2 hours of reading practice

AP Summer assignment
Congratulations! You have elected to study a unique college level course next year. The work is
not difficult, but it does require your best effort to succeed. The summer homework
assignment is certainly not a punishment, but it is in fact designed to help you. I do not want
your skills that you’ve worked so hard for to atrophy over the summer and then delay our
progress as we get started next fall. There are 2 parts, the essay over the exam itself and the 10
hour project. Feel free to practice and do extra.
UNO: Ensayo del examen
First, you will go to the AP website for the Spanish Language Exam and learn everything you can
about the exam: format, scoring, length, date, etc. Then you will email me a 150 words
minimum composition or essay that explains what you have learned about the exam (written in
English—simple enough). Also, tell me which parts of the test you think will be the hardest for
you and how you will strategize to prepare yourself for the course and ultimately for the test.
This is worth 40 points.
DOS: Diez horas
The Diez Horas summer assignment consists of 5 different sections. I may not be checking my
email as regularly this summer but you can email me the assignments as you get them done or
when you have completed all of them. Both parts (essay and 10 hours) should be turned in the
week before school starts as I would like to get started on them before school begins.
Therefore you will have to email me with any questions or concerns before then.
The project is a Test/Project grade (all segments need documentation to earn the points as well
as the grammar and spelling of the write ups need to be edited carefully to earn full credit.) This
is worth 200 points (if you’ve had me before, you’ll know that that’s a lot of points for an
2 hours of grammar practice
You must document two hours of personal grammar and vocabulary study (you can use
websites like the ones listed below and/or textbooks or workbooks that you have on hand or
borrow from me if you like. You should concentrate on an area of grammar or vocabulary that
you need extra practice with. To document see the log template.
2 hours of reading practice
The next two hours are for reading: write a summary paragraph (in Spanish) about the work(s)
and the author, and your impression of the work, its difficulty, etc. You can read magazines,
newspapers, books, short stories, poetry---the sky’s the limit. You can check out books from
the local library or buy them in stores or online. I have attached a link with many stories by
authors of every type as well as some links to magazines and newspapers. With this section of
practice, keep a list 5-10 vocabulary words you were exposed to through each reading. To
document see the log template.
2 hours of listening practice
The next two hours are for listening. You can listen to a movie on a Spanish track (NO subtitles
though!!). Your parents must sign off on when and if you watched it in Spanish; Spanish
television, videos, news, cartoons, or Spanish music, or listen to conversations with Hispanics.
To document see the log template.
2 hours of speaking practice
The next two hours are for speaking. Only one hour can be with a NON-native speaker of
Spanish (but you can speak with near-natives like teachers for example. To document see the
log template.
2 hours of writing practice
The last two hours are for writing your daily journal entries up to two hours. (The essay about
the AP exam does not count as writing time). Either electronically (on the computer) or
written, you will keep a journal in Spanish and will write about the themes below. Depending
on how long each entry is, you may not need to use all the topics given, as you may stop when
you reach your 2 hours, but if you write short entries, you might need ideas:
¿Cómo ayuda y hace daño la tecnología a la educación en general?
¿Qué realmente quieren los estudiantes de su educación?
¿Eres optimista o pesimista con respecto al futuro de los EE.UU? ¿por qué?
¿Cuán importante es la unidad familiar a la construcción de la sociedad en general?
¿Cuáles son las mejores cualidades de buenos profesores? de buenos estudiantes?
¿Cómo influye o afecta la música a las personas que la escuchan?
¿Realmente tiene alguién el poder de ser único y diferente que la sociedad a su
¿Cuáles son las profesiones más importantes en el mundo? ¿Por qué?
¿Cuáles son las cosas más importantes en la vida? ¿Por qué?
Idealmente, ¿cómo sería la mejor manera de aprender una lengua extranjera? ¿Por
(solo) una entrada libre
You must document two hours of personal grammar and vocabulary study. You should
concentrate on an area of grammar or vocabulary that you need practice with. (make copies if
necessary, or create your own log)
El concepto practicado
Fecha de practicar
El sitiio de web
Hora de empezar y de terminar
_____________ /_____________
Reacción (¿cómo fue? ¿te mejoraste? ¿cuáles son los desafíos que tienes con esto?)
El concepto practicado
Fecha de practicar
El sitio de web
Hora de empezar y de terminar
_____________ / ______________
Reacción: (¿Cómo fue? ¿te mejoraste? ¿cuáles son los desafíos que tienes con esto?)
The next two hours are for listening. You will need to summarize in Spanish what the
conversation was generally about. (Make copies of the log below if necessary, or create your
Título (de programa, película, video, etc.)
Fecha de mirar
Hora de empezar y de terminar
(Si película, la firma de tu padre que miraste solo en
You will do two hours of reading something in Spanish. Only one hour can be with a NONnative speaker of Spanish (but you can speak with near-natives like teachers, neighbors, etc. for
example. You will need to summarize in Spanish what the conversation was generally about
and have that speaker sign off on your paper.(Make copies of the log below if necessary, or
create your own).
Fecha de hablar
Hora de empezar y de terminar
_____________ /______________
Resumen (en español)aquí:
***Favor de firmar aquí para confirmar que la información arriba es
You will do two hours of reading something in Spanish. Then write a summary paragraph (in
Spanish) about the work(s) and the author, and your impression of the work, its difficulty, etc.
***Título (de artículo, novela, cuento, etc.)
Fechar de leer
Hora de empezar y de terminar
____________ /____________
Resumen aquí:
***Título (de artículo, novela, cuento, etc.)
Fecha de leer
Hora de empezar y de terminar
____________ /______________
Resumen aquí: