THE ESOTERIC PENTAGRAM The Esoteric Pentagram or five-pointed star, is the same TE TRA GRAM MA TON. Symbolizes the Self-Realized Man, is the star of omnipotence. It is the sign of the Word made flesh, hence the name (Pentagram). Derived from the Greek word "penta or πέντα" meaning five and "grama or ΓΡΑΜΜΑ" which means letter. The Sacred Pentagram universally known as microcosmic star, initiatory star, flaming star; represents the protective forces of nature, the Self-Realized Man. The Te Tra Gram Ma Ton represents the domain of the Solar Man on the four elements of nature, Fire, Air, Water and Earth. This sacred esoteric star in its upright position, as it is in the drawing, rejects the forces of evil. In the inverted position attracts dark forces. 1 The numbers on the top kabbalistically added (1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 9) giving the number 9, which means the Ninth Sphere, Sex, the alchemical work with our creative energies. 2 The Cup symbolizes the Sacred Vessel of Hermes in which we see the wine of redemption, product of alchemical transmutation. Also symbolizes our creative energies, the hermetic vessel that should not ever be poured out. 3 The Blackstaff or Cane or symbolizes our spinal column with the seven degrees of power of Fire obtained with the awakening and ascent of Kundalini, the sexual serpentine fire. The three tassels at the top of the staff, are the three primary forces of creation, Father, Son and Holy Spirit that every initiate must incarnate. 4 The Sword symbolizes WILL. The flaming star is performed in us with super-efforts stimulated by the creative will. 5 The star of Solomon indicates to us the struggle between good and evil. The inverted triangle is the negative position which we find ourselves in and the vertical triangle signifies the triumph over evil. 6 The caduceus of Mercury is the same alchemical transmutation to be done with love (Venus) and wisdom (Mercury). The wings are the Spirit. The Sun and Moon are lunar and solar forces that are conjugated in the transmutation in order to upwardly develop, the Sacred Fire or Kundalini. 7 The power of the Initiate is represented by Jupiter. Mars, the warrior, is indicating us the terrible struggles that occur within the initiate. Saturn symbolizes the mystic death of the ego and overcoming Death. Description of the Pentagram: The five ends represent: the head, arms and legs, thus reflecting the active equilibrium and comprehensive ability that a man must have in order to be the center of life that radiates light of its own as the stars in the firmament. They also represent the five elements of nature. Top = Ether Top right = Fire Top left = Water Bottom right = Air Bottom Left = Earth Represents the five aspects of Mother Nature: 1. Unmanifested Kundalini. 2 Isis (Wisdom, Love and Power) 3 Hecate, Proserpine (queen of death and hell) 4 Particular Mother Nature, detached, the one that creates our Physical body. 5 Elemental Mage who originated our instincts. Tetragrammaton means God, to square the circle, the forces (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and their manifestation, the Unity in Trinity; such mantra circumscribes into syllables the star It is a call to all sidereal logos. Te = 1, 2 = Represent the priest and priestess. Tra = 1, 2, 3 = Holy affirm, Holy Deny and Holy Conciliation. TOP RIGHT OF THE PENTAGRAM : Iod-He-Vau-He (Is the name of God) : Iod, manifested power (potency). Male : He , universal life. Female. : Vau , light , water , point of being and not being. : He , universal life. : Aleph-Vau-Men . : Aleph, symbol of man, lord owner of the land, central point, abstract principle of all things. : Vau, : Vau , light , water , point of being and not being. : Men , symbol of the woman, the mother and companion of man. RIGHT INSIDE (near the Star of Solomon) : Khaph-Teth-Resch. : Khaph, reflection and assimilation, transient life. : Teth, la piedra filosofal. : Resch, dominance over love. BOTTOM LEFT (near the staff) : Phe-Cheth-Resch. : Phe, the inner world of man and the symbol of expression. : Cheth, means the vital principle, the elemental symbol of existence, absolute life, life without remedy. : Resch, dominance over love. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF THE PENTAGRAM It is of great service to the works of practical magic in Theurgy or white magic is used with the tip up and in goecia or black magic with the tip downward facing. So then that is a double-edged sword; before this living symbol terrified demons tremble. This sacred esoteric star in its upright position, as it is in the drawing, rejects the forces of evil. In the inverted position attracts dark forces. Placed in the doorway with the upper tip inward and outwards the two lower angles not allow the passage to the black magicians; and the opposite if used with the interior angles inward of the enclosure. The pentagram is a real weapon, provided that it is used with respect, chastity and will, may be framed in a frame under glass to further increase its esoteric potential. The Pentagram is the sign of the Word made flesh. All fallen bodhisattwa are an inverted flaming star. The best amulet to ward off negative forces is a pentagram drawn up with the seven materials. The seven materials are: METAL SIGN ANGEL COLOR Silver Gabriel silvery quicksilver Raphael purple purple Uriel green gold Michael yellow iron Samael red pewter Zachariel coppery lead Orifiel black To defend ourselves from negative attacks we can capture with creative imagination, the great star, pronouncing with much strength and faith the sacred mantras: KLIM KRISNAYA GOBINDAYA GOPIJANA VALLABAYA SWAJA. KLIM attracts the Christic forces. KRISNAYA - GOBINDAYA - GOPIJANA: the Christic forces surround the initiate. BALLAVAYA –SWAHJ: the pentalpha radiates the strength to ward off the tenebrous. 12 = The number 1 is the male, the fire, the number 2 is the female, the water; when adding them, we get the 3, the christified soul by means of sacrifice “12”. 123 =The Father, the Mother, their Child, the Trinity, when adding them, we get 6, the soul that unites to God by means of love. The numbers 1, 2 and 3 are united by means of love. Adding all the numbers: 1+2 = 3 and 1+2+3 = 6 3+6 = 9 The Ninth Sphere. The Pentalpha as a whole, the Man God, the Adam Christ, the Alchemist and Kabbalist, is the outcome of the nine: sex. The sign of Jupiter on the superior angle (forehead) of the pentagram: symbolizes IOPITAR, the Internal Christ, Sacred Father of all Gods. Archangel: Zachariel. The sign of Mars on its arms: is the symbol of strength. It is the strength of willpower that transforms the human being. Archangel: Samael. The sign of Mercury on its chest: is the symbol of Occult Philosophy, the Intelligence, the prudent activity of the wise. Archangel: Raphael. The sign of Saturn on its feet: is the symbol of Magic, Death and Resurrection; the Elder of Days. Archangel: Oriphiel. The sign of Venus on its chest: is the symbol of Love, Chastity and Beauty. Archangel: Uriel. The sign of the Moon on its left side: is the symbol of Fertility, fecundity, dominion over the waters of life (the Ens Seminis). Archangel: Gabriel. The sign of the Sun on its right side: is the symbol of the Solar Logos, substance and consciousness of Christ, powerful life whereby everything advances. Archangel: Michael. The Seal of Solomon symbolizes the dominion over the element earth. The six points of the star are masculine. The six outer obtuse angles that exist between point and point, are feminine. In total the star of Solomon has twelve rays, six masculine and six feminine. The star of Solomon is the perfect symbol of the Central Sun. All the zodiacal measurements are resumed within the Seal of Solomon. The whole sexual Genesis of the Zodiac is hidden within the Seal of Solomon. The intimate relationship that exists between the Zodiac and the invisible Central Sun is found within the Seal of Solomon. The Twelve Rays of this brilliant star are crystalized by means of the Alchemy of the twelve zodiacal constellations. The superior triangle of the Seal of Solomon symbolizes: The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. The inferior triangle of the seal of Solomon symbolizes: The Power that Governs (The Innermost), the Power that Deliberates (The Mind), and the Executive Power (The Personality). The Caduceus of Mercury: symbolizes the dorsal spine and its two “nadis” or channels: Ida and Pingala, through which the soul of the mercury rises. The latter ascends, after it’s fecundated by the fire of the Holy Spirit (by means of scientific chastity, represented in the sign of Venus - in the center of the pentagram - made by the Caduceus together with the circle which is below the sign of Mercury) and goes through the medullar canal (Shushumna), opening in its path the seven churches (seven chakras) which are mentioned in the Apocalypse of Saint John, and unfolding the igneous wings that allow us entrance to all the departments of the kingdom. The chalice, the Holy Grail symbolizes the element water, the “yoni” or feminine sexual organ, and also represents the christified mind which contains the wine of light that inseminates the brain. The staff of seven knots or the key of science, symbolizes the air. It is the vertebral column with the seven chakras. It is the spinal medulla through which the seminal vapors rise. It is the wand of Moses, the rod of Aaron, the staff of the patriarchs, the reed of Brahma, the scepter of the kings or Malachim of Nature. The sword: Is the phallus- “lingam” or masculine sexual organ, symbolizing willpower, the dominion over the fire. Conclusion If we can make a metallic pentagram and consecrate it, we can also consecrate ourselves with the same rites and perfumes that we utilize for our metallic pentagram, because the human being is a star of five points. All those who feel filthy, with larvae, or in misery, should use the 5 perfumes to smoke themselves ("smudge" themselves) under one condition: that they tread upon the path of perfect chastity so that both the body and the soul will receive the benefits. Translated from the original in Spanish by The New Age of Aquarius, only some excerpts were taken from (Corrections may be needed) 2014. All rights reserved