Virtual Lab Database Name Dan Cooper May C. Claire G. Topic /Site Name The ChemCollective: Virtual Lab Site Address Virtual Lab Bench php Virtual Lab Sample Exercises ents.php Natural Selection/ Interactive Simulations lation/natural-selection Population Dynamics /games/matchmaker/index.html Description and SOLs This program runs in the browser and is based in Java technology. It recreates a basic lab bench and all related lab equipment. Because this chemistry lab bench is so open ended, it could be used for a variety of lab sessions dealing with acid base chemistry. This lab bench includes all common lab glassware, acids, bases, and lab equipment. This virtual lab is really great and I wish I had found it a year ago when I was looking for this exact solution. CH.1 The student will investigate and understand that experiments in which variables are measured, analyzed, and evaluated produce observations and verifiable data CH.3 The student will investigate and understand how conservation of energy and matter is expressed in chemical formulas and balanced equations CH.4 The student will investigate and understand that quantities in a chemical reaction are based on molar relationships. This site provides virtual labs for all sciences: physics, chemistry, earth science, and biology. This particular lab or game can have students manipulate genes, mutations, resources, and environmental factors. When students change these components, students can observe a graphical representation of population size over time to determine which traits are successful and which are not for the species' survival. BIO.8.b,e This site puts students in a real life situation where an understanding of genetics is used to strengthen the species. Students can manipulate mates to see which parental genotypes will yield the most successful offspring. There are different breeding programs to choose from and the introduction explains the need for breeders to pick the best combination of genes when breeding for a certain trait such as disease resistance or strength. LS.13 The student will investigate and understand that organisms reproduce and transmit genetic information to new generations. Key concepts include Jie C. istry/simlab/ c) genotypes and phenotypes e) characteristics that can and cannot be inherited; f) genetic engineering and its applications This site mainly focuses on chemical reactions in solution to explore the dynamic microscope molecular motions. The virtual lab not only covers all reaction types and molecular behaviors in solution, but also integrates several chemistry topics to reveal the essence of chemical reactions one topic. Student could access the online lab, conduct the experiments and find out what they cannot see in their real life. John T. Periodic Table bio/virtual_labs/periodic_table/m ain.html SOLs: CH.3 e,f CH.4 e,g This virtual lab involves the periodic table of elements and its associated trends. Using the periodic table, students are supposed to discover the identity of a few unidentified elements. Kaitlyn S. Population Biology/McGraw Hill 4/383928/BL_04.html CH.2d,e,f This site shows how competition for resources effects population growth by allowing the students to observe the growth rates of two organisms and of a combination of the two organisms over a period of time. Ashley G. Virtual Bacteria ID Lab ve/vlabs/bacterial_id/index.html Adam D. The Greenhouse Effect lation/greenhouse - BIO.9a This is a great virtual lab from HHMI (Medical Institute) where the students have to identify an unknown bacteria. Along the way they learn about bacterial characteristics, DNA sequencing, and molecular techniques. Throughout the lab you keep a notebook of findings/results and a record of what samples you have used kind of like the drosophila lab Dr. Parlo showed us in lab. BIO.1.a.b.e.m BIO.4.a BIO.6.i explorations and impacts of DNA Technology This is a program that can run with java or be downloaded. It helps explain how greenhouse gases affect weather and climate with adjustable ghg concentrations and clouds. You can also look at the difference between that and glass panes and have the ability to look at the visible spectrum and infrared on a molecular level and see how they interact with different molecules. This would work good to help conceptualize some of these concepts with guided questions. Rachel H. Gene Splicing 4/383937/BL_22.html Nick C. Rube Goldberg Games and Car Builder _Goldberg goldburgertogo/rubegame.html dex.php / Matthew B. Ryan S. Jackie S. Pandemic 2 pandemic2.html Active Physics Online hysics_11/13/3510/ ndex.html c/aw_young_physics_11/pt1a/M edia/DescribingMotion/SeatBelt sSaveLives/Main.html Virtual Urchin /fertlab2.htm BIO 9.b.d. In this virtual lab you can take a unique trait from one organism and put it into another through gene splicing. The lab has a variety of different traits that can or cannot be put into different organisms and it teaches students about genetic engineering and how it's not always successful. It teaches them about the process of gene splicing in particular, the problems associated with it, and shows that not every experiment yields a new organism but some do in exciting new ways. BIO 6. h.i. For those who have not heard of Rube Goldberg, read the wikipedia link to the left. He was an interesting guy. If anyone plans to teach physics, there is a CD-rom game called The Incredible Machine that students absolutely love. There is also a new game called Crazy Machines. Both can be ordered off of fairly cheaply, and students are very engaged playing this in class. The second and third links I provided have online physics games that could cover Physics SOLs PH.3, 4, 5, 6, and 8. The last link I provided is an online car builder, which students can create different cars and learn about wind resistance, efficiency etc. This could be used when you have a lesson that must link science and engineering. Pandemic 2 is an online game in which you create a disease that is either a parasite, virus, or bacteria with the goal of wiping out the human population. Your disease earns evolution points that you can spend on symptoms, resistance, or transmission vectors. You must be careful in designing your disease. If you move too fast countries will close down their borders and ports or start limiting your transmission. This introduces both population dynamics and communicable diseases, with a little bit of body science as well. Bio.2 b,c Bio.5 e,f Bio.8 b,c Bio.9 a This site is full of online labs for physics that go along with the book University Physics by Young and Freeman. Though the book is for freshman undergraduates it could also be used with high school physics students. In this particular lab (the second link) students learn about velocity and acceleration. They later apply what they have learned to explain why people should wear seat belts. SOLs covered PH.2a, PH. 4a, PH.5a This lab enables you to watch the formation of sea urchin embryos out of sperm and egg cells while teaching you about lab equipment and technique. First it gives a tutorial on urchin reproduction It's great for a high school biology class. REALLY cool! SOL covered: BIO.6a