Introduction to Psychology Social Dimensions of Behavior Objectives: G3, G6, S15, S16, S17, S19 Content Standard 1: Social judgment and attitudes 1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of person perception. Explain the role of social schemas in person perception. State how different kinds of physical attractiveness can influence perceptions of other personal characteristics. Describe how cultural socialization determines social schema development 1.2 Describe how attributions affect our explanations of behavior. Explain the differences between internal and external attribution. Draw conclusions about the effect of actor-observer bias and the formation of fundamental attribution errors. 1.3 Identify sources of attitude formation. Explain the role of expectations and stereotyped thinking as they relate to attitude and behavior 1.4 Assess some methods used to change attitudes. Content Standard 3: Group processes 3.1 Describe effects of the presence of others on individual behavior Apply the concept of social facilitation and social loafing Provide an example of the bystander effect and deindividuation 3.3 Explore the nature of bias and discrimination Differentiate between prejudice and discrimination Identify how the self-fulfilling prophecy can fuel stereotypes about groups Develop strategies for promoting tolerance, cooperation and equality Assessment: Student written analysis of “Remember the Titans” Student performance on object test on Social Psychology unit Culminating Activity: After students have completed reading the text chapter and participating in a number of class and homework activities on Social Psych the instructions on their final written analysis will be distributed. (See below). Set stage for viewing Remember the Titans (requires two full blocks for viewing) Elicit from the students what they know about the film. Fill in context gaps as required. Provide students with the instruction sheet for the assignment. Respond to any questions or concerns. Assignment is due the day after the viewing is completed. Day 3 will be an opportunity for students to share their analysis. Kick off discussion by selecting a subset of the concepts and have students provide what they saw as examples. e. g. Attraction Principles Proximity, Similarity and Intimacy Ask students to evaluate by consensus whether examples offered have applied the concepts appropriately. Introduction to Psychology Social Psychology The film Remember the Titans is based on actual events that occurred during the integration of a high school in Virginia. The characters are based on real people. While you watch the video, you should take some notes to jog your memory when you are completing your written assignment. This film provides a myriad of examples of principles that we have been studying in the Social Psychology unit. You must apply your understanding of these principles by identifying incidents in the film which illustrate specific concepts. Consider all of the following possibilities: Social Cognition Schema Primacy Effect Self-fulfilling Prophecy Stereotype Fundamental Attribution Error Defensive Attribution Error Just-World Hypothesis Proximity Physical Attraction Similarity Exchange Intimacy Attitudes Self-monitoring Prejudice Discrimination Frustration-Agression Authoritarian Personality Cognitive Dissonance Social Influence Norms Conformity Compliance Obedience Social Action Deindividuation Altruistic Behavior By-stander Effect Group Dynamics Risky Shift Polarization Social Facilitation Social Loafing “Great Person” You should be able to apply, at least, a dozen different concepts without much difficulty. Be sure that in each case, you are specific enough that I will be able to determine whether you have illustrated the concept correctly. You may find it helpful to discuss the film with another student before you begin your written task. However, students are responsible for writing their own individual analysis.