Integrated unit plan (Mrs. Wishy Washy)

Integrated Unit Plan
Education 443
 An integrated unit plan for a selection of Joy Cowley’s big books, Mrs Wishy
Washy, Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Day and A Hole in the Tub. These three titles are
included in the kindergarten resources. Books havebeen provided by the
P.E.I. Department of Education and Early Childhood Education
Norma Lea Murray
October 20, 2012
After collaborating with the English kindergarten team at my school, we decided that November would be an appropriate time
to introduce, Joy Cowley’s Mrs Wishy Washy series of books that have been provided by the Department of Education and Early
Childhood Development. These books are a good introduction for beginning readers. The books are available in a large format which
makes them a great read. They have very simple illustrations for the children to view. The text is in large print and the sentences are
simple for the children to understand. The sentences are repetitive and after a few pages the children are able to read a long with you.
Many of the children’s sight words are in the books as well.
Forgarty’s webbing model is the model of integration that I will be using. I participate in two different groups of webbing. I
often use webs in my classroom with the children. But for this unit the children have very little to no prior knowledge of the Mrs.
Wishy Washy Series, so I will work with my colleagues to develop a unit plan. After the unit has begun in the classroom, I may do a
web with the children to see where their interests lie with this topic and if they want to proceed in another direction.
I work at a large school with four other kindergarten teachers and I find that webbing is one of the most effective practices we
have in place when we are trying to improve on our curriculum delivery. With this model, we all remain focused on what needs to be
covered. The way we present the unit to the students will vary but the underlying content remains the same. I plan to integrate several
different subjects into my unit and several of my activities will cover two subjects at one time. My focus will be on literacy,
numeracy, creative development, health and physical development, science and technology. See the following map for a more
detailed description.
Role playing
Pudding paint
Thinking about it
Health &
Tub Addition
1-10 Hiding
Animal Fill In
(making sets)
Cut and color Mrs. Wishy Washy
Match up
You Tube Videos
Bubble Count cards
Sight word puzzles
Barnyard Sound Bingo
Sensory bin/Feely Bag
Class Book
Soap and Water/Mud Bin
Pocket chart
Reading response
road map
Ven Diagram
In the following tables, I have stated the general outcomes, the specific outcomes and the learning outcomes that I want to
address with this unit. The children need to demonstrate a certain level of understanding in certain areas such as literacy and
numeracy, but in other areas, they only need to have exposure to certain domains, such as technology. It is important to note that many
of the literacy outcomes listed under “Speaking and Listening” may apply at various times in other subject lessons. I have listed
several activities to be completed throughout the duration of the unit. These will be met through many different means. The children
will learn by teacher directed lessons, mini-lessons, small group and individual settings and through hands-on learning. I will leave a
space in my lesson plan for reflective thoughts. What worked? What didn’t? How can I change what didn’t work and how can I
improve on what did? Since this unit is being presented to all five of the English classes, I will collaborate with my colleagues to
compare what was positive about their lesson plans and what was not. I am open to share ideas and I welcome any feedback that they
can give.
I have listed all of my resources and assessment strategies and tools in the table as well. The assessments listed will allow me
to have a good base knowledge of where my students are academically and where I need to focus more attention to in my teaching.
With this unit being introduced relatively early in the school year, I will make note as to who has mastered the skills introduced and
whose skills are evolving. With the integration model being used in kindergarten, we are continually using skills over and over
throughout the whole year. It is a foundation that we are always building upon.
Kindergarten Early Literacy
Topic: Joy Cowley’s Mrs. Wishy Washy Series (Books have been provided by the Department of Education as an additional resource)
Mrs. Wishy Washy, Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Day and A Hole in the Tub
Focused Outcomes
Materials Used
Special Considerations
Oral Language –speaking and
reading the stories to
 Mrs. Wishy Washy
 Observation
EL1.1 – Express feelings and opinions
and describe personal experiences
and interests
EL1.2 – Listen to the ideas and
opinions of others
EL1.3 – Begin to ask and respond to
questions, seeking help and
EL1.5- participate in conversations
and in small and whole group
LO - While reading Mrs Wishy
Washy, the children need to able to
demonstrate an understanding of
what the book is about, think about
how the animals maybe feeling and
how Mrs. Wishy Washy is feeling
when the animals disobey her.
 Pocket charts
 Sentence strips
 Reading response
“road map”
 Paper
 Pencils
Reading and Viewing
EL3.1 – regard reading/viewing as
sources of interest, enjoyment and
EL3.2 – understand basic concepts of
print including directionality, word,
space, letter and sound
EL3.5 – Begin to match one-to-one
spoken to printed word
LO - During the sentence frame
activity, the children will need to
demonstrate their understanding of
directionality and the concept of a
word by pointing to sentence strips
Writing and Representing
EL4.1 – understand that print carries
a message
 crayons
teacher and the children will
use a reading response road
map (found at
teacherexpress. follow
along while reading Mrs
Wishy Washy stopping at
questions throughout the
route to the final destination
whole class mini-lesson using
sentence frames
_the children would read the
sentences and try to fill in the
missing words (ie. The cow
__ in the tub.)
A class book and each child
has his/her individual page to
complete and contribute to
the story. The class would
re-write the story of Mrs
Wishy Washy’s Day by
changing the characters in
the book to the students and
the teacher of the classroom.
(During the shared
reading lesson , the
teacher will take
note of the children
who are actively
involved in the
conversation and
who was not)
 Anecdotal notes
 Children’s work
samples (The
teacher will assess
the children’s
writing to see if the
children grasp the
concept that what
they have written
can be understood
be the reader.)
the group make
accommodation for children
with visual impairments such
as reading the book in a
location where all the
children can see the pictures
and allow for visually
impaired children to sit close
to the story.
Some discussion may be
needed before reading the
book about animals on a
farm. The animals in the
book may be new for some
students in your class.
**make use of the set of
guided reading books, Mrs
Wishy Washy’s Tub for
smaller group work
Kindergarten Early Numeracy
Topic: Joy Cowley’s Mrs. Wishy Washy Series (Books have been provided by the Department of Education as an additional resource)
Mrs. Wishy Washy, Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Day and A Hole in the Tub
Focused Outcomes
Materials Used
Special Consideration
Number Sense
EN1.7 – determine which
group has more, which has
less or which are equivalent
EN2.1 – demonstrate an
understanding of repeating
patterns (two or three
elements) by identifying,
describing, copying,
extending and creating
LO - Children need to be able
to complete several different
Mrs. Wishy Washy pattern
cards and they need to be
able to verbally describe the
pattern made.
EN3.1 – compare two objects
based on a single attribute,
such as height, mass (weight)
and volume (capacity)
LO - The children need to be
able to verbally show their
understanding of the weight
comparison between the two
items (mud and soapy
 pattern cards
template from
 two containers of
equal size
 mud
 soapy water
 scale
With the whole group, the
teacher will model how to
complete the pattern card
activity. The object is to be
able to extend to patterns
shown using the various
visual cues from Mrs Wishy
Washy. The children then
will be provided with the
opportunity to complete the
patterns either with a
partner or independently.
The class will work together
to fill two containers equally.
One with mud and one with
soapy water. Then the
teacher will ask the question,
“Which container will weigh
more or will the containers
weigh the same?” Teacher
records the children’s
answers? The teacher asks,
“How can we find out the
answer?” After coming to the
conclusion that a scale is
needed, the class will weigh
the two containers in order
to answer the question.
 Children’s work
(Pattern cards)
 Observation (The
teacher takes note
of which children
 Photos (photos can
be taken of other
patterns the
children have made
with various items
within the
 Interviews
Children who are having
difficulty with the concept of
patterning may work with a
partner to ensure that they
are having some success with
the cards. Time will then
need to be allotted for some
one-to-one teaching
Kindergarten Creative Development & Health and Physical Development
Topic: Joy Cowley’s Mrs. Wishy Washy Series (Books have been provided by the Department of Education as an additional resource)
Mrs. Wishy Washy, Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Day and A Hole in the Tub
Focused Outcomes
Materials Used
Special Consideration
 Photos and
Creative Development
CD 1.1 - express ideas and
feelings creatively through
music and movement
CD 1.2 – express ideas and
feelings creatively through
artistic expression
CD1.3 – represent and
express ideas and feelings
through creative play
LO -The children will need to
be able to express to the
teacher and their peers, what
they have created with the
pudding and why they made
what they did.
Health and Physical
HPD3.1 – understand that
feelings and emotions are
expressed in words, actions
and facial/body expressions
HPD3.3 – engage in and
complete activities
independently; and seek
assistance as necessary
 large size paper
 various types of
children to finger-paint on a
large piece of mural paper
using the chocolate pudding.
The children listen to various
types of music while creating
their mural.
 stereo
 apron
 various masks
 tub (can be made of
various items, ie,
box, tote, etc)
With the teacher as the
narrator, the class will take
part in acting out A Hole in
the Tub. This play may need
to be acted out several times
in order for all the children to
have opportunity to take
Interviews (The
teacher will discuss
the paintings with
the small groups and
through questioning
he/she will
determine who was
open to expressing
his/her feeling and
which children were
more reluctant to
 Video (Having the
children’s plays
videoed will enable
the teacher to
conference with the
children about their
ability to express
ideas and feelings
through creative
play. A good method
of self-assessment
for the children)
Special consideration will
need to be taken for any
children who may be lactose
intolerant. A substitution for
the chocolate pudding may
need to be put in place.
While creating the
atmosphere for the play, the
teacher will need to define
the terms narrator, character
and settings for the children.
These, most likely, will be
new terms for the children.
Children with physical
limitations may need to have
extra supports put into place
in order for everyone to have
an active role and have a
successful experience.
Kindergarten Science
Topic: Joy Cowley’s Mrs. Wishy Washy Series (Books have been provided by the Department of Education as an additional resource)
Mrs. Wishy Washy, Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Day and A Hole in the Tub
Focused Outcomes
Materials Used
Special Consideration
will need to be
 Rubric (Are the
Exploring the World
any children
children able to use
Using Our Senses
S1.1 – become aware of the
five senses
S1.2 – develop and use
vocabulary associated with
the five senses
LO - The children will need to
be able to use descriptive
word when discussing the
various items in the feely bag
(such as smooth, soft, rough,
hard) and when talking about
mud (such as gooey, mushy,
 Mud
 Soapy water
 Feely bag
the other containing soapy
water. The children will be
able to explore the feeling of
these two sensory items
during learning centre time.
The children will discuss the
similarities and differences
between the two.
 Feathers
 Fake fur
 Scrub brush
 Bar of soap
During a shared mini-lesson
the teacher will introduce a
“feely bag”. The children will
individually have a turn to
feel an item in the bag and
try to figure out what is in
the bag without looking
inside the bag. The children
will need to use descriptive
words to help solve the
mystery items.
vocabulary words
associated with the
five senses. Are
they able to perform
this skill
consistently, is the
skill developing or
do they need
assistance often?
who have sensory issues. An
activity around the sense of
hearing may replace the
touching activity. The
different sounds that the
animals make.
Kindergarten Technology
Topic: Joy Cowley’s Mrs. Wishy Washy Series (Books have been provided by the Department of Education as an additional resource)
Mrs. Wishy Washy, Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Day and A Hole in the Tub
Focused Outcomes
Materials Used
Special Consideration
A3.1 - demonstrate
awareness of the Internet
as a source of information
LO- the children need to
show an active interest in
finding out information on
the internet
 Computers
 Various teaching sites
 You Tube
Introduce the children to the
new technology as a whole
group using a Smart Board. Have
the children take turns
interacting with the program.
After the children are
comfortable, they can play this
game on individual computers
either in the computer lab or in
the classroom.
Watch a youtube video of Mrs
Wishy Washy. Allow the children
the opportunity to see this book
through a different lens. There
are several different versions to
choose from. ** Remember to
always view a clip before
showing it to your students.
Some may contain inappropriate
 Observations
 Children’s
 Rubric (Do the
children appear to
be engage in
activities on the
internet? Do they
ask for assistance
to help locate
particular sites on
the web?)
Are there enough
computers available for all
children to have access to?
Are there any adaptations
in place for children with
Is there a Smart Board
available for whole group
Are the sites easy for the
children to access or does
there need to be a teacher
close by to assist?