Market Situation of Organic Products in Europe and United States

Market Situation of Organic Products in Europe and United States
The popularity to consume organic products in the world market has been a trend of
high growth rate continuously. In 2009 the organic product markets in Europe and United
States had increasingly had circulations although there was less growth rate than last year. In
2009 the world organic product markets had the total circulations about 50.9 billion US
dollars. The United States had the largest organic product markets in the world. There was
total value of marketing about 24.8 billion US dollars. The markets in Europe were the second
largest in the world. There was total value of marketing about 18 billion Euros.
1. The Organic Product Markets in the United States
In 2009 there were many industries getting effects from the world economic crisis;
however, the organic product markets in the United Stated had high circulation. There was the
growth rate about 5%. Although the growth rate of the organic product markets in 2009 had
less than 2008 (growth rate about 15-20 %), the Organic Trade Association OTA (USA) had
been very pleasure to this growth rate because the circulations of common products in the
markets was the growth rate about 2% only when it compared with the Conventional Market
in 2009.
The total circulation of the organic products in the United States in 2009 was 24.8
billion US dollars. The data survey of OTA reported that the total circulation of non-food
organic products (detergent, cleaning agent, textile, natural cosmetic product) in 2009 had 1.8
billion US dollars. This circulation of non-food had growth rate about 9%.
The organic products which were fresh fruits and vegetables had total circulation about
9.5 billion US dollars. It increased about 11%. This growth rate was 38% of circulation all
organic products in USA. The most organic fruits and vegetables in USA were available for
selling in supermarket or discounters. There was market share at 54% while the organic
product supermarket was market share at 38%. The direct organic product selling from the
agricultural group began to be more popular but there was less market share.
2. The Organic Product Markets in Europe
In 2009 Agrarmarkt-Informationsgesellschaft (AMI) reported that the circulation of
organic product in Europe had 18 billion Euros. It increased 10%. Germany had the largest
organic product market in Europe Unions and followed the markets in France and United
Kingdom. However, the average individual of Denmark consumed the most organic products
was 132 Euros and later Swiss (119 Euros) and Austrian (97 Euros). German ranked # 6.
There was circulation at 71 Euros.
2.1 The Organic Product Markets in Germany
Federation of Organic Food Industry of Germany reported that in 2009 the organic
products in Germany had circulation about 5.8 billion Euros. The main circulation had got
from selling products through the organic product supermarket. German Organic Producers
and Traders Association reported that the organic product supermarket had circulation during
the first half year in 2010 much more than 10%.
From the continuous expansion of organic products, the farmers interested to plant
these products. In 2009 there were 21,047 farmers. It was 5.6 % of all farmers in German. The
total areas for plantation organic products were about 947,000 hectares. It increased about 1%.
The organic product trade in Germany had continuously increased. In 2009 Germany
had large 550 supermarkets (It increased 58 places or about 12%) which had areas for selling
organic products about 200 square kilometers. There were 240 organic product supermarkets
which were chain store 18 companies. Three largest companies selling organic products were
Alnatura, Denn’s and Basic.
2.2 The Organic Product Markets in France
In 2009 it was the best year for organic product markets in France. There were many
farmers who were increasingly interested to plant the organic products and also there was
increasingly circulation of these products. In this year there were 16,446 farmers. It increased
23% and it was 2.5 % of all agricultural products in France.
The circulation of organic products had about 3 billion Euros in 2009. It increased
from 2005 about twofold. It increased circulation from the last year about 400 million Euros
or 15%. The organic product market of France had the proportion at 19% of all agricultural
products. However, this growth rate made the producers in France anticipated France
consumers became popular in the organic products as well as consumers in Denmark, Swiss,
Austria and German.
2.3 The Organic Product Markets in the United Kingdom
There was not good circulation of organic product market in the United Kingdom in
2009. There was total circulation 2 billion Euros. It decreased 13% when it compared the
circulation in 2008. However, the circulation of the natural cosmetic products in the country
increased in 2009 about 40 million Euros. It increased about one third of these products. Other
organic products which increased circulation were milk products increasing 1% and food for
children increasing 21%. It had circulation about 110 million Euros.
2.4 The Organic Product Markets in Austria
The industry about organic products has been very popular in Australia. 20% of all
agricultural areas are the organic agriculture. The average of areas for organic agriculture in
Europe Unions is only 4%.
The circulation of organic product market in Austria had continuously increased since
2009. During the first four months of 2010 the circulation of organic products in Austria
increased about 30% when it compared with circulation in the same year of 2009. The
popular organic products were milk products such as milk, yogurt, cheese and butter (It
increased 50%) and fresh fruits and vegetables (It increased 27%). The circulation of the
organic product market in Austria was 8% of common agricultural products which had total
circulation about 984 million Euros. The most organic product trade in Austria had been sold
through the supermarket which was the conventional retail food trade. It was 67% of all trade.
2.5 The Organic Product Markets in Italy
The circulation of organic products in Italy in 2009 was about 2.35 billion Euros.
There was 850 million Euros (about 36%) from circulation of exportation. In the first half year
of 2010 the processed organic products had increased circulation about 9%.
There was expectation that the areas of organic agriculture in 2010 would have
increased about 21% in the south of country and in the Sicilian Island and about 11% in north
of country.
2.6 The Organic Product Markets in Spain
Spain championed the organic producer of Euro. Spain has the total areas for the
organic agriculture about 1.33 million hectares much more than Italy where has areas for the
organic agriculture about 1.1 million hectares.
The most important supermarket for the organic product trade in Spain is Veritas
Company. The trade for the organic products is selling through the organic product
supermarkets. There is market share about 75% while the conventional trade store is market
share about 20%. The important conventional sectors selling the organic products are El Corte
Ingles and Carrefour.
Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP), City of Frankfurt
December, 2009