Augusta State University Department of Music Advising Checklist for BACHELOR OF MUSIC DEGREE (B.M.) with a major in Music Education Name__________________________________________________927-_________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________________ (City, State, Zip) Phone__________________________Alternate Phone_____________________Year entered ASU___________ Advisor_____________________________________Major Performance Area___________________________ CORE CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS (42 HOURS) (Note to advisor: record semester completed & grade) Area A (9 hours) Area B/C (10 hours) ________ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1113 (______) (Grade of C or better) ________ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1114 (______) (Grade of C or better) ________MATH 1111 or MATH 1101 (______) Area D (11 hours) ________Lab Science 1 ________Lab Science 2 ________MATH________ ________Lab Science 3 ________HUMN 2001 ________HUMN 2002 ________COMS 1010, COMS 1020 or HONR 1010 (______) Area E (12 hours) (______) (______) (______) or (______) ________HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 ________POLS 1101 ________ELECTIVE A ________ ________ELECTIVE B ________ College Graduation requirements (General) ________US and Georgia History Test (passed) ________Regents Test (passed) ________Minimum GPA of 2.00 overall ________Minimum of 30 hours of upper division credit at ASU (residence requirement) ________Minimum of 39 hours of upper division credit ________Senior Exit Exam in Music ________Graduation Application completed Physical Education Requirements (5 hours) ________Wellness and Fitness ________Elective Activity ________Elective Activity (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) (_______) (_______) (_______) (_______) 2 MUSIC EDUCATION CORE CORRICULUM: AREA F (18 HOURS) Note: Grade of "C" or better required in all courses ________MUSI 1521 Class Piano I [1cr.] ________MUSI 1522 Class Piano II [1 cr.] (______) (______) ________MUSI 2525 Advanced Keyboard Skills [1cr.] (piano majors only) ________MUSI 3551 Keyboard Accompanying [1 cr.] (piano majors only) (______) (______) ________EDUC 2110 Investigating Critical & Contemporary Issues in Education [3 cr.] ________EDUC 2120 Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Diversity [3 cr.] ________EDUC 2130 Exploring Teaching and Learning [3 cr.] (______) (______) (______) ________MUSA 1______1 Concentration Applied [1 cr.] ________MUSA 1______2 Concentration Applied [1 cr.] ________MUSA 2______1 Concentration Applied [2 cr.] (______) (______) (______) Major Ensemble Assigned _____________________________________________________ ________MUSI 16______0 Major Ensemble ________MUSI 16______0 Major Ensemble ________MUSI 16______0 Major Ensemble ________MUSI 16______0 Major Ensemble [1 cr.] [1 cr.] [1 cr.] [1 cr.] (______) (______) (______) (______) MUSIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM (44 HOURS) Note: Grade of "C" or better required in all courses Applied Lessons (6 hours, at least 4 at upper division level) ________MUSA 2______2 Concentration Applied [2 cr.] (______) ________Upper Division Exam Passed ___________________________________(date) ________MUSA 3______1 Concentration Applied [2 cr.] (______) ________MUSA 3______2 Concentration Applied [2 cr.] (______) Optional: ________MUSA 4______1 Concentration Applied ________MUSA 4______2 Concentration Applied (______) (______) Recital Experience - (Required minimum of 7 semesters of MUSI 1500 with grade "S") _________MUSI 1500 Recital Laboratory _________MUSI 1500 Recital Laboratory _________MUSI 1500 Recital Laboratory _________MUSI 1500 Recital Laboratory _________MUSI 1500 Recital Laboratory _________MUSI 1500 Recital Laboratory _________MUSI 1500 Recital Laboratory (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) Studio Classes - (Required minimum of 7 semesters of MUSA 2__05 with grade "S") _________MUSA 2______05 Studio class _________MUSA 2______05 Studio class _________MUSA 2______05 Studio class _________MUSA 2______05 Studio class _________MUSA 2______05 Studio class _________MUSA 2______05 Studio class _________MUSA 2______05 Studio class (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) Junior Recital Hearing Passed _________________________________________________(date) (3 hours) 3 ________MUSA 3______5 Junior Recital (______) Music Theory Curriculum (18 hours) ________MUSI 1101 Elementary Ear Training and Sight-Singing [2 cr.] ________MUSI 1102 Elementary Ear Training and Sight-Singing II [2 cr.] ________MUSI 1211 Elementary Part Writing and Analysis I [2 cr.] ________MUSI 1212 Elementary Part Writing and Analysis II [2 cr.] ________MUSI 2101 Advanced Ear Training and Sight Singing 1 [2 cr.] ________MUSI 2102 Advanced Ear Training and Sight Singing 2 [2 cr.] ________MUSI 2211 Advanced Part Writing and Analysis 1 [2 cr.] ________MUSI 2212 Advanced Part Writing and Analysis 2 [2 cr.] ________MUSI 3210 Form and Analysis [1 cr.] ________MUSI 4210 Instrumentation and Orchestration [1 cr.] (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) Music History Curriculum (8 hours) ________MUSI 2230 Introduction to Music Literature [2 cr.] ________MUSI 3340 Music History I [3 cr.] ________MUSI 3350 Music History II [3 cr.] (______) (______) (______) Major Ensembles as assigned (3 hours – 2 minimum at upper division level) ________MUSI 16______0 Major Ensemble ________MUSI 16______0 Major Ensemble ________MUSI 36______0 Major Ensemble (______) (______) (______) Miscellaneous Requirements (4 hours) ________MUSI 1810 Music Technology [1 cr.] (______) ________MUSI 2523 Class Piano III [1 cr.] ________MUSI 2524 Class Piano IV [1cr.] (______) (______) ________MUSI 3551 Keyboard Accompanying [1 cr.] (piano majors only) (______) ________MUSI 3660 ASU Jazz Ensemble [1 cr.] (piano majors only) ________MUSI 4670 Keyboard Ensemble [1 cr.] (piano majors only) (______) (______) OR ________MUSI 3560 Fundamentals of Conducting [1 cr.] (______) ________MUSI/EDTD 3011 Music Educational Technology [3 cr.] (______) OR Take and receive a passing score on the Georgia Assess online Technology Test Instrumental/Vocal Methods (5 hours) *Required of both tracks +Required of Instrumental tracks only #Required of Vocal track only ________MUSI 3420 Brass Methods* ________MUSI 3430 Woodwind Methods* ________MUSI 3440 String Methods* ________MUSI 3450 Percussion Methods* ________MUSI 3460 Marching Band Methods+ ________MUSI 3470 Vocal Methods# ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) (______) 4 PROFESSIONAL MUSIC EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS (24 HOURS) Note: Grade of "C" or better required in all courses ________MUSI 3410 Elementary & Middle School Music Methods [3 cr.] ________MUSI 4410 Conducting & Methods of Secondary School Instrumental Music [3 cr.] ________MUSI 4420 Conducting & Methods of Secondary School Choral Music [3 cr.] (______) (______) (______) Admission to Teacher Education___________________________________(date) followed by ________SPED 4002 Instructional Strategies for Teaching Students with Disabilities in General Education Settings [3 cr.] (______) Student Teaching in Music (12 hours) Note: All other requirements for graduation must be met by the end of the semester prior to student teaching. ________MUSI 4492 Student Apprenticeship/Seminar in Music [12 cr.] (______) Minimum Total Hours for the Degree (excluding Physical Education Requirements) 133 hours Revised February 2008