 64 Eatherton 128 Eaton 26, 95, 98 Ebel 82, 84 Engel 29 English 65, 95 Englund 41 Enninga 23, 52 Dien 10 Dierking 82 Dierhing 2 Diers 47, 53 Dillon 78, 87 Dilly ill Dilworth 26 Dimery 86 Dimick 53 Dimmick 39 Dinnerflund 30 Dinsdale 107 Dinsmore 3, 117 Dirksen 2 Divelbiss 24 Dixon 32, 83 Doaak 8 Dobbin 104 Dobish 30 Dobrovolny 4 Dobry 32 Dobson 41 Dodd 84, 103 Dodge, 28, 83 Dodson 77 Doell 10 Doglass 14 Doherty 119 Dollarhide 26, 32 Domingo 129 Don 79 Donegan 45 Donner 44, 96 Donohoe 40 Donovan 85, 128 Dooley 8 Doose 106 Dorby 95 Dormen 100 Dorn 82 Dorsey 24 Dorthy 1 Doty 8, 86, 128 Doud 42 Dougherty 41 Douglas 26, 67, 99, 118 Douglass 88 Dove 14 Dowd 62, 102 Dowler 128 Downe 116 Downes 36, 74 Downs 53, 123 Downy 60 Doxtad 79 Doyle 1, 59 Draggon 27 Drain 111 Drake 55, 71, 84, 95 116, 117 Draper 56, 77, 119 Driggs 75 Drise 61 Driver 42, 68 Druba 43, 44 Drury 128 Dryer 29 Du Bois 28 Dubbs 70 Dudden 23, 24, 52 53 Dudeck 56 Dudek 22 Duden 26, 30 Dudley 128 Dueck 43 Duenbury 105 Duff 104, 105 Duggan 77 Duggar 62 Dugger 88 Duke 111 Dulitz 11 Dull 90 Dumar 105 Duncan 8 Duncanson 51 Dundas 14 Dundy 116 Dungan 28 Dunham 37, 46 Dunkel 115, 116 Dunken 3, 27 Dunkle 95 Dunlap 87 Dunn 29, 51, 131 Dupont 102 Durall 1 Durant 39 Duren 16 Durhan 66 Dusenberry 28 Dustman 17, 18 Dutton 70, 77 Duval 119 Dvorak 2 Dwark 32 Dworak 22, 65 Dwyer 30, 41, 42, 45, 71 Dye 11 Dykeman 1 Eadie 104 Eager 86 Earl 65-129 Earls 31 Earth 98 Earthquake 98 East 28 Eastburn 104 Easterday 129 Eastman 14, 64, 119 Eberhardt 10, 42 Eberhing 94 Eby 90 Ecan 42 Ecdman 60 Eckfrd 56 Eckerson 103 Eckhoff 62, 65 Eckley 88 Eckoff 105 Eddy 41, 118 Edens 70 Edic 72 Edigar 10 Edmiisto (sic) 86 Edmistonon 86 Edson 42, 63, 64 Edwards 12, 13, 15, 42 61, 73, 93 Egan 25, 111, 115, 117 Egart 102 Eggart 102 Eggers 41, 93 Eggleston 64 Egly 43 Ehlers 87, 88, 128 Eicher 95 Eidman III Eielson 103 Eilers 97 Eilks 31 Einsteen 96 Eiseman 95 Eisley 130, 131 Elan 77, 116 Eldred 65 Eldredge 36 Eldridge 2 Elfring 43 Eli 14 Eliason 84 Elkhart 77 Ellenwood 116 Ellinghusen 23 Elliot 65-101 Elliott 26, 42, 107 Ellis 26, 32, 34, 61, 106 Ellsworth 15 Elly 43 Elmer 117 Elsworth 102 Embree 68 Embry 14 Emerson 15, 85, 86 Emery 130 Emmerson 98 Emory 7 Enderle 10, 102 Endersby 84 Eneix 30 Enewold 45 Enns 70 Enright 78 Ens 70 Epler 105, 106 Epp 11, 46 Eppert 88 Erb U, 104 Erhart 111, 129 Erickson 105 Erklins 42 Erlach 84 Ernest 67 Ernst 25 Erskine 101 Ervine 39 Erwin 26, 42 Esau 73 Esch 35, 110 Eskaldesen 9 Eskllden 9 Esley 29 Esmiol 128 Esser 42 Essly 56 Esterberg 32 Estey 29 Ethn 14 Etter 41, 42 Ettie 42 Evans 3, 5, 11, 43, 44, 55, 86, 95, 97, 130 Eveland 97 Even 132 Everest 36 Everett 95 Everly 113 Everson 101 Everts 117 Evertt 1 Evitts 51 Ewing 96, 98 Exline 12 Faden 122 Fagan 9, 103 Fagard 85 Fagin 15 Fahey 30 Fairburn 32 Fairchild 16 Fairfield 111 Fairhead 82 Fairman 29 Fales 47 Faley 30 Falk 29, 32, 40 Falkner 40 Fall 104 Fallon 49 Fannon 101 Farah 61 140 Farber 99 Fleharty 64 Frazier 134 Galloway 13, 118 Fans 118 Farley 32, 102 Farney 44, 102 Farnham 97 Farr 106 Farrell 22, 115 Fast 43 Fatherloss 8 Faubanks 2 Faubion 7 Fauble 30 Faulkner 96 Faust 5, 40, 70 Fawcett 12 Fay 32 Feaster 35 Feather 98 Feenan 78 Fees 75 Feffreys 50 Fehneke 105 Felder 71 Fellingham 102 Feizien 59 Fenke 30 Fenster 9, 10 Fergersen 88 Ferguson 2, 100, 102 103, 125, 129, 132 Ferkin 128 Ferris 32, 43 Fersig 30 Fesher 29 Fetterman 82 Fey 84 Fiala 75 Fiefield 17 Field 2, 96 Fields 64, 116 Figg 56 Fight 13 Fike 90, 118 Fillinger 85 Finch 29, 65, 96 Fink 1, 88 Finley 95 Finnecy 3 Finnegan 44 Finnel 84 Finney 11, 15, 113 Finnigan 113 Finnly 3 Fischer 94 Fish 32, 44, 85, 86 Fisher 1, 3, 29, 34, 56, 88, 94, 97, 118 Fish/Tish 37 Fisk 105, 106 Fiske 14 Fiss 103 Fitch 87, 97 Fitzgerald 88 Flagan 9 Flammont 29 Flans 16 Flaugh 81 Fleming 32, 116, 117 128 Flerschaner 131 Fleshman 128 Flessner 52 Fletcher 22, 32, 96, 101 Flickinger 44, 90 Fliesbach 56 Flint 116 Flohr 105, 106 Flory 90 Flynn 82 Fogarty 93 Fogel 44, 45 Folda 22 Foley 3, 54, 55, 105 106 Folmsbee 88 Folsom 126 Folsoom 126 Foltz 63, 105 Fones 103 Foot 30 Forbes 82, 107, 118 119 Forbes 48, 79 Force 32, 44 Ford 11, 42, 56, 77, 106 Foreman 121 Forester 27 Forgeot 101 Forgey 68 Formaten 29 Forrest 96 Forsyths 101 Fort 1 Foss 103, 104 Foster 1, 12, 15, 17, 47, 65, 85, 86, 88 Fostersen 30 Fotman 106 Fourshey 66 Fouts 22 Fowler 27, 28, 103, 104 Fox 44, 105, 106 Frahm 106 Frainey 14 Frakes 40 Frame 32 Framer 104 France 95 Francis 26, 130 Francisco 83 Frandgen 32 Frank 9, 40, 111 Franken 52 Franklin 29, 88 Franks 41 Franz 10, 43, 96 Frasek 2 Frawley 10 Frazell 105 Frazer 15 Frear 6, 7 Freberg 104 Frederick 82 Fredericks 32 Fredericksen 81 Freemann 15, 32 Frei 36 Freisen 10, 11, 70 Freitag 55 Freman 29 French 2, 82, 88, 106 117 Frentz 2 Frey 36, 60 Frice 27 Frickle 57 Fried 117 Friedman 30 Fries 27, 32, 40, 118, 128 Frieson 43 Friesson 56 Frigge 70 Fritz 2,8 Frizzell 11 Fronson 42 Frost 2 Fru 62 Fruit 12 Fry 55, 65, 115, 118 Fueafer 102 Fueher 43 Fuehrer 43, 107 Fugitt 119 Fuher 43 Fuhrman 22 Fuks 30 Fuller 33, 45, 70, 88 106 Fullerton 89 Fuliner 28, 39 Funhouser 10 Funke 117 Funkhouser 118 Funru 45 Furbush 75 Furnas 15, 16, 113 Furr 56 Fursey 29 Furster 34 Fye 103 Gable 14 Gaddis 103 Gadway 13 Gaebel 129 Gage 123, 124, 127 Gajda 4 Galbraith 22 Gall 1, 2 Galladay 70 Gallady 2 Gallagher 77, 87, 100 Gallaway 62 Galligher 28 Gamble 105, 106, 131 Gandy 67, 117 Ganiard 59, 60, 70 Gannet 64, 65 Gannon 16, 17, 19, 50, 104 Gans 31 Gapen 95 Gardner 5, 26, 28, 48, 71, 81, 88, 106 Garfield 33 Garner 30, 77, 81, 106 Garrard 39 Garrett 14, 45 Garrison 96, 99 Cart 1 Gartner 52, 62 Garton 14 Garwood 103 Gaskill 14 Gasser 82 Gast 22 Gatsh 89 Gatenby 64 Gates 6, 55, 97 Gateway 56 Gautier 93 Gaver 45 Gawne 97 Gaygill 54 Gaylord 47 Gazell 12 Geer 100 Gegere 83 Gehr 26 Geisler 46 Gelwick 95 Gemmell 63 Genor 44 Gensithen 52 Genther 57 Genuquet 1 Geoman 95 George 10, 11, 16, 17, 43, 62, 63, 82, 120 Georgesen 80 Gerard 89 Cerardo 29 Gerards 29 Gerecke 59 Geriche 30 Gering 5 Gerrard 32 Gerspercher 29 Gesback 29 Gesen 12 Getchell 61, 63 Getzfreit 71 Gewett 17 Gewinner 131 Ghoset 113 Gibbs 56 Giberson 129 Gibson 9, 63, 64, 82, 105, 106, 116, 117, 130 Gier 60, 67 141 Gifford 106, 119 Gilbert 17, 19, 45, 63, 66, 87, 119, 129 Gillaspi 40 Gille 93 Gilleland 105 Gillett 26 Gilimore 96 Gillogly 40, 41 Gilman 2 16, 17 Cilmore 129 57, 64 Giltner 28 116, Gingrich 102 Ginn 18, 19 Girton 105, 106 Gladfelter 42 Gladwish 85 Giant 60 Glantz 59 Glass 33 Glaubitz 129 Gleason 33 Glebe 14 Glese 56 Glidden 53 Gliem 88 Glover 48, 102 Godd 102 Goddard 106 Godfrey 30, 95, 115 Coding 55 Goeckler 101 Goede 23 Goehner 86 Goering 24 57, 89 93, 95, 96, 104, Goes 40 Goesley 60 Goetch 82, 84 Goff 15, 31 Gohrtsen 10 Coins 28' Golden 41, 129 Hammond 39, 51, Goldsmith 86 Goldstein 131 Goodrod 87, 88 Good 102, 104 Goodale 48, 116 Goode 123, 124, 126 127 Goodell 14, 117 Goodenow 62 Gooding 113 Goodmen 3, 25 Goodrich 29, 33, 50, 70, 113 Goodrow 12 Gorgensen 81 Gormally 84 Gorst 70 Gosha 116 Gossman 25 Gotchall 30 Gotha 57 Gothhe 103 Gottliebe 94 Gottsch 104 Grisell 102 Grisson 63 Griswold 117 Grnenuch 3 Groat 104 Groelz 44 Groenwold 52 Gronewald 23 Grinwold 53 Groom 30, 59, 70, 71 Haik 29 Hainel 42 Hainer 11, 102 Haines 57 Halburg 48 Hald 33 Haldman 96 Hale 11 Hales 28 Hall, 3, 10, 15, Goudy 13, 28 Grooms 59, 60, 67 24, 25, 33, 48, Gould 49, 50 Gross 57, 70, 134 70, 82, 93, 97, Cove 64 Grabiel 66 Grable 118 Graff 86 Graham 13, 15, 113, 118 Gramm 16 Grammer 33 Granemann 52 Grannemann 23 Grannis 112, 134 Grant 12, 56, 65, 78, 93 Graty 2 Gratz 1 Graul 86 Graves 13, 14, 18, 19 50, 62, 70, 96, 117 Gravy 68 Gray 13, 19, 40 Graybill 103 Greek 105 Greelz 44 Grote 44 Groten 23 Grothe 104 Groundad 64 Grove 30 Groves 42, 75 Grow 61 Gruber 33, 89, 108 Grubser 89 Grundmayer 72 Guenther 57 Guest 6 Gugan 18 Guhlstorff 129 Cuidinger 22 Guile 60 Guilfoyle 39 Gullady 2 Guller 30 Gullison 61 Gunnest 31 Gunnett 31 Gunther 29, 79 117, 118, 119 Hailberg 66 Hallenberg 14 Hailer 95, 118 Hallett 14 Halley 49 Halliwell 57 Hallmen 42 Hallock 77 Hallowell 22 Halsey 57 Halt 31 Halve 2 Ham 33 Hamann 93 Hambeck 2 Hambek 4 Hambleton 63 Hamel 91 Hamer 57 Hamernik 4 Hames 1 Hamilton 14, 39, Goeritzen 10, 11 123 47, 72, 115 Greenfield 25 Greenlad 47 Greenlyn 60 Greenwell 36 Greenwood 87, 88 Greer 57 Goldenstein 23, 52, 53 56, 65, Gregory 33, 40, 95 Greiss 43, 55 Gress 108 Gressley 103 Greur 131 Grey 40 Greybiel 99 Gribble 85 Grieder 41 Griffen 64 Griffin 3 Griffith 28, 48, 61 90 Griffiths 60, 61, 64 Green 33, 40, 41, 42 Curb 18 Gurney 101 Gunser 85 Gustin 48 Gutfiend 89 Guthmiller 1 Guthrie 118 Cutman 41 Greggeston 33 130, 131 Hamitt 134 Hammarback 75 Hammell 2 Hammer 56, 118 Hammergrere 66 Hammett 101 Guttery 42 Gwyer 116 84, 103, 104 Hamburg 26 Hance 8 Hanchett 117 Hancock 57, 130 Hand 57, 60 Handerson 40 Handy 33 Hane 96 Hanegan 104 Haney 19, 27, 31, 74 Hankel 9 Hankins 57, 86 Ranks 13 Haaker 82 Haas 131 Habbegger 39 Haberlien 40 Hackinan 30 Hactor 39 Hadley 96 Hagard 61 Hagelin 105 Hagemeister 43, 103 Hagemier 55 Goodwin 50, 87, 94 Goold 50 Goosen 10 Gorackle 68 Corby 108 Gorder 96 Gordon 2, 22, 33, 50, 95, 129 65 101 Griffy 77 Crigsby 103 Grim 1 Grimes 88 Grimsby 105, 106 Grimshaw 30 Grinsey 11 Hager 117, 119 Hagerman 10 Hagerty 103 Hagey 104 Haggerty 56 Hagler 2 Hahers 10 Hahn 9 Hanley 42, 87 Hannibal 33 Hanrahan 40 Hanscom 41 Hansel 14 Hansen 9, 10, 29, 33. 44 57, 65, 80, 82, 105, 106, 108, 117 Henthorn 57 Henvlez 71 Herbers 72 Herbert 13 Herbest 68 Herbough 57 Hermann 2 Hermanson 41 Herrton 30 Hersey 14 Hess 23 Hesten 30 132 Heule 18 Hewitt 5 Heye 23, 24 Hick 57, 60, 62, 64 Hinz 43 Hochstetler 119 Hoguewood 122 Holley 133 Holmquist 118, 119 Holten 129 Homan 118 Hopp 129 Bouts 129 Howard 128 Howe 134 Howell 119 Hoyt 116, 133 Huffman 118 Hume 133 Hunt 131 Hunter 118, 119 Hurd 133 Hutchins 129 Jackson, 49, 58, 60, 64 87, 118, 128, 132 Jaco 58 Jacobs 12, 33 Jacobsen 33, 80 Jacobson 10, 129 Jacoby 103 Jadan 2 James 1, 2, 40, 41, 66 77, 86, 104 Jameson 129 Jamison 3 Janaskiewier 42 Janson 70 Janssen 1, 23, 24, 52 53, 55 Janzen 10 Japersen 42 Japp 29 Jaquith 119 Jarchke 58 Jarmin 128 Jarvis 132 Jaspersen 42 Jay 3, 58 Jeanzen 43 Jeep 82 Jefferies 100 Jeffers 103, 106 Jeffery 33 Jefford 89 Jeffry 58 Jehorek 33 Jeidd 1 Jelen 36 Jencks 104 Jenkins 11, 40, 41, 54, 58 Jenkinsons 79 Jenks 31 Jenner 1 Jenns 58 Jenny 116 Jensan 1 Jensen 9, 29, 30, 33, 44 63, 55, 80, 81, 82, 84, 87, 104, 106 Jenson 66 Jeppesen 80 Jeremias 23, 52, 53 Jessen 116 Jewett 49 Jindra 4 Jochim 129 Jodg 64 142 Hanshen 57 Hansling 14 Hanson 42, 57, 132 Hansson 1, 8, 9 Harbough 57 Harden 56, 87 Hardenburg, 106 Hardesty 132 Hardey 72 Harding 33, 40, 57 Hardman 111 Hardnock 75, 91 Haring 28 Harkins 132 Harlan 41, 56 Harmes 115 Harms 3 Flames 11 Harnett 82 1-larney 10 Harper 12 Harpst 57 Harrigan 95 Harriger 86 Harrington 14, 49, 57 Harris, 3, 6, 13, 14, 28, 40, 42, 45, 49, 67, 74, 78, 106, 116 132 Harrison 3, 8, 9, 10, 31, 98, 102, 111 Harron 57 Harshall 45 Harshman 129, 133 Harson 14 Hart 24, 62 Harter 12, 43 Hartford 33 Hartman 60 Hartmen 57 Hartnell 44 Hartwell 16, 17, 18, 19, 57 Harvey 42, 77, 87, 95 Harvy 7, 8, 33, 60, 62 Hary 14 Hasford 103 Hashbarfer 27 Basket 6 Basking 78 Haskins 101 Bass 130 Hasse 96 Hastings 113 Hatch 41 Hauseon 106 Hauver 41 Hauxhurt 45 Haven 57 Havivland 100 Hawk 101 Hawkensen 2 Hawkins 64 Hawley 6, 25, 57 Hawlksom 2 Hawthorn 18, 95 Hawthorne 18, 19 Hayden 35, 36, 116, Hayelur 106 Hayes 56 Haykin 93 Haynes 95 Hays 14, 30 Hayse 89 Hayward 117 Hazard 39 Hazelbacker 13 Hazelbarth 59 Hazen 24 Hazlett 87 Heafley 95 57 Heath 1 Heater 41 Heath 6, 8 Heaton 51 Hecht 7, 8 Heck 70 Heckermen 104 Heckman 1, 26 Heddle 96 Heeran 84 Heeren 55 Hefferman 31, 41 Heffman 40 Hefty 43, 45 Heibert 10 Heiges 49 Heintz 57 Heinz 9 Heise 9 Heiser 1, 44 Heji 4 Held 22 Heldt 40 Hellmann 41 Helser 33 Heizer 41 Heming 2 Hency 29 Henderson 2, 57, 60 Iddings 45 Ideus 23, 24, 52, 53 Iler 41 Imprey 118 Imus 107 Ingalls 116 Ingals 85, 86 Ingerly 33 Ingram 58 Ingwerson 75, 113 Inks 19 Inman 59, 70 Irish 1 Irons 128 Irvin 30 Irvine 89 Irwin 42 Isaac 103 Hatcher 65 Hatchet 98 Hath 16, 17 Hathaway 40, 41, 89, ill Hatt 33 Patton 41 Haubrock 23, 52 Hauck 2 Hauff 3 Haug 57 Haughamont 46 Hendricks 10, 69 Hendrickson 9. 57 Henifer 29 Henike 42 Henn 70, 71 Hennesy 33 Henning 57 Henninger 57 Henry 22, 40, 41, 42, 57, 65 Hensell 37 Hensley 7 Isacon 66 Isaman 102 Isbell 35 Isenburg 79 Isley 27 Isreal 30, 58, 89' Itzen 23, 52, 53 Iverson 31 Ives 64, 66, 100 Ivin 30 Jackson 11, 33, 37, 41, Johansen 14, 24, 30, 33 Johns 9, 33 Johnson 2, 3, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 22, 27, 29, 33 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 48, 50, 52, 53, 58, 65 66, 72, 74, 85, 89, 102 103, 115, 118, 119, 121 128, 129, 130, 132 Johnston 14, 18, 86, 116 117 Jolly 46 143 Jonas 3 Jones 11, 17, 24, 29, 41, 45, 55, 58, 61, 67, 77, 87, 89, 96 98, 104, 115, 116, 118 Jopp, 79 Jordan 27, 28, 56 Jordans 79 Jorgensen 105, 129 Jorgenson 106 Jose 3 Joseph 58 Josephson 129 Jouvenat 70 Joyce 77 Jreuger 82 Judd 58 Judkins 104 Judy 63 Juhl 58 Jules 58 Jungels 71 Junish 89 Junkin 31' Jurgensen 106 Jurging 60 Jury 25 Just 62 Kaasch 22 Kabe 63 Kabo 63 Kadel 133, 134 Kading 22 Kadleck 22 Kaffman 10, 15 Kahler 70, 87, 129 Kahmann 52 Kallam 49 Kalt 31 Kamitz 9, 10 Kammerer 7 Kammerlohr 59 Kamphaus 71 Kane 99 Kanen 42 Kanne 66 Kanpp 10 Kappler 58 Kays 25 Kean 58 Keck 101 Keefer 58, 88, 100 Keehler 58 Keeler 88, 100 Keenan 37, 74 Keene 104 Keeney 25, 31 Keens 58 Kehne 129 Keichel 3 Keicher 113 Keim 67 Keints 55 Keissel 44 Keith 22, 82 Keldgered 30 Kellehan 77 Kelleher 42 Keller 58 Kelley 31, 41, 42 Kellner 86 Kellogg 105, 106 Kelly 6, 7, 13, 34, 35, 40, 41, 56, 58, 96 Kelsey 58 Kelso 91 Keltner 58 Kemp 42 Keniper 52, 53, 104 Kemplin 102 Kenason 50 Kendall 49 Kender 58 Kenepper 82 Kennard 113 Kennedy 28, 35, 40, 41 51, 58, 61, 106, 129 Kennelly 77 Kenner 88 Kenney 42, 86 Kennison 82 Kenny 58 Kenrick 104 Kenser 12 Kent 58, 78 Kenver 106 Kenyon 6, 50 Kensy 75 Kibee 102 Kick 58 Kidder 66 Kielly 41 Kiely 24, 41 Kierner 14 Kiles 106 Kilgore 30, 44 Killebrew 35 Killgore 58 Killner 58 Kilmont 42 Kilmper 10 Kilpatrick 96, 118 Kimball 16, 18, 31, 104 Kimberly 17 Kin 41 Kindred 119 King 41, 42, 45, 56, 58, 60, 63, 66, 78, 79, 86, 89, 101, 108 115, 132 Kingsley 95 Kingston 27, 36 Kinkhardt 43 Kinnan 132 Kinne 62, 65, 66, 101 Kinnel 95 Kinner 44 Kinnerman 86 Kinnett 58 Kinney 66, 71, 72 Kinsey 58 Kinsinger 44 Kirby 56, 105 Kirk 58, 60 Kirkbride 45 Klrkhain 35 Kirkman 111 Kirkpatrick 58 Kirkwood 96 Kirllin 104 Kirpatrick 129 Klrschberg 30 Kirtz 29 Kitchen 85, 130 Kite 105 Kitnz 29 Kittliedelle 51 Klumb 43 Kluna 4 Klute 9 Kluver 23 Knapp 58, 65, 108 Knauber 7 Knee ill Knepper 58 Kniff 65 Knight 58 Kniss 43 Knittle 1, 58, 119 Knorth 116 Knox 58, 83 Knudson 12, 45 Knudtsen 66 Koch 58, 72 Koch-Andrianno 117 Kocker 58 Koehler 118 Koeppe 58 Kohl 19, 52 Kohn 43, 103 Kohout 4 Kohtz 9 Kollmann 52 Konkright 86 Kooper 131 Kooser 58 Korb 2 Korecek 58 Korten 45, 109 Korth 1, 2 Kortz 89 Kostal 131 Koster 58, 101 Kotas 4 Kough 58 Kountz 5 Kovar 22 Kovarik 74, 133 Krabel 23 Krabiel 44 Kraft 43, 129 Kramer 59, 70, 73 Krasser 35, 86 Krauss 93 Kreamer 116 Krecklow 129 Kreienheder 23, 52 Krenzwieser 58 Karel 2 Karlblinger 54 Karls 60 Karp 58 Karstens 46, 47 Kasser 85 Kath 9, 10 Kaubler 58 Kaufman 9, 103, 128 Kauk 44 Kaul 1 Kaup 98 Kay 41, 105, 106 Kayl 3 Kayle 2 Keplinger 25 Kern 58 Kernam 48 Kerr 6, 7, 43, 51, 56 78, 97, 103, 116 Kerterson 13 Kessler 58, 64, 121 Ketchem 45 Ketchum 58 Keuck 81 Key 27 Keyes 130 Keys 58, 106 Keyser 64 Kibbee 62, 102 Klaassen 52 Klammer 58 Klassen 10 Klatte 58 Kleber 58 Kleffmann 131 Klensch 41 Klever 106 Kliewer 10 Kline 1, 2, 82, 87, 130 Klingst 58 Klinker 9 Kloke 2, 118 Klossen 71 Kludsikofsky 94 Kreps 77, 78 Kreuger 82 Krey 59 Kriechel 50 Krikac 75 Krise 61 Krocker 43 Kroeker 43 Kroekers 11 Krohler 111 Krotil 8 Krueger 53 Kruger 24, 52, 53, 130 131 Kruml 93 144 Kryer 63 Kucera 22 Kudrna 22 Kuester 120 Kuhns 91 Kuhr 105, 106 Kuiss 1 Kukuc 42 Kumas 41 Kumper 10 Kuncl 4 Kunkel 56 Kunselman 59 Kupka 22 Kurth 58 Kvam 71 Kyne 58 Kyner 48 Kysela 131 La Rose 41 Labagh 117 Labarge 3 Labarre 58 Lacina 22 Lackoff 49 Lacy 62 Ladd 39, 131 Lafonde 42 Lafontaine 42 Lagrange 121 Lake 10, 15, 58, 80 82, 106, 116 Lalone 58 Lamb 50, 58, 99, 101 113 Lamberson 108 Lambert 44, 66, 91 Lambeth 96 Lambrecht 120 Lamdin 85 Lamhofer 117 Lamm 104 Larnmers 23 Lampard 30 Lamson 65 Lancaster 66 Lappers 2 Laproth 3 Lare 68 Larimer 58, 95 Larkin 95 Laro 58 Larrison 54 Larsen 29, 59, 80, 81 82, 84, 105 Larson 9, 19, 48, 58, 63, 73, 86, 87, 93, 106, 129 Latham 117 Lathrop 58 Latimer 115 Latty 61 Lau 23, 129 Lauer 88 Laughlin 45 Lauman 105, 106 Laur 59 Lauts 1 Laux 134 Law 22, 47 Lawrence 93, 100, 105 Lawrensen 3 Lawrey 105 Lawson 2, 2 108 Lawton 60 Lawyer 86 Lay 55 Layton 58 Leach 34, 63 Leachman 27 Leader 29 Leake 58, 62, 66 Learned 89 Learson 105 Leason 64 Leavens 87 Leavltt 5 Lebar 72 Lebeau 100 Lebo 27 Leclain 100 Lee 5, 12, 30, 40, 45 58, 64, 89, 116 Leech 22 Lemmon 130 Lemmons 103 Lenck 105 Lenehen 41 Lenning 65 Lentz 9, 44 Lenz 9, 74 Leonard 45, 58, 65, 87 Lester 34 Lett 15, 119 Leufert 57 Leuldenser 63 Leunort 45 Lever 39 Leveritt 35 Leveson 57 Levick 103 Levos 71 Lew 58 Lewellen 61 Lewis 1, 41, 43, 45, 58, 61, 68, 70, 100, 117, 132 Lewman 11, 12 Lewyn 40 Leymaster 10, 103 Libby 25 Liberian 75 Lich 14 Lichtenberger 95 Lichty 91, 116 Liddel 29 Lieb 106 Lieberman 75 Liedthe 10 Lierman 63 Liggett 87 Lillrelin 79 Limes 3 Liming 28 Liminger 105 Linafelter 84 Linahan 95 Lincoln 28, 98 Linder 29 Linderman 30 Lindloff 58 Lindquist 40 Loansberry 104 Lochmiller 50, 71 Lochr 58 Lockard 58 Locke 58, 104 Locker 85 Lockhart 103, 104 Lockwood 45, 66, 70 Loder 14 Lofland 45 Logan 7, 58, 89 Loken 71, 72 Lolyman 12 Lomely 1 Long 56, 64, 72, 98 Longenecker 91, 96 Longmore 42 Longworthy 117 Look 101 Loomis 117 Loop 121 Loosebrock 72 Lopp 82 Lord 42, 58 Lordeman 71 Lore 27 Lorenz 10, 43 Lorenzen 101 Loring 117 Lorkowski 95 Lortz 87 Losdatter 65 Losee 29, 58 Lottridge 113 Loughran 110 Louisburger 101 Loury 58 Louy 113 Lovall 58 Love 83, 118 Loveland 28 Lovell 85 Lovenburg 6 Loverin 58 Lowe 27, 42, 50, 95, 96 Lowell 1, 58 Lowenstein 58 Lowensten 42 Lance 12 Land 95, 100 Landenberger 87 Lander 58, 117 Landers 58 Landis 58 Lane 17, 18, 19, 78 Lang 45, 95 Langdon 15 Lange 40 Langworthy 117 Lanman 105 Lanning 118 Lantz 58 Lantzer 103 Lanzendorfer 30 Laplace 128 Laporte 45 Leed 116 Leeper 67 Leese 96 Lefever 43 Lefferts 118 Leftwich 32 Leg 77 Lehman 96 Lehnoff 118 Lehr 70 Leibhardt 44 Leibhart 86 Leifield 73 Leigh 99 Leighty 95 Leisey 58 Leiting 73 Leland 58 Dindvill (sic) 87 Ling 9 Linn 89 Linscott 91 Linville 88 Lionberger 117 Lischke 84 Listin 63 Litte 3 Litterman 58 Little 22, 67, 75, 85, 133, 134 Littlejohn 28 Livelly 50 Livesay 96 Livingston 45 Livingson 103 Ljundahl 44 Lloyd 58, 87 Lower 14, 68, 105, 106 Lowery 1, 6, 58, 82, 105 Lowry 100 Lubbin 58 Lucas 2, 17, 58 Luce 58, 68 Lucee 40 Ludey 17 Ludfngton 108 Ludlow 45 Lueders 49 Luetchens 129 Luff 5 Luginbuehl 27 Luis 30 Lull 3, 58 Lullow 44 Lumpkins 27 145 Lunk 58 Luncy 129 Lunsford 42 Lunt 61 Lushbaugh 15 Lushbough 15 Lusher 25 Lutchins 129 Lute 22 Lutnering 52 Lutt 105 Lutzering 52, 53 Lux 58 Lyberger 58 Lybolt 102 Lyman 61 Lynch 53, 100 Lynger 105 Lyon 11 Lyons 77 Lysinger 102, 103 Lytle 14 Maben 61 Macallister 93 Macauley 65 Macdonaugh 111 Mace 26 Machenry 47 Machotas 41 Mack 11, 22, 49, 95 Mackay 45, 119 Mackim 87 Maclean 42 Macmonagle 41 Macomber 50, 82 Nacree 119 Macy 3 Madden 77 Madison 2, 60, 66 85 Madsen 9, 65, 80 Magee 30 Magen 77 Magoon 96 Magowan 118 Mapel 54, 55 Mapel 22 Marble 26, 30, 74, 133 Marcells 1 March 12 Marchall 89 Marcus 131 Mares 57 Marholm 105 Marks 56 Marlam 14 Marleder 41 Marlott 15 Marquardt 3 Marquett 113 Marquette 111, 125 Marr 34, 87 Marrel 103 Marrell 103 Marriner 50 Marsden 64, 119 Marsh 63, 77, 100, 101 Marshal 14, 28 Marshall 17, 18, 51, 85, 95, 129 Martens 11, 46, 47 Martin, 1, 11, 15, 17, 29, 41, 42, 51, 67, 70, 82, 87, 101, 104 105, 106, 113, 115, 117 Martindale 89 Marvel 108 Marvin 40 Marwood 61 Masingale 17, 18 Mason, 8, 9, 10, 30, 41, 42, 82, 101, 115, 116, 117, 124 Massey 6 Masten 13, 72 Mastick 48 Matchett 91 Mathamer 102 Mather 11, 102, 103, Mayhew 86 Maynor 82 Mayo 56 McAhren 49 McCarty 7 McBeath 77 McBreath 78 McBride 12, 14, 99, 102, 107, 117, 131 McBroom 131 McCague 45, 95 McCall 28, 35 McCallmont 40 McCalmont 42 McCandlish 130 McCann 103 McCanon 112 McCarran 87 McCarthy 42, 61, 103 McCarty 95 McClanahan 117 McClane 35 McClanhan 132 McClay 113 McClean 18 cCleary 15 McClelland 56 McClintic 16, 17, 18, 19 McClintock 17, 95 McCollough 105 McComas 15 McConaughey 44 McConnell 25, 41, 102 131 McCool 56 McCormick 22, 60, 61, 65, 77, 86, 95 McCoy 28, 103, 131 McCracken 32, 111, 117 McCreary 5 McCrew 65 McCrory 102, 103 McCue 59 McGinnis 160 McGoff 64 McGowen 61 McGrau 43 McGreevy 42 McGrew 6, 63, 118 McGrniss 105 McGuire 56 McGurk 118 McHague 100 McIlravy 103 Mclninch 15 Mclntire 41 McIntosh 31, 102 McKay 59, 63, 66, 96, 101, 128, 129 McKeand 44 McKeann 50 McKenzie 22, 39, 95 McKern 44 McKevit 111 McKinney 40 McKivergan 77 McKnight 101 McLain 88 McLatchey 121 McLaughlin 15, 42, 84, 101 McLawry 12 McLean 66 McLeod 22, 96 McMaken 111 McMallun 41 McManigal 56 McMillian 118 McMohon 78 McMullen 44 McNunnin 48 McNall 11 McNamara 14, 40, 116 McNare 59, 60, 99 McNaught 2 McNeil 14, 87, 88 McNett 89 Maher 42 Maholm 106 Mahoney 95 Mahy 42 Main 6 Maitland 131 Malatchey 122 Malchow 120 Malcom 56 Malene 66 Malick 5, 47 Malikoff 115 Mallory 63 Malloy 41 Malone 37, 95 Maloney 96 Malzacher 64 Man 99 Manger 89 Mangess 41 Mann 129 Mansfield 78 Manwell 111 111 Mathewson 104 Mathias 91 Matsen 30 Matson 24 Matters 25, 118 Matteson 51 Matthews 27, 78, 85, 102 Matticks 102 Mattingly 5, 13 Mattson 93 Mauery 86 Maul 95 Maulding 100 Maurer 86 Maust 91 Maws 41 Maxfield 124, 125 Maxwell 17, 41, 85, 111, 117 Mayfield 68 McCullen 89 McCullock 45 McCullough 108 McCumer 1 McCune 73 McCure 89 McDaniel 44 McDarmed 129 McDonald 15, 28, 37, 74 78, 96, 97, 99, 117, 130 McDowell 5, 84 McElhinney 113 McFadden 47 McFall 77 McFarland 60 McFarlane 6, 8, 89 McFarling 50 McGauph 25 McGee 41, 60 McGimintie 2 McGinitie 60 Meinberg 95 Meiners 29, 86 Meinhardt 29 Meintz 44 Meixel 103 Mekling 70 Melick 14, 118 Melkus 6 Mellerr 97 Mellor 118, 119 Melott 57 Melsha 3 Melvin 82 Mendal 29 Mendelson 93 Menseen 74 Mensen 55 Mercer 44, 85, 87, 95 Mernde 14 Merril 47 Merrill 29, 116 Merriman 106 Merrymann 72 Meeten 30 Meservey 48 Metcaff 12 Metter 60 Netz 82 Metzer 23 Mewton 85 Meyer 3, 23, 24, 30, 31, 42, 66, 85, 95, 117, 128, 129 Meyers 85, 134 Michaels 63, 68 Michaelson 22 Mick 22 Mickel 118 Middaugh 87 Middleton 82, 134 Miens 68 Minkr 45 Minneear 129 Minnik, 102 Minshall 47, 89, 111 Minter 83 Minthorn 62 Mischke 24 Mitchell 6, 60, 62, 63 66, 68, 99 Mix 99 Mlaska 42 Mobray 93 Mockenhaupt 111, 129 Mofferd 96 Moffett 50 Moffitt 5 Moller 132 Monahan 82 146 Mouni 42 Mow 65 Mowery 61 Mowinkel 74 Mson 82 Muck 61, 101 Mueller 30 Muhm 65 Muir 7, 15 Mullen lii Mulligan 118 Mullins 101 Mulvhill 95 Mundell 37, 132 Mundt 87, 88 Mundt's 16 Munger 45 Munjer 1 Nessen 104 Nethercut 14 Netzer 70 Neuman 30, 53, 103 Neumann 129 Neumeister 129 Neunschwander 47 Neville 96 Newcom 50 Newcomb 46 Newel ill Newell 37, 75, 93 Newfield 10 Newhouser 103 Newman 64, 102, 103, 113, 130 Newton 27, 34, 41, 85 105, 106, 117 Moneliz 31 Monia 47 Moniutt 105 Monney 35 Monroe 11, 82 Montford 50 Montgomery 87, 100 Montgomery 12 Montray 29 Moon 61 Mooney 41 Moore 14, 22, 26, 34, 40, 44, 63, 70, 77, Munsinger 73 Munson 105, 106, 131 Mups 30 Murasky 128 Murphy 40, 41, 42, 44, 63, 65, 68, 70, 82, 84, 87, 95, 117, 129 Murray 41, 129 Murry 40 Murtey 118 Muse 86 Muth 105 Myers 51, 61, 70, 86 Nice 116 Nicho 66 Nicholas 66, 121 Nicholas 111 Nicholaus 43 Nichols 37, 86, 99, 102 Nicholson 48, 49 Nickel 10 Nickles 131 Nicolaus 1 Nidau 3 Niebe 94 Nielsen 41 86, 96, 105, 108, 111 Morach 96 Moran 11, 84 Mordgren 71 More 13, 14, 82 Moreland 56 Morely 31 Morgan 8, 13, 30, 56, 96, 118 Morganson 9 101, 108 Myra 70 Nielson 14, 104 Nighe 102 Nimmo 40 Nishurroh 42 Nissen 103 Nixon 15, 56, 78, 84 Noble 15, 16, 28, 19, 132 Noel 15 Nofft 132 Nachitigal 1, 10 Nagel 105 Naland 3 Nance 100 Nangle 105, 106 Napier 66 McNew 104 McNiel 134 McNiff 88 McPherson 15, 82, 118 McQueen 51 McVeigh 27 McVey 43 McWhirter 12 Meacham 3 Mead 3, 49, 89 Means 50, 117 Medberry 108 Meddough III Medearis 25 Meehan 13 Meeisinger 128 Meester 23 Megeath 45 Megginnis 31 Mehurn 86 Meier 23 Meils 52 Miginnie 31 Mignery 71 Mikelson 3 Mikkelson 2 Miles 13, 48, 119 Milks 59, 60 Mill 43 Millard 89 Miller, 8, 9, 12, 14, 22, 25, 29, 31, 34, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44, 63, 81, 82, 85 88, 89, 91, 96, 105 106, 111, 118, 128, 129, 134 Milliken 103 Million 132 Mills 6, 12, 17, 24, 25, 40, 95, 96, 118 Millspoughm 1 Milton 132 Mince 13 Miner 106 Minges 14 Minkler 63, 101 Moriarity 95 Moriarty 36 Morrill 5, 51, 67 Morris 19, 27, 29, 36, 64, 87, 88, 95, 102 Morrison 2, 3, 7, 42, 96 Morse 16, 17, 18, 19 62, 82 Nash 29, 60, 66, 77, 78, 97, 117 Natel 7 Natterstadt 131 Neadham 17 Neal 115 Neannder 103 Neble 117, 119 Nedrow 91 Noordoom 41 Nordgen 72 Nordgren 71 Nordnoes 45 Norris 86, 129 North 42, 56, 122 Northam 83 Northness 39 Northup 73 Morsells 65 Morten 29 Mortensen 29, Mortersen 42 Morton 16, 28, 116, 117 Mosely 50 Moses 78, 104 Mosher 102 Moshugr 131 Neely 105, 106 Neff 42, 87, 88 Neidhart 15, 22 Neighbor 89 Neiland 65 Neilsen 31 Neiswanger 84 Neligh 5 Nellis 100 Norton 41, 91, 100 Norval 51 Norwood 61 Nowak 113 Nowatny 133 Noyes 47, 86 Nutsell 10 Nutt 57 Moss 14, 104 Mossman 46 Mott 30 Mottaz 30 Motte 55 Motter 61 Moulton 85, 129 Nelson, 41, 42, 48, 50 61, 63, 65, 66, 80, 81 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 103, 104, 106, 116 Nepodal 131 Nerth 30 Nesbitt 26 O'Brien 8, 41, 42 O'Callaghan 22 O'Connor 78 O'Day 41, 65, 129 O'Donnell 84 O'Laughlin 27, 28 147 O'Leary 49 O'Mahra 41 O'Mara 2 O'Neal 41 O'Neill 31, 84, 99 Oak 3, 78 Obenchain 91 Oberg 70 Obernalte 129 Obernalter 111 Ochandar 80 Ocker 52 Ockinga 23, 24, 52 Odgen 3, 95 Oehlerking 129 Oellerich 91 Oelschlager 59 Oeschh 102 Oetting 88 Ogden 3, 101 Ohlstrom 128 Older 96 Olds 3 Olfson 66, 75, 131 Oliver 42, 62, 87, 103 Olmstead 2, 55 Olo 115 Olsen 75, 93, 95, 106 Olson 9, 10, 45, 49, 71, 105, 122 Oltmanns 52 Omaha 99 Omak 30 Omo 37, 74 Oneil 87 Owens 35 Owry 102 Ox 99 Packard 118 Padden 62 Page 12, 50, 82 Paige 116 Paine 95, 96 Palmer 60, 62, 63, 64 65, 66, 67, 100, 101 105, 106, 113 Palmquest 14 Palms 105 Paneitz 9 Pankarty 10 Pankonin 129 Pankratz 43 Parish 17, 132 Park 118 Parker 14, 30, 39, 61 66, 68, 70, 77, 101 129, 130, 132 Parks 86, 87, 100 Parmenter 89 Parmer 72 Parmeter 79 Parr 43, 102, 104 Parrish 83 Parsons 23, 24, 77, 108, 117 Patett 40 Patras 64 Patrick 13, 104, 117, 118 Pegram 68 Pelkey 45 Pella 68 Pemberton 65 Pemell 12 Pence 2 Pendry 113 Penner 11, 43 Pennington 8, 86 Penny 14 Penrock 14 Penticost 67 Penton 110, 111 Perelson 29 Perew 108 Perkins 12, 27, 132 Perrett 115 Perrine 65 Perry 29, 40, 45, 47, 50, 63, 87, 95, 106 118, 130 Person 14 Peters 23, 24, 40, 42, 45, 52, 87, 89, 93, 108, 129, 130, 131 Petersen 79, 95, 131 Peterson 6, 9, 10, 31, 44, 45, 62, 65, 84, 87 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106 Petervusky 4 Petsol 131 Pettibone 56 Petty 41, 86 Peycke 95 Pfaff 1 Pillard 9 Pillsbury 34 Pirrucello 131 Pisen 60 Pistalka 1 Pitcher 100 Pittrnan 129 Placke 23 Plantz 62 Platz 22 Plott 91 Plumbtree 18 Plumer 95 Plwnmer 115 Plunket 50 Plunnket 50 Pohl 68 Pokorny 1 Poling 3 Pollack 63, 66, 99 Pollard 10, 43, 82, 129 Pollick 63, 66 Pollock 63, 101 Polony 1 Pomeroy 61 Pond 105 Poole 87 Poppen 71, 72 Popple 3 Porter 14, 15, 47, 118, 121 Portiss 77 Posers 63 Post 23, 63 Potter 27, 44, 49, 77 78, 116, 118 Powell 26, 40, 42, 84 Ong 12 Onstott 27 Opdenwinkle 70 Oppelland 52 Oppellt 80 Ora 41 Orcutt 117 Organ 86 Ormsby 14, 97, 131 Orndorf 70 Orourke 104 Orr 56, 79, 84 99, 111 Orrs 79 Ortman 93 Osborn 36, 48, 89, 113 Osborne 108 Osborns 96 Oschsner 43 Osmon 13 Osterman 130 Ostmeyer 84 Ostrander 14, 18, 118 Ostrem 42 Otradovsky 22 Ott 2, 29, 36, 43 Otteman 81 Ottewell 42 Otto 9 Owen 3, 108 Patterson 6, 44, 51, 104, 106, 116, 117, 134 Pattersons 53 Patton 22, 85, 117 Paul 91, 95, 119 Paulk 36 Paullins 101 Paulson 65 Pautsch 130 Paxton 44, 93 Payne 25 Peabody 36 Peacock 48 Pearce 50 Pearch 29 Pearson 85, 104 Pease 96 Peasley 37 Peavy 27 Pecant 77 Pecaut 77 Peck 89, 118 Pecka 22 Pedersen 81, 82 Pederson 70, 103 Peek 68 Peere 41 Peetzke 9 Pfeifer 134 Pfeil 106 Pfiel 105 Pfiffer 105 Pfost 103 Phelpa 11 Phelps 70, 87, 102 Philips 31, 72, 133 Phillips 1, 26, 45, 61 70, 72, 82, 101, 103 104, 113 Philpott 113 Phinney 87, 113 Phippin 25 Phipps 11 Pholino 93 Pickens 118 Pickering 3, 59 Picking 74 Pickiris 27 Pierce 25, 26, 28, 67, 77; 100, 117 Pierson 12, 103 Pietan 62 Pike 47 Pile 18 Pilgram 77, 82, 84 Pilgrim 41 Pilgrims 79 Powers 10, 42, 49, 84 Poynter 22 Prall 56 Pratt 12, 13, 25 Preacher 99 Prescott 97 Presson 127 Pressy 82 Preston 78, 102, 105 Pretty 42 Preyer 14 Price 49, 61, 87, 116 Priebe 23, 52, 53 Priest 80, 98, 99 Priest1y 82 Prindle 60 Pritchett 108, 118 Proctor 13, 14 Prokes 22 Prophet 97 Prosser 100 Protetch 41 Proud 4 Provancha83 Provost 30, 31 Prowett 108 Prudden 86 Prudy 4 Pulcifier 133 148 Puncelli 128 Purdue 40 Purdy 40 Purinton 88 Pursley 45 Putcamp 118 Putman 26, 62, 70, 77 Putney 27 Qualset 71 Quick 108 Quigley 100 Quionton 129 Quiring 10, 43 Rabbe 24, 53 Rabel 94 Rachow 92 Racine 110 Radcliffe 117 Rae 70 Ragan 56, 87, 88 Rainbolt 117 Rainey 96, 118 Rambo 3 Rampel 43 Ramsey 24 Ramseyer 74 Randall 44, 64, 70, 82, 89, 111 Randolph 78, 108 Rankiri 36, 75 Reed 48, 103, 105, 106, 131 Reeder 41 Rees 56 Reese 67, 117, 131 Regan 104, 105 Regelien 9 Riessen 44 Riha 2 Riker 43 Riley 6, 110 Ringer 18 Ringwalt 116, 118 Riordan 50 Rose 3, 16, 19, 47, 129, 130 Rosell 41 Rosemeier 70 Rosendahl 52 Rosenow 130 Rosenstock 95 Reger 72 Regier 10, 43 Regiers 11 Rehter 29 Reich 111 Reichart 30 Reichel 3 Reichenbach 70 Reicks 71 Reid 17, 18, 42, 108 Reighard 25 Reigier 10 Reilly 51 Reinert 68 Reinke 128 Reinochl 3 Reints 55 Reitz 14 Reizensten 30 Remgan 118 Remington 63 Remter 2, 3, Remy 87, 88 Renehan 42 Reniff 61, 62, 65 Renik 116 Rippley 50 Risinger 106 Risley 42 Riss 14 Risse 96 Ritchie 121 Ritter 5, 95 Rittinger 47 Ritzenhoff 30 River 31 Roach 110 Roark 63 Robb 48, 89, 117 Robbins 44, 87, 88 Robergs 63 Robertsten 31 Roberts 2, 26, 28, 56, 63, 64, 78, 89, 104, 105, 111, 117, Robertson 14, 17, 70, 96, 131, 133 Robine 111 Robins 24 Robinson 3, 12, 40, 82 96, 103, 111, 131, 133 Rosette 128 Ross 44, 96, 103 Roth 2 Rothenberger 3 Rothenbeuger 27 Rothfuss 23, 24, 52, 53 Rothleutner 94 Rothrock 92 Rough 129 Rouleaux 77 Round 66 Rouunds 48 Roundy 104 Rouse 61, 118 Rousnow 106 Rowe 44, 86, 87 Rowell 31 Rowland 17, 25, 129 Royalty 1 Royce 117 Royers 104 Roys 41 Rozanek 4 Roxell 49 Ruble 105 Ruby 130 Rankins 63 Rantzer 30 Rasley 25 Rasmussen 2, 65, 80, 81 82 Ratcliff 87 Rath 43 Rathbun 77 Rathurn 78 Rathmeyer 10 Rau 9 Rausls 27 Rautenberg 104 Rauth 130 Rautzer 30 Rawhouuser 106 Rawlings 35, 109 Ray 130, 131 Rayment 98 Raymond 87 Rayner 22, 65 Read 3, 8 Ream 77, 78 Reardon 24, 102 Reaser 44, 46 Reasland 92 Reberts 42 Reckmyer 130 Rector 44, 46, 50 Redding 40 Redfield 25 Redgwick 131 Redman 128 Reed 26, 41, 43, 47, Renner 3, 71 Renschler 55 Ressigieu 82 Reter 29 Roche 93, 118 Rockwell 54, 55, 82, 84, 130 Rocoer 30 Rudd 29 Rudiger 96 Ruhge 129 Rumbaugh 59 Reuter 130 Revinius 117 Rex 115 Reynolds 2,4, 15, 42, 43, 67, 70, 86, 87 Rheem 117 Rhoades 7 Rhode 9 Rhodes 1, 16 Rice 14, 40, 99, 102, 108, 117, 121 Rich 47 Richards 9, 29, 41, 44, 74, 104, 106, 109 Richardsen 30 Richardsm 10 Richardson 3, 17, 25, 26, 40, 50, 51, 86 105, 106, 118 Richerhp 29 Richfield 18 Richmond 17, 87, 88 Richter 7, 30 Rickerss 29 Ricketts 13 Ridenour 3 Ridge 7 Ridgeway 115 Riecker 44 Rieley 41 Rodda 93 Rodgen 85 Rodr 4 Roe 41, 62, 117 Roeder 95 Roemmick 43 Roether 3 Rogers 1, 14, 15, 18, 22, 30, 34, 47, 49, 82, 87, 99, 102, 118 125, 127 Rogge 25 Roguish 82 Rohig 40 Rohn 40 Rohrbaugh 118 Rohrdanz 130 Rohrer 75 Roland 128 Rolland 7, 9, 34 Rollier 92 Rollo 43 Rolph 60 Romack 102 Roman 102 Ronleaux 77 Romne 74, 132, 134 Roost 79 Root 65 Rork 134 Rummery 97 Rumsey 3, 101, 118 Runbold 93 Runels 27, 30 Runyan 68 Runyon 53 Rupp 103 Rush 11, 12, 65, 77, 105 Rushford 40 Rushton 88 Russell 8, 10, 25, 29, 31 44, 66, 84 Russman 105, 106 Rust 14 Rutherford 44 Rutledge 87, 88 Rutlin 44 Ruzicha 41 Ryan 8, 40, 41, 42, 65 78, 96 Ruder 14, 79 Rylander 131 Ryner 25 149 Saarem 45 Saathoff 23 Sabby 30 Sacht 3 Sacket 17, 18 Sackett 16, 66, 85 Sage 22 Sagehorn 9 Sageoberg 66 Sahm 111 Sailors 59 Sales 29 Salisbur 121 Salladin 119 Salmon 44 Saltsgiver 82 Saltzmann 92 Sammons 104 Samons 104 Sampson 25 Satnuels 77 Samuelson 56, 89 Sanaskrewer 42 Sanborn 78 Sandahi 105 Sanders 41, 51, 60, 61, 62 Schlitt 19 Schmid 42 Schmidt 1, 22, 23, 24 40, 41, 52, 67' Schmidtke 42 Schmitt 40, 67 Schmyahel 42 Schnall 9 Schoemaker 85 Schoemann 130 Schoening 93 Schofield 30, 106 Scholl 2 Schomaker 129 Schoolher 45 Schoomnaker 124 Schrader 10, 22, 43 Schraeder 3 Schramm 41 Schrepel 27 Schriever 84 Schrimk 40 Schroder 6 Schroeder 50, 52, 59 104 Schuber 41 Schuckman 45 Sells 30 Semberg 89 Semnine 59 Senff 9 Serr 2 Serry 86 Servis 113 Sevanson 105 Sever 86 Severin 87 Severyn 22 Sewall 56 Seymour 119 Shabrum 62, 63 Shackelford 115 Shadded 30 Shadonix 42 Shadouix 40 Shaefer 89 Shafer 28, 34, 111 Shaffer 59, 60, 101 Shald 97 Shallenberger 56 Shamp Ill Shane 82 Shanihan 40 Shanks 35, 83 Shipman 130 Shirts 133 Shnell 31 Shock 102 Shoemaker 40 Shonka 22 Shooks 79 Shores 87, 88 Short 78 Shorten 105 Shorty 99 Shott 3 Showalter 56 Shrader 40 Shricker 88 Shriner 12 Shufelt 104 Shull 109 Shultz 96 Shunn 1, 45 Shurtleys 79 Sibberns 104 Sidenstricker 111 Sidwell 56 Siedentoff 29 Siefkin 106 Siegfried 115 Sanderson 72 Sanford 62, 117 Sannate 98 Sanquist 72 Sap 99 Sapp 25 Sarles 1, 2 Sarnica 41 Sassen 105, 106 Satre 45 Sauer 72 Saunders 96, 113 Sautter 85 Savage 42 Saville 77 Sawyer 7 Saylor 44, 92 Scace 106 Schaechterle 109 Schaeffer 96 Schafer 71, 73 Schaffert 10 Schall 9 Schan 105 Scheer 45 Scheinost 4 Scheld 82 Schemel 86 Schertz 102 Schick 59 Schieck 74 Schlefelbein 9, 36, 74, 102, 133, 134 Schiller 41 Schlachter 23 Schiegal 103 Schleigel ill Schliefert 130 Schlieske 9 Schufeldt 86 Schulke 8 Schulte 72 Schultz 1, 23, 56 Schulz 52, 94 Schumacher 64 Schumann 25 Schurtz 102 Schventgen 29 Schwab 130 Schwartz 2, 16 Schwede 31 Schweiz 29 Scirven 1 Scofield 40, 104 Scotland 25 Scott 8, 12, 47, 53 56, 65, 104, 105, 106, 113, 117, 133 Seal 105 Searle 22 Sears 47, 103, 104, 105, 109 Seater 41 Seaton 12, 62, 99 Seaver 25 Sebille 101 Sechler 106' Sedlacek 3 Seeh 130 Seehler 105 43 Sefcik 4 Seier 71 Seifken 105 Selander 131 Selden 30 Sellars 62 Sellers 35, 117 Sellon 105 Shannon 28 Sharman 18, 19 Sharp 12,43, 95, 101 103, 116 Sharpe 96 Sharrett 25, 67 Shattuck 3 Shaul 45 Shaulis 7 Shavlik 4 Shaw 26, 42, 62, 106 128 Shears 117 Shedd 45 Sheden 51' Sheets 42, 100 Sheffer 100 Sheffield 7 Sheldon 56, 92, 129 Shellhart 65 Shellhorn 27 Shenefelt 70 Shepard 12, 101 Shepardson 118 Shephard 14 Shepher 14 Sheppard 14, 47 Sher 93 Sherbondy 92 Sherer 1 Sherman 11, 40, 68, 78 102, 105, 106 Shernn 45 Sherry 99 Shewalter 56 Shields 30, 131 Shilling 85 Shinn 126 Shipley 90 Siekman 103, 104 Siering 6 Sigler 13 Silers 62 Silver 85 Simeral 95 Simmering 52 Simmons 5, 22, 105 Simonds 14 Simonek 74, 133 Simons 72 Simonsen 88 Impson 26, 48, 127 Sims 6, 41, 113 Sinclair 2, 3 Singer 43 Sipple 54 Sissel 92 Sisson 34, 48 Sitera 4 Sixta 22 Skeels 7 Skelton 89 Skiles 6 Skinner 35, 48, 92, 101 Skirvin 48 Skovam 4 Skow 45, 84 Skuw 104 Slaffelin 14 Slagel 64 Slama 4 Slater 106 Slawson 96 Slingbaum 121 Slocum 29 Slosson 16, 17 Small 29, 51 Smatlan 22 150 Smead 104 Smersh 95 Smethers 22 Smidt 24 Smieh 78 SmIley 100 Smith 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 15 22, 25, 26, 29, 30, 34, 40, 42, 43, 44, 47 49, 50, 55, 56, 64, 70 71, 74, 77, 78, 79, 89, 95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104 109, 111, 117, 118 130, 131 Smittiens 66 Smulz 28 Smyth 74 Snavely 92 Snell 7, 47, 132 Snider 3, 6, 63 Snively 7, 70 Snockey 45 Snow 99, 128 Spickeman 111 Spidle 22, 42 Spiers 111 Spies 133 Spillman 125, 126 Splinter 10, 11 Spohn 88 Spracher 5 Spracklin 48 Sprague 51, 103 Sprecher 22 Sprick 131 Springer 84 Sprinkle 15 Spurgin 12 Squier 51 Squires 95 Srack 45 Sroufe 56 Sshley 77 Staasle 71 Stableton 97 Stadeleman 111 Stading 84 Stepan 4 Stephens 30, 31, 56, 105 118 Stephenson 44, 87 Sterling 42 Stetesh 29 Stettner 10 Stevens 31, 45, 101, 116 Stevenson 42, 103 Stewart 3, 13, 22, 27, 30, 41, 47, 52, 60, 61 70, 96, 118 Steyer 92 Sticks, 72 Stickney 15 Stiles 105 Stiliman 65 Stilmock 41 Stirnpert 23, 24 Stiner 105 Stiteck 29 Stivers 16 Stockensbury 44 Stockham 43 Stromer 23, 24, 53 Strong 87, 94 Stroud 3S, 98. 128 Struart 42 Struble 7 Strueokubg 10 Strutz 30 Stubbins 100, 101 Stubbs 41, 87 Stuckenholtz 56 Stuff 63 Stull 95 Stumbo 2 Stumf 4 Stunkard 26 Sturdevant 37, 70 Sturgis 62 Stutroth 132 Stutzman 92 Sucha 22 Suchy 42 Suddaby 64 Suddaly 61 Suerfel 30 Snyder 2, 6, 14, 40, 50, 67, 99, 105, 115 Snyders 79 Soal 99 Sobotaka 4 Socal 128 Soderberg 73 Sodomka 45 Solomon 44 Solvens 133 Sommerlad 113 14, 15, 22, 35, Sones 36, 78, 84, 93. 113 130, 131 Sonneberg 41 Sonthworth 72 Sopcik 40 Soper 27 Soregsberry 41 Sorensen 2, 81 Sorenson 68 Soukup 4 Soule 12 Sounensheim 30 Southwel 16, 17 Southwell 59, 113 Soverign 99, 102 Spafford 104 Spahn 97 Spalding 42 Spalinger 40 Spargo 118 Sparks 37, 49 Spear 121 Spearr 121 Speldon 1 Spellman 113 Spencer 117 Sperling 43 Sperry 129 Spethman 96 Spetman 29 Spetsein 40 Stahl 95 Stahlecker 3 Stahley 74 Staley 48, 50 Stallard 93 Stallman 71 Stambaugh 105 Stamer 23, 53 Standeford 132 Stander 130 Standing 79 Standish 117 Stanek 4 Stankovski 42 Stansberry 86 Stansbie 115 Stanton 6, 25, 61, 70 100 Stapp 128 Starbuck 62 Stark 44, 56 Starkey 109 Starr 42, 43 Stas 3 States 45 Steadman 11, 18 Stearns 11 Steel 60 Steele 10, 104, 105, 106 Steels 67 Stefan Steffes 79 Stefka 4 Steider 92 Steiger 47 Steinkamp 130 Steinkuhier 67 Steinman 56 Steinmerg 41 Steinson Stelle 10 Stenson 2, 29' Stocking 5, 93 Stoddard 121 Stohlmann 130 Stolfe 30 Stolp 101 Stoltenberg 3, 26 Stone 6, 7, 22, 29 Stonebaugh 29 Stoner 44 Stork 131 Storz 117, 118 Stott 113 Stotts 8 Stottsman 68 Stout 3 Stouter 109 Stowitts 118 Strader 85 Stradley 37 Strahn 104, 105 Straly 25 Stramberg 2 Strand 11, 43 Stranik Stransky 133 Stratton 41, 45 Straub 129 Strauss 103 Strawre 102 Street 98, 113 Streeter 41, 72, 102, 103, 104 Strehlow 9 Streitz 119 Strickland 68, 130 Striepling 9- 10 Stringer 105, 106 Stringfield 126 Strode 43 Stroemer 52 Strohn 9 Strom 72 Sufford 89 Suhr 111 Sullivan 14, 28, 41, 42 Sumfend 30 Summers 42, 50 Summerville 133 Sumner 22 Sunbury 6 Sundahi 106 Sunder 41 Surber 105, 153 Surface 28 Surpliss 89 Sutherland 40, 56 Sutton 28, 51, 85, 100 128 Svoboda 4, 22 Swam 24 Swanbeck 14 Swaney 14 Swansen 29 Swanson 29, 72, 103, 104, 105, 106 Swartwood 17, 18 Swatman 49 Swearingen 43, 44 Swedberg 9, 102 Sweeney 83, 115 Sweet 14, 16, 19, 45 Swett 19, 101 Swetzenberg 118 Swiggart 115 Swinensheim 30 Switzer 64, 66, 129 Sydenhatn 5 Synstredt 14 Syring 24 Sysel 4 Taber 130 Tackett 100 Taft 97 151 Talbot 119 Tank 14 Tanner 89 Tarpening 2 Taska 42 Tattan 42 Taub 89 Tayler 3, 26 Taylor 11, 37, 39, 41 56, 60, 61, 66, 77 83, 100, 102, 105 106, 118 Tdrouttnan 61 Teasdale 47 Teed 27 Teegarden 96 Tefft 129 Tegan 30 Tellton 14 Temple 39, 118 Tillson 104, 105 Timmerman 117 Timmons 104 Tingley 113 Tipton 15, 36, 75 Tisdale 89 Tishue 47, 117 Titman 44 Titus 92 Tizell 57 Tjaden 24, 52 Tlustos 4 Todd 43, 61, 62, 64 111, 119 Toews 10, 11, 43 Toff 103 Toland 44, 117 Tontersen 30 Toof 102 Torrence 63 Turnbull 128 Turner 27, 28, 46, 47 101, 118, 122, 128 Turpin 16, 17 Tutt 111 Tuttle 44, 96 Twing 71 Twins 99 Twohig 78, 84 Tyler 37, 102 Tyndale 97 Tyrrell 95 Tyson 5 Uehling 130 Ulmer 93 Ulrich 104 Underland 42 Unruh 10 Untereimer 97 Vet 80 Vettie 129 Viall 130 Vicking 89 Vickroy 74 Victor 128 Viguie 128 Vincent 22, 106 Vine 30 Vinsonhaler 119 Virden 77 Virgin 87, 88 Vitamvas 4 Viack 86 Vlock 86 Voegler 130 Voglatance 22 Vogt 3, 9 Vollmar 96 Von Housen 9 Templeton 50 Terrill 104 Terwilliger 56, 96 Tesar 4 Teter 92 Teters 113 Thallimer 27 Thayer 46, 100 Theesen 23, 24, 53 Theike 63 Theys 55 Thiele 30 Thieman 71 Thiessen 100 Thoinann 28 Thomas 6, 10, 16, 18 19, 45, 48, 49, 59 61, 70, 73, 77, 85 86, 100, 117, 118 Thome 40 Thompson 3, 5, 19, 29, 39, 41, 43, 45, 63 66, 68, 71, 75, 99 100, 105, 106, 131 Thompsons 79 Thomsen 101 Thorn 84 Thorton 49, 66 Thorp 15, 101, 104 Thorpe 15, 117 Thorsen 96 Thorton 41 Thouvenel ill Thralls 30 Thrift 96 Throop 11 Thummel 118, 119 Thunder 99 Thurmal 41 Thurow 113 Thygeson 87 Tibbetts 109 Tice 86 Tiffey 78 Tigges 96 Tighe 130 Tilden 116 Tousgaard 65, 101 Towel 56 Towels 14 Towle 117, 119 Towner 124 Townley 113 Townsend 22, 34, 56, 116 Townsley 44 Towslee 17, 51 Trachta 22 Trapple 94 Traudt 43 Trautman 1, 2 Traver 97 Travis 56, 97, 96 103, 120 Trayler 95 Treat 130 Trecy 77, 78 Treller 106 Tremain 121 Triedman 30 Trimer 63 Trobough 40 Troester 10, 11, 102 Troth 36, 42 Trout 45 Trowbridge 3, 60, 62 121 Troxel 118 Troy 15 Troyer 92, 102 Trueman 128 Truman 117 Trummer 93 Trunbull 30 Trussell 13 Tuambleys 79 Tucker 43, 68, 96 113 Tuepker 103 Tuft 89 Tuma 5 Tunison 103, 104 Turman 128 Turnball 40 Unthank 62 Updike 44 Uplinger 7 Upton 41, 119 Urbanovsky 4 Usher 75, 112, 134 Vaccaro 131 Vagner 93 Valek 4 Valentin 23, 52, 53 84, 102 Valentine 55 Valla 2 Vallery 111 Van Boeman 55 Van Boening 55 Van Buskirk 117 Van Cleve 37 Van Derbiken 40 Van Dusen 119 Van Epps 50 Van Horn 102 Van Kuren 70 Van Ostrand 60, 61, 101 Van Velzer 102 Van Wickle 44 Wanatta 111 Vanboening 23, 24 Vancamp 22 Vandeberg 83 Vandergrift 12 Vanderhalf 18, 19 Vandizen 14 Vanetta 14 Vanhousen 22 Vanlengan 23, 52 Vanmatre 43 Vanskike 86 Vanvlett 122 Vanvormer 44 Varin 42 Vaughn 45, 96 Veach 56 Veatch 42 Vedicka 40 Vendt 17 Vonasek 4 Vonderheid 71 Vonnordheim 23 Voris 9, 104 Vorovka 4 Vosburg 43 Voss 90, 117 Vrbanec 5 Vrooman 100 Vrzak 22 Wabs 3 Wackland 30 Waddell 27, 104 Waddle 104 Wade 2, 3, 94 Wadsworth 63, 66, 104 Waechter 44 Wagar 92 Wages 109 Waggoner 117, 129 Wagner 1, 9, 14, 22, 44 68, 72, 107 Wahlstr-m 133, 134 Wait 106 Waite 128 Waitzmann 40 Wakefield 1 Wakely 8, 117 Wakers 65 Walers 40 Wales 119 Walker 10, 14, 26, 31, 32, 42, 50, 56, 99, 102 119, 120 Wall 10, 31, 78, 117 Wallace 40, 113 Wallberry 41 Wallick 85 Walling 14 Wallinger 111 Walrath 101 Walroth 101 Walsh 11, 40, 41995, 102 Walt 31 Walter 40, 105 Walters 14, 25, 41, 85 92, 96, 104 152 Waither 74 Waltz 54 Wane 89 Wanser 95 Wantz 87 Warberton 86 Ward 14, 54, 102, 130 Warden 27, 133 Ware 89, 117 Wareen 27 Warmer 14 Warneke 103 Warner 11, 14, 51, 44 68, 77, 78, 86, 103 Wenrick 37 Wentworth 100 Werdell 30 Wernt 14 Werstier 25 Werth 9 Wessman 97, 99 West 3, 12, 14, 24, 134 Westcott 77, 83 Westenhaver 10 Wester 83 Westerfield 56 Westerman 53 Westermann 23 Wilcutt 11 Wild 43, 44 Wilder 89 Wildon 63 Wiles 130 Wiley 36, 40, 96 Wilhellm 118 Wilhelmsen 33 Wilhoit 83 Wilke 74, 79 Wilkening 131 Wilkens 105 Wilkensen 29 Wilkerson 1 WIlkie 29, 42 Wold 103 Wolf 40, 59, 98, 99, 103 Wolfe 63, 87 Wolff 88 Wolford 11 Wolken 67 Wollen 54 Wolph 129 Wolvin 85, 88 Womber 42 Wonder 45 Wood 2, 5, 12, 15, 65 78, 88, 89, 96, 99, 101, 102, 132 106 Warnhoff 95 Warnke 70 Warnkee 70 Warren 62, 102 Washburn 34, 45, 64 111 Wassen 29 Wasterman 11.1 Waterhouse 65 Waterman 100, 111 Waters 28, 84 Watkins 117 Watland 71 Wats 42 Watson 60, 97, 132 Watters 51 Wattier 133 Wattles 118 Watts 77, 78 Way 92, 119 Waybright 111 Wayman 111 Weaver 30, 111 Webb 105, 113, 128 Webber 22, 118 Weber 72, 94 Webster 11, 84, 85, 113 Weckbach 111 Weed 45 Weeks 109 Wegner 85 Weidener 30 Wein 2 Weinz 43 Weir 62 WeirIch 94 Weiss 43 Weisser 3 Welbaum 105, 106 Welch 30, 43, 45 105, 117 Weller 118 Welling 9 Wellington 83 Wells 5, 7, 22, 53, 59, 96, 113 Welna 93 Welsh 100 Welton 14 Wendt 130 Westervelt 5 WEstfall 15 Westlake 129 Westland 1 Westmore 36, 37, 67, 74, 132, 134 Westveer 22 Wetterland 48 Wetzel 46 Wetzler 2, 41 Weyer 35 Weygint 62 Weymer 24 Whalen 40, 85 Whedon 113 Wheeldon 96 Wheeler 47, 56, 66, 70, 117 Whipple 11, 41, 70, 121 Whitam 3 Whitbeck 93 White 7,30, 39, 42, 44 87, 98, 99, 109, 116 118 Whitehorn 77 Whiteside 44 Whitney 41, 45 Whittaker 3 WhIttemore 49 Whitten 30 Whitter 130 Whittiam 117 Whittier 130 Whittman 118 Whyte 15 Wicks 43 Widaman 109' Wieck 121 Wiengard 103 WIens 10 Wierlch 94 Wies 71 Wiggenhorn 117 Wigie 97 Wigle 77, 78 Wilbeling 96 Wilbourn 47 Wilbur 78, 82, 83 Wilckens 9 Wilcock 43 Wilcox 41, 113 Wilkiney 130 Wilkins 10, 11, 41, 61 62, 84, 86 Wilkinson 25, 77, 78 Willen 2 Willeninspahr 59 William 28, 45 Williams 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 14, 22, 26, 27, 29, 40 41, 42, 56, 63, 67, 83 85, 87, 96, 98, 100, 105, 111, 119, 130, 131 Williamson 40, 56, 78, 103 Williman 118 Willing 118 Willis 77 WilIms 23, 52, 53 Willse 49 Wilson, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12 14, 15, 28, 30, 41, 44 45, 62, 63, 64, 66, 70 73, 80, 87, 95, 96, 100 101, 102, 103, 115, 117 121 Wilton 70 Wimmer 105 Winchester 97 Wind 9, 98 Winder 64, 100 Wineteer 89 Wing 61, 99 Wlnkler 101 WInn 29, 113 Winslow 14, 92 Winter 103 Winters19, 25 Wirth 4 Wise 1, 6, 28, 102 111 Wiseman 44, 129 Withrow 97 Witt 72 Wittges 93 Wittington 40 Wize 59, 60 Wlashing 72 Wohl 109 Wolbach 32 Wolcott 34 153 Young, 13, 24, 25, 42, 49, 66, 77, 100, 113, 117, 119 Youngman 18 Youngs 56 Youngseen 95 Youst 10 Zabel 53 Zack 133 Zakozyk 41 Zehner 89 Zehr 93, 102 Zeitner 2 Woodard 97 Woodford 82 Woodrow 105 Woods 2, 22, 28, 31, 44 51, 74, 77, 78, 83, 132 Woodson 111 Woodward 14 Woodworth 60, 63, 88, 101 Wooley 96 Woolf 1 Woolfender 117 Woolham 61 Woolsey 9 Wooster 51 Wopata 4 Worden 70, 73, 100 Workman 6, 7, 8, 56 Worline 95 Worman 129 Wornstaff 26' Worth 12 Worthington 44, 103, 119 Wossem 41 Wregrefe 50 Wriges 72 Wright 1, 11, 12, 28, 36, 40, 41, 45, 64, 66, 70, 71, 96, 99 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 11, 115, 151 Wulf 100 Wunder 24 Wyatt 15 Xavier 71 Yarno 89 Yarrington 109' Yates 36, 116, 117 Yeatman 24 Yoeman 17, 19 Yetter 24 Yiells 118 Yocum 2, 104, 134 Yoder 92 Yoho 88 York 18 Youman 51 Ziegler 35, 47, 86 Zierott 9 Zimmerer 42 Zimmering 52 Zimmerle 43 Zimmerman 2 Zitner 1 Zortman 43 Zoubek 5 Zrust 4 Zubrick 95 Zumro 8 Zumwinkel 87 Zwingman 71 AREA REPRESENTATIVES AND ALTERNATES AREA 1. Mrs. Gerald (Sharolyn) Robbing, 704 S. Maple, Kimball, NE 69145 Banner, Box Butte, Cheyenne, Dawes, Deuel, Garden, Kimball, Morrill, Scotta Bluff, Sheridan and Sioux Counties 2. Mrs. Ruth Harms, Kennedy Rd., Valentine, NE 69201 Mrs. Bessie Bradley (Alternate) Box 336, Mullen, NE 69152 Cherry, Grant, Hooker and Thomas Counties 3. Mrs. V. Marvel Bearg, 241 E. 2nd St., Ainaworth, He 69210 Blame, Brown, Keys Paha, Loup and Rock Counties 4. Mrs. Lois Schaffer, Box 587, O'Neill, NE 68763 Mrs. Marian Tennis (Alternate) 415 N. 5th St., O'Neill, NE 68763 Boyd, Garfield, Bolt and Wheeler Counties 5. Mrs. Joyce Borgelt, 408 N. 5th St., Battle Creek, NE 68715 Mrs. Zatha Fletcher, Box 267, Orchard, NE 68764 (Alternate) Antelope, Cedar, Knox, Madison and Pierce Counties 6. Mrs. Maxine Sandquist, Box 249, Lyons, NE 68038 Mrs. Velma Cooper, Rt. 1, Decatur, NE 68020 (Alternate) Burt, Cuming, Dakota, Dixon, Stanton, Thurston and Wayne Counties 7. Mr. James Adams, 1409 West C. St. North Platte, NE 69101 Mrs. Carol Somerhalder, Rt 4, Box 26, North Platte, NE 69101 (Alternate) Arthur, Keith, Lincoln, Logan, McPherson and Perkins Counties 8. Mrs. Dorotha Anderson, 514 E. 8th St., Cozad, NE 69130 Mrs. Betty Collicott, Box 253, Cozad, NE 69130 (Alternate) Buffalo, Custer, Dawson, Sherman and alley Counties 9. Miss Patricia Wagner, 522, H St. Apt. 4, Central City, NE 68826 Mrs. Alberta McBride, Rt 1, Box 7, Belgrade, NE 68623 (Alternate) Mrs. Aileen Rawlings, 324 Kelly St., St. Paul, NE 68873 (Alternate) Boone, Greeley, Hall, Hamilton, Howard, Merrick and Nance Counties 10. Mr. Gene Bang, 4011 N. Somers, Rt. 1, Fxemont, He 68025 Coif ax, Dodge, Platte, Saunders, and Washington Counties 11. Mr. Allen Drippa, 7000 Y St., Lincoln, He 68505 Mrs. Ruth Anna Hicks, 6703 Holdrege St. Lincoln, He 68505 (Alternate) Butler, Lancaster, Polk, Seward and York 12. Mr. Benjamin Wall, 1314 S. 80th St., Omaha, 68124 Mrs. Cindy Drake, RFD 1, Box 23, Avoca, He 68307 (Alternate) Cass, Douglas, Otoe and Sarpy Counties 13. Mr. Ralph Miller, Box 6, McCook, He 69001 Mrs. Virena Creasnian, 8 Parkview Addition, McCook, He 69001 (Alternate) Chase, Dundy, Frontie, Furnas, Gosper, Hayes, Hitchcock and Red Willow Counties 14. Mrs. Catherine Renschler, Box 8, Juniata, NE 68955 Mr. Ray Billesbach, 925 N. Hewett Ave., Hastings, HE 68901 (Alternate) Adams, Clay, Fillmore, Franklin, Harlan, Kearney, Nucholla, Phelps, Thayer, Webster Cola 15. Mrs. Gloria Smether, 1834 Summit St., Beatrice, He 68310 Mr. Dennis Winkle, Box 911, Beatrice, He 68310 (Alternate) 0. Gage, Jefferson, Johnson, Nemaha, Pawnee, Richardson, and Saline Counties Mr. Raymond A. Billesbach, 925 N. Bewett Ave. Hastings, He 68901 All out of state members Tax Exempt Gifts: The Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the Society is a Tax-exempt Educational and Scientific Organization within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. Consequently donations of funds and library books and other property made to the Society are deductible contributions for purposes of Federal Income Tax returns.