Modern Database Management, 4th Ed. (Hoffer, Prescott & Topi)

Page references with w represent Web pages; those in bold represent definitions; those in italics
represent figures and tables.
Aborted transaction, 590
Abstract class, w15-16
Abstract operation, w15-19
Accessor method, w16-5
Action, 181
Action assertion, 179–180
Action-oriented or active (@ctive) data warehousing, 472, 472–474, 473
ActiveX, 440
After image, 585
Aggregation, w15-21–22, 546
Agile software development, 51
Agosta, L., 543
Alerts, 5
Alias, 237
Ambler, S., w16-3, w16-18
Anchor object, 181
Anderson, D., 574, 577
Anderson-Lehman, R., 4, 5
Anomaly, 211
Apache Web Server, 442
Apollo moon-landing project, 27
Application integration, 533
Application partitioning, 410
Application Program Interface (API), 414, 439
Application programs, 19
Application tuning, 603–604
Application/Web server tier, 60
Aranow, E. B., 96
Armstrong, R., 470, 472, 511
Artificial intelligence, 29
Association, w15-8
Association class, w15-11
Association role, w15-8
Associative entity, 113
mapping, 218, 218–221, 219, 220
Asynchronous distributed database, w14-6
Atomic (or simple) attribute, 106
Atre, S., 416
Attribute(s), 105
identifier, 107–109, 108
naming and defining, 109–110
on relationships, 112
representing entities, 118–120, 119
required vs. optional, 105, 105–106
simple vs. composite, 106, 106
single valued vs. multivalued, 105, 106–107, 107
stored vs. derived, 107
Attribute inheritance, 154
Authentication services, 428
Authorization rules, 577, 577, 577–578, 578
Babad, Y. M., 265
Backup and recovery, 18, 584–586
Backup facilities, 584
Backward recovery (rollback), 588–599
Ballinger, C., 278
Bank of America, 467
Basel Convention, 29
Base table, 342
Batra, D., w15-5, 143
Bauer, C., w16-3, w16-17, w16-18, w16-22
Before image, 585
Behavior, w15-6
Bell, D., w14-3, w14-4, w14-5
Berners-Lee, Tim, 430
Bernstein, P. A., 599, 600
Betts, M., 526
Bieniek, D., 269
Binary relationship, 117, 216
one-to-many, 216
one-to-one, 217, 217–218
Bitmap index, 277
Blaha, M., w15-2, w15-3, w15-5, w15-8, w15-16, w15-17, w15-19, w15-24
Blockbuster Video, 5
Blocking factor, 265
Bluetooth, 29
Bontempo, C. J., 278
Booch, G., w15-4, w15-6, w15-16, w15-19
Bostrom, R. B., 143
Brauer, B., 526
Brobst, S., 270, 271
Bruce, T. A., 108
Buretta, M., w14-8, w14-15, 617
Business function, 42
Business performance management (BPM), 504
Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS), 450
Business process integration, 534
Business rule(s), 92, 178
action assertion
stating, 181–182
types of, 182
classification of, 179–180
gathering, 93–94
good, 93, 94
identifying and testing, 185–186
object-oriented data modeling, w15-24–25, w15-25
paradigm, 92–93
representing and enforcing, 182–183
sample, 183–184, 184, 185
scope of, 93
structural assertion
derived facts, 181
stating, 180–181
see also Enhanced entity-relationship (EER) model
Business-to-business (B2B) relationships, 25–26
Business-to-customer (B2C) relationships, 25
Caching, 430
Call-level application program interface, w16-7
Candidate key, 228
Cardinality constraint(s), 120
examples of, 121, 121–122
maximum, 120, 121
minimum, 120, 120
in ternary relationship, 122, 122
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 431–432
Catalog, 314
Catterall, R., 285
Celko, J., 597
Centralization, 29
Champlin, B., 54
Changed data capture (CDC), 534
Checkpoint facility, 586
Chen, P. P.-S., 90, 134
Chisholm, M., 492
ChoicePoint, Inc., 557–558
Chouinard, P., 224
Christerson, M., w15-3, w15-4
Class, w15-5
Class diagram, w15-6–7
Class-scope attribute, w15-17
Class-scope operation, w15-8
Clickstream analysis, 29
Client/server architecture, 60, 404–407
Client/server database environment, 401–425
chapter review
case description (Mountain View Community Hospital), 424–425
field exercises, 422
further reading, 422
key terms, 420
problems and exercises, 421–422
project assignments, 425
review questions, 421
Web resources, 423
chapter summary, 419–420
client/server architectures, 404–407
data base server architectures, 406, 406–407
file server architectures, 404–405, 404–405
limitations of file servers, 405–406
issues, client/server, 415–417
JDBC, 419
location, 401–402
looking forward with client/server in mind, 419
mainframe, role of, 412–413
middleware, using, 413–415
ODBC, 417–418, 418
partitioning an application, 409–411, 411
three-tier architectures, 407–409, 408
Client/server systems, 403
Client-side extensions, 440–441
Client tier, 60
Coad, P., w15-4
Codd, E. F., 27, 28, 202, 208, 236
Coleman, D., 54
Commit protocol, w14-19, 618
Common Gateway Interface (CGI), 438–439
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), 415, 451
Completeness constraint, w15-17, 159
Compliance regulations, 29, 123
Component Object Model (COM), 440–441
Composite attribute, 106, 213
Composite identifier, 108
Composite key, 204
Composition, w15-22
Computer-aided software engineering (CASE), 18, 53, 599
Computer forensics, 29
Conceptual schema, 56, 57
Concrete class, w15-16
Concurrency control, 592
Concurrency transparency, w14-20, 618
Conformed dimension, 488
Constraint, 16
Constructor operation, w15-8
Content-addressable storage, 29
Continental Airlines, 3–4, 466–467
Cookie, 441
Corporate information factory (CIF), 471–472
Correlated subquery, 368
Corresponding object, 181
CPU usage, 603
Cupoli, P., 54
Customer relationship management (CRM), 25
Dashboards, 504–505, 505
Data, 6–7
accessibility and responsiveness of, 16
consistency, 15
duplication of, 12–13
program-data dependence, 12, 17
quality, 16
redundancy, 14–15
sharing, 13, 15, 21
vs. information, 7, 7–8
Data administration, 559
see also Data/database administration
Data administrators, 19, 520
Data archiving, 602
Database(s), 6, 19
Database administration, 560
see also Data/database administration
Database administrators, 19, 520, 564
Database application(s), 12, 20–26
case example (Mountain View Community Hospital), 35–37, 36
departmental/divisional, 23
development of, vs. file applications, 15
enterprise, 23–25, 24
personal, 20–21, 21
summary of, 26, 26
Web-enabled, 25–26
workgroup, 21–23, 22
Database approach, 13–14
advantages of, 14, 14–17
accessibility and responsiveness of data, improved, 16
application development, increased productivity of, 15
cautions about, 17
consistency of data, improved, 15
data redundancy, planned, 14–15
decision support, improved, 17
failure to achieve, 17
program-data independence, 14
program maintenance, reduced, 16–17
quality of data, improved, 16
sharing of data, improved, 15
standards, enforcement of, 15–16
costs and risks of, 17–18
backup and recovery, need for explicit, 18
conversion costs, 18
installation and management cost and complexity, 17–18
new, specialized personnel, 17
organizational conflict, 18
Database change log, 585
Database destruction, 591
Database development process, 38–86
alternative information systems development approaches, 49–51, 50
Case and a repository, role of, 53
chapter review
case description (Mountain View Community Hospital), 80–86, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86
field exercises, 78
further reading, 79
key terms, 75
problems and exercises, 76–78
review questions, 75–76
Web resources, 79
chapter summary, 74–75
information engineering, 41
information systems architecture (ISA), 40–41
packaged data models, role of, 51–52
industry-specific data models, 52
summary of, 52–53
universal data models, 52
people involved in, managing, 54–55
three-tiered database location architecture, 59–61, 60
see also Information systems planning; Logical database design; Pine Valley Furniture
Company; Systems development life cycle (SDLC); Three-schema architecture
Database-enabled services, 429
Database environment, 3–37
alerts embedded in, 5
chapter review
case description (Mountain View Community Hospital), 35–37, 36
field exercises, 33
further reading, 34
key terms, 30
problems and questions, 31–33, 33
project assignments, 37
review questions, 30–31
Web resources, 34
chapter summary, 29–30
components of, 18–20, 19
design of, 402
fully distributed vs. centralized, 29
growth in, number and importance of, 5
self-healing, 29
Database management system (DBMS), 9, 441
development and evolution of, 27, 27–29
distributed, w12-15–25, 617–618
installation of, 601–602
MySQL, 442
object-relational, 29
operational environment of, 18, 19, 20
self-tuning, 29
technologies, evolution of, 27, 27–29
1960s, 27–28
1970s, 28
1980s, 28
1990s, 28
2000 and beyond, 28–29
objectives, 27
see also Distributed database(s)
Database recovery, 584
Database security, 569
Database server, 406
architecture of, 406
Data Base Task Group, 28
Data control language (DCL), 315
Data/database administration, 556–614
availability of data, 604–606
downtime, cost of, 604–605, 604–605
ensuring, 605–606
backup, 584–586
chapter review
case description (Mountain View Community Hospital), 614
field exercises, 612
further reading, 613
key terms, 607
problems and exercises, 609–612
project assignments, 614
review questions, 607–608
Web resources, 613
chapter summary, 606–607
concurrent access, controlling, 592–598
locking mechanisms, 593–597, 594, 595, 596
lost updates, 592, 593
serializable, 593
versioning, 597–598, 598
data administration, 559
approaches to, evolving, 563–565
traditional, core roles of, 559–560, 562
database administration, 560
traditional, core roles of, 560–561, 562
data dictionaries, 598–599
modeling enterprise data, 567–568
open-source movement, 565–567
repositories, 599–601
tuning the database for performance, 601–604
application tuning, 603–604
CPU usage, 603
DBMS installation, 601–602
input/output (I/O) contention, 602
memory and storage space usage, 602
see also Data security, managing; Recovery and restart procedures
Data/database administrators, 19
roles of, 558–565
Data definition language (DDL), 314–315
Data dictionary, 598–599
Data federation, 534
Data governance, 530
Data independence, 14, 28
Data Insight XI, 549
Data integration, 533–537
approaches to, 533–535
comparison of, 535
data federation, 534
data propagation, 534
for data warehousing, reconciled data layer, 537–544
(see also Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) process)
master data management, 535–537
see also Data quality
Data manipulation language (DML), 315
Data mart, 469
Data mining, 505
algorithms, 29
applications, 506, 506–507
goals of, 505
techniques, 505, 506
Data model, 9
Data quality, 522–555
chapter review
case description (Mountain View Community Hospital), 554–555
field exercises, 552
further resources, 553
key terms, 550
problems and exercises, 551
review questions, 550
Web resources, 553
chapter summary, 549–550
characteristics of, 524–525
data integration, 533–537
data reconciliation, 537–544
data transformation, 544–549
improvements in, 527–532, 528
managing, 524–533
importance of, 524
state of, 526, 526–527
Data Quality (cleansing tool), 549
Data reconciliation, 537–544
tools to support, 546–549
cleansing, 549
conversion, 549
quality tools, 547, 549
selecting, 549
Data scrubbing, 542
Data security, managing, 568–583
authentication schemes, 580–582
mediated authentication, 582
passwords, 580–581
strong authentication, 581–582
authorization rules, 577, 577–578, 578
challenges of, 29
client/server security, establishing, 570–571
client/server security, Web-enabled databases, 571–574, 572
Web privacy, 573–574
Web security, 572–573
concurrent access, controlling, 592–598
encryption, 579, 579–580
enforcement of, 20
integrity control, 575–577
policies and procedures, 582–583
software data security features, 574
threats, 569–570, 570
user-defined procedures, 578–579
views, 574–575
Data steward, 530
Data storage
content-addressable, 29
location for, 401–402
Data transformation, 544, 544–549
functions, 545–546
complex, 546, 548
field-level, 546, 547
record-level, 545–546
Data type, 261
Data visualization, 503, 503–504, 504
Data warehouse administrator (DWA), 564–565
Data warehouse/warehousing, 24, 24, 459–518, 462
architectures, 467–476
dependent data mart, 470–472, 471
independent data mart, 468, 468–470
logical data mart, 472–474, 473
real-time data warehouse, 472–474, 473
three-layer, 475, 475–476
chapter review
case description (Mountain View Community Hospital), 516–518
field exercises, 514
further reading, 515
key terms, 508
problems and exercises, 509–514
review questions, 508–509
Web resources, 515
chapter summary, 507–508
characteristics of data in, 476–480
other data warehouse changes, 479–480
status vs. event, 476–477, 477
transient vs. periodic, 477–479, 478
concepts of, basic, 462–467
Continental Airlines data warehousing project, 3–4, 466–467
conversion costs, 18
data reconciliation, 537–544
definition of data warehouse, key terms in, 462
derived data layer, 480–497
characteristics of, 480–481
(see also Star schema)
enterprise, 476
government or nonprofit organizations, 476
history of, 463
integration, 476
metadata management, 476
need for, 463–467
company-wide view, 463–465
operational and informational systems, separate, 465–466, 466
success in data warehousing, 466–467
scrubbing of data, 16
user interface, 498–507
business performance management, 504
dashboards, 504–505, 505
data-mining tools, 505–507, 506
data visualization, 503–504, 504
metadata, role of, 498
OLAP tools, 500–503, 503
SQL OLAP querying, 498–500
vs. data mart, 472, 473
The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI), 16
Date, C. J., w14-5, w14-20, w14-21, w14-22, 208, 616
DBMS. See Database management system (DBMS)
Deadlock, 595, 596, 596
Deadlock prevention, 596
Deadlock resolution, 597
Decentralized database, w14-2
Decision support applications, 17
Declarative mapping schema, w16-8
Degree, 114
DeLoach, A., 294
Denormalization, 266
Departmental/divisional databases, 23
Departments, 23
Dependent data mart, 470, 470–472, 471
operational data store architecture, 470–472, 471
Derivation, 179
Derived attribute, 107
Derived data, 475
Derived fact, 181
Descollonges, M., 595
Determinant, 228
Development technologies, 441
Devlin, B., 463, 542, 546
Directory services, 428
Disaster recovery, 29
Discussion groups, 430
Disjointness constraint, w15-17, 159–160
Disjoint rule, 160
Disk mirroring, 586
Distributed database(s), w14-1–32, w14-2, 615–619, 616
chapter review
field exercises, w14-31
further reading, w14-32, 619
key terms, w14-27
problems and exercises, w14-28–31
review questions, w14-28
Web resources, w14-32, 619
chapter summary, w14-25–27
distributed DBMS, w12-15–25, w14-15–25, w14-16, 617–618
commit protocol, w14-19–20
concurrency transparency, w14-20–21
evolution of, w14-23–25
distributed request, w14-25
distributed unit of work, w14-24–25
remote unit of work, w14-24
failure transparency, w14-18–19
location transparency, w14-17–18
query optimization, w14-21–23, w14-22, w14-23
replication transparency, w14-18
distributed DBMS products, w14-25, w14-26
distributed, w14-3
heterogeneous, w14-3, w14-5
homogeneous, w14-3, w14-4, w14-4
objectives and trade-offs, w14-5–6, 616
options for, w12-7–14, w14-7–14, 616–617
combinations of, w14-11–13, w14-12–13
data replication, w14-7, w14-7–10
database integrity with replication, w14-9–10
near real-time replication, w14-9
pull replication, w14-9
snapshot replication, w14-8–9
when to use replication, w14-10
horizontal partitioning, w14-10–11, w14-11
selecting, w14-13–14, w14-14
vertical partitioning, w14-11
query optimization, 618
Divisions, 23
Document search, 430
Document Structure Description (DSD), 434
Document type declarations (DTDs), 433–434
Domain name server (DNS) balancing, 439
Dowgiallo, E., 565
Drill-down, 502, 502
Dubois, L., 526
Dutka, A. F., 228
Dyché, J., 500, 506, 530, 536
Dynamic link libraries (DLLs), 439
Dynamic SQL, 389
Dynamic view, 342
Eckerson, W., 526, 538, 541, 549
E-commerce, 427
application partitioning, 410
computer technology trends, 286
Internet's affect on, 411
n-tier architectures, 411
XML, 431, 433, 435
Eddy, F., w15-2, w15-3, w15-5, w15-8, w15-16, w15-17, w15-19, w15-24
Edelstein, H., w14-8, w14-9
Eisenberg, A., 381
Electronic business. See E-commerce
Electronic data interchange (EDI), 25–26, 443
Electronic discovery and evidence, 29
Electronic mail, 430
Elmasri, R., w14-15, w14-22, 112, 159, 164, 238, 617, 618
Embedded SQL, 389
Encapsulation, w15-7
Encryption, 579, 579, 579–580
End-user computing, 19–20
End users, 19
English, L. P., 526, 531, 540
Enhanced entity-relationship (EER) model, 151
chapter review
case description (Mountain View Community Hospital), 196–198
field exercises, 194
further reading, 195
key terms, 187
problems and exercises, 188–193
project assignments, 198
review questions, 187–188
Web resources, 195
chapter summary, 186–187
entity clustering, 169–172
modeling example (Pine Valley Furniture), 165–169, 166, 168
packaged data models, 172–178
supertypes and subtypes
constraints in, specifying, 159–165
representing, 152–159
transforming into relations, 212–226
Step 1: map regular entities, 212–214, 213, 214
Step 2: map weak entities, 214, 214–216
Step 3: map binary relationships, 216, 216–218, 217
Step 4: map associative entities, 218, 218–221, 219, 220, 221
Step 5: map unary relationships, 221–222, 222
Step 6: map ternary (and n-ary) relationships, 222–224, 223
Step 7: map supertype/subtype relationships, 224–225, 224–225
summary of, 225, 225–226
see also Business rule(s)
Enterprise application integration (EAI), 534
Enterprise databases, 23–25, 24
Enterprise data model, 9, 10, 14, 57
role of, in three-layer data architecture, 475–476
Enterprise data modeling, 40
Enterprise data replication (EDR), 534
Enterprise data warehouse (EDW), 470, 470–471
Enterprise key, 239
Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 23, 24
operational data store, 471
Enterprise server (minicomputer or mainframe) tier, 60
Entity class, w16-18
Entity cluster, 169
Entity/entities, 9, 10, 100
Entity instance, 101
Entity integrity rule, 208
Entity-relationship diagram (E-R diagram), 43, 63, 97
notations used in, 99–100, 100
sample of, 97–99, 98
Entity-relationship model (E-R model), 97
case example of (Pine Valley Furniture Company), 128–131, 129
model notation, 99–100, 100
sample diagram, 97–99, 98
see also Entity/entities
Entity type(s), 101
associative, 112–114, 113
attributes represented by, 118–120, 119
naming and defining, 103–104
relationships between, 9–10
strong vs. weak, 102–103, 103
vs. instance, 101, 101
vs. system input, output, or user, 101–102, 102
see also Attribute(s)
Equi-join, 358, 358–360, 360
Evans, M., 90, 118
Exclusive lock (X lock or write lock), 595
Exploration warehouse, 472
eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), 433
Extent, 272
External schema, 55
Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) process, 462, 468, 537
cleanse, 540–543
data after, characteristics of, 537–538
extract, 539–540
load and index, 543–544
mapping and metadata management, 539
process of, 538, 539
Extranets, 26
Fact, 95–96
Failure transparency, w14-19, 618
Fat client, 405
FBI, 4
Fernandez, E. B., 577
Fetching strategy, w16-21
Field, 261
File, 11–12
File organization, 273–274
File processing systems, 11
case example of (Pine Valley Furniture Company), 11–12, 12
disadvantages of, 12, 12–13
development times, lengthy, 13
duplication of data, 12–13
program-data dependence, 12
program maintenance, excessive, 13
File server, 405
File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 430, 441
Finkelstein, R., 266
Firewall, 26
Firewalls, 430
First normal form (1NF), 231
Fitchwood Insurance Company, 511–514, 512–513
Fleming, C. C., 203
FLWOR expression, 437
Foreign key, 204
Form, 72
Fortune magazine
Most Admired Global Companies, 4
Forward recovery (rollforward), 589–590
Fosdick, H., 565
Fowler, M., w15-8, w15-9, w15–21, w15-22, w15-24, 51
Froemming, G., w14-9, w14-10
Fry, J. P., 90
Frye, C., 186
Function, 386
Functional decomposition, 42
Functional dependency, 228
Gant, S., 270, 271
Garbage-in, garbage-out (GIGO), 526
Gehtland, J., w16-7, 631
Generalization, 156
George, J. F., w15-5, 44, 45, 54, 91, 529
Global transaction, w14-16
Gottesdiener, E., 92, 94, 194
Grain, 485
Gramm-Leach-Bliley, 558
Gray, J., 28
Grid computing, 29
Grimes, S., 28
Grimson, J., w14-3, w14-4, w14-5
Groth, R., 408, 409
GUIDE Business Rules Project, 92, 95, 179, 194
Gulutzan, P., 373, 387
Hackathorn, R., 462, 463, 474
Hall, M., 566
Hanson, H. H., 228
Hashed file organization, 279
Hash index table, 280
Hashing algorithm, 279
Hay, D. C., 52, 90, 172, 175, 532
Hays, C., 460
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 29, 35, 123, 554, 558
Heartbeat query, 603
Henderson, D., 54
Henschen, D., 433
Hoberman, S., 173, 267
Hoffer, J. A., 4, 5, w15-5, 44, 45, 54, 91, 143, 265, 529
Holmes, J., 294
Homeland Security, 4
Homonym, 237–238
Horizontal partitioning, 269
Howarth, L., 54
“Hub and spoke” approach, 471
Hudica, J., 16
Hurwitz, J., 412, 413
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 430–432
Identifier, 107–108
Identifying owner, 102
Identifying relationship, 103
Imhoff, C., 471, 535, 564
Incomplete constraint, w15-17
Inconsistent read problem, 592
Incremental commitment, 55
Incremental extract, 540
Independent data mart, 468, 468–470, 469
data warehousing environment, 468, 468–470
limitations of, 470
Index, 274
Indexed file organization, 274
Informatica, 524, 528
Information, 7
vs. data, 7, 7–8
Informational processing, 461
Informational system, 466
Information engineering, 41
Information repository, 599
Information Repository Dictionary System (IRDS), 599
Information services, television-like, 29
Information Systems Architecture (ISA), 40–41, 568
Information systems planning, 41, 41
corporate planning objects, identifying, 42
enterprise model, developing, 42–44, 43, 44, 45
strategic planning factors, identifying, 41–42, 42
Inmon, B., 470, 511
Inmon, W. H., 52, 59, 266, 462, 463, 471, 472, 485, 529, 564
Input/output (I/O) contention, 602
Internal schema, 56
e-commerce, affect on, 411
PDAs connecting to, 29
related languages, 430–433
universal servers, 29
Web-enabled databases, 25–26
Internet database environment, 426–458
chapter review
case description (Mountain View Community Hospital), 457–458
field exercises, 455
further reading, 455–456
key terms, 453
problems and exercises, 454–455
project assignments, 458
review questions, 453–454
Web resources, 456
chapter summary, 452–453
Internet architecture components, common, 430–441
client-side extensions, 440–441
related languages, 430–433
server-side extensions, 437–438, 438
Web server interfaces, 438–439
Web servers, 439–440
XML and XQuery overview, 433–437
Internet/database connection, 427–428
Internet environment, 428–430, 429
Web-to-database tools, 441–452
development environment, 442
Internet technology rate-of-change issues, 451–452
open source components, 442
Semantic Web, 451
service-oriented architecture, 451
Web services, 443–450
Intranet, 26
services provided by, 429–430
Iowa Department of Revenue, 467
ISO/IEC, 94, 96
Jacobson, I., w15-3, w15-4
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), 419
JavaScript, 431
Java servlet, 439
Java Virtual Machines (JVMs), 431
Jenkins, A. M., 50
Johnston, T., 239
Join, 358
Join index, 278
Joining, 545
Jonsson, P., w15-3, w15-4
Jordan, A., 16
Journalizing facilities, 585
Kellner, Larry, 4
Keuffel, W., 415
Kimball, R., 52, 470, 481, 484, 485, 488, 492, 494, 495, 496, 510, 511, 538
King, G., w16-3, w16-17, w16-18, w16-22
Klimchenko, V., 524
Koop, P., w14-7
Krudop, M. E., 538
Kulkarni, K., 381
Langer, A., 565
Larson, J., 238
LaRue, M., 415
Laurent, W., 529
Lefkovitz, H. C., 599
Legacy system, 5, 18
Legislative requirements, 29, 123
Leon, M., 530
Levy, E., 536
Liberty Alliance, 450
Linthicum, D. S., 415
Lirov, Y., 565
Load balancing, 430
Local autonomy, w14-5, 616
Local transaction, w14-16
Location transparency, w14-5, 616
Locking, 593
Locking level (lock granularity), 594–595
Logical database design, 201–256
chapter review
case description (Mountain View Community Hospital), 252–255
field exercises, 250
further reading, 251
key terms, 242
problems and exercises, 243–250
project assignments, 255, 256
review questions, 242–243
Web resources, 251
chapter summary, 240–242
integrity constraints, 207–212
action assertions, 209–210
domain, 207, 208
entity integrity, 208
referential integrity, 208–209, 209
relational tables, creating, 210, 210–211
well-structured relations, 211, 212
merging relations, 236–238
relational data model, 202–207
relational keys, defining, 239–240, 240
SDLC, 48–49
see also Enhanced entity-relationship (EER) model; Normalization
Logical data mart, 472, 472–474, 473
Logical schema, 57–58
Long, D., 15, 26
Lorensen, W., w15-2, w15-3, w15-5, w15-8, w15-16, w15-17, w15-19, w15-24
Loshin, D., 523, 524
Lyle, B., 381
Manufacturing resources planning (MRP-II), 24
Many-to-many (M:N) relationship, 9
Many-to-many relationships, 532, 532
Marco, D., 470, 476
Master data management (MDM), 535–536, 535–537
Materialized view, 342
Materials requirements planning (MRP), 24
Maximum cardinality, 121
McGovern, D., w14-20
Mediated authentication, 582
Melton, J., 381
Memory and storage space usage, 602
Metadata, 8, 8
ETL process, 539
role of
in three-layer data architecture, 476
in user interface, 498
Method, w15-19
Meyer, A., 470
Meyer, S., 549
Michaelson, J., 566
Michels, J. E., 381
Microsoft Internet Explorer, 431
Middleware, 413, 413–415
server-side extensions, 437–438, 438
Minimum cardinality, 120
Modeling data in the organization, 89–91
case example of (Pine Valley Furniture Company), 128, 129, 133, 134
chapter review
case description (Mountain View Community Hospital), 148–149
field exercises, 146
further reading, 147
key terms, 135
problems and exercises, 137, 137–146, 140, 141–142
project assignments, 149
review questions, 136
Web resources, 147
chapter summary, 134–135
data definitions, 95–97
data names, 94–95
rules, 91–94
time-dependent data, 123, 123–125, 124
see also Attribute(s); Business rule(s); Entity-relationship model (E-R model); Entity type(s)
Moriarty, T., 53, 93, 185, 529
Morrow, J. T., 558, 569, 605
Mullins, C. S., 9, 384, 558, 560, 564, 591, 604, 605
Multidimensional data, 28
Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP), 501
Multifield transformation, 546, 548
Multimedia data, 6
Multiple classification, w15-21
Multiplicity, w15-9
Multivalued attribute, 107, 213–214
Mundy, J., 498
Murphy, P., 463
Musciano, C., 286
MySQL, 442
NationsBank, 467
Natural join, 360, 360–361
Naumann, J. D., 50
Navathe, S. B., w14-15, w14-22, 112, 159, 164, 238, 617, 618
Neward, T., w16-3
Newcomer, E., 445, 447, 449
News groups, 430
Nike, 522–523
Normal form, 227
Normalization, 226, 226–230
example (Pine Valley Furniture Company), 230–236
functional dependencies and keys, 228–230, 229
candidate keys, 228–230
determinants, 228
steps in, 227, 227–228
N+1 selects problem, w16-21
Null, 208
OAG Airline of the Year awards, 4
OASIS, 448, 450
Object, w15-5
Object diagram, w15-7
Object identity, w16-5
Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), 440
Object-oriented data modeling, w15-1–41, 620–628, 623–627
aggregation, representing, w15-21–24, w15-22, w15-23, w15-24, 627, 627
associations, representing, w15-8–11, w15-9, w15-11
associations classes, representing, w15-11, w15-11–13, w15-13, w15-14
business rules, w15-24–25, w15-25
chapter review
field exercises, w15-40–41
further reading, w15-41, 628
key terms, w15-29
problems and exercises, w15-33–40
review questions, w15-29–32
Web resources, w15-41, 628
chapter summary, w15-28–29
derived attributes, associations, and roles, representing, w15-13–14
example of (Pine Valley Furniture Company), w15-26–28, w15-27
generalization, representing, w15-14–19, w15-15, w15-18
multiple, representing, w15-21, w15-21
overriding, interpreting, w15-19–20, w15-20
objects and classes, representing, w15-5–7, w15-6
operations, types of, w15-8
systems development cycle, w15-2
Unified Modeling Language, w15-1–41, w15-4–5, 621
Object-relational mapping (ORM), w16-3
Object-relational mismatch, w16-3
OMA, 431
One-to-many (1:M) relationship, 9
Online analytical processing (OLAP), 391, 500
SQL OLAP querying, 498–500
tools, 500–503, 503
drill-down, 502, 502
slicing a cube, 501, 501
summarizing more than three dimensions, 503
Online transaction processing (OLTP), 391
Open database connectivity (ODBC) standard, 417, 417–418, 418
Open-Source DBMS, 566
Operation, w15-7
Operational data store (ODS), 471
Operational processing, 461
Operational system, 465
Optional attribute, 105
Organizational conflict, 18
Outer join, 361, 361–362
Overgaard, G., w15-3, w15-4
Overlapping constraint, w15-17, w15-18
Overlap rule, 161–162
Overriding, w15-19
Owen, J., 93
Owner, 102
Özsu, M. T., w14-22
Page, 265
Park, E. K., 90, 118
Partial functional dependency, 233
Partial specialization rule, 159
Pascal, F., 266–267
Pelzer, T., 373, 387
Periodic data, 477, 477–479, 478
Persistence, w16-3
Persistent Stored Modules (SQL/PSM), 383
Personal computers (PCs), 20
Personal databases, 20–21, 21
Personal digital assistant (PDA), 20, 29, 452, 564
Petabyte, 6
PHP, 442–443, 444–446
Physical database design and performance, 257–306
chapter review
case description (Mountain View Community Hospital), 304–306
field exercises, 302
further reading, 303
key terms, 297
problems and exercises, 298–302
project assignments, 306
review questions, 298
Web resources, 303
chapter summary, 296–297
denormalization, 266–272
designing, 288–290
fields, 261–265
indexes, using and selecting, 283–285
physical files, 272–283
physical records, 265
process of, 258–261
query performance, optimizing for, 291–296
RAID, 285–288
SDLC, 49
Physical file, 272
Physical record, 265
Physical schema, 58
Pierce, E. M., 526
Pine Valley Furniture Company, 11–12, 12
database application development at, 61, 62
administering the database, 74
database requirements, analyzing, 68, 68–69, 69, 70
designing the database, 69–71, 70–71, 72, 73
matching user needs to information systems architecture, 66–68, 67, 68
project request, 65–66
simplified project data model example, 62–65, 63, 64
using the database, 71–73, 73
Plotkin, D., 94
Plug-ins, 440
Poe, V., 488
Pointer, 273
Polymorphism, w15-19
Pooling of database connections, w16-17
Premerlani, W., w15-2, w15-3, w15-5, w15-8, w15-16, w15-17, w15-19, w15-24
Primary key, 203
Procedure, 386
Program-data dependence, 12, 17
Program maintenance, 16–17
Programming languages, 441
Project, 54
Project data models, 9, 10
Proof-of-concept period, 28
Prototyping, 50
Proxy servers, 430
Query, 72
Query operation, w15-8
Quinlan, T., 407, 563, 565
Real-time data warehouse, 472, 472–474, 473
Reconciled data, 475
Record-at-a-time procedures, 28
Recovery and restart procedures, 586–590
backward recovery, 588–589
basic recovery facilities, 584–586
disaster recovery, 591–592
disk mirroring, 586
failures, 590, 590–592
forward recovery, 589–590
restore/rerun, 586–587
transaction integrity, maintaining, 587–588
Recovery manager, 586
Recursive foreign key, 221
Redman, T., 524
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID), 286
Referential integrity, 322
Referential integrity constraint, 208–209
Refresh mode, 543
Relation, 11, 203
Relational databases, 11, 16, 17, 27, 28
Relational databases, object persistence, w16-1–29, 629–639
approaches to, selecting, w16-8–10
call-level APIs, w16-8, w16-9
ORM frameworks, w16-10
SQL query mapping frameworks, w16-9, w16-9–10
call-level application program interfaces, 631
chapter review
field exercises, w16-28
further reading, w16-29, 639
key terms, w16-27
problems and exercises, w16-28
review questions, w16-27
Web resources, w16-29, 639
chapter summary, w16-25–26, 637–638
object-relational mapping frameworks, w16-17–21, 631–632
advantages and disadvantages of, w16-9
aggregation and composition, w16-20
class, w16-17–18, w16-18
examples of, 633–634, 633–634
mapping files, w16-13–16, 634–636
using hibernate, w16-11–13, w16-11–17
HQL, w16-22–25
inheritance/superclass-subclass, w16-18, w16-19
many-to-many associations, w16-20, w16-21
many-to-one and one-to-many associations, w16-20, w16-20
one-to-one association, w16-18–19, w16-19
responsibilities of, w16-21, w16-21–25, 636–637
object-relational mismatch, w16-3–7, w16-4, w16-6
persistence for objects using, providing, w16-7–10, 631–632
call-level application program interface, w16-7, 631
object-relational mapping frameworks, w16-8, 631–632, 633–634
proprietary approaches, 632
proprietary approaches, w16-8, 632, 632–633
SQL query mapping frameworks, w16-7, w16-9–10, 631
SQL query mapping frameworks, w16-9, 631
Relational data model, 202–207
database example, 205–207, 206, 207
definitions, basic, 203
multivalued attributes, removing from tables, 204–205, 205
properties of relations, 204
relational data structure, 203, 203
relational keys, 203–204
see also Logical database design
Relational DBMS (RDBMS), 312
Relational OLAP (ROLAP), 500–501
Relationship instance, 110–112, 111, 112
associative entities on, 112–114, 113
attributes on, 112, 112
binary, 116, 117
degree of, 114, 115
multiple, 125–127, 126
naming and defining, 127–128
ternary, 116, 117, 117
types and instances, distinguishing between, 110–111, 111
unary, 114–117, 115, 116
Relationships between entities, 9–10
Relationship type, 110–112, 111, 111–112
Rennhackkamp, M., 385
Replication transparency, w14-18, 618
Report, 72
Repository, 14, 16, 18, 599–601, 600
Required attribute, 105
Resource Description Framework (RDF), 451
Restore/rerun, 586
Return on investment (ROI), 531
Reverse proxy, 440
Richardson, C., w16-3, w16-8, 631
Riggs, S., 29
Ritter, D., 18
Rodgers, U., 267, 594
Ross, M., 52
Ross, R. G., 183, 184
Royal Bank of Canada, 467
Rumbaugh, J., w15-2, w15-3, w15-4, w15-5, w15-8, w15-16, w15-17, w15-19, w15-24
Russom, P., 524, 526, 527, 530
Salin, T., 94, 95
Saracco, C. M., 278
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), 29, 123, 200, 263, 524, 529, 533, 536, 558, 569
Scalar aggregate, 340
Schema, 314
see also Three-schema architecture
Schumacher, R., 277, 285, 291, 292
Scrub, 16
Secondary key, 274
Second normal form (2NF), 233
administrators' role in, 20
wireless technology, 29
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), 450
Security services, 428
Seiner, R., 530
Selection, 545
Self-healing databases and operating systems, 29
Semantic Web, 451
Semijoin, w14-22, 618
Separation of concerns, w16-9
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 4
Sequential file organization, 274
Serializable, 593
Serialization, w16-3
Server-side extension, 437–438, 438
Service-oriented architecture (SOA), 451
Shah, R., 288
Shared lock (S lock or read lock), 595
Silverston, L., 52, 172, 175, 177
Simple (or atomic) attribute, 106
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 448, 448–450, 449
Single-field transformation, 546, 547
Smart card, 581, 582
Snowflake schema, 492–493
Software, 17–18
user interface, 19
Software and hardware load balancing, 439–440
Song, I.-Y., 90, 118
Sousa, R., 564
Sowa, J. F., 40
Specialization, 157
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 430–431
Standards, 15–16, 28
Star schema, 481
dimension tables, 481–482, 482
determining, 496–497, 497
hierarchies, 491, 491–493, 493
multivalued, 490, 490–491
normalizing, 490
slowly changing, 493–496, 495
example of, 482–484, 483, 484
fact tables, 481–482, 482, 486–487
date and time, modeling, 487, 487
determining, 496–497, 497
duration of, 486
factless, 489, 489–490
grain of fact, 485
multiple, 488, 488–489
size of, 486–487
surrogate key, 484–485
State, w15-6
Static extract, 540
Storage. See Data storage
Stored procedure, 407
Storey, V. C., 90
Stripe, 286
Strong authentication, 581–582
Strong entity type, 102
Structural assertion, 179
Structured data, 6–7
Structured Product Labeling (SPL), 433
Structured Query Language (SQL), advanced, 356–400
chapter review
case description (Mountain View Community Hospital), 400
field exercises, 399
further reading, 399
key terms, 394
problems and exercises, 395–398
project assignments, 400
review questions, 394
Web resources, 399
chapter summary, 393
data dictionary facilities, 378–379
embedded and dynamic, 388–390
OLAP, 391–393
querying, 498–500
routines, 386–388, 387
SQL:200n enhancements and extensions, 380–384
analytical functions, 380, 380–381
new data types, 381
other enhancements, 382
programming extensions, 382–384
tables, processing multiple, 357, 357–376
combining queries, 369–372, 370–372
complicated queries, 373–374
conditional expressions, 372–373, 373
correlated subqueries, 368–369
derived tables, using, 369
developing queries, tips for, 375–376
equi-join, 358–360, 360
natural join, 360–361
outer join, 361–362
sample multiple join involving four tables, 363, 363–364
subqueries, 364, 364–368, 367
union join, 362–363
transaction integrity, ensuring, 376–378, 377
triggers, 384, 384–386, 385
Structured Query Language (SQL), introduction to, 309–355
chapter review
case description (Mountain View Community Hospital), 355
field exercises, 353
further reading, 354
key terms, 347
problems and exercises, 349–353
project assignments, 355
review questions, 347–348
Web resources, 354
chapter summary, 347
data and time values, handling, 310
defining a database in, 318–324
data integrity controls, creating, 322–323, 323
removing tables, 324
SQL database definitions, generating, 318–319
table definitions, changing, 323–324
tables, creating, 319–322, 320, 321
environment of, 313–318, 314–318
history of, 311–312
inserting, updating, and deleting data in, 324–327
internal schema definition in RBDMSs, 327–328
OLAP querying, 498–500
role of, in database architecture, 312–313
single tables in, processing, 328–346
Boolean operators, using, 333–336, 335, 336
categorizing results: the GROUP clause, 340–341
comparison operators, using, 333, 333
distinct values, using, 337–338
expressions, using, 331
functions, using, 331–332
In and NOT IN with lists, using, 339
qualifying results by categories: the HAVING clause, 341–342
ranges for qualifications, using, 336–337
SELECT statement, clauses of, 329–330
sorting results; the ORDER by clause, 339–340
views, using and defining, 342–346, 343
wildcards, using, 332–333
tools, 500–503
drill-down, 502, 502
slicing a cube, 501, 501
summarizing more than three dimensions, 503
Subtype, 152
Subtype discriminator, 162
Summers, R. C., 577
Sun Microsystems, 431
Supertype, 152
Supertype/subtype hierarchy, 164
constraints in, specifying, 159–165
mapping, 224–225, 224–225
merging relations, 238
representing, 152–159
Surrogate primary key, 215, 215–216
Synchronous distributed database, w14-5
Synonyms, 237
System catalog, 598
System developers, 19
System of record, 8
Systems development life cycle (SDLC), 45–46
Systems development life cycle (SDLC), 45–49
analysis-conceptual data modeling, 48
design-logical database design, 48–49
implementation-database implementation, 49
maintenance-database maintenance, 49
planning-conceptual data modeling, 47–48
planning-enterprise modeling, 47–48
Tablespace, 272
Tate, B., w16-7, 631
TDWI, 466
Television-like information services, 29
Teorey, T. J., 90, 169
Terabyte, 6
Term, 95
Ternary relationship, 117
in cardinality constraints, 122, 122
mapping, 222–224, 223
Text editor, 441
Thé, L., w14-8
Thin client, 409
Third normal form (3NF), 234
Thompson, C., w14-25, 409
Thompson, F., 270, 271
Three-factor authentication, 581
Three-schema architecture, 55
components of, 55–56, 56
conceptual schema, 57
development of, strategies for, 58, 58–59
enterprise data model, 57
logical schema, 57–58
physical schema, 58
user views, 57
Three-tier architecture, 407, 407–409, 408
Three-tiered database location architecture, 59–61, 60
Time stamp, 123
Time-stamping, w14-20
Top-down planning, 41
Total Quality Management (TQM), 531
Total specialization rule, 159
Toyota Motor Sales USA, 467
Transaction, 585
Transaction boundaries, 588
Transaction log, 585, 585
Transaction manager, w14-19
Transaction processing, 461
Transient data, 477, 477–479, 478
Transitive dependency, 234, 238
Transparent persistence, w16-8
Trigger, 384
Trillium, 549
Two-factor authentication, 581
Two-phase commit, w14-19, 618
Two-phase locking protocol, 596
Ullman, L., 443, 446
UML Notation Guide, w15-8, w15-11, w15-21, w15-25
UML Superstructure Specification, w15-17
Unary relationship, 114
mapping, 221, 221, 222
many-to-many, 221–222
one-to-many, 221
Unified Modeling Language (UML), w15-4–5
object-oriented data modeling, w15-1–41, w15-4–5, 621
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), 451
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), 451, 573
Union join, 362–363
Universal data model, 172–173
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI), 446–447
UDDI Business Registry, 448, 450
UDDI Project, 446, 448
Universal servers, 29
Unstructured data
Update mode, 543
Update operation, w15-8
User-defined data type (UDT), 380
User-defined procedures, 578
User interaction integration, 534
User interface, 19
User view, 15, 57
Valacich, J. S., w15-5, 44, 45, 54, 91, 529
Valduriez, P., w14-22
Value type, w16-18
Variar, G., 543
VBScript, 431
Vector aggregate, 340
Versioning, 597, 597–598, 598
Vertical partitioning, 271
Viehman, P., 285
Views, 574–575
data security, managing, 574–575
user, three-schema architecture, 57
using and defining, 342–346
Virtual table, 342
Von Halle, B., 92, 203
Wal-Mart, 460
Watson, H. J., 4, 5
Weak entity type, 102
Web browser, 25, 441
Web-enabled databases, 25–26, 29
Web Ontology Language (OWL), 451
Web server(s), 429, 439–440, 441, 442
interfaces, 438–439
Web services, 443
deployment, 449
order entry system, 447
protocol stack, 447
security, lack of, 450
standards, lack of, 450
Web-to-database tools, 441–443, 442
Web Services Description Language (WSDL), 448
Weldon, J. L., 505
Well-structured relation, 211
Westerman, P., 543
White, C., 533, 535, 538, 540, 549
Whiting, R., 462, 466
Wi-Fi, 29, 452
Winter, R., 6
Wireless technology
improved transmission rates, 29
Witkowski, A., 381
Wixom, B., 4, 5
WizRule, 549
Wood, C., 577
Workgroup databases, 21–23, 22
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 430
WS-I, 450
W3C, 450
XHTML, 431
XLink, 433
XML, 431, 433–437
XML Query Working Group, 435
XML Schema, 434
XML Schema Definition (XSD), 433–434
XML Web services, 26, 29
XPath, 432
XPointer, 433
XQuery, 433–437, 435
XSL, 432
XSLT, 432
Yang, D., 90
“Year 2000” problem, 16
Young, C., 565
Yugay, I., 524
Yuhanna, N., 293
Zachman, J. A., 40, 568
Zemke, F., 381