File - Ms. O'Hern's Historians

12th Grade Gov’t/Econ
Ms. O’Hern
Intro Unit: All the President’s Men
Name ________________________
Putting the Pieces Together: The Watergate Puzzle
Classwork Packet
Part 1: The Basic Facts (___/5 CW)
Part 2: The People (____/10 CW)
Your assignment:
Find and jot down at least 5 pieces of information about each person you were assigned.
Additionally, state the significance of that person to the Watergate Scandal—including
when the public knew these people were involved in Watergate.
Note: leave yourself room in the spaces for class tomorrow—we’ll add notes and more people!
The reporters:
The burglars:
The prosecution and judge:
The president:
All the President’s Men: (utilize the index in the front of the novel)
Part 3: The Pieces Fall into Place
(_____/10 HW)
Your assignment _________________________________________
I: Identify the 5ws for your assignment: who was involved; what happened; when did it
take place; why did it take place; where did it take place.
Do Now 8/25: How do we get from the Watergate burglaries to the resignation of President
Richard Nixon? Be as specific as possible, noting names, dates, and rationales. (___/5 CW)
The Chronology
(___/10 CW)
The Role of Nixon
Assess Nixon’s character in 5 words: ______________________________________________
The First Sign of Nixon: The Hiss-Chambers Case: 1948
Nixon’s First Major Snafu and Cover-Up: The Checkers Speech (1952)
Nixon’s First Defeat: 1960 Election:
Nixon as President:
Nixon and Watergate:
The Smoking Gun: The Watergate Tapes
After Watergate: The Aftermath
Powerpoint Notes: (____/20)
The Role of Executive Privilege in our Government
Your definition of executive privilege = _____________________________________________
Class definition of executive privilege = _____________________________________________
Independent Work: Executive Privilege (___/23 HW)
Complete the following questions in order to gain a stronger understanding of executive
privilege—and Nixon’s use/abuse of this idea while president.
1) Compare definitions of executive privilege. Come up with a consensus on the definition,
and write your consensus below. (2 pts)
2) Using All the President’s Men, find 2 examples of when Nixon claimed executive
privilege during the Watergate era. For each example, provide:
a. a brief summary of the example;
b. a specific quote;
c. and the outcome of each claim-did Nixon achieve his goal of executive privilege
in each case? (5 pts each)
3) Assess the integrity of the press-versus-executive privilege. How did Nixon’s claims of
executive privilege threaten the integrity of the press throughout the Watergate
investigation? (3 pts)
4) When is executive privilege a GOOD thing to have in our government? Come up with
and explain two different examples. (3 pts)
5) Should executive privilege exist in our government? Why or why not? (3 pts)
6) Create 1 essential question regarding the role of the presidency in U.S. society. (2 pts)
Frost/Nixon: The Film
(___/12 CW)
1) What are the goals of: Frost; Nixon; and the U.S. public?
2) What does Nixon reveal in his late-night phone call to Frost? Do you think this phone call
ever took place?
3) How does Frost turn the tables on Nixon?
4) What does Nixon say about executive privilege and the power of the presidency?
5) Do you feel what Nixon said was enough to satisfy the American public?
6) How do you feel about Nixon at the end of the film? Are you surprised by this feeling? Why
would the intent of the film be for you to have this feeling?
Do Now Reflection: the American Presidency (___/10 CW)
Reflect on the American presidency—and specifically Nixon’s interpretation of the American
presidency. Respond to the following prompts in your answer:
 Why did Nixon act the way he did—before, during, and after the
Watergate incident?
 Why did Nixon try and cover-up his role in the Watergate burglary? Why
did he not admit his role? Did he learn nothing from the Algers-Hiss case
or his Checkers speech?
 Is “executive privilege” a reasonable response from Nixon?
 Should executive privilege exist?
 What is the role of the president? How is this role perceived by Nixon? By
the American people? How did Watergate change those perceptions?
 How did Watergate harm the separation of powers?
Frost/Nixon: The Interview (___/10 CW)
1) Write down any phrases that were used in the film yesterday.
2) Note down differences in terms of:
Your response to Nixon (and Frost!)
3) Why do you think the film made these changes?
4) What do you notice about the body language and facial expressions of Nixon and Frost?
5) Does Nixon fully apologize? Are you satisfied with his response?