pentagram (pentacle, pentangle)

pentagram (pentacle, pentangle)
A pentagram is a five-pointed figure used as a
magical or occult symbol by the Pythagoreans,
Masons, Gnostics, Cabalists, magicians, Wiccans,
Satanists, etc. There is apparently something
attractive about the figure's geometry and
proportions. In many symbolizations, the top point
represents either the human head or a non-human
Spirit. To invert the figure is considered by some
as a sign of relegating Spirit to the bottom of the
metaphysical heap. Others take inversion to be
Satanic and on par with alleged mockeries such
as inverting the cross or saying the Mass
The Pentagram From Eliphas Levi's (1810backwards. Still others find nothing particularly
1875) Transcendental Magic
diabolical about inversion and use the inverted
pentagram without fear of accidentally invoking the forces of evil.
Some Christian watchdogs apparently think the pentagram is the devil's hoof print. They are
especially on the lookout for inverted pentagrams as proof of Satanism, but any pentagram will
suit most of these caretakers of decent symbology in their never-ending quest to identify evil. Of
course, it can be bad for business if rumors are spread that one's company uses the pentagram or
any other symbol deemed to be diabolical. Proctor and Gamble was once accused by Amway
competitors of being run by devil worshippers who flaunted their satanic religion with a
diabolical logo. The logo consisted of an old man's bearded face in the crescent moon, facing
thirteen stars, all set within a circle. Some saw 666, the number of the Beast in Revelation
(usually identified with Satan by the Christian watchdogs), lurking in the old man's beard and in
the arrangement of the stars. Others saw a goat, surely a sign of the devil.
The Nineteenth Century And The Birth Of The Baphomet Sigil
The Baphomet sigil or simply Baphomet has become the official
symbol of The Church Of Satan, which was started by Anton
Szandor La Vey in 1966. Satanists and pseudo-Satanists have
used this sigil all over the world. The illustration below shows the
two sketches attributed to Lévi. While this illustration has been
connected to Lévi, our research shows the earliest use of this
image was in "A Pictorial History of Magic and the Supernatural"
by Maurice Bessy originally published in French in 1961 and
making its first English translation in 1964, many years after the
death of Lévi.
Conclusions and Observations
Napoleon Bonaparte once said, "What is history, but a fable agreed upon?" As I've shown the
Pentagram has devolved from a one-time symbol of faith and knowledge to today being
representative of all that is evil. We have also seen how the artwork of one man, Eliphas Lévi
became associated with the evil aspect of the pentagram and an accepted image of the Christian
Devil through his androgynous illustration of the Baphomet.
Inverted Pentagram Symbolizes the
morning star, a name Satan has taken. Used in
witchcraft and occult rituals to conjure up evil
spirits. Satanists use it 2 points up and pagans
use it one point up. Any way it is used
symbolizes evil. It matters not if two points
are up or one. It matters not if it has a circle
around it. It still is a symbol of Satan.
Baphomet Unique to Satanism. A demonic
deity and symbolic of Satan.
Pentagram Symbol used in Witchcraft. Represents the elements,
earth, wind, fire and water with the spirit surrounding them.
What the emblem in the center of
the Woyane Flag symbolizes:
1) Devil’s Emblem
2) Symbol of witchcraft
3) The Morning Star, the name of
4) Official Symbol of the Church of
5) The Devil’s hoof-print