Resume 2-14-93 - Objectsoft Inc.

Kevin W. Clark
I am seeking a role to architect a large-scale infrastructure for a fast moving entrepreneurial organization.
As an experienced team player, I have helped organizations setup new and migrate legacy architecture and
systems to newer technologies. I prefer creating and building scalable open source solutions utilizing
public/private cloud technologies that leverage responsive design to deliver on mobile and web platforms.
I am very goal and delivery focused individual with a broad range of skills who is enthusiastic about
delivering value to my clients. My preferred position would be with an entrepreneurial organization where I
can help grow an organization and team delivering value to the business.
Lead Architect
To architect solutions that deliver large-scale mobile and web-centric systems with a unified serviceoriented architecture.
Large Scale Web Site and Device Development at
 Lead a team of several developers to architect and build from scratch a highly scalable server API
based on Spring using many open source technologies.
 Integration with multiple system components including Internet APIs, Azure cloud services and an
Akamai CDN.
 Integration of PCI compliant secure payment systems into site and devices.
 Work with security auditing firms conducing code reviews and penetration testing.
 Design and integration of SSO architecture for multiple-domain sites using Azure cloud identity
 Setup POC on Amazon AWS for the open source technologies. Included the creation of AMIs and
setting up all in-house infrastructure on AWS for PCI compliance.
 Integration of player technologies for live streaming.
 Integration of security technologies for client and server side security.
 Guide on-site and off-site developers and teams in the development of the web site, Xbox One,
Windows 8 and other devices to use server API.
 Architect and lead development of a common Javascript framework that works with jQuery,
Angular and WinJS for all HTML client platforms.
Summary: Large-scale development from the ground up with many technologies. I was involved in many
roles including architect, lead, development, design, and task master.
Mobile and Web Application Architecture and Development at Lincoln Financial Group
 Lead a team of several developers on the architecture and analysis for the mobile applications.
This included work on thin client frameworks, device persistence, securing data at rest on client
devices, and the service-based architecture leveraging Spring and Hibernate.
 Define reference architecture to deliver Spring-based services returning JSON, XML or SOAP to
client applications.
 Development of a POC iPad application for technology validation with Sencha and Phonegap
libraries demonstrating installable multi-platform thin-client mobile applications. Some efforts
included encrypting SQLite databases on iOS devices to enable 401K enrollments via an iPad.
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Development of a POC enrollment application using Java and Spring services with Ajax/JSON as
the communication mechanism between the iOS iPad client and the server. This POC included a
custom provider extension to Spring Security to leverage a home grown identity provider.
Development of a POC for a Mobile Application for policy inquiry and policy status change event
inquiries including geographic queries and integration to Google Maps. The platform is Java using
Spring MVC on the server side and iOS on an iPad for the client application.
Rollout, support and troubleshoot of Annuities Sales Tool for iPad. Development is in Objective-C
on iOS. Rollout is to 1,100 agents using iPads.
Development of a POC for Annuities Book of Business, Premium Alerts and Pending Policy Status
applications in the portal and for mobile devices using Sencha, Spring and portlets via JSF
facelets. Services are via Spring MVC using JSON. All applications utilize ESB services via
Re-architect the Annuities Sales Tool for the portal and iPad rollouts using Sencha (JavaScript
Web 2.0) framework utilizing JSON services on a J2EE server.
Summary: Set architecture direction for the mobile group and involved in a hands-on roll with several
POCs to prove out the architecture. Multiple re-usable frameworks created.
Portal Application Architecture and Development at Lincoln Financial Group
 Development of POC Portal using WebSphere Portal and WCM on Amazon Cloud.
 Development of POC Portal using WebLogic Portal, UCM and Oracle Identity Management.
 Architectural analysis of all major components where different implementation options exist.
 Creation of development playbook with sample code and projects.
 Prototype conversion of existing services in WebSphere and WebLogic Portal.
 Prototype reference architecture for new applications – WSRP for remote portlets, JAX-WS for
services, JSF/JSP and, at times, JSF with facelets using XHTML for legacy application integration.
 Prototype and document integration patterns between portal and WESB, WebLogic portal and
WebSphere hosted services, portal and .NET hosted services.
 Complete analysis of services registries including WSRR, Systinet, JAXR w WAS UDDI, JAXR
with jUDDI, Oracle Enterprise Service Repository
 Use WebSphere WS-Policy system to incorporate a custom token in the WS-Security header.
 Development of logging and audit patterns with sample code using Spring AOP.
 Create Maven archetypes to generate project stubs for project consistency.
 Setup OAM, OVD and OID and federate WebLogic and WebSphere to test SSO.
 Document standards and write guidelines for development of applications on the portal.
 Automate the standardization of development using Maven archetypes.
 Standardize build process using Maven, Hudson and Archiva.
Summary: Multiple technology POCs and setting architecture directions.
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 Project Management/Architecture – 2015, 10+
 Technical Team Lead Role – 2015, 10+
 OO modeling and development – 2015, 10+
 RUP – 2015, 10+
 UML – 2015, 10+
 IAA modeling and implementation – 2012, 3
 J2SE – 2015, 10+ years
 J2EE – 2015, 10+ years
 C, C++ – 2013, 10+ years
 Objective-C – 2014, 10+ years
 Smalltalk – 2002, 6 years
 Perl, Jython, CGI – 2010, 8 years
 In the past: COBOL, RPG, Series I, Assembler,
BASIC, Pascal, Lisp
 Servlets – 2015, 10+ years
 Spring – 2015, 9 years
 JMS – 2015, 10+ years
 JSF – 2011, 5 years
 JSP – 2015 10+ years
 JSON – 2015, 7 years
 SOAP – 2015, 9 years
 XML/XSL – 2015, 10+ years
 Portlets – 2011, 8 years
 RMI and EJB – 2010, 9 years
 Struts – 2008, 7 years
 JPA – 2011, 3 years
 Axis2 – 2011, 5 years
 WML, HDML, PQA – 2006, 3 years
 PKI – 2008, 1 year
 Javascript – As long as it was around
 Sencha ExtJS + Touch, 2011, 1 year
 Amazon AWS – Full stack
 Azure Identity Management
 DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, mySQL, Postgres,
Access and Berkeley DB – 2015, 10+ years
 Artisan, TOAD & PL/SQL to manage Oracle
databases – 2015, 10+ years
 MongoDB – 2015, 3 years
 WebSphere – 2015, 10+ years
 Apache Tomcat – 2015, 10+ years
 WebSphere Portal Server – 2010, 5+ years
 WebLogic – 2011, 3 years
 WebLogic Portal – 2011, 18 months
 WebCenter Portal – 2010, 3 months
 Jetty – 2014, 4 years
 JBoss – 2014, 10+ years
 IIS/Apache –front-end integration work with
Tomcat and WebSphere
 WCM – 2010, 2 years
 UCM – 2010, 6 months
 Alfresco – 2011, 6 months
 OpenLDAP – 2010, 5+ years
 SunOne – 2008, 2 years
 ANT – 2015, 10+ years
 Maven – 2015, 9 years
 Jenkins/Hudson – 2015, 6 years
 Artifactory – 2015, 5 years
 JIRA – 2015, 6 years
 Confluence – 2015, 4 years
 Eclipse, RAD, RSA, WID, XCode, JBuilder,
Visual Studio - Many years
 Git, SVN, CVS, Clearcase, VSS, Harvest Varies
 JProbe and other profilers – 2009, 5 years
 Rational Rose, MagicDraw and Together/J –
many years
 WESB – 2010, 3 years
 MOM (MQSeries, MQSI) – 2008, 3 years
 Host connectivity (CICS) – 2008, 2 years
 eDirectory/iChain – 2007, 1 year
 Siteminder – 2007, 6 months
 Tivoli Access Manager – 2015, 1 year
 OAM and WebGate – 2010, 3 months
 Azure Identity Services – 2013, 2 years
 Linux, AIX, OSX and Windows
 Admin capable on Linux
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11/14 – present
Lead, Allstate, Northbrook, IL
 Architecture and lead development of various projects for Allstate Roadside.
 Team lead and development on GoodHandsRescue and ConnectMeLater which are
HTML5/Angular responsive apps targeting multiple mobile devices.
 Lead and development of many REST-based services based on Spring and other
 Lead and development of Roadsmart which is a HTML5/Angular application for
service providers to Allstate Roadside.
 Transitioning of organization to use Agile technologies and development tools such
as JIRA and Confluence.
 Guide and manage tasks for on-shore and off-shore resources.
1/12 – 11/14
Architect/Lead, Redbox Instant by Verizon, Oakbrook Terrace, IL
 Architecture and lead work described above
 Technologies: Tomcat, Apache, JBoss, Akamai CDN, jQuery, Angular, WinJS,
Xbox One, Windows 8, .NET, C++, Java, Spring, Javascipt, MongoDB, Memcached,
ehCache, Unix, scripting and more…
12/10 – 1/12
Architect, Lincoln Financial Group, Arlington Heights, IL
 Mobile work previously described above.
 Integration with Spring Security provider that uses a SAML identity server.
 POC work for creation of mobile and/or portal applications for enrollment, book of
business, pending policy status and policy alerts.
 Modeled with IAA Party and Contract models.
 Persistence with JDBCTemplate and Hibernate.
 Technologies: WebSphere 7, Tomcat, Jetty, iOS development using XCode on OSX,
services returning JSON and SOAP, Andoid, Eclipse, RAD, Spring, Sencha ExtJS +
Touch, Phonegap, Hibernate, JUnit, Artifactory, Maven, MySQL, and Oracle 11g.
07/08 – 12/10
Architect/Lead, Lincoln Financial Group, Arlington Heights, IL
 Portal work previously described above.
 Prototype new reference architecture moving from non-descriptive SOAP services to
JAX-WS using WS-Security to leverage future SSO infrastructure.
 Help design and implement services for WESB using WID.
 Help automate the build and deployment processes for WID applications.
 Cleanup and optimize the legacy portal. This included organizing the portal to run
properly in RAD with dynamic debugging.
 Design and help implement environments to increase parallel development.
 Re-factor, organize and standardize development structure, process and tools.
 Guide the migration of applications to WebSphere 6.1 on AIX from WebSphere 6.0
on Windows.
 Troubleshoot production issues usually related to memory leaks or performance
including tuning ObjectCache solving a persistent production issue.
 Standards: J2EE, JDBC, JAX-WS, JAXB, XML, SOAP, WSDL, SAML, Axis2.
 Technologies: WebSphere 6.1/7, WebSphere Portal 6.1.5, WCM, WebSphere ESB,
WID, RAD, RSA, Axis2, Hibernate, JUnit, Jython, Archiva, Maven, Continuum,
SQL Server, Oracle 11g, Oracle UCM, WebLogic Portal.
01/08 – 06/08
Architect/Designer, Medical Device Startup, Chicago, IL
 Architect and design of an embedded medical scanning system.
 Business Analyst efforts included
o Gather and solidify requirements in standard RUP templates.
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o Write requirements, use cases and traceability matrix.
Lead design efforts included
o Screen workflow design.
o Web system specification to use off the shelf components so the system can
be hosted in a cost efficient data center. The web system will service 1000’s
of doctor’s offices and interface with scanning devices.
08/07 - 03/08
Owner, Strucktured, Chicago, IL
Strucktured is a custom installation company that is still in startup mode. I worked during
this period as a trial since I wanted to explore other business models and technologies.
 Bid and manage custom installation of audio and video systems for high end
residential homes.
 Product development of touch-screen control applications on Windows Vista using
.NET and C#.
 Technologies: IIS, MySQL, C#, .NET, serial port programming, TCP/IP
programming, Windows Media Center Integration.
08/06 – 08/07
Architect/Manager, Lincoln Financial Group, Arlington Heights, IL
 Member of core SOA architecture and planning team.
 Infrastructure and environment design and implementation.
 Hands-on implementation of the environment for POC o Implemented an ESB using both WebSphere and Vitria.
o Implemented multiple JMS providers using WebSphere’s JMS bus.
o Install ILOG and work on proof of concept for a rule engine.
 Analyze, specify and work with vendors to design a file transfer infrastructure using
encryption standards based on PKI.
 Guide internal employees and consultants in the build out of the entire infrastructure.
 Documentation included
o Document best practice for setup and development.
o Document standard build process introduced with ANT/Maven.
o Document samples and “how-to” documents.
o Document setup guide for different roles in a project.
o Defining build processes.
 Development included
o Developed the entire POC to integrate WebSphere and Vitria using EJB,
JMS, and web services via SOAP
o Developed frameworks and coding samples for application teams.
 Standards: J2EE, JMS, JDBC, JTA, JSF, JSP, XML, SOAP, WSDL, Axis2, LDAP
 Technologies: WebSphere 6.x ND, RAD 6/7, OpenLDAP, SunOne LDAP, iLOG
rules, Oracle, Vitria BPM, Systinet, Veritas, Solaris.
07/06 – 12/06
Fixed bid project (all roles), Discover Financial Services, Riverwoods, IL
 Converted an existing web application to JSP and Struts.
 Integrated robust client side validation using JSP tags.
 Upgraded the application to JDK 1.4.
 This effort involved about 15 screens and controllers that needed to be reworked
from a proprietary framework into JSP and Struts.
 Technologies: WSAD 5.1, DB2, JSP, Struts, WebSphere 5.1.
04/06 – 08/06
Best Practices Architect, International Truck and Engine, Warrenville, IL
 Guide the setup a shared server environment with WebSphere, WebSphere Portal and
MQ using best practices for flexibility and scalability.
 Helped convert applications from WAS 5 to WAS 6.
 Reviewed applications for changes required to move to a shared environment.
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Documented standards and guidelines.
Helped troubleshoot production issues.
Wrote sample code to illustrate principals.
Introduced a template standard build process.
Built a web site to present above materials.
Technologies: WebSphere, WebSphere Portal, MQ, J2EE, ANT, Struts and JSP.
12/05 – 04/06
Architect/Process Engineer, CorSolutions, Rosemont, IL
 Assessed architecture and suggested changes to adhere to standards.
 Assisted in the conversion of an application from WAS 4 to WAS 5.
 Debugged and corrected an application never designed to run in a cluster.
 Organize LINUX box with automated scripts to create builds and track versions.
 Technologies: WebSphere 5.1 & 4, Java, ANT.
08/05 – 12/05
Security Architect and Designer, TransUnion, Chicago, IL
 Worked on a custom LDAP design to support line of business applications.
 Integrated eDirectory and iChain with web applications.
 Technologies: WebSphere 5.1, WSAD 5.1, JSP, Struts, eDirectory, iChain.
03/05 – 07/05
Architect, ABN AMRO, Chicago, IL
 Responsible for four Basel efforts and ten Credit Risk projects as a solution architect.
This included functioning in many different roles including requirements analyst,
technical lead and project manager.
 Technologies: Oracle, J2EE, Informatica, Business Objects, Alphabloxs, Plumtree,
Siteminder, Lotus Notes, Microsoft ADS and various other technologies requiring
07/04 – 03/05
Architect, Ace Hardware, Oakbrook, IL
 Corrected errant logging code to reduce production logs by a factor of 100.
 Project was so large that developers had to wait 20 minutes to compile or edit some
commonly used entity and session beans. Reworked project workspace to remove
interdependencies. Re-factored hundreds of entity and session beans and removed
about 4,000 source file classes from the build. Developers saved about 2 hours a day
by not having to shutdown WSAD and wait for dynamic compiles.
 Created a production logging and job tracking system.
 Created a Configuration Management process and documentation. Re-organized
Clearcase to better support multi-project team deliveries.
 Automated build process with ANT utilizing Clearcase.
 Converted hundreds of beans from 1.1 to 2.0 EJB specification.
 Technologies: WebSphere 5.1, WSAD 5.1, MQ, Clearcase, DB2, JSP, Struts, EJB.
05/04 – 07/04
Mentor/Architect, State of Missouri, Jefferson City, MO
 Upgraded a Tomcat/Apache JSP/Struts/EJB system to WebSphere 5.0.
 Integrated two JSP/Struts/EJB applications with different security models into one
J2EE security model. This includes JAAS, declarative and programmatic security
utilizing JAAS.
 Technologies: WebSphere 5.0, WSAD 5.0, Clearcase LT, Oracle 8i, TOAD, JSP,
Struts, EJB.
03/04 – 05/04
Lead Architect, NotWired, Inc., Chicago, IL
 Wrote multi-lingual JSP screens interfacing to struts for the administration modules
of NotWired.
 Wrote custom tag libraries for various screen components.
 Integrated Role-based security using JAAS and a custom J2EE Security Realm.
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Guided other developers working on SFA modules.
Optimized database designs through elimination of tables and fields.
Transitioned last Windows development server to Linux.
Created new build and deployment scripts in UNIX bash shell script and ANT.
Technologies: Eclipse/Tomcat, Embarcadero, PS/SQL, JSP, Struts, EJB, Jetspeed,
NotWired frameworks.
05/03 – 03/04
Project Manager, Business Analyst, Mentor, Discover Card, Bannockburn, IL
 Follow-on iteration to last project moving entire swing application with 50+ screens
and robust ordering system using a browser.
 1M large orders/year processed in a sophisticated multi-page, stateful application.
 Developed a Software Requirements Specification with client team and designed
entire prototype to gain consensus and validation from the stakeholders in the project.
 Lead internal staff in development. Mentored junior developers. Reviewed code.
 Wrote significant portions of the system including: page wizard workflow, reusable
components, stateless session management, upgrade to authentication/authorization
service, upgrade to administration screens, centralized rule service and data service
layers to support screen workflows.
 Wrote installation guides and project closing documentation to transition
maintenance to client developers.
 Fixed bid project which completed successfully on-time.
 Technologies: Eclipse, WSAD 4.0, WebSphere 4.0 clustered, DB2, Harvest.
02/03 – 05/03
Lead Architect, NotWired, Inc., Chicago, IL
 Managed several offshore and three on-site developers.
 Integrated with various credit card and checking account processors.
 Technologies: Eclipse, Oracle 8i, Jetspeed, Solaris, Linux, ANT.
05/02 – 01/03
Project Manager, Business Analyst, Discover Card, Bannockburn, IL
 Developed custom application to enable 2,000 partner firms to submit orders online
and replace 300,000 faxes a year.
 In a project manager/analyst role, was responsible for entire design, workflow, and
requirements specification.
 Managed scope and client interactions.
 Responsible for testing and quality assurance.
 Responsible for code reviews and mentoring client staff.
 Rapid development using NotWired infrastructure on WebSphere and DB2.
 Transactions were via SQL through DB/2 Connect.
 Fixed bid project which completed on-time and successfully.
 Technologies: Eclipse, WebSphere 3.5, DB2, RCS.
01/02 – 05/02
Manager, Technical Lead, Programmer, NotWired, Inc., Chicago, IL
 Prototyped and managed the development of the SFA modules in NotWired. This
included sales opportunities, forecasting and improved activity tracking.
 Managed sales and client development, including project plans and proposals.
 Technologies: Visio, MS-Word, MS-Project, HTML and Javascript.
08/01 – 12/01
Process Architect, Kemper Insurance, Long Grove, IL
 Customized RUP to incorporate Kemper’s required documents and process into a
unified software engineering process.
 Managed definition of needs and evaluation of software development tools.
 Created an integrated development, build and deployment environment.
 Technologies: RUP, Requisite Pro, PVCS.
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12/00 – 08/01
Manager, Lead Architect, NotWired, Inc., Chicago, IL
 Led the development of email enhanced contact management for NotWired.
Integrated the system with QMail and Courier
 Worked on improved Palm synchronization.
 Technologies: CodeWarrior, C, Palm, Java, VisualAge.
09/00 – 11/00
Architect, Discover Card, Bannockburn, IL
 Assessment of data transfer formats and protocols including ASCII, fixed ASCII,
XML and others.
 Created recommendations for future data formats and protocols. The
recommendation was put into place in 2003.
 Work was used to create the RFP for data transfer tools.
 Fixed bid project which completed on-time and successfully.
 Technologies: Word, Visio, MS-Project.
08/99 – 09/00
Architect, Caremark, Bannockburn, IL
 Led team of six developers to complete first phase of application architecture for
future Java applications. This was a service-based architecture that included log-in
and application security, logging, exception handling, reference data caching and
common dialogs. This involved 15 packages and over 300 classes.
 Instituted the development environment and procedures for version control and
source tree configurations with Rational Rose and the code base using SourceSafe
and VisualAge.
 Technologies: DB2, WebSphere, MQSeries, Servlets, Java, CICS, HTML,
05/98 – 08/99
Architect, Designer and Mentor, Fireman’s Fund, Novato, CA
 Mentored a team of eight developers to deliver the first phase of the entire
commercial insurance system built on IBM’s IAA architecture.
 Modeled and developed IAA packages in Rational Rose.
 Implemented data mapping with IAA business model and MQ.
 Developed many major frameworks including logging, error/exception handling,
screen edit and rules linked to IAA rule specifications and security.
 Technologies: WebSphere, WebLogic, MQSeries, DB2, XML, CICS, VisualAge,
IONA, Rational Rose and SourceSafe.
07/96 - 10/96
Consultant, OOCL, Santa Clara, CA
 Reworked interface components in Smalltalk.
 Worked with client to use and develop a Smalltalk testing tool called TestKit.
 Assessed integration of TestKit with Gemstone.
 Technologies: VisualWorks, ENVY, Gemstone, VisualKits and TestKit.
11/95 - 03/96
Consultant, Sprint Corporation, Kansas City, KS
 Custom user interface development of an integrated service management workstation
for telecommunications.
 Optimizations of the VisualWorks/Smalltalk application with ODI database.
 Technologies: VisualWorks, ENVY, ODI and DNS CORBA Broker.
1995 - present
Principal, Objectsoft, Inc., Chicago, IL
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Guide team of eight developers for the development of NotWired, a two million
dollar project, consisting of 130 packages and 1,700 classes. It also contains about
400 screens that are designed to be reusable components.
Manage on-shore and off-shore engineering development for Objectsoft’s product
Designed and co-developed integration of security API into LDAP.
Development of native Palm applications
integrated with This includes modification of DateBook and Todo
List applications and conduit development in C and Java.
The architecture is J2EE with service layers, XML, Oracle persistence and deployed
on Solaris and Linux.
Led team of developers in a complex parallel development project to complete the
delivery of Java development tools – BrewMaster, DebugMaster, CommentMaster
and DiffMaster. BrewMaster won best of show at Java One in 1999.
Developer of VisualKit, VisualKit Professional and Win95 Look Policy which are
extensions to ParcPlace-Digitalk’s Smalltalk tools.
Developer of TestKit, an application for Smalltalk testing.
ParcPlace Systems Inc., Sunnyvale, CA. MIDWEST DISTRICT MANAGER
Largest vendor of Smalltalk.
Developers of NeXTSTEP and former manufacturers of NeXT Computers.
Responsible for selling IBM systems, services and software to accounts in the Chicago
Metropolitan area. Significantly increased revenues and new accounts for territory over a
three year period. Golden Circle - IBM's highest sales achievement. Ranked 1st in
Midwest and top 10 in the U.S.
Responsible for designing software and hardware for IBM systems.
EDUCATION: University of Illinois-Urbana 1989, B.S. Computer Engineering
 Specialized in software and hardware design, communications, networking, AI and
object-oriented technology.
Hobbies include: swimming, skiing, tennis, cooking, SCUBA, woodworking, computers
and reading.
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