Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae
Date of Birth:
Lu-Hai Wang
September 2, 1947, Taiwan, Republic of China
R.O.C./U. S.
National Taiwan University. B.S. in Zoology.
University of California at Berkeley. Ph.D. in Molecular Biology.
Position and Scientific Experience
Undergraduate, College of Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
(Zoology, Chemistry).
Summer 1971
Research Assistant, Laboratory of Dr. Richard Calendar, Department of
Molecular Biology, University of California at Berkeley: growth,
quantitative assay and purification of bacteria and bacteriophages P2 and
Graduate Research, Department of Molecular Biology, University of
California at Berkeley.
Graduate Student, Laboratory of Dr. Peter Duesberg, Department of
Molecular Biology, University of California at Berkeley. Genetic structure
and enzymology of RNA tumor viruses.
Postgraduate Research Molecular Biologist, Laboratory of Dr. Peter
Duesberg. Sequences and functions of avian tumor virus RNAs;
mechanism of viral recombination.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Dr. Hidesaburo Hanafusa, The
Rockefeller University, New York. Sequence analysis of avian sarcoma
viruses generated by recombination between transformation-defective
mutants and normal cellular sequences. Study of the relationship and origin
of transforming genes of different strains of avian sarcoma viruses.
Assistant Professor, The Rockefeller University, New York. Sequences
and functions of retroviral and cellular oncogenes; mechanism of
recombination between viral and cellular sequences; viral RNA
transcription and processing.
Associate Professor, The Rockefeller University, New York. Function of
viral and cellular oncogenes; transforming potential of growth factor
receptor genes; viral RNA transcription and processing.
Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Microbiology, Mount
Sinai School of Medicine, NYC, Expression and function of viral and
cellular oncogenes; Transforming and tumorigenic potential of growth
factor receptor genes; Mechanism of cell transformation, cancer
development and progression. Signal transduction of protein tyrosine
kinases and their messengers. Molecular basis of cancer cell survival,
invasion and drug resistance. Development of targeted cancer therapy.
1992- present
Professor (with tenure), Department of Microbiology, Mount Sinai
School of Medicine
Professor, Derald H. Ruttenberg Cancer Center, Mount Sinai School of
Professor, Department of Oncological Science, Mount Sinai School of
Distinguished Investigator and Director, Division of Molecular and
Genomic Medicine, National Health Research Institute, Taiwan
Professor, National Central University
Acing Director, Immunology Center, NHRI
Adjunct professor, National Central University
Joint professor, Chinese Medical University
Joint Professor National Tsain Hua University
2004- present
2008- present
2009 Feb 2009 April-July
2008 2010 2011Honors
Coupon Award from National Taiwan University for Outstanding
Undergraduate Achievement.
Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Cancer Fund Postdoc. Fellowship.
Scholar of American Leukemia Society (declined).
American Cancer Society Junior Faculty Award (declined).
Research Career Development Award (NIH).
President, Tri-state Chapter, Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America
Honorary Professor, Peking Union Medical College, China
Academician, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
American Society of Virology
American Society of Microbiology
New York Academy of Sciences
Society of Chinese Biochemists in America (Life Member)
SCBA Bio/Pharm Division Member
Chinese Society of Cell and Molecular Biology, member and board
member, 2009Committees and Professional Activity
N.I.H. Ad Hoc Study Section and Site Visits:
Oct. 1984; Mar. 1985; May 1986; June 1989; Jan. 1995; Apr. 1995,
January 2002, August, 2002, March, 2004
American Cancer Society: Study Section Meetings
NIH Experimental Virology Study Section.
Symposium organizer, “Retroviruses, Oncogenes and Growth Factors”
Rockefeller University, November 30, 1989
1990NIH Study Section Reviewers Reserve.
Editorial Board, Oncogene Research.
NIH Experimental Virology Study Section
Symposium Chairperson, “Discovery of oncogenes: from
crossroads to the future”, May 7, 1997, Rockefeller University.
Editorial Board, Virology
Symposium organizer, Annual meeting, Tri-State Chapter, SCBA
1997- 2001
Advisor Committee, DMGM, NHRI, Taiwan
2000Consultant, National Health Research Institute (NHRI), Taiwan
2000- 2002
Consultant, National Science Program in Pharmaceuticals and
Biotechnology, Taiwan
National Science Foundation, Ad Hoc Grant Review
Co-organizer for the 17th International Oncogene Meeting
Wellcom Foundation, Ad Hoc Grant Review
Symposium Speaker, Endo 2002, the 84th Annual Meeting of the
Endocrinology Society June 19-22, 2002
Science Foundation Ireland, Ad Hoc Grant Review
2003- 2005
Chief Editor, Biotech and Pharma.Quarterly, SCBA
Project Reviewer, U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation
2004- 2007
Consultant, Natl Research Program for Genomic Medicine, Taiwan
2009 Feb
Plenary speaker, 7th Chinese Society of Cell and Molecular Biology Symp.
2009 Board member, Chinese Society of Cell and Molecular Biology
Program director, 2009 IFCB Intl Training Program in Cell & Molecular
Biology, June 15th to 26th, NHRI, Taiwan
Wang, L.-H. and Duesberg, P. (1973). DNA polymerase of murine sarcoma-leukemia
virus: Lack of detectable RNase H and low activity with viral RNA and natural DNA
templates. J.Virol. 12:1512-1521.
Wang, L.-H., and Duesberg, P. (1974). Properties and location of poly(A) in Rous sarcoma
virus RNA. J.Virol. 14:1515-1529.
Duesberg, P.H., Kawai, S., Wang, L.-H., Vogt, P.K., Murphy, H.M., and Hanafusa, H.
(1975). RNA of replication-defective strains of Rous sarcoma virus. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.
USA 72:1569-1573.
Wang, L.-H., Duesberg, P., Beemon, K., and Vogt, P.K. (1975). Mapping RNase
T1-resistant oligonucleotides of avian tumor virus RNAs:
oligonucleotides are near the poly(A) end and oligonucleotides common to sarcoma and
transformation-defection viruses are at the poly(A) end. J.Virol. 16:1051-1070.
Wang, L.-H., Duesberg, P.H., Kawai, S., and Hanafusa, H. (1975). Location of
envelope-specific oligonucleotides on RNA of Schmidt-Ruppin Rous sarcoma virus: In
Comparative Leukemia Research 1975, Bibliotheca Haematologica, No. 43. Eds.
Clemmensen, J., and Yohn, D.S. Karger, Basel, 1976, pp.542-548.
Duesberg, P.H., Wang, L.-H., Beemon, K., Kawai, S., and Hanafusa, H. (1975). Sequences
and functions of Rous sarcoma virus RNA. In Modern Trends in Human Leukemia II.
Eds. Neth, R., Mannweiler, K., and Gallo, R.C. Grune and Stratton, New York, pp.
Wang, L.-H., Duesberg, P.H., Kawai, S., and Hanafusa, H. (1976). Location of
envelope-specific and sarcoma-specific oligonucleotides on RNA of Schmidt-Ruppin
Rous sarcoma virus. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 73:447-451.
Wang, L.-H., Duesberg, P., Mellon, P., and Vogt, P. (1976). Distribution of
envelope-specific and sarcoma-specific nucleotide sequences from different parents in the
RNAs of avian tumor virus recombinants. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 73:1073-1077.
Duesberg, P.H., Wang, L.-H., Mellon, P., Mason, W.S., and Vogt, P.K. (1976). Towards a
complete genetic map of Rous sarcoma virus. In Proceedings of the ICN-UCLA
Symposium (1976) on Animal Virology. Eds. Baltimore, D., Huang, A., and Fox, C.F.
Academic Press, New York, pp. 107-125.
Wang, L.-H., Galehouse, D., Mellon, P., Duesberg, P., Mason, W.S., Vogt, P.K.
(1977). Mapping oligonucleotides of Rous sarcoma virus RNA that segregate with
polymerase and group-specific antigen markers in recombinants. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.
USA 73:3952-3956.
Duesberg, P.H., Wang, L.-H., Mellon, P., Mason, W.S., Vogt, P.K. (1977). The genetic
map of Rous sarcoma virus. In Genetic Manipulation as it Affects the Cancer Problem.
Eds. Schultz, F., and Brada, Z. Academic Press, New York, pp. 161-179.
Wang, L.-H., Duesberg, P.H., Robins, T., Yokota, H., Vogt, P.K. (1977). The terminal
oligonucleotides of avian tumor virus RNAs are genetically linked. Virology 82:472-492.
Wang, L.-H., Levinson, W. (1978). N-methyl Isatin B-thiosemicarbazon-copper complex
inhibits RNA-dependent DNA polymerase but not ribonuclease H of Rous sarcoma virus.
Bioinorganic Chemistry 8:535-540.
Wang, L.-H., Halpern, C.C., Nadel, M., Hanafusa, H. (1978). Recombination between
viral and cellular sequence to generate transforming sarcoma virus. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.
USA 75:5812-5816.
Wang, L.-H. (1978). The gene order of avian RNA tumor viruses derived from
biochemical analyses of deletion mutants and viral recombinants. Ann.Rev.Microbiology
Wang, L.-H., Karess, R., Moscovici, C., Hanafusa, H. (1979). Analysis of src gene of
recombinant viruses between transformation-defective mutant of Rous sarcoma virus and
normal quail cells. J. Virol. 32:546-556.
Wang, L.-H., Snyder, P., Hanafusa, T., Moscovici, C., and Hanafusa, H. (1980).
Comparative analysis of cellular and viral sequences related to sarcomagenic cell
transformation. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biology 44:755-764.
Hanafusa, T., Wang, L.-H., Anderson, S.M., Karess, R.E., Hayward, W.S., and Hanafusa,
H. (1980). Characterization of a new transforming gene of Fujinami sarcoma virus.
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 77:3009-3013.
Wang, L.-H., Snyder, P., Hanafusa, T., Hanafusa, H. (1980). Evidence for the common
origin of viral and cellular sequences involved in sarcomagenic transformation. J.Virol.
Hanafusa, H., Wang, L.-H., Hanafusa, T., Anderson, S.M., Karess, R.E., and Hayward,
W.S. (1980). The nature and origin of the transforming gene of avian sarcoma viruses. In
Animal Virus Genetics, Eds. Fields, B.N., Jaenish, R., and Fox, C.F. Academic Press,
New York, Vol. 18, pp. 483-497.
Wang, L.-H., Feldman, R., Shibuya, M., Hanafusa, H., Notter, M.F.D., and Balduzzi, P.C.
(1981). Genetic structure, transforming sequence and gene product of avian sarcoma virus
UR1. J.Virol. 40:258-267.
Wang, L.-H., and Stacey, D. (1982). Participation of subgenomic messenger RNAs in
recombination. J.Virol. 41:919-930.
Wang, L.-H., Hanafusa, H., Notter, M.F.D., and Balduzzi, P.C. (1982). Genetic structure
and transforming sequence of avian sarcoma virus UR2. J.Virol. 41:833-841.
Feldman, R.A., Wang, L.-H., Hanafusa, H., and Balduzzi, P.C. (1982). Avian sarcoma
virus UR2 encodes a transforming protein which is associated with a unique protein kinase
activity. J.Virol. 42:228-236.
Neel, B.G., Wang, L.-H., Mathey-Prevot, B., Hanafusa, T., Hanafusa, H., and Hayward,
W.S. (1982). Isolation of 16L virus: A rapidly transforming sarcoma virus from an avian
leukosis virus-induced sarcoma. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 79:5088-5092.
Shibuya, M., Wang, L.-H., and Hanafusa, H. (1982). Molecular cloning of Fujinami
sarcoma virus genome and its comparison with sequences of other related transforming
viruses. J.Virol. 42:1007-1016.
Wang, L.-H., Beckson, M., Anderson, S., and Hanafusa, H. (1984). Identification of the
viral sequence required for the generation of recovered avian sarcoma viruses (rASVs) and
characterization of a series of replication-defective rASVs. J.Virol. 49:881-891.
Wang, L.-H., Edelstein, B., and Mayer, B.J. (1984). Induction of tumors and generation of
recovered sarcoma viruses (rASVs) by, and mapping of deletions in, two molecularly
cloned src deletion mutants. J.Virol. 50:904-913.
Neckameyer, W.S., and Wang, L.-H. (1984). Molecular cloning of avian sarcoma virus
(ASV) UR2 and comparison of its transforming sequence with those of other ASVs.
J.Virol. 50:914-921.
Neckameyer, W.S., and Wang, L.-H. (1985). Nucleotide sequence of avian sarcoma virus
UR2 and comparison of its transforming gene with other members of tyrosine protein
kinase oncogene family. J.Virol. 53:879-884.
Parvin, J.D., and Wang, L.-H. (1984). Mechanism for the generation of src-deletion
mutants and recovered sarcoma viruses: Identification of viral sequences involved in src
deletions and in recombination with c-src sequence. Virology 138:236-245.
Wang, L.-H. (1985). Deletion in the 3' pol sequence correlates with aberration of RNA
expression in certain replication-defective avian sarcoma viruses. J.Virol. 54:446-459.
Dutta, A., Wang, L.-H., Hanafusa, T., and Hanafusa, H. (1985). Partial nucleotidesequence
of Rous sarcoma virus-29 provides evidence that the original Rous sarcoma virus was
replication- defective. J.Virol. 55:728-735.
Neckameyer, W.S., Shibuya, M., Hsu, M.-T., and Wang, L.-H. (1986). Proto-oncogene
c-ros codes for a molecule with structural features common to those of growth factor
receptors and displays tissue-specific and developmentally regulated expression.
Mol.Cell.Biol. 6:1478-1486.
Soong, M.-M., Iijima, S., and Wang, L.-H. (1986) Mechanism of c-src transduction by a
src deletion mutant of Rous sarcoma virus. J.Virol. 59:556-563.
Matsushime, H., Wang, L.-H., and Shibuya, M. (1986). Human c-ros-1 gene homologous
to v-ros sequence of UR2 sarcoma virus encodes for a transmembrane receptor-like
molecule. Mol.Cell.Biol. 6:3000-3004.
Wang, L.-H. (1988). The ros oncogene. In Oncogene Handbook. E.R. Reddy, T. Curran,
A. Skalka (eds.) The ros oncogene, Chap. 9, p135-148.
Wang, L.-H. (1987). The mechanism of c-src transduction by avian retroviruses. Mutation
Research 186:135-147.
Wang, L.-H. and H. Hanafusa. (1988) The avian sarcoma viruses. Avian sarcoma viruses.
Virus Research 9:159-203.
Ellis, L., Morgan, D.O., Jong, S.-M., Wang, L.-H., Roth, R.A., and Rutter, W.J. (1987).
Heterologous transmembrane signaling by a human insulin receptor/v-ros hybrid in CHO
cells. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 84:5101-5105.
Ellis, L., Morgan, D.O., Clauser, E., Reddy, M., Jong, S.-M., Wang, L.-H., Roth, R., and
Rutter, W.J. (1986). Mechanism of receptor-mediated transmembrane communication. In
Molecular Biology of Homo sapiens, Cold Spring Harbor Symposium Quantitative
Biology, Vol. 51, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, pp 773-784.
Jong, S.-M., and Wang, L.-H. (1987). The transforming protein P68gag-ros of avian sarcoma
virus UR2 is a transmembrane protein with the p19 portion protruding extracellularly.
Oncogene Research, 1:7-21.
Wang, L.-H., Iijima, I., Dorai, T., and Lin, B. (1987). Regulation of the expression of
proto-oncogene c-src by alternative RNA splicing in chicken skeletal muscle. Oncogene
Research, 1:43-59.
Wang, L.-H., Lin, B., Jong, S.-M., Dixon, D., Ellis, L., Rutter, W.J. and Roth, R. (1987).
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Shibuya, M., Matsushime, H., Yamazaki, H., Wang, L.-H., Fukui, Y., Ueyama, Y.,. and
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Levy, J.B., Dorai, T., Wang, L.-H., and Brugge, J.S. (1987). The structurally distinct form
of pp60c-src detected in neuronal cells is encoded by a unique c-src mRNA. Mol.Cell.Biol.
Sudol, M., Kieswetter, C., Zhao, Yu-Hang, Dorai, T., Wang, L.-H., and Hanafusa, H.
(1988). Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA for the chick yes proto-oncogene: comparison
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Dorai, T., and Wang, L.-H. (1990) An alternative non-tyrosine protein kinase product of
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Jong, S.-M.J., and Wang, L.-H. (1991) Two point mutations in the transmembrane domain
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J.Virol. 65:180-189.
Chen, J., Heller, D., Poon, B., Kang, L. and Wang, L.-H. (1991) Proto-oncogene c-ros
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Liu, D., Zong, C. S. and Wang, L.-H. (1993) Distinctive effect of the carboxylterminal
sequence of the insulinlike growth factor I on its signalling functions. J. Virol.
Zong, C. S., Poon, B., Chen, J. and Wang, L.-H. (1993) Molecular and biochemical
basis for activation of the transforming potential of the proto-oncogene c-ros. J. Virol.
Chen, J., Hanafusa, T. and Wang, L.-H. (1994) Alanine to glycine mutation in the
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insulinlike growth factor I receptor protein tyrosine kinases. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S.
A. 91:321-325.
Chen, J. Zong, C. S. and Wang, L.-H. (1994) Tissue and epithelial cell-specific expression
of chicken proto-oncogene c-ros in several organs suggests that it may play roles in their
development and mature functions. Oncogene 9: 773-780.
Liu, D. and Wang, L.-H. (1994) Oncogene, protein tyrosine kinases and signal
transduction.J. of Biomedical Sci. 1: 65-82.
Zong, C. S. and Wang, L-H. (1994) Modulatory effect of the transmembrane domain of
oncogene ros protein kinase on its biological function and substrate interaction. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91:10982-10986.
Wang, L.-H. (1995) c-Ros protein tyrosine kinase. In The Protein Tyrosine Kinase
Factsbook. Ed. D. G. Hardie. pp 202-204. Academic Press.
Chen, J., Tong, J., Tanaka-Sukegawa,I., and Wang,L.-H. (1995) Cloning and functional
characterization of the chicken c-ros promoter. Cell Growth& Differentiation 6: 15231530.
Jiang,Y., Chan,J.-K., Zong, C.S. and Wang, L.-H. (1996) Effect of tyrosine mutations
on the kinase activity and transforming potential of an oncogenic human insulin-like
growth factorI receptor J. Biol. Chem. 271:160-167.
Xiong, Q., Chan, J. L.-K., Zong, C. S. & Wang, L.-H. (1996) Two chimeric receptors
of epidermal growth factor receptor and c-Ros that differ in their transmembrane domains
have opposite effects on cell growth. Mol. & Cell. Biol. 16: 1509-1518.
Xiong, Q., Guo, Xiaojun, Zong, C. S., Jong, S.-M. J., Jiang, Y., Chan, J. and Wang, L.-H.
(1996) Cloning and expression of chicken protein tyrosine phosphatase gamma.
Biomedical J. 3:266-274.
Zong, C. S., Chan, J. L,-K., Yang, S.-K. and Wang, L.-H.(1997) Mutation of Ros
differentially effecting signal transduction pathways leading to cell growth and
transformation. J. Biol. Chem. 272:1500-1506.
Chan J. L.-K., Lai. M. and Wang. L.-H.(1997) Effect of dimerization on signal
transduction and biological function of oncogenic Ros, insulin and insulin-like growth
factor I receptors. J. Biol. Chem. 272:146-153.
Chen. J., Sadowski, H., Kohanski, R. and Wang, L.-H.(1997) Stat5 is a physiological
substrate of the insulin receptor.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94:2295-2300.
Li, W., Jiang, Y.-X., Zhang, J., Kapoor, V. Pierce, J. H. and Wang, L.-H. (1998) Protein
kinase C delta is an important molecule in insulin-like growth factor I receptor-mediated
transformation but not mitogenicity. Mol. Cell Biol. 18:5888-5898.
Zong, C. S., Zeng, L., Sadowski, H. and Wang, L.-H. (1998) Stat3 plays an important role
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Soon, L., Flechner, L., Gutkind, J. S., Wang, L.-H., Baserga, R., Pierce, J.H. and Li, W. (1999)
Insulin-like growth factor I synergizes with interleukin 4 for hematopoietic cell proliferation
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Zong, C. S., Chan, J., Levy, D. E., Horvath, C., Sadowski, H. B. and Wang, L.-H. (2000).
Mechanism of Stat3 activation by insulin-like growth factor I receptor. J. Biol. Chem.
Zeng, L., Sachdev, P., Yan, L. Trenkel, T. and Wang. L.-H. (2000) Vav3 mediates signaling of
receptor tyrosine kinases, modulates cell morphology and has cell transforming potential. Mol.
Cell. Biol. 20:9212-9224.
Nguyen, T. K. and Wang. L.-H. (2000) Differential requirement of the MAP kinase and PI3
kinase pathways for transformation of epithelial cells by src versus oncogenic insulin and
IGF-1 receptors. Oncogene 19:5385-5397.
Hermanto, U., Zong, C. S. and Wang, L.-H. (2000) Inhibition of MEK selectively inhibits cell
proliferation in human breast cancer cells displaying enhanced IGF-1-mediated MAP kinase
activation. Cell Growth & Diff. 11:655-664.
Sachdev, P., Jiang, Y, Li, W., Miki, T., Maruta, H., Nur-E-Kamal, M.S.A. and Wang, L.-H.
(2001) Differential requirement for Rho family GTPases in oncogenic IGF-1
receptor-induced cell transformation. J Biol. Chem. 276:26461-26471.
Sadowski, C. L., Wheeler, T. T., Wang, L.-H. and Sadowski, H.B. (2001) Direct regulation
of IGF-1 and SOCS-2 gene expression by growth hormone in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells.
Endocrinology 142:3890-3900.
Sadowski, C. L., Choi, T.-S., Le, M., Wheeler, T. T., Wang, L.-H. and Sadowski, H. B.
(2001) Insulin induction of SOCS-2 and SOCS-3 mRNA expression in C2C12 skeletal
muscle cells is mediated by Stat5. J. Biol. Chem. 276:20703-20710.
Sun, A. S., Yeh, H-C., Wang, L.-H., Huang, Y. P., Maeda, H. Pivazyan, A., Hsu, C., Lewis,
E. R., Bruckner, H. W. and Fasy, T. M. (2001) Pilot study of a specific dietary supplement
in tumor bearing mice and in stage IIIB and IV Non-small cell lung carcinoma patients.
Nutrition and Cancer 39:85-95.
Hermanto, U., Zong, C. S. and Wang, L.-H.(2001) ErbB2 overexpressing human
mammary cancer cells display an increased requirement for the phosphatidylinositol
3-kinase signaling pathway in anchorage independent growth. Oncogene 20:7551-7562.
Hermanto, U., Zong, C.S. and Wang, L.-H. (2002) RACK1, an insulin-like growth factor I
receptor-interacting protein, regulates IGF-I-dependent focal adhesion signaling, cell
proliferation and colony formation. Mol. Cell. Biol. 22: 2345-2365.
Nguyen, T., Zong, C.S., Uttamsingh, S., Sachdev, P., Bhanot, M., Le, M., Chan, J. L.-K.
and Wang, L.-H. (2002).The role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, Rho family GTPases
and Stat3 in ros-induced cell transformation. J. Biol. Chem. 277:11107-11115.
Sachdev, P., Zeng, L. and Wang, L.-H. (2002). Distinct role pf phosphotidylinositol
3-kinase and Rho family GTPases in Vav3-induced cell transformation, cell motility, and
morphological changes. J. Biol. Chem. 277:17638-17648.
Le, Maithao N., Kohanski, Ronald.A., Wang, Lu-Hai and Sadowski, Henry (2002). Dual
mechanism of signal transduccer and activator of transcription 5 (Stat5) activation by the
insulin receptor. Molecular Endocrinology 16:2764-2779.
Uttamsingh, Shailaja, Zong, Cong S. and Wang, Lu-Hai (2003). Matrix-independent
activation of PI3 kinase, Stat3 and cyclin A-associated Cdk2 is essential for anchorage
independent growth of v-Ros transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts. J. Biol. Chem.
Wang, Lu-Hai (2004) Molecular signaling regulating anchorage-independent growth of
cancer cells. The Mount Sinai J. of Medicine 71:361-367.
Lopewz-Bergami, P., Hasen H., Bhoumik, A, Zhang, W., Wang L.-H., and Ronai, Z.
(2005) Receptor for RACK1 mediates activation of JNK by protein kinase C. Mol. Cell
Zhang, W., Zong, C. S., Hermanto, U., Lopez-Bergami, P., Ronai, Z. and Wang, L.-H.
(2005) RACK1 recruits STAT3 specifically to insulin and IGF-1 receptors for activation,
which is important for regulating anchorage independent growth. Mol. Cell Biol.
Yio, X., Diamond, M., Zhang, J.-Y., Weinstein, H., Wang, L.-H., Werther, L. and
Itzkowitz, S. (2006) Trefoil factor family-1 mutations enhance gastric cancer cell invasion
through distinct signaling pathways. Gastroenterology 130:1696-706.
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