The Revival of Asian Left Parties The collapse of socialism in the Soviet Union and the Eastern Europe also striked Asian Left Parties heavily. However, for they more appealed to Maoism and the independence of their nations in the history, the loss they suffered was not so much as what the left parties suffered in the west countries. The crisis of Asian Capitalism after East Asia Crisis in 1997-98 is the background of the revival of Asian left parties. The East Asia crisis began in Thailand and spread quickly to Malaysia, Philippine, then heavily beat Indonesia and South Korea. The crisis damaged the so called middle class of these countries and made the conditions of the lower class in those societies worse. After the crisis, the Asian left parties revived, three best examples of which are the Communist Party Of India (Marxism), the Communist Party Of Philippine and the Communist Party Of Nepal(Maoism). The crisis of Philippine Rural areas and the revival of CPP Philippine is one of the countries which carried out neoliberalism model most early and completely. As early as in 1962, Philippine began to follow export-oriented development strategy suggested by IMF, trying to absorb foreign investment through its cheap labor and become the west countries’ provider of cheap commodities. This model benefits the developed countries much. However, it makes Philippine one of the poorest countries in the world. CPC develops in such conditions. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, CPC split .Some argue that the party relinquish military struggle. The New People’s Army declined quickly .At that important moment, Sison led “the Second Great Education Movement” and set up the line that people’s war was the main way of revolution. The party claimed that the main direction of people’s war is surrounding the cities through the rural areas. This unified the thoughts inside the party .The NPA revived. Its membership reached more than 12000 in 2001. NPA has no completely liberated areas. However, it has many guerrilla areas which spread more than 90 percent of the country. NPA goes down to the rural areas to lighten the rents and interests , increase the farm workers’ wages and to carry out land reform. Then NPA has mass support and can carry out large guerrilla wars. CPP also set up mass organizations of workers, peasants, women, youth and professions, whose membership reaches more than one million. With the two weapons of military struggle and united front, CPP had a great role in overthrowing Estrada and now inhibits Arroyo’s regime much. CPP negotiated with the government several times. However, it makes no agreements with the government. After “9·11”,US and EU claimed it as terrorist. And US sent troops to Philippine in the name of fighting 1 terrorism. But the true aim of the troops is CPP. The press on CPP will be serious. The Poverty of Nepalese Rural areas and the rise of Communist Party of Nepal (Maoism) CPN(Maoism) was a party separated from CPN. CPN(Maoism) argues that the class contradictions in Nepal become so serious that they can’t be solved by the struggles in the parliament. Then the only way to change Nepal left is to follow Mao to establish revolutionary base, carry out military struggles from the rural places to surround the cities. Then CPN(Maoism) began people’s war in Nepal’s western mountains in 1996.It mobilizes the mass, carrys out the land reform, liberates the women and receives popular support. Now CPN(Maoism) has liberated areas and established governments on those areas. The liberated areas has population of more than 10 million, while Nepal’s population is 23 million. Even in the areas controlled by government ,there are many large strikes and many other struggles. During the last 9 years, the conflicts between CPN(Maoism) and government armies has caused more than 12 thousand deaths. CPN(Maoism)’s military struggles has deep roots in Nepal. Nepal is very poor and depend much on India and the West. Many young men go to India to do the hardest work. There is not land reform at all in the country and the peasants have to give more than half of their poor harvests to landlords. The conditions of women are very bad and more than 200 thousand women are sold to India as whores. The average lifespan of women is 25 years, while the average lifespan of men is 30 years. Then many women join the CPN(Maoism)’s army. Being challenged by such serious conditions , Nepal has no real reform of poltics and even becomes more conservative. After the Palace’s Massacre in 2001,the new king centralized more power in his hands and want to exterminate CPN(Maoism)’s army quickly. Many reformist policies now are cancelled. CPN(Maoism) now is becoming stronger. After the collapse of USSR, US claimed the end of threat of Communism. US was very concerned with the rise of CPN(Maoism) and decided to intervene. CPN(Maoism)’s army denied that they were terrorists. They didn’t attack civilians and the tourists. However, US claimed it as terrorist. US’s Secretary of State Colin Powell visited Nepal in 2002,who is the highest official visiting Nepal in the last 50 years.Later US suggested Nepal expand its army to 200 thousand and promised to train them and provide them with weapons . India is also very concerned with CPN(Maoism) threat, being afraid of that its rise will cause the rise of Maoist army in its own country who now already are strong. India has closed the boundary between the two countries to prevent CPN(Maoism)’s army entering India. It also promised to provide Nepal’s government with many weapons . CPN(Maoism) will be faced with great challenge. The great success of its governance in rural areas and the rise of Communist Party of India (Marxism) CPI(Marxism) was separated from CPI in 1966.Now it is the largest left party in India. In the election in June,2004, it allied with CPI and they together received 62 seats in senate, among which 43 seats are 2 CPI(Marxism)’s. CPI(Marxism) has more than 800 thousand party members. It also leads many mass organizations of workers, peasants, students and women, whose membership is more than 40 million .In west Bengal, CPI(Marxism) has continued winning the elections for 6 times and has governed the state for 30 years. Now it has governed 3 states and the population of more than 100 million, which is 1/10 of the whole population of India. The greatest success of CPI(Marxism)’s governance is its governance of Kerala. Kerala is a poor state. However, its social indicators are much better than many other states. The population’s education level, health level and life expectancy even are better than those in developed countries. One scholar from Kerala says: US’s average income is 60 times as much as Kerala’s.However, if we compare the living indicators of the two places,we can find that there is little difference.” Kerala’s development is much better than most states of India governed by right parties.In the rural places in the North India,more than 64% people live below the poverty line. CPI(Marxism) has carried out many good policies as below.1.It thinks that education is one of the basic human rights. Then education can’t be privatized and only for elitists. The cost of primary education is paid by state’s public finance. This can guarantee that children with different backgrounds can all afford the reform has been carried out in Kerala. There are no landlords in Kerala. Although the agriculture products are not competitive ,it has little poor population.3.It has more participatory democracy. Kerala gives more than 40% of the state’s finance to villager’s committee .The villagers has power to discuss and decide how to use the finance.4.The intellectuals integrate themselves with the masses. For example, in the People’s science and technology movement, many intellectuals develop technology proper to local conditions.5.It doesn’t privatize the health care system .It establishes community-sponsored medical service and efficiently provides people with good health care. In contrast with CPI(Marxism)’s efforts, Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s government privatized many public services and stopped land reform. Those policies worsened the conditions of most people while only benefited 5% people. Then it is no surprise Vajpayee were abandoned by Indian people in 2002’s election. Conclusion: Rethinking of Neoliberalism and Socialism Analyzing the reasons of revival of Asian left parties as above, we can find three facts. 1. Neolieral model doesn’t work in Asia. After the collapse of USSR, Asia’s new emerging countries took the place of USSR as the development model for world’s especially Asia’s developing countries .Then neoliberalism became popular in Asia and the Socialism development model once followed by China and other countries were abandoned . However, not all countries have such good luck as the emerging countries. When it could control its politics and economy,when US and 3 Japan supported it for geopolitical reasons ,this model might succeed. When the geopolitics doesn’t need it ,especially when overproduction cause world crisis, the export-oriented development model won’t work: the products of lower level will compete each other viciously and export becomes the way for developing countries to transfer its wealth and resources to rich countries ,while it is in no way the supplement of the nation’s economy. Thus, continuing loss leads to collapse of the reproduction base of the country ,withering of the economy , great loss of jobs .And it first influences the most vulnerable rural places. New peasant wars reemerge. The rise of Asian left parties is based on the collapse of the neolibealism model in Asia. 2. We should reaffirm Socialism development way. Amartya Sen ,Winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Economics says:the achievements of Kerala prove that even with lower income ,if proper public service being provided, people’s living will improve and the conditions of culture,politics and economy will also change.” He also argues that China’s achievements after 1978 should mainly be attributed to the popularization of education and the improvements of health services in the earlier 30 years by socialism. The outcomes of the efforts by socialism won’t become obvious until after a long time . This indicates that there is alternative to neoliberalism’s privatization policy and GDP fetishism. It is no doubt that it will be not simply a repeat of traditional socialism model. But it is also no doubt that the good experiences of socialism in history such as paying more attention to public services, cooperatives, more balanced-development and no polarization will revitalize their power. 3. Mao Zedong’s thought still has great relevance to the liberation and development of the third world in our times. The great relevance of Mao’s people’s war theory which depends on people to carry out guerrilla wars is proved by CPP and CPN(Maoism)’s military struggles today. The relevance of Mao’s theory that the only way for the third world to develop themselves and get rid of Imperialism’ s control and the ills of capitalism is socialism, is both proved by the collapse of neoliberalism development model in many Asian countries and the success of Mao- style socialism model which is still followed by some parties like CPI(Marxism).When the mist of history disappears after 30 years, we find that Mao Zedong thought still has great relevance both to the world and China. 4