Organic Chemistry Course Number 3660 Teacher: Mr. Ian MacDonald Updated on May 24th, 2012 Month Content Learning Activities Hydrocarbons: Alkanes – homologous series , CnH2n+2 straight and branched chain physical and chemical properties IUPAC nomenclature - # of C atoms (alkyl group names) - Prefix --- Stem(Parent) ---- suffix January substituents # of C Functional Group Molecular vs Structural vs Condensed Structural formulae vs Line Isomerism Structural Geometric (cis + trans) Stereoisomerism Alkenes + alkynes unsaturated vs satura ted February IUPAC nomenclature physical and chemical properties Hydrocarbon Rings Aliphatic Cyclic Aromatic (Arenes) Assessment Worksheets Model kit work Worksheets Quiz Worksheets Model kit work Worksheets - names of simple monoWorksheets substituted rings Model kit work - ortho, meta and para Student presentations disubstituted rings Hydrocarbons from the Earth Natural Gas Petroleum - “Cracking” and “Reforming” Coal Hybridization Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and in benzene sp3, sp2 and sp. Bond angles and Shapes of molecules. March Resonance and delocalization in benzene Functional Groups – April Naming common functional groups alkyl groups – iso, sec and tert Mechanisms Alkanes– substitution reactions including free radical mechanism Alkenes– electrophilic addition reactions Benzene– electrophilic substitution Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers - Prefix ---- Stem(Parent) ---- suffix substituents # of C Functional Group Molecular vs Structural vs Condensed Structural formulae vs Line physical and chemical properties - redox, esterification Worksheets Student presentations Test on 1st Quarter worksheets worksheets Student presentations Student presentations LAB: oxidation of alcohols LAB: DUI LAB: Esters MayJune Aldehydes, Ketones and Worksheets LAB: aldehydes and Carboxylic acids Structural formula, ketones physical properties LAB: Carboxylic acids IUPAC nomenclature Videos Chemical properties: oxidation(reduction) nucleophilic addition Tests to distinguish aldehydes from ketones Polymerization – addition free radical chain reaction condensation The Greenhouse Effect worksheets Test on 2nd quarter