Ch 15: Electric force and energy quantization determine atomic structure. Based on experimental observations scientists propose mental models of atom. Atom is not observed directly. In 400 B.C. Democritus theorized that matter consisted of tiny particles called atoms. Dalton Model – Billiard ball To explain the ratio of the elements combining to make a compound. CO2 is 1:2 , NaCl is 1:1 No direct or experimental evidence is provided to support the model. Atom is indivisible. 15.1 The Discovery of the electron Cathode Ray led Thomson to discover the electron and to change Dalton’s Model to accommodate the electron in the atom. Thomson discovered the electron in his cathode ray tube, since cathode rays are deflected by electric and magnetic fields. 1. Thomson used his cathode ray tube to measure q/m ratio for electrons and protons. He did not know the exact mass (m) or charge (q) for ele&proton. Fm Fc mv 2 qvB r q v m rB Thomson’s experiments showed that q/m for an electron is roughly 1011 C/kg. This ratio is over a 1000 times larger than the q/m for a hydrogen ion [explain] Ex1: A charged object is moving at a speed of 3.5 x 104 km/s perpendicular to a magnetic field with a magnitude of 0.60 T. If the radius of deflection is 0.33 mm, find charge-to-mass ratio and name the charged object. Thomson used perpendicular crossed electric and magnetic fields to determine the speed of the cathode rays. For electrons passing undeflected through the fields, forces acting on electrons are balanced: Fe Fm qE qvB v E B Ex2: A beam of charged particles moves undeflected perpendicular to electric and magnetic fields. The magnetic field has a magnitude of 2.0 10–3 T. The electric field is produced by two parallel plates 3.0 cm apart with a potential difference of 3.0 102 V. Find the speed of the particles. An atom is a positive sphere of electricity in which electrons are embedded (atom is not the smallest part of matter and it is divisible). Thomson knew: An atom had an equal number of protons and electrons (neutral). The protons had more mass than electrons but same charge. The size of the atom was10-10 m. J.J. found that regardless of the type of cathode material used, he got the same q/m, therefor C.R. particles are contained in all types of matter. CR particles are building blocks of matter! Dalton’s billiard ball model is inadequate. Thomson’s model was known as the plum-pudding model or the raisin bun model. Mass of electron and proton were found after Millikan found the elementary charge (1.60 x 10-19C) and that is next topic. Tompson’s Cathode-Rays worksheet Name: …………. 4 Ex1: A charged object is moving at a speed of 3.5 x 10 km/s perpendicular to a magnetic field with a magnitude of 0.60 T. If the radius of deflection is 0.33 mm, find charge-to-mass ratio and name the charged object. Ex2: A beam of charged particles moves undeflected perpendicular to electric and magnetic fields. The magnetic field has a magnitude of 2.0 10–3 T. The electric field is produced by two parallel plates 3.0 cm apart with a potential difference of 3.0 102 V. Find the speed of the particles. 1. What was the outcome of Thomson's experiment with cathode rays? 2. Name the four parts of a cathode ray tube. 3. Draw a sketch of the plates that produce an electric field. 4. What happens to the cathode ray in the presence of an electric field? 5. Which way is the ray deflected? 6. What happens to the cathode ray in the presence of a magnetic field? 7. Which way is the ray deflected? 8. What happens to the cathode ray when both the electric field and the magnetic fields are present? 9. Explain why the cathode ray is deflected upward in the presence of an electric field. 10. Describe the behavior of particles in the presence of a magnetic field? 11. How did Thomson solve the problem of deflections? 12. What were his conclusions? 13. What was he able to calculate? 14. What fact did he find even though he used different sources of cathode rays? 15. What was the mass to charge ratio? 16. What was the name given to the new particle? 15.2 Quantization of Charge –Millikan experiment Millikan found the charge on the electron and showed that it was a fundamental unit of electrical charge. All charges are multiple of 1.6 x 10-19 C. Millikan’s Oil-drop Experiment X-Rays to ionize drops Robert Millikan measured the charge on the electron. A fine spray of oil falls through a hole into a chamber where the drops can be observed. The plates at the top and bottom of the chamber are charged (the top plate is positive). X-rays are shot onto the oil drops which cause the drops to be negatively charged. In the absence of voltage, the force on the drops is determined by their mass only, weight, Fg. When a voltage is applied, negatively charged drops will slow down, stop or begin moving upwards. The behavior of the drop is determined by the applied voltage and the charge on the oil drop and the weight of the oil drop. Millikan used these measurements to determine that the charges on the drops were multiples of 1.6 x 1019 C. [Diagrams showing: suspended, constant speed, accelerating up &down][Copy from board] [Note for the same mass Fg vector has same lenghth and points downwards] Ex- Latex sphere with a mass of 5.00 10–16 kg is suspended in an electric field between plates directed upwards that are 9.00 10-3 m apart. To keep the sphere suspended, the potential difference between the plates is 55 V. How many elementary charges has the oil drop? Ex – A positively charged particle with a mass of 4.5 x 1014 kg is accelerating upwards at 1.5 m/s2 under the influence of an electric field between two horizontal plates separated by 45 mm. If the potential difference across the plates is 110 V, what is the charge on the particle? (make FBD diagram and lines of electric fields) The Discovery of the Nucleus The Rutherford Model - Alpha, 2+, scattering experiment In 1911, Ernest Rutherford directed +2-particles at a thin gold foil. They placed a zinc sulphide screen near enough to the foil to detect any alpha particles that got through. The zinc sulphide would give off a flash of light whenever struck by an -particle. They expected that the -particles would go right through the foil with hardly any deflection because in the Thomson model, the positive and negative electric charges inside an atom were assumed to be uniformly distributed through a solid atom. Consequently the positively charged -particles would only encounter weak net electric forces and so pass through the thin foil with only slight deflections (less than a degree). Thomson model Rutherford model The -particles undeflected -particles scattered Results of the alpha-scattering experiment were quite different. Rutherford made three observations: 1.Most alpha particles were undeflected. 2. Some were scattered (deflected) 3.Some were reflected. Rutherford’s explanation of these observations: 1. atom must be largely empty space surrounding a tiny nucleus, 2. atom positive charge and nearly all its mass are concentrated in nucleus, 3. electrons revolve around the nucleus like planets revolve around the sun. This model is known as the planetary model of the atom. [Thomson model failed and modified] The fact that an occasional alpha particle can be stopped by a gold nucleus and returned along its initial path provides with a way of estimating an upper limit for the size of the nucleus using conservation of energy: Ek=Ep=Fe x d Drawbacks 1. Emission and absorption Spectral lines cannot be explained by Rutherford model. Helium emission spectrum Absorption spectrum According to Maxwell, an accelerating charge gives off energy. Then the orbiting electron, with centripetal acceleration, should continuously radiate energy and spiral into the nucleus, which it does not do. The Bohr Model of the Atom In 1913 Bohr presented a model of the atom that begins with Rutherford's picture of an atom as a nucleus surrounded by electrons moving in circular orbits. Bohr's work was primarily with the hydrogen atom. Spectroscopy A diffraction grating can spread light out into a spectrum with colours according to their wavelengths continuous spectrumcontains all wavelengths Hot dense, solid, liquid, or gas, material emission line spectrum bright selected lines at distinct wavelengths Hot low dense gas absorption line spectrum dark selected wavelengths Cold low dense gas Lines are ordered from short to high wavelength. Each element has its unique spectrum lines. Kirchhoff used spectra to identify unknown elements. No one had, before Bohr, explained why this pattern occurs. The reason why elements produce spectral lines was still not explained. Balmer Series The hydrogen atom bright line spectra were a major key to understanding atomic structure. In this spectrum there are four lines in the visible region. Johann Balmer, a high school teacher, searched for a mathematical relationship and found, by trial and error, that he could calculate the wavelength of each of the four lines in the hydrogen spectrum using the formula: 1 RH ( 1 1 ) 2 2 nf ni nf = 2 RH=Rydberg's constant=1.10x107/m ni=3,4,......(only for the Balmer series). Balmer did not know why his formula worked. Balmer predicted other lines in the UV and infra-red region. Ex - Find the wavelength and frequency of the spectral line ni=3 in the Balmer series 1/=RH(1/nf2-1/ni2) =1.10x107(1/4-1/9) =6.55x10-7m v=f 3.00x108=fx6.545454x10-7 f=4.58x1014 Hz Bohr used Balmer idea and Planck’s quantum ideas to establish a new atomic model. Bohr made the following assumptions: In hydrogen atom 1. there can be only certain values of the total energy (electron's kinetic energy +potential energy). Quantized energy levels. 2. These allowed energy levels correspond to different orbits for the electron as it moves around the nucleus. 3. Larger orbits have larger energies. *4. When moving in an allowed orbit, called it stationary state, the electron is exempt from the classical laws of electromagnetism and does not radiate energy as it moves along its orbital path. REM: In other cases when electrons are accelerated they emit (Radio or microwave) EMR as Maxwell stated. 5. The energy of the electron in an atom is quantized (used Plank idea). 6. If an electron goes from a higher to a lower energy level, energy is given off (emission spectrum). If an electron goes from a lower level to a higher level, energy is absorbed (absorption spectrum). Consequences of the Bohr Model 1. Radius of the hydrogen orbit Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom states that electrons can orbit the nucleus only at specific locations given by the formula: rn=r1n2 rn=radius of the nth orbit (any orbit). r1=radius of the first orbit=5.29x10-11m (see formula sheet) ‘r1 is the radius of the lowest possible energy level or ground state of the hydrogen atom. n=1,2,3,.... Complete the chart: Level Radius of orbit (n) (m) 1 5.29x10-11 2 3 4 5 Level (n) 1 2 3 4 5 Radius of orbit (m) 5.29x10-11 2.12x10-10 4.76x10-10 8.46x10-10 1.32x10-9 2.Energy levels for the allowed orbits of hydrogen E1 En 2 n En=Energy of nth level E1=Energy of first level=-13.6 eV n=1,2,3,.... Orbit Energy of Frequency (n) orbit (eV) Hz E=hf 1 -13.6 eV 2 3 4 5 Orbit (n) 1 2 3 4 5 Energy of orbit (eV) -13.6 -3.40 -1.51 -0.850 -0.544 0.0 The energy of the energy levels is always negative (energy levels like a well under ground level). This is because the energy at ∞ is 0 and the closer to the nucleus the less the Wavelength (m) c=λf energy. At ∞ is the greatest possible energy. The closer the electron to the nucleus the more energy needed to free the electron from the atom (ionization energy). an electron making a transition from lower to a higher energy level results in a dark-line spectrum an electron making a transition from a higher to a lower energy level results in a bright-line spectrum The energy in an electron transition between energy levels can be calculated by: E = Ef – Ei E = energy of transition (absorbed or emitted), J or eV Ef = energy of the final energy level, J or eV Ei = energy of the initial energy level, J or eV We can calculate the wavelength and frequency of the absorbed or emitted photon from the transition: Ephoton = Ef – Ei = hf =hc/λ The energy of the photon is always positive. An electron excited to higher energy levels does not have to return to ground state in a single jump. They do it in few intermediate steps. At each step, a photon is emitted. Each photon emitted has a smaller energy. Example -0.38eV ‘n=6 -0.54eV ‘n=5 An electron in hydrogen -0.85eV ‘n=4 atom, shown, undergoes a transition ‘n=3 -1.5 eV th from the 6 energy level to the 2nd -3.4eV energy level. What is the frequency and ‘n=2 ‘n=1 -13.6eV wavelength of light emitted? And what type? E2 =-3.40 eV E6 = -0.378 eV Ephoton=Ef-Ei= E6 – E2 = -3.40-(-0.377777)= =3.022223eV x (1.6 x 10-19) = 4.83555 x 10-19 J =hf f=7.29344 x 1014Hz v=fx 3.00x108=7.29344 x 1014 =4.11x10-7m Type: Blue light Example An electron undergoes a transition ‘n=6 from the 2nd level to 4th level in a ‘n=5 ‘n=4 hydrogen atom. What is the ‘n=3 frequency and wavelength of the ‘n=2 radiation absorbed? ‘n=1 E=Ef – Ei =E2-E4 =-0.850-(-3.40) f=6.15x1014 Hz c=f 3.00x108=6.15x1014 =4.88x10-7 m -0.38eV -0.54eV -0.85eV -1.5 eV -3.4eV -13.6eV States of the atom 1. When an electron has the smallest allowable amount of energy, it is in the lowest energy level called the ground state(stationary). The atom is stable. 2. If an electron absorbs energy, it can make transition to a higher energy level called an excited state. Atomic electrons remain in excited levels only a fraction of a second before returning to the ground state and emitting energy (neon light is an exited neon gas). 3. The ionization state level is the state at which the electron is totally removed from the atom to E=0. This is equivalent to work function in photoelectric effect Exact match – which photon will be absorbed? The Northern Lights and the Emission Line Spectrum of Oxygen Alberta skies often display aurora borealis, or northern lights. At high altitudes above the surface of Earth, high-energy electrons, trapped by Earth’s magnetic field, interact with oxygen and nitrogen atoms. During these interactions, the electrons in these atoms are excited and move into higher energy levels. Eventually, the excited electrons return to their ground states. In doing so, they emit light that forms the aurora borealis. Physics 30 Practice Examples: 1. Find the energy needed to ionize a hydrogen atom whose electron is in n=4. (E=Ef-Ei=0-(-0.850)= 0.850 eV 2. A hydrogen atom absorbs a photon of wavelength 434.1 nm. (a)How much energy did the atom absorb? (b)What were the initial and final states of the hydrogen electron? (a)E=hc/(=6.63x10-343.00x108/434.1x10-9 =2.86eV (b) Using the energy level diagram n=2 to n=5 3. An electron dropped from n=4 to n=1. How many spectral lines could be produced ? 6 lines 4. If the wavelength of emitted spectrum is 486 nm, what are the corresponding stationary states? E=hc/λ(=6.63x10-34 x3.00x108/486x10-9 =4.09259x10-19 J =2.55 eV. The two levels that have a difference of 2.55 eV are the second and the fourth. 5. Find the longest wavelength photons that will be absorbed by a hydrogen atom in its ground state. Longest wavelength=smallest energy absorbed=n=1to n=2. (=1.22x10-7m n=1to n=3 (=1.02x10-7 m n=1to n=4 (=9.75x10-8m Physics 30 Practice Examples: Name……………….. 1. An electron in a hydrogen atom drops from the 4th to 2nd energy level. Is this an absorption or emission photon? Find the frequency and wavelength of the photon. (Make a diagram to show the transition) 2. Find the energy needed to ionize a hydrogen atom whose electron is in n=4. 3. A hydrogen atom absorbs a photon of wavelength 434.1 nm. a) How much energy did the atom absorb? b) What were the initial and final states of the hydrogen electron? 4. An electron dropped from n=4 to n=1. How many possible spectral lines could be produced? (make diagram) 5. Find the longest wavelength photons that will be absorbed by a hydrogen atom in its ground state. ‘n=6 5. An electron undergoes a transition from the 2nd level to 4th level in a hydrogen atom. What is the frequency and wavelength of the radiation ‘n=5 ‘n=4 absorbed? ‘n=3 -1.5 eV ‘n=2 -3.4eV ‘n=1 -13.6eV -0.38eV -0.54eV -0.85eV Successes of the Bohr model 1. It explained the properties of elements. 2. It explained the hydrogen spectra. Drawbacks of the Bohr model 1. It could not explain the spectra of elements containing many electrons. 2. It could not explain why only certain orbits were allowed (see 5). 3. It does not explain why each spectral line split into several lines when put in a magnetic field or electric field. 4. It does not explain the relative intensities of spectral lines. 5. The wave nature of the electron is not used in this model. The quantum mechanical model In about 1920 Heisenberg and Schroedinger developed a quantum mechanical model to describe the nature of the atom. It is a mathematical model. The atom cannot be visualized. There are no exact levels. The position of the electron is given in terms of probabilities. These probabilities are called orbital (clouds). END OF CHAPTER 15