social psychology

General info:
-Multiple choice (remember to bring the correct form & a pencil)
-One page, one side, of notes is allowed; this means questions will require understanding
& application of concepts, not just memorization
-Questions drawn from lectures and from relevant book chapters; this guide will cover
the most important concepts, but any assigned reading material or content
discussed or watched in class is fair game!
-Good luck, happy studying : )
From chapter 1:
Key Terms: social influence, social psychology, construal, individual differences, fundamental
attribution error, behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, self-esteem, social cognition, self-fulfilling
Key Concepts (see summary at end of chapter): social psychology compared with other social
sciences, power of social influence & interpretation, basic human motives.
From chapter 2:
Key Terms: hindsight bias, observational/descriptive research, correlational method, experimental
method, diffusion of responsibility, correlation coefficient, surveys, random selection, random
assignment, independent & dependent variables, internal & external validity, reliability,
probability level (p-value), mundane realism, psychological realism, replication, meta-analysis,
basic vs. applied research, informed consent, deception, institutional review board (IRB),
Key Concepts: compare/contrast: descriptive vs. experimental research; the methods &
advantages/disadvantages of the various research designs; correlation vs. causation, tradeoffs of
internal vs. external validity. Be able to identify type of research design, independent &
dependent variables, and issues of validity & reliability given an example study.
From chapter 3:
Key Terms: social cognition, controlled vs. automatic thinking, schemas, stereotypes,
accessibility, priming, perseverance effect, self-fulfilling prophecy, heuristics (availability,
representativeness heuristics), base rate information, counterfactual thinking, thought
suppression, cognitive load, overconfidence barrier.
Key Concepts: compare/contrast: helpful & negative effects of schemas, heuristics & automatic
processing; types of heuristics; effects & limits of self-fulfilling prophecy; conscious vs.
unconscious thought processes.
From chapter 4:
Key perception, nonverbal communication, display rules, emblems, social role
theory, implicit personality theory, internal & external attributions, covariation model, consensus
information, distinctiveness information, consistency information, correspondence bias/
fundamental attribution error, perceptual salience, actor/observer difference, self-serving
attributions, defensive attributions, belief in a just world,
Key Concepts: compare/contrast: the various attributions and explanations & motivations behind