Review Work Table, JFK and the Unspeakable Books Books Castro Castro Quote CIA CIA Blame CIA Clipped CIA Clipped CIA Deceit CIA Names CIA Names CIA New CIA New CIA New CIA New CIA New CIA New CIA New CIA New CIA Oswald CIA Oswald Data Disclosure Mind-set Mind-set Mind-Set Mind-set Mind-set Mind-set Mind-set The Last Investigation Open Veins, The 50 Year Wound Account of Castro’s meeting with Jean Daniel just prior to JFk’s death is riveting. “I cannot help hoping that a leader will come to the fore in North America (why not Kennedy, there are things in his favor!), who will be willing to brave unpopularity, fight the trusts, tell the truth, and most important, let the various nations act as they see fit. Kennedy could still be this man. He still has the possibility of becoming, in the eyes of history, the greatest President of the United States, the leader who may at last understand that there can be coexistence between capitalists and socialists, even in the Americas. He would then be an even greater President than Lincoln.” CIA ran its own foreign policy, especially in Laos, Africa JFK blamed CIA for deaths of Diem and also Patrice Lumumba in Africa JFK clipped CIA’s wings with NSAM 55 & 57, ending CIA PM ops. JFK fired Dulles, Bissell, & Cabell (general), cut CIA budget CIA briefed LBJ on Oswald transcripts as real, with Hoover’s help he did not buy it David Atlee Philips, David Sanchez Morales, Richard Helms Desmond Fitzgerald posed as US Senator speaking for Attorney General Robert Kennedy and ordering assassination of Fidel Castro in his name Bay of Pigs was a trap intended to force JFK to approve use of US military forces Hue 8 May 63 bombs courtesy of the CIA, US military officer placed them JFK rejected CIA pressure to order assassination of Castro CIA may have routed around Hoover to get FBI SA Marvin Geesling to take Oswald off the FBI watchlist so Oswald would not be routinely swept up prior to JFK in Dallas Interesting discussion of Focal Point as CIA’s means for creating its own chain of command within the Pentagon, one able to issue order as if from SecDef but not Good discussion of CIA’s Office of Technical Services routinely forging Secret Service credentials for covert use LBJ fully understand that CIA sought to blame Soviets for JFK’s assassination, he was not willing to confront them over it but he did not buy it either Truman’s letter in Washington Post of 22 December 1963 provided grave warning Best compiled coverage drawing on others of how there were multiple Oswalds and much of what was offered by CIA against him was actually fabricated by CIA Persuasive case that Oswald was recruited by CIA while guarding U-2 base on Okinawa, used as a line crosser into USSR, and badly managed by CIA, then repurposed as a patsy Book opens with a provocative and useful timeline 1992 JFK Records Act led to 1993 disclosure of JFK and Khruschev correspondence Cold War “justified” unspeakable [as GWOT has also] Author explores US mind-set of achieving pre-emptive strike capabilities and using Thomas Merton saw that our advanced in technology of death invited a mind-set of pre-emptive attack; he was among the first to reject life under a balance of terror Good discussion of NSC 10/2 authorizing CIA to do covert actions, break laws, and lie about it, this created a “moral hazard” for US Government JFK rejected “Pax Americana” and its military-industrial complex Generals Lemnitzer and LeMay wanted to use nuclear weapons, JFK thought them crazy and vice-versa General Clay in Berlin was rehearsing tank break-down of Berlin Wall, had to be Review Work Table, JFK and the Unspeakable New Peace Peace Peace Peace Peace Peace Peace Treason Treason Treason Treason Treason Treason Truth Unspeakable Unspeakable Unspeakable Unspeakable Unspeakable Unspeakable Unspeakable Unspeakable Unspeakable Unspeakable US Culpability US Culpability ordered to stand-down by General Clarke JFK achieved secret exchanges with Khruschev, Castrol, and Pope Opens my mind to the “theology of peace” nurtured by monk Thomas Merton In many ways a resurrection of JFK and an epitaph of peace Ably portrays contributions of Monk Thomas Merton to devising a theology of peace Khruschev renounced war as a communist option in East Berlin speech January 1963 JFK drew strength from a single Quaker meeting, this led to his feeding Russia against all wishes of the establishment Fascinating detail on role Norman Cousins (Pathology of Power) played as an emissary for peace between Kennedy and Khruschev Role of the Pope and his Paccem in Terris manifesto, well presented Kennedy, Castro, & Khruschev all forces to circumvent their own internal hard-liners Averel Harriman betrayed Kennedy, communicated the opposite (escalation) to North Viet-Nam instead of JFK’s intended message of de-escalation Henry Cabot Lodge betrayed JFK to allow Diem’s assassination Active cover-up of kill shot into front of throat blowing out back of head Secret Service rushed body away from autopsy, turned over to the military which not only fabricated the autopsy and x-rays of an intact skull, but conspired with CIA to have one honest Navy officer murdered in his own office after he took photos of the entire body that would have broken the cover-up Most detailed evidence of a systematic cover-up, goes beyond earlier books in integrating varied books Book is intended as a “truth force” or as Gandhi called it, “Satayagraha” Reminds us that Malcolm X was also assassinated Connects assassination of two Kennedy brothers and two black leaders “Plausible deniability” led to a “void in accountability” Trial concluding MLK was killed by conspiracy explicitly including US government agencies re-opened JFK cover-up Chicago plot for 1 Nov 63 busted, same pattern of patsy on the loose Dramatically shows JFK surrounded by treason within while reaching out to Khruschev JFK “crossed over” 10 June 1963 calling for end to Cold War. Speech in Appendix JFK issues NSAM 263 “out of Viet-Nam” on 11 Oct 63 and then was killed JFK went against the complex on USSR, Laos, VN, Cuba, Indonesia, and steel prices Secret Service detail “hated” JFK and joked about getting out of way of any threat Bay of Pigs was what inspired Castro to ask for and Khruschev to agree to missiles Truman started the Cold War by using “atomic diplomacy”