Unit 4 Reading/Assignment Schedule Big Questions: 1) How are the external stimuli that strike our bodies transformed into messages that our brains comprehend? 2) What are the roles of the structures of the eye and the brain in visual information processing? 3) What are the roles of the structures of the ear and the brain in auditory information processing? 4) How do the brain and nervous system process the senses of smell, taste, touch and kinesthesis? 5) How does selective attention affect our perception? 6) How do the organizational patterns of the brain affect our perception? 7) To what extent do our experience and beliefs shape our perceptions? 8) What are the claims of extra-sensory perception? Reading Other assignments/quizzes Date due p. 197-203 Thur. Oct.31st p. 204-208 Fri, Nov. 1st p. 208-214 Tue, Nov. 5th Reading quiz Thurs. Nov. 7th p. 215-223 Fri. Nov. 8th p. 224-234 Mon. Nov. 11th Quiz: Sensation Tue. Nov. 12th Synesthesia article Wed., Nov. 13th p. 237-242 Thur., Nov. 14th p. 242-253 Fri. Nov. 15th p. 254-263 Mon., Nov. 18th p. 264-268 Partner Quiz: Perception Tue., Nov. 19th Unit 4 test Thur., Nov 21st Sensation terms Sensation Perception Bottom-up processing Top-down processing Psychophysics Absolute threshold Signal detection theory Subliminal priming Difference threshold Just noticeable difference Weber’s law Sensory adaptation Transduction Wavelength Hue Intensity Amplitude Pupil Iris Lens Accomodation Retina Acuity Rods Cones Optic nerve Blind spot Fovea Feature detectors Parallel processing Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory Opponent-process theory Color constancy Audition Frequency Pitch Middle ear Inner ear Cochlea Basilar membrane Place theory Frequency theory Conduction deafness Sensorineural hearing loss Sensory compensation Gate-control theory Olfaction Sensory interaction Kinesthesis Vestibular sense Perception terms: Selective attention Cocktail party effect Choice blindness Change blindness Visual capture Gestalt Figure-ground Grouping Proximity Similarity Continuity Closure Connectedness Depth perception Binocular cues Retinal disparity Convergence Monocular cues Relative size Interposition Relative clarity Texture gradient Relative height Relative motion Linear perspective Relative brightness Motion perception Stroboscopic movement Phi phenomenon Perceptual constancy Sensory deprivation (effects) Perceptual adaptation Perceptual set Schemas Context effects Human factors psychology Extrasensory perception Telepathy Clairvoyance Precognition Psychokinesis Parapsychology Reflective writing suggested topics 1. Go through an entire day in your life and explain how you constantly use sensory adaptation. 2. Research and report on experiments that have been done on subliminal perception. 3. Look up and read any of the primary sources cited in Chapters 5 or 6. What new information did you gain from reading the primary sources? 4. If you were forced to give up one sense, what would it be? Why? How would your life be different without that sense? 5. Discuss your personal experiences with pain and what you have learned in this unit. Have there been times when you have controlled or not experienced pain because of distraction? 6. Discuss some of your personal experiences with taste and smell. Do you have certain smells, tastes that are connected to vivid memories? 7. Describe times when you have used selective attention, or have been affected by visual capture. 8. Draw a picture using some of the monocular cues for depth perception discussed in the text. Write a paragraph or two describing the cues you have used. 9. Discuss several examples of times when your expectations influenced your perception of a situation, person, or group. 10. Discuss personal experiences when you felt you had experienced or observed ESP. How has what we have learned in this unit changed (or not changed) your interpretation of those experiences? 11. Create a flip book to demonstrate how we perceive motion.