South Portland, Maine 04106
Title: MUSI 125 World Music
Credit Hours: Total Contact Hours: 3
Instructor: Susan K. Kinne
Course Syllabus
Course Description
World Music is an introduction to the music and musical life of many cultures of the world,
emphasizing the unique character of each musical expression, as well as those elements that are
universal to all music. The great diversity of global musical styles will be explored and celebrated, with
an emphasis on a relativistic view: the belief that each society has a musical system that suits its
culture, and should be understood and appreciated within that cultural context. Prerequisite(s): none
Corequisite(s): none
Course Objectives
After successfully completing the course, the student will be able to:
Identify the elements music and vocabulary of music so as to be able to discuss music of any
Identify musical instruments and their classification through the Hornbostel-Sachs system
Understand ways in which diverse peoples define what is and is not music
Understand the process of syncretism
Use critical listening skills developed during the course to understand and evaluate music of other
Topical Outline of Instruction
Chapters 1-6 show how music works by exploring the elements of music (pitch, melody, harmony,
rhythm, form, tone color, texture, etc.)
Chapters 7-13 explore music of different cultures in traditional as well as contemporary settings. We do
not study ch. 12.
Course Requirements
To successfully complete this course the student must participate in and write quality responses to the
discussion questions for each chapter(s) every week, complete weekly reading and listening tests for
each chapter, write a research paper and attend a performance and write a review of the performance.
In lieu of a live performance there is an option of watching a documentary online.
Text, Tools, and/or Supplies
World Music by Michael Bakan, second edition. The text comes with a 3-CD set. All course content is
accessed through the Blackboard learning management system, YouTube or other free Websites.
Additional content is at the text's website. I supply links to the text's website when appropriate.
Student Evaluation and Grading
Grades for this course will be based upon: quality posts to weekly discussions 45%, chapter tests 40%,
written work (concert review or research paper) 15% . See Research and Review tab.
** All students are responsible for reading, understanding and accepting the contents of the welcome
email as well as the syllabus. All students are also responsible for reading, understanding and accepting
SMCC's student code of conduct as written in SMCC Compass Student Handbook.
How the course works
If you have NEVER taken an online course please, please, please complete the new Blackboard
version 9 student orientation. MUSI 125 uses the Blackboard platform very extensively, not just one
or two aspects of the platform as in hybrid or in-class courses. If you have not taken an online class
before, this might not be the one with which to start your online learning experience. Fair warning.
Course Content
Go to the learning modules (weekly assignments) tab found at the left of your screen. Here you will
find the “to do” list for each chapter: reading and listening assignments (including learning objectives),
additional exercises, PowerPoint presentations, links to discussion questions and tests. If you follow
the “to do” list in numerical order you should have no trouble knowing what is expected and
completing assignments. You will complete one or two learning modules each week.
Be sure that you have opened the table of contents in learning modules (weekly assignments) to see
all the items in the assignment. The table of contents can be expanded or collapsed by the icons
between the tabs window and the larger content window. You can also use the arrows marked 'Page __
of __ ' at the right of the large content window.
You will post your responses to the discussion questions at the Discussions tab at the left of your
screen. Discussions have due dates. See the Assignments and the Calendar for due dates. Responses
to Discussion Questions are due by midnight. The value of each weekly DQ response is ten (10) points.
You will lose two (2) points for each day your submission is late. Read other students' posts and
respond to at least three other classmates to earn the ten points.
I go into the discussion from time to time to read and respond to you individually. I submit my
individual responses and/or response to the class the day after your response is due. Be sure to read it
and post a response to any comments I make to you or your classmates, especially if I ask follow-up
Each chapter has a test with a due date. After the due date the tests are no longer seen on your
Blackboard screen and are no longer available for you to take. All tests are under the Assigments. I
have posted the due dates there as well as at the Calendar.
Research Paper & Performance Review
Information on the research paper and performance review are at the Research & Review tab. Check
the Calendar or Announcements for the due date.
Research Paper
You will explore a musical style of your choice from anywhere in the world outside the United States,
Celtic Canada, Ireland. This summer I will not allow research on ska, reggae or any of their
subgenres. PLEASE READ documents at the Research and Review tab. I do need to approve your
choice. I ask you to respond to a discussion question regarding your choice in Week 2.
Performance Review
You will select a performance to attend this semester. Start to look for performances NOW. I will post
some options in Portland in the Announcements. The performance does not need to be a
“professional” performance/concert. It can be the same style of music you choose to research, but it
does not need to be. I do need to approve your choice. Please don't buy tickets before I approve your
Start Here
The Course Schedule has an overview of all weekly reading and listening assignments for the term.
Print it out and tape it to your wall, computer, text book, forehead...
All due dates for discussions and tests are at the Calendar tab. View it in month mode for an overview
of the semester. Print it out and tape it to your wall, computer, text book, forehead...
E-mail me through the Mail tab. Send all emails to me through the MUSI 125 Blackboard site. I
usually check the MUSI 125 site 1-2 times a day and try to respond to your emails promptly.
I know this seems like a lot of confusing information at first but if you follow the directions above, in a
few weeks you'll know the routine.
If a test question does not work properly please email me to let me know. There have been Blackboard
glitches in the past.
For support you can contact any of the following:
The Instructor for technical problems and questions about course content: Susan K Kinne
SMCC Tech support for login problems and general technology support: 741-5696
Blackboard Technical Support: Michael Hart, Director of Distance Education
Southern Maine Community College does not discriminate in its education and employment programs
on the basis of age, race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or religion. The
College complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX Education Amendments of
1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of
Inquiries regarding Title VI and Title IX may be made to the
Affirmative Action Officer
Southern Maine Community College
2 Fort Road
South Portland, ME 04106
Telephone (207) 741-5798
If you have a disabling condition and wish to request accommodations in order to have reasonable
access to programs and services offered by SMCC, you must register with the
ADA Services Coordinator
Mark Krogman
Southern Maine Community College
2 Fort Road
South Portland, ME 04106
Telephone (207) 741-5629
TTY (207) 741-5667
Course Schedule
MUSI 125 World Music
Instructor: S. Kinne
Your grade is based on
12 chapter tests (40 % of grade),
12 discussion question responses (45% of grade),
the research paper and performance review (15% of grade).
Updated 18 May 2014
Week 1
Ch. 1 What, in the World, is Music?
Ch. 4 How Music Works, Part II: Pitch
Research topic and performance name/date/location due with your Discussion Response.
Week 2
Ch. 5 How Music Works, Part III: Dynamics, Timbre, Instruments
Week 3
Ch. 3 How Music Works, Part I: Rhythm
Week 4
Ch. 6 How Music Works, Part IV: Texture and Form
Week 5
Ch. 2 How Music Lives: A Musicultural Approach
Week 6
Ch. 9 'Not the Same, but Just as Nice': Traditions and Transformations in
Irish Music
Week 7
Ch. 11 'See How She Moves': Musics of Latin America and the “Oye Como Va”
Week 8
Ch. 10 The River and the Path: Conversation and Collective Expression in
West African Musics
Week 9
Ch. 8 From Raga to Bollywood: Developments and Intercultural Crossings in
Indian Music
Week 10
Ch. 7 Indonesian Gamelan Music: Interlocking Rhythms, Interlocking Worlds
Week 11
Ch. 13 A Musicultural History of the Chinese Zheng
Week 12
Finals week
Ch. 13 test
We do not study Ch. 12.