Human Biology Cardiovascular Anatomy

Human Biology Basic Cardiovascular System
Which direction does blood flow with regards to the heart?
What kind of vessel connects arterioles to venules?
What 2 organs make up the pulmonary circuit?
Where are the carotid arteries?
What causes the ventricles to contract?
What’s the common name of the chordae tendineae?
Tunicas are the three distinct layers of ________________?
Blood returns to the heart in these two types of blood vessels?
Where does the systemic circuit go in the body?
Name a major artery lcated in the neck.
How does blood move in arterioles with regards to the heart?
Where do the pulmonary arteries lead to?
What initiates the heartbeat?
What is one difference between red and white blood cells?
Name one organ that conducts sperm.
What are the excretory tubules in the urinary system called?
How is CO2 carried in the blood?
Name one way lungs contribute to homeostasis.
Name one way kidneys contribute to homeostasis.
How does blood move in venules with regards to the heart.
What does the sinoatrial node do?
Purkinje fibers cause these to contract.
What connects arterioles to venules?
 Name one type of blood vessel that lies on the surface of the heart?
 What respiratory pigment makes red blood cells red?
 Which chamber of the heart does the pulmonary artery leave?
 Does the adult pulmonary artery carry oxygen rich or poor blood?
 The hepatic vein takes blood from the _________ to the heart.
 Name one blood vessel in the upper body.
 Which side of the heart is more muscular?
 In an average young adult, how many times/minute does the heart beat?
 The renal vein takes blood from the __________ to the heart.
 The pulmonary artery takes blood from the heart to the _________.
 What part of the body is serviced by the carotid arteries and jugular veins
in your neck?
 Starting from an artery, what is the last type of blood vessel blood
 Which vessel conducts blood from the left ventricle?
 How do fetuses acquire nutrients?
 The aorta takes blood from the heart to the _______________.
Define the following terms.
A. pulmonary circuit
B. systemic circuit
True or False? The left side of the heart sends blood through the lungs,
while the right side of the heart sends blood into the body.
List the four chambers of the heart.
Make chart of differences of red and white blood cells & list their scientific names.
When a chamber relaxes it’s called_______. When a chamber contracts it’s a ______.
What does ECG stand for? What does it document?
What is the function of the “chordae tendinea”?
Trace the path of blood from the artery to the vein (5 major points).
Describe the difference between an artery and a vein.
What is the difference between the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit?
What is the major artery for the
Leg Kidney Lungs Arms Intestines 
What are the “layers” of the arteries and veins called?
Which ventricle has a larger cavity?
Which ventricle has a thicker muscle and why?
What are some differences between the pulmonary and systemic circuit?
Label this diagram
a. Aorta
b. Right atrium
c. Semilunar valve
d. Vena cava
Left ventricle and pulmonary arteries were labeled on diagram.
True or False:
T / F
ARTERIES have THICKER walls then veins.
The Human heart has a right and left side divided by the septum. There
are ___ chambers: ___ upper, thin-walled atria and ___ lower, thickwalled ventricles. [
The two atrioventricular valves in the heart are the tricuspid valve and the
_______ valve.
_________ (color) blood cells fight infection, and __________ (color)
blood cells carry oxygen around the body.
EXPLAIN why it is that when you go swimming, your fingertips shrivel up
after you’ve been in the water for a while. Be as descriptive as possible
(do not just provide a one word answer).
T / F
The sinoatrial node is found in the HEART and not at the
center of the pulmonary veins.
T / F
the heart.
Purkinje fibers are responsible for attaching blood vessels to
T / F
ALL Human Beings (including females) have a heart.
Which type of blood vessel (artery or vein) has valves? ___________
Which side of the heart (left or right) has deoxygenated blood?
Blood enters the ________ atrium of the heart via the vena cavas, it then
flows through the __________ valve before entering the _________
ventricle. From there it enters the pulmonary __________ and gets sent
to the lungs. It then returns to the heart via the pulmonary __________,
this time though, it enters the _________ atrium. It then passes through
the ___________ valve and enters the __________ ventricle, where its
pumped into the ________ (the bodies largest artery).
Why is the left ventricle thicker than the right ventricle? Explain.
A Human Biology student examines some blood cells with a compound
light microscope and sees that they are large and have a NUCLEUS, what
color blood cells are being examined? _________
In the pulmonary circuit, the pulmonary arteries …
a) take O2-rich blood to the lungs
b) return O2-poor blood to the heart
c) take O2-poor blood to the lungs
d) return O2-rich blood to
the heart
The other circuit, where blood is transported throughout the whole body,
except the lungs, is called:
Fill out the next table with the names of the heart chambers and their
corresponding attached blood vessels:
Heart chamber
Blood vessels
Venae cavae
Right ventricle
Pulmonary veins
True or False:
a) Arteries have thicker walls than veins…………(T / F)
b) ALL arteries transport O2-rich blood…………..(T / F)
c) ALL veins transport O2-poor blood……………(T / F)
d) Red blood cells lack a cell nucleus………….…(T / F)
The _
_ valve connects an atrium with a ventricle.
White blood cells are more numerous than red blood cells… .(T / F)
When a chamber relaxes is __________. When a chamber contracts
 What does ECG stand for?
 What is the difference between the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit?
Fill the blanks in the figure below
Draw an ECG and label PQRST on it.
Basophils, lymphocytes, and neutrophils are all what kind of cells?
What are the four chambers of the heart?
Name one of the arteries or veins leading to or moving away from the heart (Figure
What is the function of red blood cells?
What organ of the body is not served by the systemic circuit?
What is the valve the blood travels through when it moves from the atrium to the
What type of blood vessels have valves?
Which of the four chambers does the pulmonary artery leave?
What vessel carries veinous blood from the head to the heart?