MGMT 172 INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY II SPRING 2015 Assoc. Prof. Mehmet İslamoğlu Office: BE 323 (course coordinator) Galip E. Erdil Office: BE 320 Mr. Simon Looker Hussein Husseini Mürüde Ertaç Class Schedule: See department’s notice board for detailed timetable information. Office Hours : To be announced during lecture. Reading Materials: The textbooks and the materials to be covered are as follows: (i) Essentials of Management Information Systems. 10th Ed. by Kenneth C. Laudon & Jane P. Laudon (ii) Excel basic (iii)Access Basic. Assessment Criteria: Final Exam 40%, Midterm 25%, Quizzes and Practical Lab Tests and 35 %. Course Policies Attendance is absolutely vital. You must come prepared to lab sessions and bring all relevant notes and softcopy documents for practical exercises when needed. You must come to class on time. Makeup exams take into account the extra time you have for studying and are proportionally more challenging. No make ups are given for quizzes. Course Objectives This course aims to provide the students with insights on how information technology improves our lives and how computers work. In addition, students will be equipped with practical computer skills regarding Windows, Excel, and Access. Course Description This is a first-year introductory course on information technology. Mgmt 172 builds on the foundation laid by its prerequisite course, Mgmt 171, by introducing the students to topics such as the spreadsheet analysis, databases, management information systems, electronic commerce and by expanding their PC skills through Excel and Access. The detailed course content is provided below. Week of DETAILED COURSE CONTENT Lecture Topic Exam 09 March 2015 (Lecture: “L”) Ch.1: Business Information Systems in your career. th 16th March 2015 (Tutorial: “T”) Ch.1 Introduction to Excel: effective workbook and worksheet design, exploring excel window, entering and editing cell data, using symbols and the order of precedence, using auto fill, displaying cell formulas, managing worksheets, managing columns and rows, selecting, moving, copying, and pasting, applying alignment, font options, and number formats, selecting page setup options. (L) Ch.1: Business Information Systems in your career. “Continue” 23th March 2015 (T) Ch.2 Formulas and Functions: using semi-selection to create a formula, using relative, absolute, and mixed cell references in formulas, avoiding circular references, inserting a function, using SUM function, inserting basic statistical functions, using date functions, using logical, IF, lookup, and financial functions, creating and maintaining range names and using range names in formulas. (L) Ch.2: Global E-Business and Collaboration. 30th March 2015 (T) Ch.3 Charts: deciding on chart types, creating a chart, changing a chart type, changing the data source and structure, applying a chart layout and a chart style, moving a chart, inserting and customizing a sparkline, selecting and formatting chart elements, customizing chart labels, formatting the axes and gridlines, adding a trendline. (L) Ch.2: Global E-Business and Collaboration. 6th April 2015 (T) Ch.4 Datasets and Tables: freezing rows and columns, understanding table design, creating a table, applying a table style, sorting data, filtering data, using structured references and a total row, applying conditional formatting, creating a new rule, sorting and filtering using conditional formatting. (L) Ch.2: Global E-Business and Collaboration. 13th April 2015 (T) Ch.5 Subtotals, PivotTables, and Pivot Charts: grouping and ungrouping data, subtotalling data, creating a pivot table, changing the values field, modifying a pivot table, sorting, filtering, and slicing a pivot table, creating a calculated field, formatting a pivot table, creating a pivot chart. (L) Ch. 3: Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems. 20th April 2015 (T) Ch.6 What-if Analysis: creating a one-variable and a two-variable data table, identifying an input value with goal seek, using scenario manager, loading the solver add-in, optimizing results with solver. (L) Ch. 3: Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems. “Continue” (T) Ch.7 Specialized Functions: using conditional math and statistical functions, calculating relative standing with statistical functions, creating a nested logical function, using match and index lookup functions, using advanced filtering, manipulating data with database functions, creating a loan amortization table, performing other financial calculations. 23 April : National Sovereignty and Children’s Day Midterm Exams (24-30 April and 02-06 May 2015) th 7 May 2015 (L) Ch. 5: Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management. (T) Ch.1 Introduction to Access: navigating among the objects in an access database, understanding the difference between working in storage and memory, practicing good database file management, backing up, compacting, and repairing access files, creating filters, sorting table data on one or more fields, knowing when to use access or excel to manage data, using the relationships windows, understanding relational power. Midterm, 25% 11th May 2015 18th May 2015 (L) Ch. 5: Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management. “Continue” (L)Ch. 8: Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise applications. (T) Ch.1 Introduction to Access. “Continue” (L)Ch. 8: Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise applications. (T) Ch.2 Relational Databases and Queries: designing data, creating tables, understanding table relationships, sharing data with excel, establishing table relationships, creating a single-table query, specifying criteria for different data types, copying and running a query, using the query wizard, creating and modifying multi-table queries. (T) Ch.3 Customize, Analyze, and Summarize Query Data: understanding the order or operations, creating a calculated field in a query, creating expressions with the expression builder, using built-in functions in access, performing date arithmetic, adding aggregate functions to datasheets and queries. 25th May 2015 (L)Ch. 9: E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods. (T) Ch.4 Creating and Using Professional Forms and Reports: creating forms using the form tools, modifying a form, sorting records in a form, identifying form sections, revising forms using form views, identifying control types in forms, creating reports using report tools, modifying a report, sorting records in a report, identifying report sections, revising reports, using report views, identifying control types in reports. 01st June 2015 (L)Ch. 9: E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods. “Continue” (L)Ch. 10: Improving Decision Making and Managing Knowledge. (T) Ch.5 PivotTables and Pivot Charts: creating a pivot table, adding aggregate functions to a pivot table, modifying a pivot table, creating a pivot chart, identifying chart elements, modifying a pivot chart, adding calculations to a pivot table, working with calculations in a pivot table. 08th June 2015 (L)Ch. 10: Improving Decision Making and Managing Knowledge. “Continue” (T) Ch.6 Data Validation Techniques: establishing data validation, creating an input mask, creating and modifying a lookup field, setting the tab order, creating a combo box control, restricting edits in a form, comparing fields using a data macro, creating a query to display missing data, creating a missing data report, creating an aggregate report 15th June 2015 (L)Ch. 10: Improving Decision Making and Managing Knowledge. “Continue” (T) Ch.7 Advanced Queries: determining when to use an action query, updating data with an update query, adding records to a table with an append query, creating a table with a make table query, deleting records with a delete query, creating a parameter query to provide flexibility, summarizing data with a crosstab query, using queries to find unmatched or duplicate records, (T) Ch.8 Get Connected: creating a hyperlink field, adding an attachment field, adding attachment controls to forms and reports, exporting data to an excel, word, pdf or xps document, exporting objects to another access database, linking to an excel spreadsheet and to an access table, importing a text file. 18th June 2015 : Last Day of Classes; 22nd June – 04 July 2015: Final Exams Final Exam 40 % The detailed course timetable may be modified to fit the needs and the pace of each group.