Bio Boards #4 TITLE #2 Due Friday, 00-00-2013, MrE’s Louisiana History #5 #3 Total Project Points: 100 #7 Step 1: Use a ¼ piece of poster board. (Furnished by teacher) Step 2: Select an appropriate historical person from the list provided. Research this person to find out about his or her life. Include information about their childhood, family life, home, education, and career. Gather your information from your online textbook, encyclopedias, biographies, Who’s Who collections, the Internet or other sources. If you use the Internet, make sure your information is from a reputable source. This part must be neatly handwritten or typed in your own words (If typed; must be 12 pt Arial). There should be at least five (5) paragraphs. Place this section on the right side of your bio board. Worth: 50 points Step 3: Drawings or pictures of the person should be placed in the center of the bio board. Use colored pencils, markers, to add color to the picture. Worth: 10 points Step 4: Maps of countries, cities or towns showing where your person is from or had strongest influence may be hand-drawn, traced or photocopied. Maps are placed on the upper left side of the bio board. Use colored pencils, markers, or crayons to add color to the picture. Maps printed on a color printer are acceptable. Maps must be from the historical time period. Do not use modern-day maps. Worth: 10 points Step 5: Create one trivia question on a 3x5 card or piece of paper. Attach the card to the lower left corner of the bio board so that a flap is created. The question should be displayed, the flap lifted and the answer revealed. Worth: 10 points Step 6: Accuracy, neatness, and creativity are important. Worth: 10 points Step 7: Your name and period are to be placed in the lower right hand corner. Bio boards will be presented in class on the due date. Late work is not accepted. If you know you will be absent, plan to turn in your board early or have a parent drop it off before your class period. Worth: 10 points Biography List—Choose one g-Huey P. Long g-Edwin W. Edwards g-W.C.C. m-Jerry a-Karl Claiborne Lee Lewis Malone a-Drew Brees a-Sean Payton a-Archie Manning m-Louis Armstrong m-Mahalia Jackson h-PGT Beauregard h-Jean Lafitte h-Claire Chennault g-Jimmie g-Sam Davis Jones h-Ruby Bridges h-Marie Laveau h-Toni Jo Henry h-Zachary a-Buford Taylor Jordon h-Kathleen w-Kate Blanco Chopin w-Ernest Gaines h-Andrew Jackson h-Russell Long h-Edmund m-“Jelly McIlhenny Roll” Morton m-Aaron Neville h-Homer Plessy h-John Slidell h-Philemon Thomas