6.0 Final Report Outline

A Technology Service and Solutions
CONTRACT NO.: HQ0006-05-C-7191
AU G U S T 2 3 R D , 2 0 0 5
“Improved Reliability and Producibility of Ballistic Missile Defense Systems
through Highly Controlled Deposition of Critical Battery Components”
Submitted by:
Barton Bennett
Odyssian Technology, LLC
(574) 257-7555 - Office
(574) 850-4060 - Mobile
Submitted to:
Samuel Stuart, COR/ NavSea Crane
Dale McNabb, MDA/CTV
The views, opinions, and findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be
construed as an official Department of Defense position, policy, or decision.
This document contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (Title 22,
U.S.C. Sec. 2751, et seq.) or the Export Administrator Act of 1979, as amended, Title 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et
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Final Technical Report
3. DATES COVERED (From - To)
02-23-2005 to 08-23-2005
Improved Reliability and Producibility of Ballistic Missile Defense Systems through Highly
Controlled Deposition of Critical Battery Components
Barton Bennett, President & Sr. Program Manager
Technology, LLC
3740 Edison Lakes Pwy, Suite 201
Mishawaka, Indiana 46545
Sponsoring Agency:
Missile Defense Agency
7100 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301-7100
Monitoring Agency:
NavSea Crane
B3235, Code 6093
300 Highway 361
Crane, IN 47522
Distribution authorized to U.S. Government Agencies only, Proprietary Information, 04 April, 2004. Other requests for this document shall
be referred to the Missile Defense Agency/MP, 3550 7100 Defense Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301-7100.
Data rights IAW DFAR 252.227-7018. SBIR Data Rights.
This document contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C. Sec. 2751, et seq.) or the
Export Administrator Act of 1979, as amended, Title 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq. Violators are subject to severe criminal penalties.
This phase I SBIR program developed and demonstrated thin film igniter technology for use in improving the reliability and
producibility of thermal batteries that are used in U.S. missile systems. Thin film thermal igniter designs were developed and
evaluated and processing methods were explored and optimized. Thin film was applied using three different physical vapor
deposition (PVD) processes which included; thermal evaporation, electron beam evaporation, and sputtering deposition. These
processes were evaluated for optimum igniter performance. A thermal analysis model was developed that offers utility in predicting
the ignition performance of new or modified thermal batteries. The thin film igniter design will significantly reduce the cost of
missile systems by improving reliability and producibility over existing bridge wire igniter designs. The analysis tool will
significantly reduce thermal battery development and modification cost by reducing the need for iterative testing and design
thermal, battery, igniter, PVD, thin film, thermal battery, analysis
Not classified
Samuel Stuart
19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area
(812) 854-5958
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239.18
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
The technology reported herein is subject to SBIR Data Rights IAW DFAR 252.227-7018.
Contract No.
Contractor Name
Odyssian Technology
3740 Edison Lakes Parkway, Suite 201
Mishawaka, Indiana 46545
Expiration of SBIR Data Rights Period
23 August, 2010
The Government's rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose technical data
or computer software marked with this legend are restricted during the period shown as provided in
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Innovative Research (SBIR) Program clause contained in the above identified contract. No restrictions
apply after the expiration date shown above. Any reproduction of technical data, computer software, or
portions thereof marked with this legend must also reproduce the markings.
The following language is added to this report at the request of our subcontractor Rose-Hulman
Institute of Technology (RHIT). The following applies to RHIT.
Technical data rights developed during SBIR: none
Prior technical data rights used during Phase I SBIR: Rose-Hulman used a previous
technical data right developed prior to the phase I SBIR proposal. The Technical
data right involves the deposition of thin film material directly onto the igniter posts
and insulating material. The prior technical data right further includes a shadow
mask having either a line, arced line or a circle where the mask may also act as a
holder for the igniters during deposition. This technical data right was developed by
a group of students during a senior design project led by Nicole Hartkemeyer and
supervised by Research Fellow Scott Kirkpatrick and Director of MEMS Lab Dr.
Azad Siahmakoun. This design was developed out of a design concept for a heater
element that may be deposited and possibly patterned to produce a reliable ignition
source for the igniter material. This was suggested by RHIT professor Dr. Tom
Adams in a meeting with Crane for possible collaboration projects.
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
PROGRAM INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................1
PROGRAM OBJECTIVES……………………………………………………………………....2
TECHNICAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS……..……................................................................3
TASK II – DESIGN STUDY……………….…………………………………....…….4
TASK IV – TESTING AND EVALUATION............................................................. …....22
SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSED PHASE II PROGRAM………………..................................…....…39
APPENDIX A – REQUIREMENTS AND GOALS ……………………………………………A1 thru A-5
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 1: Updated Program Schedule……………………………………………………………………….3
Figure 2: Solid Model of Igniter Base……………………………………………………………………….4
Figure 3: Thermal Modeling No Powder No Convection Line-shape Time = 5s ....………………………...7
Figure 4: Thermal Modeling No Powder No Convection Line-Shape Time = 150s ………………………..7
Figure 5: Thermal Modeling No Powder No Convection Line-Shape Time = 300s ………………………..8
Figure 6: Transient Temperature Curve No-Fire Load No Convection No Powder Line-Shape …………...9
Figure 7: Transient Temperature Curve All-Fire Load No Convection No Powder Line-Shape ……...…....9
Figure 8: Thermal Modeling No Powder No Convection Circle-Shape Time = 5s ………………………..10
Figure 9: Thermal Modeling No Powder No Convection Inverted-Dog Bone Time = 5s ………………...11
Figure 10: Thermal Modeling With Powder No Convection Line-Shape ………………………………...…12
Figure 11: Transient Temperature Curve No-Fire Load No Convection With Powder Line-Shape…….........13
Figure 12: Transient Temperature Curve No-Fire Load With Convection With Powder Line-Shape….….....13
Figure 13: Thermal Modeling No-Fire Load With Powder With Convection Line-Shape .........................…...14
Figure 14: Thermal Modeling All-Fire Load With Powder With Convection Line-Shape ……………….….15
Figure 15: Thermal Modeling No-Fire Load With Powder With Convection Circle-Shape ……………..…..15
Figure 16: Thermal Modeling All-Fire Load With Powder With Convection Circle-Shape…….…….........…16
Figure 17: Sensitivity Study for Igniter Thermal Modeling ………………………………………….….…...17
Figure 18: Fabricated Line-Shape Mask ……………………………………………………………….…....18
Figure 19: Peeling of Nichrome on Oxidized Si Wafer ………………………………………………..……19
Figure 20: E-beam and Sputtered Nichrome on Si Wafers ………………………………………….……...20
Figure 21: Data Run Sheet for Igniter Depositions…………………………………………………..……...21
Figure 22: 2D Contour Surface Plot of Nichrome Deposited Si Wafer via Sputtering………………..……..22
Figure 23: 2D Contour Surface Plot of Nichrome Deposited Si Wafer via E-beam …………………..…….23
Figure 24: 2D contour surface plot of an oxidized Si wafer coated with NiCr via thermal evaporation...…..24
Figure 25: Thin film average resistivity per run showing deposition rate is a major factor.. ………….......….25
Figure 26: Average resistivity of the various depositions with respect to thickness. …………………...….....27
Figure 27: E-beam deposition runs showing large variation and large standard deviation.……………...…....27
Figure 28: Sputtering deposition runs showing less variation…………………………………………..…...28
Figure 29: SEM picture of entire igniter head. …………………………………………………….…...…...29
Figure 30: SEM picture of igniter head showing peeling of porous Nichrome. and pitting…..……..…..…...29
Figure 31: SEM picture of epoxy/pole (electrical lead) interface………..…………………………..……....30
Figure 32: SEM close-up (×5) of figure 31. Peeling chip at epoxy/pole interface………..……….…....…...30
Figure 33A&B: Invention of Shutter System used to control PVD on each igniter………..……….…....…...31
Figure 34: Schematic diagram of the shutter control system………..………………………………..……....34
Figure 35: Ignition times with respect to resistivity showing 1.3 to 1.6 ohms required for Sputtered Film.......37
Figure 36: Photograph of an example application - the Tomahawk cruise missile………..……….………....39
Figure 37: Basic conceptual design for the proposed phase II igniter deposition system.………..….….…....40
Figure 38: A Close-up design similar to a Vac-Coupling to provide a vacuum sealing surface. .……… …....41
Figure 39: A top down conceptual view of an igniter holder/mask..…………………………………...…...42
Figure 40: A cross section view of an igniter holder/mask..……………..……………………...…………...42
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Table 1: No-Fire and All-Fire Line-Shaped Thickness Requirements ………………………………………6
Table 2: Table 2: Positional Igniter Bridge Wire Resistivities for Each PVD Run……...……………………26
Table 3: All-Fire and No-Fire Testing Results……...............................................................……………………36
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
SBIR Data Rights. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies only. Other requests for this document
must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Phase I Final Report – August 23, 2005
This phase I SBIR program developed a new design and process for manufacturing thermal
battery igniter components. The missiles used by the military today are electronics intensive: control
systems, navigation systems, and targeting systems all have components on-board the missile. These
systems require a power source that is capable of delivering large amounts of power over the period
of time the missile is in flight. Thermal batteries are used extensively in military missile systems
because of their superior performance in meeting the arduous demands of missile power supplies.
One of the major advantages of thermal batteries over other power sources is that thermal batteries
are stored with the electrolyte in a solid state to prevent passive power leakage over time. Igniters are
used to initiates a combustive exothermic reaction that heats and activates the electrolyte.
Conventional igniters have a thermal element called a Bridge Wire that is a small filament wire that
provides resistant heat to initiate the combustive reaction. Under this SBIR program, physical vapor
deposition (PVD) technology was used to develop a more reliable thin film heating element.
Improving the reliability of this vital battery component improves the dependability of the military
missile systems that use thermal batteries. Odyssian Technology, as well as, NavSea Crane and
EaglePicher foresee cost savings and significant reliability improvements from the use of thin film
(PVD) thermal battery igniters. Thin film processing using PVD minimizes cost by significantly
lowering touch-labor of the manufacturing process and by allowing for batch processing.
To improve the likelihood of successful Phase III technology transition, Odyssian Technology
has partnered with EaglePicher which is a major supplier of thermal batteries and igniters for the
U.S. Department of Defense, Department of Energy, and NASA. During Phase I EaglePicher
provided definition of application requirements, critiqued design concepts, and supplied igniter
components needed for fabrication and testing of the new bridge wire design. The University of
Notre Dame, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and K&D Design and Development
Corporation also participated as subcontractors to provide equipment access and services required
for processing and testing multiple proof-of-concept demonstration articles. Odyssian Technology
had overall program responsibility and developed designs using 3D solid modeling, and finite
element analysis.
Odyssian Technology and its team successfully demonstrated the feasibility of a PVD bridge wire
for thermal battery igniters. Odyssian first worked with EaglePicher and Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology to develop phase I performance and processing specifications. Items that were
considered during this task included cost, ease of use, and reliability of bridge wires produced. A
finite element analysis model of the igniters was created to determine which design variables would
have the greatest effect on the reliability of the igniters. The major design variables considered during
phase I included thickness and geometry of the bridge wire deposition. Several process and igniter
fabrication trials were conducted at the University of Notre Dame and Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology using various PVD methods and several different design configurations.
During Phase II the thin film PVD Igniter design will be optimized, the thermal modeling tool
will be further developed, and a production pilot system will be constructed and characterized.
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
This Phase I SBIR program was designed to demonstrate the feasibility of a Thin Film PVD
heating element (bridge wire) for use in thermal battery igniters. The phase I program focused on
developing and assessing production worthy methods for design and processing of these thin film
elements. The scope of phase I was established to accomplish the following objectives.
Identify optimal processing equipment and designs for manufacturing lowest cost most
reliable bridge wires for thermal battery igniters.
Experimentally correlate design variables with reliability in bridge wires to ensure
optimal design of thermal battery igniter bridge wires.
Develop electrical – mechanical coupled models for predicting most viable device
variables for experimental setup.
The program performance and technical accomplishments of phase I are discussed and
summarized in this section of the final report. The original phase I work plan called for the design
and fabrication of PVD bridge wire igniters for initial performance testing and design optimization.
After completing this task for the line-shaped bridge wire design further testing and optimization
steps were taken for a circle-shaped PVD bridge wire. Additional process variability testing was also
conducted at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and the University of Notre Dame above the
original scope of the program. Odyssian Technology also worked beyond the scope of the project by
developing a more complete and complex thermal model of the igniter system than originally
This program was successfully executed to schedule with all technical tasks completed by the
scheduled end date of August 23rd, 2005. Expenditures charged to this program were within limits of
the original proposed budget.
The work plan of this program includes the following five tasks;
Task 1 – Methods and Requirements Definition
Task 2 – Design Study
Task 3 – Process Development and Fabrication
Task 4 – Testing and Evaluation
Task 5 – Program Management and Reporting
A copy of the updated program schedule is shown in Figure 1. This schedule shows completion
of all technical tasks. Task 2 (Design Study) start date was moved up from its original start date to
provide additional time for creating an optimized design of the PVD bridge wire before start of the
fabrication and testing tasks. Task 4 (Testing and Evaluation) start date was also moved up so that
testing results from the fabrication of igniters could be used to further optimize the fabrication of
later igniters.
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 1: Program Schedule – All Technical Tasks have been completed.
Due to the limited funding available in Phase I and the desire to keep within current military
specifications, the scope of Phase I was restricted to the development of a PVD bridge wire design
using 8020 Nichrome. This is the material used in the currently implemented hot-wire bridge design.
A summary of the technical progress made during this SBIR program is provided in the following
Task 1 – Methods and Requirements Definition
Odyssian Technology discussed the definition of the methods and requirements with
EaglePicher as well as Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. These requirements were reviewed by
both groups and are shown in Appendix A. This document lists the various igniter tests required by
the appropriate military specification (MIL-DTL-23659D) for the EP250-1 igniter. Shown are the
specifications used to test the reliability of existing igniters. A standard test matrix is also shown. The
new bridge wire design will have to meet these same testing requirements before they are used on an
existing military system. Also shown in Appendix A is a breakdown of the requirements and goals
that were expected to be reached during each phase of this SBIR program and the final status of each
of these requirements. Input from EaglePicher and Rose-Hulman indicated that the scope of each
phase’s requirements and goals was well accepted.
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Task 2 – Design Study
A solid model drawing of the igniter was created and used to make a thermal model with the
finite element analysis program NE/NASTRAN. Figure 2 below shows the 3D solid model created
using Solid Works along with the materials that make up each igniter component. Not shown is the
pyrotechnic powder which sits on top of the bridge wire, and the metal cap that contains the powder
and wraps around the outer metallic seal. The physical dimensions needed to construct the model of
the igniter were provided by EaglePicher.
Figure 2: Phase I Demo Igniter Component (With line shaped thin film bridge wire) – Solid model drawings of the phase I
bridge wire design with PVD thin film wire are shown. Materials of each component are given and their properties are used to
create a thermal model of the igniter using finite element analysis.
An estimated required thickness of the line-shaped thin film bridge wire was first calculated so
the model could be physically constructed. The following section details how the thickness of bridge
wires was theoretically determined.
List of Terms:
i = current (Amps)
t = firing time (sec)
l = length of bridgewire (m)
th = bridge wire thickness (m)
w = bridge wire width (m)
= area of wire cross-section (m2)
CP = specific heat of material (J / (Kg °C))
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
resist = resistivity of material (Ω m)
dense = density of material (Kg / m3)
Ti = initial bridgewire temperature (°C)
= final bridgewire temperature (°C)
Qdot = heat flow of bridge wire
Wdot = work flow of bridge wire
Ewire = total energy in wire
Equations begin with the basic conservation of energy in order to calculate the conversion of
electrical energy to the needed change in temperature:
 Wdot  Qdot
(Eq. 1)
The wire is assumed to be adiabatic and the electrical form of work was substituted yielding:
 i 2 Relectric
Relectric   resist
(Eq. 2)
The change in energy was then substituted for the change in temperature for the given mass and
specific heat:
 denseC p Acl
T f  Ti
 i 2  resist
(Eq. 3)
This equation was then solved for the Ac:
t (i 2 )  resist
Ac 
(T f  Ti )C p  dense
(Eq. 4)
The equation is then solved for thickness:
th  w
t (i 2 )  resist
(T f  Ti )C p  dense
(Eq. 5)
Table 1 contains the data used to calculate the required thickness of the bridge wire line-shaped
design to meet both the no-fire and all-fire requirements.
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
One issue with the theoretical results of these calculations is the excessive thickness required to
meet the all-fire and no-fire tests. A target thickness of about 1 micron is desired for the PVD
process. This data indicates that 750 microns of Nichrome must be deposited in order to prevent the
bridge wire from reaching 300C within 5 minutes using a 1A current source. Any less material will
result in a bridge wire with less cross-sectional area, thus making its resistance and resulting
temperature increase. The relationship between resistance and geometry can be seen in the following
Relectric = presist*(l/Ac) (Eq. 6)
The method above assumes that all of the energy generated by the current, i , is converted into
resistive heating and this energy remains inside the bridge wire. The amount of current was therefore
used to determine the final temperature of the bridge wire as shown in Eq. 5. However, the
assumption that all the energy stays inside the bridge wire is incorrect as the bridge wire, being in
contact with its surroundings, looses heat energy via conduction and convection into adjacent
materials and air. Some energy is also lost via electromagnetic radiation. The thermal model
developed takes into account the fact that the bridge wire is loosing energy to its surroundings, giving
a more accurate prediction of the required thickness.
Initially, the model included conduction through all the materials that contacted the bridge wire
except the igniter powder. Because this model did not include the igniter powder or convection
losses, it predicted a need for higher thickness of material than is comparable for the PVD process
based on past fabricated test articles. A bridge wire thickness of 23 microns was derived from the
model in order to meet the specification for No-Fire current load (1A over 300s). Figures 3 through
5 illustrate this thermal model at several time intervals.
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 3: 23 micron thick Nichrome bridge wire at time = 5s and maximum temperature = 144.9C
Figure 4: 23 micron thick Nichrome bridge wire at time = 150s and maximum temperature = 225.2C
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 5: 23 micron thick Nichrome bridge wire at time = 300s and maximum temperature = 290C
Although a 23 micron thickness keeps the bridge wire under 300C with the No-Fire loading
condition, a thickness of no more than 6.5 microns is required for the model to reach 300C with an
All-Fire loading condition of 3A over 20 ms. These findings are an obvious decrease from the 750
for No-Fire verses 19.28 micron thickness for All-Fire predicted by the conservation of energy
equation alone. By including the fact that the bridge wire is loosing energy to its surroundings, the
thickness becomes much lower.
The temperature distribution illustrated in Figures 3 through 5 provides some insightful
observations about the thermal behavior of the entire igniter system. The most notable is that the
center of the bridge wire is maintained at a higher temperature than its ends. Conduction through
two different materials is the reasoning behind this temperature distribution. The center of the bridge
wire is in contact with the glass potting material while the two ends are in contact with the highly
thermal conductive nickel lead wires. While the potting material is a comparibly lower thermal
conductor, the two lead wires act as heat sinks keeping the bridge wire much cooler in that area of
contact. This distribution in temperature will in turn effect how uniformly the pyrotechnic powder is
heated, and therefore represents a potential source of variability in ignition performance. The
information presented was considered in the design study for chosing the shape and thickness of the
phase I bridge wire design.
Figure 6 and 7 shows the maximum temperature vs. time graph for this model at the bridge wire
thicknesses of 23 microns and 6.5 microns for the no-fire and all-fire conditions respectively.
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 6: 23 micron thick Nichrome bridge wire Maximum Temperature vs. Time graph for No-Fire loading condition
Figure 7: 6.5 micron thick Nichrome bridge wire Maximum Temperature vs. Time graph for All-Fire loading condition
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
The need for more uniform temperature distribution over the heating element caused the
investigation of different bridge wire shapes with this model. Circle and inverted dog-bone shapes
were considered for their possible improvement in uniform temperature distribution. Figures 8 and 9
demonstrate the variation in temperature after 5 seconds of the No-Fire loading condition (1 Amp)
using modeling analysis for both of these shapes. As with the previous model, this model does not
factor in convection or conduction into the cap.
When comparing the line shape in Figure 3 to the circle shape in Figure 8, the circle shape has a
uniform temperature that is of a much wider area than the line shape at the 5 second loading point. A
potential disadvantage of the circle’s large surface area, however, is that the needed thickness of the
deposited material is much thinner to pass the all-fire and no-fire tests. If the thickness of the bridge
wire becomes too thin, the surface roughness of the substrate may cause physical breaks in the bridge
wire resulting in an open circuit. This potential difficulty can be resolved by modifying the shape of
the bridge wire until a minimum needed thickness is reached. The inverted dog-bone shape in Figure
9 is one example of this modification. The inverted dog-bone does not have as much of a total
effective cross-sectional area as the circle design, which therefore leads to a thicker required bridge
wire deposition. The inverted dog bone shows an improvement in uniform temperature distribution
over the line design, therefore offering an option for increasing overall thickness of the bridge wire
Figure 8: Circle Nichrome bridge wire at time = 5s
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 9: Inverted Dog-Bone Nichrome bridge wire at time = 5s
Odyssian Technology worked with Eagle Picher to model the powder, resulting in improved
accuracy of the thermal model. Odyssian created a model that includes a solid component that
represents the powder material in contact with the bridge wire. Due to the lack of available powder
data, a model of the powder was constructed by estimating material properties. These properties
were then varied to assess the effect on the resulting bridge wire deposition thickness. Initial material
estimates included; thermal conductivity of 50 W/m-C, a density of roughly 2600 kg/m^3, a specific
heat of approximately 500 J/kg-C.
The estimated material properties in the model were used to simulate the effect of the powder
and to perform sensitivity assessment. A low density, for example, is expected for the powder due to
its porous nature. Therefore, a low density material was used as a first estimate. The powder’s
thermal conductivity was initially assigned be relatively high to have the effect of increasing thickness
of the bridge wire deposition. The higher thermal conductivity, the greater the required thickness due
to the powder acting less as a thermal insulator and more like a heat sink or thermal conductor that
distributes heat and prevents localized high temperatures. The final material property to identify for
the powder for thermal analysis was specific heat. This parameter is the amount of heat required to
change a unit mass of substance by one degree in temperature. The higher this value, the more
thermal energy the powder can hold at a given temperature and the more it behaves as a heat sink.
All the materials in the system model hold a specific heat of approximately 500 J/kg-C. This value
was used as a first estimate for modeling the powder’s specific heat. This material property also has
the largest impact on the maximum temperature of the system. Allowing the specific heat, for
example, to increase to 4000 J/kg-C reduces the required bridge wire thickness to about 5 microns.
Increasing the specific heat beyond this point has a progressively less of an effect on reducing the
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
required bridge wire thickness. Figure 10 illustrates this new model for the no-fire load condition and
with an 11 micron bridge wire thickness that was determined via simulation of this model.
The addition of a convection load on the igniter system was later added to the model to produce
a higher level of accuracy to the steady state condition. The steady state response was simulated by
initially loading the bridge wire with either the no fire or all fire condition (1A or 3A current input)
with the removal of the load after the condition’s specified time. After a long period of time under
no load, the igniter system should return to room temperature via heat convection through the
surrounding air. Without the addition of a small convection load in the model, the energy generated
by the current load will remain in the system and not dissipate after the current load is removed. The
resulting steady state response was a uniform temperature much higher than room temperature. This
condition is shown in Figure 11. The 11 micron thick bridge wire system (including the powder)
having no convection load applied to the outer surfaces and placed under the no-fire loading
condition retained the energy added to the system long after the removal of the load. Steady state
uniform temperature occurred at about 260C. By placing a small convection load (6 W/m2 -C) on
this same system as in Figure 12, the steady state temperature returns to room temperature as
expected. Adding this feature to the model improves the accuracy of the transient response curve for
the igniter system.
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Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 11: 11 micron thick Nichrome bridge wire and igniter powder system with no convection loads Maximum Temperature vs.
Time graph for No-Fire loading condition – steady state system temperature approximately 260 C
Figure 12: 11 micron thick Nichrome bridge wire and igniter powder system with convection loading Maximum Temperature vs.
Time graph for No-Fire loading condition – steady state system temperature approximately 20 C
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Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Additional modeling work was completed recently to better represent the powder material.
Research has been conducted by both Odyssian Technology and Eagle Picher to identify existing
data and analysis on related pyrotechnic powders or igniters. A few papers were located including
those entitled, “Calculations of Effective Thermal Properties in a Highly Compressed Pyrotechnic
Mixture,” which contained thermal conductivity and density data for an unspecified pyrotechnic
powder material. This paper was the result of a 1982 seminar and authored by C.E. Hermance of the
University of Waterloo. After discussions with Eagle Picher about this finding, a decision was made
to use the data from this paper as a best guess on the material properties of the powders contained
within the EaglePicher igniters. This data will also be used for any EaglePicher purposes until
material data can be found by the original manufacturer or the powders can be tested for the
appropriate material properties.
Specific heat property data was still lacking from the research. To approximate this needed
information, specific heat was estimated from calcium since the pyrotechnic powder, boron calcium
chromate, is based on the calcium element. The specific heat of calcium is 653 J/kg - C which will
be used for the value of specific heat of the powder until more pertinent data is obtained. Thermal
conductivity values from the described papers were 2 W/m - C, and density was averaged at 1815
kg/m3. Figures 13 and 14 illustrate the final modeling conducted for the line-shape bridge wire using
these new material property estimates for the powder material. Figure 13 shows the no-fire loading
condition (1A) with the powder material (hidden) and convection loading. Figure 14 shows the allfire (5A) loading condition for the same model. A Five amp source was used as the all-fire condition
here to represent the military specifications for the igniter. Eagle Picher currently implements the allfire test at 3.5 amps. This model was optimized to find the minimum amount of convection needed
in the modeling to make the all-fire and no-fire obtainable by the same required thickness. For this
case, a convection coefficient of 6 W/m2 - C was discovered to meet this objective. The required
thickness found was 10.89 microns. If more convection is added to this model, the all-fire and nofire test requirements will both be met with either an increasingly larger time overlap or with an
allowed reduction in the minimum required thickness.
Figure 13: No-Fire Load 10.89 micron thick Nichrome bridge wire at time = 300s and maximum temperature = 299.8C
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Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 14: All-Fire Load 10.89 micron thick Nichrome bridge wire at time = 0.05s and maximum temperature = 301.1C
This optimization procedure was repeated for the circle-shaped thin film bridge wire. The new
material properties previously described were also used in this model. Figure 15 shows the No-Fire
(1A) loading condition with a minimum required convection coefficient of 13 W/m2 - C. The
required thickness for this model to pass both no-fire and all-fire (5A) loading conditions was 1.7
microns. Figure 16 shows the all-fire (5A) loading condition for this same model at worst case.
Figure 15: No-Fire Load 1.7 micron thick Nichrome bridge wire at time = 300s and maximum temperature = 298.1C
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Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 16: All-Fire Load 1.7 micron thick Nichrome bridge wire at time = 0.05s and maximum temperature = 303.2C
A sensitivity study was also conducted by Odyssian Technology to determine how responsive the
igniter model is to the major unknown variables. These variables include convection coefficient,
thermal conductivity of the powder, density of the powder, and specific heat of the powder. Figure
17 shows a graph comparing how large a temperature change was observed in the model after the
identified variable was run at best guess and then reduced by 90% of its original value. For example a
model was run for the line shaped bridge wire with a convection coefficient of 6 W/m2 - C. The
resulting maximum temperature of this model was then compared to the same model with a
convection coefficient of 0.6 W/m2 - C, a 90% reduction. The change in temperature was seen to be
about 400 C, showing that the modeling is very sensitive to the value of convection coefficient
placed on the system. The material properties of the powder, however, presented a much lower
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 17: Sensitivity Study for Igniter Thermal Model shows high sensitivity towards the convection coefficient.
Several factors have been identified for improving the igniter thermal modeling that was
developed during this phase I SBIR program. Obtaining a better definition of the igniter powder
material properties, as well as a better definition for the ignition temperature of the powder would
help to make the thermal modeling more accurate. The model also needs to be completed with the
addition of the final component of the igniter set-up, namely, the outer metal cap which houses the
powder. Adding this component will result in an increase of heat drawn away from the igniter bridgewire, thus requiring a thinner bridge wire to meet the all-fire temperature requirement. Another
component that is not included in the current model is the interaction of the igniter with the rest of
the battery assembly. A heat sink may be added to the end of the lead wires to simulate the power
source leads that will be supplying the needed current to the bridge wire. The battery also holds the
igniter through contact with the header, resulting in an additional source of heat conduction away
from the bridge wire. Because the battery is not present during the testing of the bridge wire, there
may be a desire to create a model of the igniter during testing (no battery materials present) and a
model during actual application. A better understanding of the convection coefficients on the igniter
during testing and application is vital due to the model’s high sensitivity towards the convection
coefficient’s value. Radiation may be another form of heat transfer that could be added to the model
for enhanced accuracy.
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Task 3 – Process Development and Fabrication
Odyssian, through the use of a local machine shop (K&L Machine and Mfg), was responsible for
fabricating the line-shaped and circle-shaped bridge wire masks. Masking is used in the PVD process
to act as a stencil for controlling the Nichrome deposition. Figure 18 is the resulting line-shaped
mask made from a rigid plastic material. The line-shaped and circle-shaped thermal models were used
to derive the dimensions of the masks that were needed to achieve a thin film bridge wire thickness
of only a couple microns. The actual thickness was determined during the testing and optimization
tasks conducted at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
Figure 18: Phase I Demo Igniter Mask (For line shaped thin film bridge wire) – The igniters are placed in the routed holes
and the line-shaped slots at the bottom of the mask act as a stencil preventing Nichrome from being deposited everywhere except
where there is an opening through the mask. The result is a line-shaped thin film Nichrome bridge wire on the igniter base.
Three separate PVD processes were attempted for this project: e-beam evaporation, sputtering
and thermal evaporation. Challenges and sources of variability were alloy concentration variation,
affects of deposition base pressure, deposition rates, cracking and peeling of the thin film, uniformity
of deposition, and resistivity changes over time (aging).
Evaporated and sputtered nichrome have been used in specific systems requiring a well known,
unchanging resistivity with respect to temperature (thermal coefficient of resistivity “TCR”). A
number of papers were discovered regarding both sputtering and evaporation of this material. Aging
of NiCr thin films after depositions has led to the annealing of thin films in oxygen to “stabilize” the
resistivity. The oxidized film is expected to change very little over time after annealing. Adding an
annealing step would increase handling and cost of the procedure. An alternative material such as
TaN may be a suitable replacement in future research.
As depositions increase in thickness, the film begins to act more like a bulk material. This bulk
material is highly stressed, and instead of adhering tightly to the substrate, the film will begin to peel
away. The peeling results from the shear stress overcoming the bonding forces between the film and
the substrate. Adhesion is better at smaller thicknesses.
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Deposition of alloyed thin films from single sources is a difficult task for evaporation processes.
Chrome has a much higher partial pressure at its melting temperature in comparison to Nickel. This
results in higher concentrations of chrome in the film in comparison to the original material
concentration in the crucible. Process drift occurs as the concentration of the material changes in the
melt concentration and is deposited on the devices over time. For these reasons, e-beam and thermal
evaporation is not suggested for process development beyond phase I, but is reasonable to consider
in phase I for comparison.
Deposition base pressure has been reported to affect the resistivity of the deposited film. In
order to prevent effects from base pressure, the
deposition processes should all be operated at the
same base pressure. Most depositions were in the
range of 4 to 6 x10^-6 Torr.
Using the E-beam and Sputtering equipment at
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, as well as
thermal evaporator equipment at the University of
Notre Dame, Nichrome was initially deposited onto
silicon wafers for the purpose of evaluating the
variance in thickness due to the deposition process.
The suface roughness of a silicon wafer is much less
significant than the surface roughness of the igniter
substrates. By noting the uniformity in the
deposition on a silicon wafer, a comparison was
made of geometry variance due to inconsistancies in the deposition process. Any additional variances
seen after depositing onto the igniters can then be attributed to surface roughness effects and not
processing variations.
A couple of challenges emmerged when depositing Nichrome onto a silicon wafer. The first
deposition of NiCr, with a target of 2 microns, failed to adhere to the oxidized silicon wafer as seen
in Figure 19. This failure was attributed to several factors. Two likely factors are cleanliness and
excessive heating. First, no cleaning step was performed before the deposition of NiCr on the
oxidized wafer. Second, there is a significant difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)
between NiCr and silicon causing high stresses to manifest along the PVD edges and contact surface.
A third probable cause is the thickness of the deposited layer. Deposited films have maximum
attainable thicknesses. These thicknesses are determined by numerous variables, but are most
affected by surface adhesion vs. internal stress of the film. As films get thicker, they increase in
volume. The larger volume provides a greater shear stress at the interface caused by the internal
stresses of the film. During this reporting period, several wafers were deposited with a target of
300nm Nichrome in both the E-beam and sputtering equipment at Rose-Hulman and thermal
evaporator equipment at the University of Notre Dame. No peeling was evident at this thickness.
Example wafers run through the Rose-Hulman equipment are shown in Figure 20.
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 20: 300nm Nichrome deposited on an oxidize silicon wafer using E-beam (LEFT) and
sputtering (RIGHT) equipment at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Several different batches of igniters were subjected to Nichrome deposition, in which the
Nichrome was laid down between the poles (electrical leads) to create a bridge. The process was run
enough times to produce 18 batches of igniters. Each batch contained 5, 6 or 9 igniters, depending
on the mask used or the orientation that was desired for the batch. After the deposition, the igniters
were documented to record their position and orientation on the mask. The run sheet in Figure 21
was created and modified during phase I depositions. A 50 mA current was then applied to the
igniter, and the precise current and voltage was measured across the igniter using multimeters. The
resistance of the igniter was then determined using Ohm’s Law. The igniters with a resistance under
5  were assembled in preparation for testing. Igniters which had a resistance above 5  were set
aside to either be resurfaced or annealed. Those which were resurfaced also underwent another
deposition. The process above was repeated for these igniters.
Some igniters were polished before deposition using a Buehler Ecomet 3 – Variable Speed
Grinder/Polisher with 600 grit sandpaper. The igniters were then brought into the MEMS lab at the
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology where the Nichrome was deposited onto the surface of the
igniters. The resistance of the igniters was measured using a breadboard wired so that two Fluke
8050A Digital Multimeters can measure the current and voltage across the igniter. The power was
supplied by an Agilent E3611A DC Power Supply.
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Base Pressure:
Running Pressure:
Start Time:
Final Temperature of Chuck:
Type of Run:
Deposition Rate:
Orientation Guide:
Time from
Pump down to
Surface Prep:
Figure 21: Data Run Sheet for Igniter Nichrome Deposition Runs
The igniters which were under 5  were assembled by packing the pyrotechnics together with
the chosen igniter head. The process for packing the igniters closely follows the process flow
determined by EaglePicher. The process that was used specifically for these igniters started with
pouring 65 mg of the output mix into the cup and compacted at 55 pounds force. After pressing the
output mix, the ignition mix was poured into the top of the cup, and the mix was pressed to 126
pounds force. Next, the igniter head was pressed into the cup using 310 pounds force. When the
process had completed, the igniter cup was crimped around the head piece using enough force to
provide uniform crimp.
The force was applied using an MTS 858 Table Top System with a computer program running the
input for the process. The process allowed for a 1 pound force per second ramp input to the desired
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
force, followed by a 6 second dwell at the end, if necessary. This process was repeated for each of
the different amounts of force needed for the igniter. Tooling was supplied by Eagle Picher, and all
connecting pieces were fashioned in the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology machine shop. An
electronic balance with a tolerance of +/- 1 mg was used to measure out the mass of the powders
Task 4 – Testing and Evaluation
Nichrome Depositions
Using the 300nm Nichrome on silicon wafer deposits discussed in the previous section, several
resistivity variation measurements were conducted at Rose-Hulman. Four-point probe measurements
were used to map out the resistance variation across the wafers. The sputtered wafers demonstrated
the most consististcy in resistivity across the wafer surfaces. Figure 22 shows a sputtered NiCr wafer.
As seen in the legend to the right in the figure, each successive color represents a change of only 2
mV drop. Still withstanding, little color variation existed across the wafer. The variance is essentially
46-50 mV across the interior of the wafer (as the edges vary greatly). Only a few areas displayed
Figure 22: 2D contour surface plot of an oxidized Si wafer coated with NiCr via sputtering, no tape in the center
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 23 is a 2D contour surface plot of an oxidized Si wafer coated with NiCr using e-beam
evaporation. The legend at the right in the figure breaks the color increments by 5 mV. The stripe
across the middle is where no NiCr was deposited. This graph has less uniformity or otherwise large
resistivity variations across the wafer.
Figure 23: 2D contour surface plot of an oxidized Si wafer coated with NiCr via E-beam evaporation
Figure 24 is a contour plot of a thermal evaporation run conducted at the University of Notre
Dame. The color scale is broken in 2mV increments. This graph shows the least uniformity of the
three PVD systems tested.
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 24: 2D contour surface plot of an oxidized Si wafer coated with NiCr via thermal evaporation
Several deposition variables were allowed to change to monitor their effect on thin film
resistivities. These variables were thickness, deposition technique, and deposition rate. Deposition
thicknesses were varied based upon data acquired from previous depositions. The goal of the project
was to produce thin films with a resistivity in proximity to 1 Ohm. After a series of all fire testing of
igniters having values less than 4 Ohms, the target resistivity was shifted to 1.3-1.6 ohm range.
Deposition processes were also drastically affected by other variables beyond thickness. Figure
25 shows the first 15 depositions and their resistivities. The resistivity at 10 microns from
depositions at a very low rate (8 Ang/s middle dot) and a very high rate (100 Ang/s, highest dot)
produce higher resistivities than an average deposition rate controlled by hand (lower dot at 10
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Resistivity vs. Thickness showing large variability beyond thickness
Figure 25 Thin film average resistivities per run are shown for the first 15 depositions. Three depositions at 10 microns of
thickness and varied deposition rates have a larger change in resistivity than any thickness effect.
Table 2 shows the 18 deposition runs made by RHIT and the resistivity at each position within
the holder. Highlighted positions were selected for testing in an “All-Fire” and “No-Fire” test. The
most notable observation was that depositions were beginning to become more predictable and have
a much smaller variation and standard deviation in resistivity within each successive run. The final
run indicates a standard deviation down to .15 ohms.
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Table 2: Positional Igniter Bridge Wire Resistivities for Each PVD Run
1 (evap - 1.5
microns unpolished)
2 (sputter - 1
micron polished)
3 (sputter - 2
microns - mixed
4 (sputter - 4
microns - mixed
5 (sputter - 10
microns unpolished)
6 Line (evap - 3
microns unpolished)
6 Circle (evap - 3
microns unpolished)
7 (evap - 8
microns unpolished)
8 (evap - 8
microns unpolished)
9 (sputter - 12
microns unpolished)
10 (evap - 1
micron polished)
11 (evap - 1
micron polished)
12 (sputter - 11
micron - mixed)
13 (evap - 10
14 (evap - 10
15 (evap - 10
Circle Mask
16 (sputtered 2.5 microns)
17 (evap - 3
18 sputter - 2.3
Figure 26 appears to show a large amount of variation in the data collected for resistivity. This
variation is due to the number of variables that may be altered beyond thickness. One of these
variables is shown in Figure 25 where the deposition rate drastically affects the resistivity of e-beam
deposited films. Another variable is that the E-beam depositions have a large variation in their
resistivity over sputtered samples as seen in Figure 27. A third variable is the shape and thickness of
the bridge wire. Figure 26 shows two regions of improved film variation; one at large thicknesses
(10-12 microns) and one at lower thicknesses (2-4 microns). The higher region is sputtered thin films
and the lower region is the result of circular masking.
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
reduced scale resistivity vs. thickness
thickness (um)
Figure 26 Shows the average resistivity of the various depositions respect to thickness. This graph cuts off at 20 Ohms thus
ignoring the large variation seen in Table 2. Error bars shown are one standard deviation. The cluster of small standard
deviations points between 2 and 4 microns and 2 ohms are circle deposited film patterns.
A wide variation in both resistivity and standard deviation occurred throughout the e-beam
deposition thickness profile resulting in no discernible decrease in resistivity with increasing
e-beam runs
Figure 27. E-beam deposition runs showing large variation and large standard deviation. The small standard deviation deposition
was a circular mask.
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 28 shows a clear decrease in resistivity and standard deviation with increasing thickness
for the sputtering deposition of line-shaped bridge wire. The data provided in this figure and Figure
27 indicates thicker films and circular masks are advantageous to lowering the variation between
devices within the same run.
sputtering runs
Figure 28 - Sputtering deposition of line-shaped bridge wire shows more controlled standard deviation with increasing thickness.
In conclusion, reliable and predictable thin film igniters can be produced using a circular pattern
and relatively thicker film with the use of PVD sputter equipment. In order to increase the thickness
further, a new material search is suggested with a higher resistivity (although the film is more likely to
not adhere with increased thickness).
A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used to observe the deposited Nichrome. Pictures
revealed that a very porous structure is being deposited across the epoxy surface, while the Nichrome
on the surface of the Stainless Steel leads retains the same surface integrity as the underlying material.
The composition of the deposited Nichrome was also measured at various positions of a sputtered
igniter. The Nichrome over epoxy was measured to have 79.99 wt% Ni and 20.01 wt% Cr, as was
expected with this deposition. Over the leads, the composition was 78.04 wt% Ni, 19.48 wt% Cr
and 2.49 wt% Fe. The porous Nichrome over the epoxy also appears to experience pitting or some
form of deformation in surface structure. With this observation, the quality of the metal was also
surveyed within a 5 m diameter pit. The pit contained 83.92 wt% Ni and 16.08 wt% Cr. Photos of
the SEM are appended as Figures 29-32. Figures 29 and 30 show the interface of the pole on the
igniter head along with the 1 micron thin line-shape bridge wire on the Epoxy surface. The
Nichrome covering this area experienced a problem with peeling off of the poles, while the epoxy
produced a series of pits in the Nichrome film. The peeling caused an inconsistent film as the
Nichrome transitioned from pole to epoxy. The resulting step can be seen in Figures 31 and 32. A
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
chip which peeled off from the film covering the epoxy did show good columnar growth of the
Nichrome grains. This evidence is easily visible in Figure 32.
Figure 29: SEM picture of entire igniter head. Epoxy shines bright white, while the porous Nichrome, 1micron thick film, can be
seen across the surface between the two distinctly smooth poles.
Figure 30: SEM picture of igniter head. Peeling of porous Nichrome, 1micron thick film, is seen over the contacts, with visible
pitting on bridge over epoxy.
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 31: SEM picture of epoxy / pole interface. Epoxy exists in upper left, with pole in lower right corner covered with 10
micron thick Nichrome film.
Figure 32: SEM close-up (×5) of figure 31. Peeling chip at epoxy / pole interface shows columnar grains of 10 m thick NiCr
film forming over epoxy.
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Several sources of variability associated with the new physical vapor deposition process still
currently exist. The most significant of these is the surface roughness of igniter base and the
variability in the equipment to deposit a uniform layer of material onto the igniter base substrate.
These uncertainties can be further magnified when trying to manufacture multiple igniters at the
same time. Odyssian has conceptualized a processing technique to circumvent these sources of
variability resulting in a well-defined and accurately controlled deposition of material on each igniter
Figure 33A: Line Mask Top Side – Igniters are placed in the top side of the mask/holder and Nichrome is deposited from underneath
Figure 33B: Line Mask Bottom Side – Shutters open and close to accurately control the deposition of nichrome on to individual igniter
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
The proposed processing technique uses a feedback controlled Multi-shutter System during the
PVD process to monitor each igniter or group of igniters’ deposition thickness (via resistance
measurements) and individually or by groups block the deposition of additional material when the
desired thickness is reached. Due to the variability in surface roughness and equipment nonuniformity, not all the igniters being processed will reach their desired thickness at the same time.
The benefit of the feedback controlled shutter system will be to allow many igniters to be processed
in a single PVD run without sacrificing quality to these uncertainties.
The proposed system would include a mechanism to monitor the resistance across each igniter in
the PVD system, and automatically controlled mechanical shutters to block the deposition of
additional material onto the igniter or group of igniters. The mechanical shutters may be built directly
into the mask/holder (as shown in Figure 33) for the igniters or institute a separate stand/device.
The mechanism to monitor the resistance could take on different forms such as a series of
multimeters or a single data acquisition system. This monitoring system would then communicate
with the mechanical shutters to notify the shutters when the desired thickness is reach and to block
all further deposition onto its associated igniter(s).
Currently there are several methods that exist to monitor deposition thickness during a PVD
process. The most common of these is through the use of a quartz crystal present in the system. As
material is being deposited on the desired target, depositing of the material on the crystal is also
occurring with an assumed equal amount of material. The electrical properties of the crystal due to
the deposition are monitored and displayed as a thickness reading throughout the PVD run. The
assumption that the crystal sees the same thickness as the target is, however, incorrect. Because the
target is located in a different position from the crystal, it will see a different deposited thickness. The
magnitude of this difference is dependent on several factors including the crystal’s distance away
from the target and the uniformity to which the equipment can deposit material inside that distance.
The benefit of the proposed feedback control system is that resistance measurements are taken from
each igniter and the exact status of the igniter is displayed and controlled. With this system the
equipment no longer needs to carry a perfectly uniform deposition for each of the igniters in the
system to reach their desired thickness. Also the igniters themselves do not need to maintain the
same surface roughness from one igniter to the next in order to reach their desired electrical
resistance and thermal characteristics.
Figure 34 illustrates a schematic diagram of the shutter control system for a single igniter and
shutter. The electronic circuitry consists of three major parts. These parts include a current source, a
monitoring circuit, and an actuator driver. The current source consists of an LM317 variable voltage
regulator and 24 ohm resistor seen at the top of the schematic diagram. The LM317 is design to
output a constant voltage of 1.2V between the Output (OUT) and the Adjust (ADJ) pins. By placing
a 24 ohm resistor between these pins, the constant voltage drop across the fixed resistor produces a
fixed current through the resistor. This current level can be calculated based on Ohm’s Law as:
V 1.2
 50mA
R 24
This condition sets up a 50mA current source as no current can actually flow through the Adjust pin
due to its high input impedance. This current source is fed directly to the igniter being monitored. A
50mA current level was chosen based on the military specification of the maximum amount of
current that can be placed through a bridge wire for non-destructive resistance measurements. This
circuit comprises of half of a classic four wire resistance measurement device.
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
The other half of the resistance measurement also terminates two wires at the igniter. This
circuit is the monitoring portion of the system. These wires feed back to a differential-to-singleended amplifier. The amplifier has a unity gain and is used for common mode rejection so that any
noise that appears on both of the long lead wires gets rejected through the amplifier. The output of
this amplifier feeds into the inverting end of an LM339 comparator circuit. An adjustable voltage
divider on the non-inverting end of the comparator sets up the reference voltage. The goal of the
monitoring system is to change the output of the comparator when a resistance of one ohm is seen
across the bridge wire. With 50mA energizing the bridge wire, a one ohm resistance across the
bridge wire will result in a 50mV signal differential being fed back to the amplifier. During
monitoring, the current source will continue to try to supply 50mA to the squib using as high as a
voltage level as needed but limited by the 12V supply voltage. As the Nichrome is deposited, the
electrical resistance across the bridge wire decreases allowing less voltage to be required to supply the
50mA current. With the non-inverting input of the comparator setup as a 50mV reference, the
comparator will keep its output at a ground potential while the voltage from the amplifier is above
the 50mV. When this voltage drops below 50mV, the comparator floats its output.
The shutter actuation portion of the circuit activates when the comparator output is floating and
no longer grounded. The MP2222 transistor switch becomes saturated causing the activation of the
relay coil. The double-pole double-through relay contacts switch position causing a reversal of the
polarity across a rotary actuator. The polarity reversal causes the actuator to move in a direction to
close the shutter.
Using the polarity reversal scheme with the relay, an actuation voltage is always present across
the actuator leads. The actuator is a simple electromechanical movement that is designed to
withstand a permanent stalled condition with a limited amount of current. The resistor on one
terminal of the actuator limits the current allowed to travel through the actuator. With this current
limiting, the actuator can safely stall against a physical hard stop to hold the shutter open prior to the
relay activation. When the relay is activated, the actuator moves is the opposite direction to meet
another hard stop that will hold the shutter in a closed position.
The use of this circuit requires some careful observations. The circuit must not be activated for
some time after the PVD process is started. Otherwise, the current source could cause the burning
and removal of Nichrome as it is trying for form on the substrate. Enough of the material must be
deposited to handle the electrical power energizing the bridge wire prior to its introduction.
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 34: The igniter shutter circuit triggers from an analog signal generated by measuring a voltage drop across
the squib that is excided by a constant current source.
No-Fire / All-Fire Tests
The No-Fire test is a 5 minute test in which 1 amp of current is applied to the igniter. During
this test, the igniter is to remain inert and avoid detonation. The igniter should then be tested under
the All-Fire test, in which 3.1 amperes of current is applied to the igniter and it is expected to
detonate within 20 ms of the event. At the end of this project, the EaglePicher current ignition
testing was discovered to be at 3.5 amps as opposed to 3.1 amps. This is difference is quite
significant. The power drop across the igniter “wire” is a result of the formula power formula (I2 *
R). For a nominally 1 Ohm igniter operating at 3.5 amps, the power created would be 12.25 Watts.
The same igniter would only create 9.61 Watts at 3.1 Amps. The resistivity required to produce 12.25
Watts at 3.1 Amps shifts upward to about 1.27 Ohms.
A DC power source was used to supply the input current. The power source would be set to a
constant current of either 1 or 3.1 Amps (with a few runs at 3.5 Amps) and a maximum voltage of 6
volts. The output was toggled on the device using an output on/off switch. The response of this
toggle method was recorded using a 1  resistor so that the time response of the current source and
toggle switch could be determined. An oscilloscope was used in parallel to record the voltage across
the igniter head. This measurement was performed over a large period of time (5 seconds), so that
the time of the detonation could be determined. If the detonation occurred in that 5 second range,
the detonation point could be seen as the bridge would be destroyed and the voltage would spike to
the maximum voltage output from the current source.
Several different data points were measured during the fire tests in order to get a better
understanding of the differences in the results. A grid containing all of the recorded data can be
found in Table 3. The five minute No-Fire test were documented by recording the starting voltage
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
output from the power source (Vs1) and the voltage recorded by the oscilloscope (Vo1) along with the
accompanied image of the response. The voltage on the power source was observed closely with the
final voltage (Vs2) being recorded as to whether the igniter passed or failed the 5 minute test. The
duration of the No-Fire test was recorded (TimeNF) as well with a successful test recording the full
five minutes. The grid also contains a column denoting igniters which failed the No-Fire test for
ease of reading.
The All-Fire test was performed immediately following the No-Fire test. For the first 50 igniters,
there was no cool down time between the two tests. However, the method has now been revised to
allow the igniter to cool down to ambient temperature before performing the All-Fire test. When the
All-Fire test was performed, the oscilloscope was set to trigger and record the necessary data for the
event. The voltage across the igniter was read (Vo2) from the captured trace and the time that it took
to break the bridge (TimeAF) was determined as the point at which the voltage spiked to reach the
total potential allowed by the current source. The trace was then saved (File) for later reference. A
problem with this method was that some igniters carried current even after detonation, giving no
readable sign of detonation with just an oscilloscope. In addition, the oscilloscope was not always
able to read on a long enough time scale to catch the detonation point for any igniters which fired
five or more seconds late.
Table 3 also contains the initially measured resistance (Rinit), as determined by the methods
described above in the Nichrome deposition section. A column denoting the method of deposition
(E-beam/Sputter) is also included for easy reference. The time the igniter was allowed to cool
(TimeC) between tests is also included, although the method was not carried out until the final six
igniters were tested.
A total of 56 igniters have been assembled and tested under the No-Fire / All-Fire tests. Of
these 56 igniters, 35 passed the No-Fire test successfully. The igniters that failed the test tended to
have a higher resistance, as they averaged. Igniters that passed the No-Fire test had lower
resistances as they averaged 1.46 . Only 3 igniters passed both of the fire tests with captured data.
Some igniters that fired did not cause the oscilloscope to trigger in order for the scope to capture the
time until detonation. The three igniters that passed both tests had resistances measuring 1.31, 1.6
and 0.81 . All the igniters in the range of 1.0 - 1.8  portrayed better responses for the All-Fire
time portion of the test.
The test equipment used included an Agilent 54622D Mixed Signal Oscilloscope to record the
voltage change across the igniter. An Agilent E3631A DC Power Source was used for most of the
fire tests, as the 0-6V, 5A capabilities of the source fit the needs of this test extremely well. The
response of the power source shows negligible ringing and is capable of ramping the voltage level to
meet the current source set point in approximately 4.00 ms. A Fluke 8050A Digital Multimeter was
also used to gauge the voltage drop across the igniter in a more reliable fashion than the oscilloscope
could provide.
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Table 3: All-Fire and No-Fire Testing Results
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 35 displays the “All-fire” and “no-fire” window created by the deposited films using 3.1
Amps “All-fire” current. The first passing igniter had a measured resistance of 1.3 Ohms. By
changing the “All-Fire” current to 3.5 amps, a dramatic increase in the size of the operating window
between All-fire and No-Fire can be expected in the range of 1 to 1.6 ohms.
All Fire and No Fire
Time (s)
TimeAF (s)
Rinit (W)
Measured Resistivity (Ohms)
Figure 35 Shows the ignition time in seconds with respect to resistivity for "All-Fire" at 3.1 Amps; and time in minutes with
respect to resistivity for "no-fire" at 1 Amp.. These tests show a window between 1.3 and 1.6 ohms for successful igniters (first
failure of “no fire” at 1.71 Ohms). All data shown is for sputtered depositions.
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Phase I demonstrated the feasibility of using physical vapor deposition (PVD) to create thin film
thermal igniters. During phase I, over 20 PVD runs were made using three different types of PVD
processes to assess the benefit and feasibility of manufacturing thin film thermal igniter elements
(bridge wires). Thin films from Thermal Evaporation PVD, E-beam Evaporation PVD, and
Sputtering PVD were evaluated and tested. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and surface
resistivity measurements were used to characterize the thin film depositions. Thermal model analysis
and test data were used to evaluate the relative merits of three different igniter bridge wire designs.
These included line-shaped, inverted-dog-bone-shaped, and circular-shaped designs. All of this work
resulted in an understanding of the primary relationships and attributes that influence thin film
igniter performance. These relationships include,
1. Sputtering deposition has less variation in surface resistivity over e-beam and thermal
evaporation PVD.
2. As sputtered PVD film thickness increased, variation in resistivity decreased.
3. As surface area increased (circle .vs. line shape), the variation decreased due to increased
conduction paths.
4. Surface roughness (pitting, cracking, etc.) of the substrate significantly influences
electrical continuity and bulk resistance when film depositions are reduced to about 4
microns or less.
5. Thicker depositions result in peeling due to increased residual stresses and peeling
6. Thicker depositions result in cracking due to thermal expansion mismatch between the
film and substrate.
In Summary, feasibility of a thin film igniter was shown to exist when using Sputtering PVD and
a circular-shape bridge wire configuration. The circular-shape allows for thinner deposition which
significantly reduces variation due to film peeling and cracking. The larger surface area of the
circular-shaped configuration provides a greater electrical conduction path which overcomes the
obstructions associated with surface roughness. The controlled feedback Shutter System, previously
described, overcomes the variation of deposition that is inherent is larger deposition areas. In
addition, the thermal model was shown to be a feasible means for predicting the performance of the
thin film igniter.
It is generally understood that Thin film Igniters offer improved reliability over conventional
bridge wire designs that rely on the use of fine wire filaments. These existing bridge wires are
manually welded to the igniter leads which can cause kinking or deformation of the filaments. These
localized deformations are believed to be the cause localized heating and non-uniform thermal
distribution within the bridge wire. Such localized heating can cause localized over-heating and burn
out or fusing of the bridge wire filaments.
Many military systems would directly benefit from Odyssian’s proposed bridge wire technology.
Examples include the Tomahawk and Tactical Tomahawk missile systems. Shown in Figure 4, the
Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM) is a long range, subsonic cruise missile used for land attack
warfare, launched from U. S. Navy surface ships and U.S. Navy and Royal Navy submarines.
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Tomahawk cruise missiles are designed to fly at extremely low altitudes and high subsonic speeds.
They are piloted by several mission tailored guidance systems. The first operational use was in
Operation Desert Storm, 1991, with immense success. This missile has since been used successfully in
several other conflicts as well.
The Tomahawk missile uses an internal navigation system with digital scene matching area
correlation and global positioning satellite systems. The Tactical Tomahawk missile adds the
capability to reprogram the missile while in-flight to strike any of 15 pre-programmed alternate
targets or redirect the missile to any Global Positioning System (GPS) target coordinates. It is also
able to loiter over a target area, and with its on-board camera, allows war fighting commanders to
assess target battle damage. Because of its long range, lethality, and extreme accuracy the Tomahawk
has become the weapon of choice for the U.S. Department of Defense. Odyssian Technology’s
proposed thin film bridge wire technology would ultimately offer improved reliability to the
operation of onboard electronics and increase the level of mission success.
A number of other military systems would have benefited from Odyssian’s proposed bridge wire
technology including the Paveway III, Sparrow/ESSM, RAM AOTD, JSOW, Standard Missile III,
Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense Program, Javelin, JASSM, HELLFIRE, ATACMS, ISB, and THAAD.
Figure 36 – The Tomahawk cruise missile depends on its onboard navigation system for accurate, exact targeting and attacks.
The incorporation of Odyssian’s proposed bridge wires into the Tomahawk’s onboard thermal battery will further ensure the success
of the vital navigation system onboard the missile
Phase II Production Pilot System
The Phase II program will develop a reliable pilot production system capable of low cost, high
rate, and accurate deposition of thin film igniter bridge wires (thermal elements). This system will
deposit thin film directly onto the squib igniter posts. Approximately 300,000 igniters are expected
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
to be made per year which is approximately 1200 igniters daily or 3 igniters each minute. The Phase
II Production Pilot System will be designed to exceed this capacity with a high yield of igniters that
conform to stringent resistivity distributions. The system will be designed with multiple user levels
from operator to maintenance and process engineer. The goal of the deposition system will be to
reliably produce a batch of 60 igniters in less than five minutes with a thickness in the range of 2-4
During phase II, several new concepts will be explored for incorporation into the final system
design. These include in-situ annealing and bias. Typical thin film processes (especially evaporated
films) anneal the thin film after deposition to make a more reliable film at about 300° C for 30
minutes. This would add significant time to the process. Deposition at elevated temperatures
however, can alleviate some of these issues producing a more predicable thin film. Substrate bias is
another method to affect the growth of thin films and is suggested that the system developed be
capable of bias as well. These and other process optimization concepts will be used to develop the
Phase II Production Pilot System.
EaglePicher will provide oversight and requirements to assure that the Phase II Production Pilot
System satisfies associated production and performance specifications. System specifications will be
defined and approved by EaglePicher and our MDA customer prior to system development. The
following high level system attributes are listed to describe the capability and configuration of the
phase II system.
System Description
Rapid thin film deposition process of less than five minutes per 60 igniters
Feedback controlled Shutter System to control electrical/thermal performance of igniters
Automated igniter loading/unloading
In-situ annealing.
Substrate Bias.
High conformal part yields (approaching six sigma)
Power supply of 30KW or less
Target system cost of less than $250,000
During design of the phase II system consideration will be give to developing a masking
device/holder with a vacuum sealable surface for rapid change-out and system robustness. The
holder would be set on an o-ring, within a small chamber containing the deposition method of
choice, currently depicted as a sputter cathode as shown in Figure 37.
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 37: Basic conceptual design for an igniter deposition system.
The igniter would protrude through the mask and seal with an o-ring. This o-ring may be placed
on the mask sealing to the face of the igniter, or placed on the sides of the igniter sandwiched
between plates to form a tight seal as shown in Figure 38
Top Plate
Igniter hole/
Sputter direction
Figure 38: A Closeup design similar to a Vac-Coupling to provide a vacuum sealing surface.
Screws would hold the top plate in place to the holder about the perimeter as depicted in Figure
39 and 40. This would also provide the force required to seal the o-rings to the devices. The mask
may be attached in a similar manner as the top plate, or machined out of the same block of material
as the holder.
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
Figure 39: A top down conceptual view of an igniter holder/mask.
top plate
igniter hole
Figure 40: A cross section view of an igniter holder/mask.
The most appropriate process for the Phase II Pilot Production System has been identified as a
sputtering system.
Sputter systems are frequently used in industrial applications from
semiconductors to mirror coatings and have proven cost effective. Sputtering systems are typically
easier to use than evaporation systems for the end user as well. Sputtering also displays better
reliability within and between runs than evaporation. Existing sputtering technology will be used in
conjunction with novel feedback controlled deposition, automated load/unload, and rapid processing
features to achieve a pilot production system capable of low cost manufacture of highly reliable thin
film igniters.
Phase II Igniter Model – Performance Prediction Tool
The thermal analysis model developed during phase I of this SBIR program proved to correlate
relatively close to empirical results, even without substantiated material properties and convection
data. The sensitivity analysis that this model allowed showed non-intuitive results; such as the
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
significant impact that material convection coefficients have on the required thin film bridge wire
thickness. Phase I modeling results clearly illustrated the value of having a tool that can predict the
performance of a thermal igniter. Such a tool would have multiple uses including; predicting the
performance of new igniter designs, assessing the impact of changing material sources (i.e.,
pyrotechnic powder), quantifying the effect of processing drift on igniter performance to determine
or substantiate non-conformance specifications, and identifying probable cause of non-conforming /
non-functioning igniter production batches.
EaglePicher has expressed an interest in having a robust and accurate Predictive Model that
accurately simulates the performance of any igniter configuration. Such a tool would offer great
value in reducing the cost of developing new igniter systems, controlling the manufacture of existing
igniter systems, and trouble shooting problem igniter systems. Consequently, phase II will continue
the modeling effort initiated during phase I. The phase II modeling effort will further develop the
phase I model and will correlate it to test data. This modeling effort will focus on simulating thin film
igniters and surrounding devices.
It should be noted that Odyssian Technology and EaglePicher are interested in developing a
highly versatile Predictive Model that accurately predicts the performance of a wide range of possible
igniter configurations. Such an effort would require significant resources and time and will be
considered for future collaborative efforts and other research opportunities. The Predictive Model
developed under this phase II program will be focused on thin film igniters and surrounding
interactions (powder, cap, leads, etc.).
Phase II Program Scope and Work Plan
The proposed Phase II program will focus on optimizing the Phase I thin film igniter design and
developing a Phase II Pilot Production system capable of economically manufacturing reliable thin
film igniters. The Phase II program will focus on demonstrating the following objectives,
Demonstrate reliable performance of an optimized circular-shaped thin film igniter
fabricated using the Sputtering PVD process.
2. Develop and demonstrate a robust automated Thin Film Pilot Production System that is
capable of manufacturing low cost thin film igniters.
3. Demonstrate the manufacture of thin film igniters that satisfy existing Military
Phase II will achieve these objectives through the successful execution of the following technical
Task I – Optimization of the Circular-shaped Thin Film Igniter Design
Task II – Completion of the Phase I Predictive Igniter Model
Task III – Testing of the Thin Film Igniter to Established Military Specifications
Task IV – Development and Demonstration of the Phase II Pilot Production System
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must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
PHASE I Requirements and Goals
Igniters must be shown to pass no-fire tests as outlined in the military specifications for the
EP-250 igniter (Goal of 30 igniters passing this test)
Igniters must be shown to pass all-fire tests as outlined in the military specifications for the
EP-250 igniter (Goal of 30 igniters passing this test)
Goal to easily manufacture multiple igniters at a time
PHASE II Requirements and Goals
Goal to reduce no fire / all fire current range
Must be storable a minimum of 10 years (Goal of 40+ years) [Address if time and money
Igniters pass initial testing as required by the military specifications for the EP-250 igniter
(this includes all tests, using a smaller test matrix than required to determine reliability)
PHASE III Requirements and Goals
Igniters must pass all tests required by military specifications with a minimum reliability of
99% at a confidence level of 95% (Goal 99% confidence level)
Must be storable a minimum of 10 years (Goal of 40+ years) [If not already addressed in
Phase II]
Igniters must pass all testing as required by the military specifications for the EP-250 igniter
using the current full scale test matrix
Must meet all other Military Specified (MIL-DTL-23659D) safety requirements,
documentation requirements, and approval requirements
EP-250-1 Military Specified Tests (MIL-DTL-23659D)
Visual inspection will be conducted for all igniters ensuring no defects are present, no
incompatibility or inferior quality is evident, the igniter meets the requirements with respect
to workmanship, marking, conformance to drawings, and each part of a new igniter shall be
100 percent dimensionally inspected for conformance to the applicable drawing.
Radiographic Inspection: All igniters shall be inspected by radiographic means such as Xray, neutron bombardment, gamma rays etc. and plates examined for defects.
A leak test shall be conducted with a dry gas leak detector of sufficient sensitivity to
ascertain if igniters meet the leak rate requirement. Igniters which exhibit a leak rate in excess
of 10-5 cc per second of air at a pressure differential of 1 ± 0.1 atmospheres shall be
considered defective.
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Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
A dielectric withstanding voltage of 500 ± 25 volts DC shall be applied for 60 seconds
between pairs of pins or leads in all combinations prior to assembly of the bridge and
between the shorted pins or leads (all pins or leads shorted to each other external to the
igniter) and the case after complete assembly of the igniter. The leakage current shall not
exceed 0.1 mA. In each test, the leakage current shall be measured with an accuracy of 5
percent. Igniters which exhibit a leakage current in excess of that stated above shall be
considered defective and discarded.
Circuit Resistance: The resistance of each bridge circuit shall be measured with an accuracy
of one percent using a test which subjects the bridge circuit to a current of less than 50
No-Fire Test: The igniter shall not fire within 5 minutes when subjected to a current of 1
ampere minimum per bridge with an associated power of 1 watt minimum per bridge. The
igniter shall meet this requirement at 70° ± 5°F. and 220° ± 5°F. For an igniter having more
than one bridge, the current shall be applied to all bridge circuits. The test current shall be
regulated throughout the period of application to within 2 percent. If a rectified current is
used, the ripple content shall not exceed 5 percent rms of the test current. The igniter shall
be conditioned at 70 ± 5°F or 225 ± 5°F. as appropriate for a period of 12 hours.
Static Discharge: The igniter shall not fire or dud when subjected to the 25000 volt
simulated human electrostatic discharge. The igniter shall meet this requirement at 70° ± 5°F
and a relative humidity of 50 per cent or less. A 500 ± 5 percent picofarad capacitor charged
to 25000 ± 500 volts and 5000 ± 5 percent ohm resistor shall be connected in a 5
microhenry total inductance series circuit between pairs of pins or leads in all combinations
and between the shorted pins or leads (all pins or leads shorted to each other external to the
igniter) and the case of the igniter. The series connection shall be maintained for 60 seconds.
Switching in this circuit shall be accomplished by bringing together two 0.5 ± 0.05 inch
spherical metal electrodes from an initial separation of 3 inches in air. Each series test shall
constitute a separate test. Igniter used for this test shall be temperature conditioned for a
minimum time of 12 hours at 70° ± 5°F.
Stray Voltage: The igniter shall be capable of withstanding the effects of a stray voltage
environment without pre-igniting (firing). The igniter shall meet this requirement at 70° ±
5°F. Each igniter shall be subjected to 2000 pulses of direct current. Each pulse shall be of
300 milliseconds duration and pulse rate shall be 2 per second. Each pulse shall have a
minimum amplitude of 100 ± 5 milliamperes. The igniter shall be temperature conditioned
at 70° ± 5°F for a period of 12 hours.
Drop Tests: The igniter shall not fire when dropped from a height of 6 Feet and 40 Feet.
After being subjected to the drop test, the igniters shall meet the design performance
requirements when test fired and shall be safe for handling and disposal. Six unprotected
igniters are to be dropped and impacted onto a 2 inch thick steel plate imbedded in concrete,
in each of the following orientations where possible: 2 unprotected initiators nose up, 2
unprotected initiators nose down, and 2 unprotected initiators horizontal.
Shock Test: The test is conducted using a suitable test vehicle, where the degree of support
shall be the same as that afforded by the device of intended application. The shock pulse
shall be applied to the igniter's mounting points in both directions along each of three
SBIR Data Rights. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies only. Other requests for this document
must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
mutually perpendicular axes. The shape of each shock pulse shall approximate as nearly as
possible a half sine wave. The amplitude of each shock pulse shall exceed 200 g's for 1.5 ±
0.4 milliseconds and it shall exceed 65 g's for 9 ± 0.9 milliseconds. Igniters shall be free from
visible damage or leaks (if applicable), and shall perform satisfactorily in function tests
subsequent to this test.
Vibration Test: The igniters shall be tested to the vibration test of Table 514-1 aircraft
category, procedure 1, parts 1, and 2, with curve H of MIL STD 810 except that each
resonant and cycling period shall be divided equally among - 65° F., 70°F., and 200°F. The
time of vibration shall be continuous and not accumulative at each temperature. After being
subject to the vibration test, the igniter shall meet the design performance requirements
when test fired.
Temperature-Shock/Humidity/Altitude Test: The igniter shall be capable of
withstanding temperature-shock/humidity/altitude cycling conditions as outlined by section
4.6.5 in MIL-DTL-23659D and shall meet the design performance requirements when test
Cook Off Test: The maximum temperature to which an igniter can be exposed for a period
of one hour without cook off shall be established (within 25° F). Four igniters shall be
placed in an oven preheated to the highest temperature which it is estimated that the igniters
will withstand for 1 hour. If no igniter cooks off during 1 hour, the temperature shall be
increased 25°F and the test repeated with four new igniters. The test shall be repeated in 25°
increments until cook off of at least one igniter occurs within a 1 hour period. If cook-off
occurs in the first group tested, the temperature shall be decreased 25°F and the test
repeated with four new igniters. The test shall be repeated in 25° decrements until cook-off
does not occur within a 1 hour period.
High Temperature Exposure: The maximum temperature (within 25°F) to which an
igniter may be exposed for 12 hours and perform satisfactorily at 225°F shall be determined.
Igniters shall be placed in an oven preheated to a temperature 25°F less than the maximum
determined for exposure without cook-off. The temperature shall be maintained for 12
hours. If no igniter cooks off, the 10 igniters shall be cooled to 70°F and functionally tested.
If any igniter cooks off, or fails to meet design performance requirements after cooling, the
test shall be repeated with additional groups of igniters, decreasing the temperature in
increments of 25°F until design performance requirements are met.
Salt Fog Test: The igniter shall meet the salt fog test requirements and after being subject
to the salt fog test, the igniter shall meet the design performance requirements when test
fired. The salt fog test shall be conducted according to Method 509.2 Procedure 1 of MILSTD-810.
All-Fire Test: A direct current pulse of 3 amperes shall be applied to the bridge circuit. The
igniter must detonate within a 20 millisecond timeframe. For an igniter having more than
one bridge, the current pulse shall be applied to one bridge circuit only. The test current shall
be a DC current pulse, regulated throughout the period of application, to within 2 percent of
the desired value. If a rectified current is used, the ripple content shall not exceed 5 percent
rms of the test current. The igniters shall be preconditioned at 70 ± 5°F., -80° ± 5°F., or at
225° ± 5°F. as appropriate, for a period of 12 hours.
SBIR Data Rights. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies only. Other requests for this document
must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
The number of igniters required to meet the reliability and confidence level of this specification for
go-no-go testing is 298. An engineering design test schedule for qualifying these igniters is outlined in
the proceeding Table from MIL-DTL-23659D.
Failure of any igniter to conform to the applicable requirements of this specification shall be
cause for rejection of the design of the igniter. However, if it can be determined that the
igniter failed to meet the requirements as a result of previous firing of the igniter, the failure
and reason for failure shall be noted and the firing repeated using another igniter. If the
failure can be attributed to design or other defect, the igniters to be used in engineering
design testing may be reworked, have parts replaced or redesigned to correct the defects,
and all the tests shall be repeated. Before the tests are repeated, full particulars concerning
the failure and action taken to correct the defects shall be submitted to the cognizant Safety
SBIR Data Rights. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies only. Other requests for this document
must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)
Odyssian Technology
Contract HQ006-05-C-7191 (Phase I SBIR)
23 August, 2005
Contractor POC: Barton Bennett
COR: Samuel Stuart, MDA/MP
SBIR Data Rights. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies only. Other requests for this document
must be referred to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA/MP)