College of Medicine Class of 2015 Constitution April 26, 2012 Article I Name: The name of this organization shall be the College of Medicine Class of 2015 and hereby referred to as COM Class of 2015. Article II Purpose: The primary purpose of this organization is to provide a medium through which the needs and concerns of members of the COM Class of 2015 can be discussed, addressed, and resolved. This organization will act as a liaison between its members and the College of Medicine, the University of Florida, and the Gainesville community. These goals shall be achieved through Executive Board and class meetings as well as organizing activities including academic, social, and community service events. This organization shall be not for profit in nature. Article III Compliance Statement: Upon approval by the Center for Student Activities and Involvement, COM Class of 2015 shall be a registered student organization at the University of Florida. The COM Class of 2015 shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, as well as all University of Florida regulations, policies, and procedures. Such compliance includes but is not limited to the University’s regulations related to Non-Discrimination, Hazing, Commercial Activity, and Student Leader Eligibility. Article IV Non-Discrimination: COM Class of 2015 agrees to comply with the University of Florida’s Nondiscrimination Policy (Regulation 6C1-1.006). Article V Membership: Membership in this organization is open to enrolled students at the University of Florida. Non-students, spouses, faculty, and staff may be associate members; however, they may not vote or hold office. All members and associate members are free to leave and disassociate without fear of retribution, retaliation, or harassment. Article VI Officers: Section 1: The officers shall be Academic Chair (President), Student Advocate (Vice President), Treasurer, AAMC Representative, Communication chair, Class Historian, Information Technology chair, MCC Class Representative, MCC Treasurer who will serve during MS2, two Fundraising Co-chairs, two Community Service Co-chairs, two Social Co-chairs, two Intramural (IM) representatives, and two Sustainability Co-chairs. These officers will form the Executive Board of this organization. The Academic Chair (President) shall serve as the primary contact and chairman of the board. Section 2: Officers will hold office for one year with terms beginning and ending in May. Section 3: Officer Transition: New officers will be determined via election of simple majority. Every officer shall: • Train the new incoming officers of the College of Medicine Class of 2016 to an adequate level in order to achieve success and continue progression of the organization. • Meet at least once with the incoming class’ officer within a month of elections. • Attend a joint old and new Executive Board training session if necessary. In a situation involving a vacant officer position/impeachment, the new officer to fill the position will be chosen via majority vote of the Executive Board. Section 4: Roles of the Officers: The Academic Chair (President) will act as the official representative of the organization and is responsible for presiding over meetings and for identifying and addressing the needs of the members of this organization. The Academic Chair (President) shall: • Attend monthly Curriculum Meetings. • Organize and attend all debriefing committee meetings at the conclusion of each course. • Monitor and support the activities and efforts of the other officers. • Meet regularly with Faculty Advisor(s), inform and invite when appropriate. • Organize and execute officer transition as described in Article VI, Section 3. • Call Executive Board meetings, make room arrangements, and notify class members and officers. • Maintain an accurate and current version of the COM Class of 2015 Constitution. The Student Advocate (Vice President) will address concerns, with the assistance of the Academic Chair (President), between members of this organization, the University of Florida, and the College of Medicine. The Student Advocate will attend the Student Advocacy Committee meetings and act as a representative of the class at curriculum debriefings. The Treasurer is responsible for handling funds, whether collected or distributed, for formal or informal events, as well as maintaining accurate records of all financial transactions and investments. The Treasurer will submit monthly status reports to the Executive Board. "The AAMC Representative shall serve as liaison between this organization, the University of Florida, and the Organization of Student Representatives regarding AAMC issues. The AAMC Representative will attend one AAMC Conference each year, and is responsible for bringing pertinent information back to their class, as well as the Office of Educational Affairs. The AAMC Representative may also serve in other capacities as requested by the Deans of the College. The AAMC Representative will serve in this capacity for the duration of medical school." The Communication Chair is responsible for maintaining open communication between members of this organization and the officers. Duties include, but are not limited to maintenance and supervision of the listserv and posting minutes on the class website. The Class Historian shall: • Create a web-based archive of photographs throughout the year. • Assign a replacement to take photographs at events, which the Historians cannot attend. • Create a slideshow for the end of the year and other large events as necessary. • Take video footage when possible to be used in slideshows. The Information Technology Chair’s duties include: • Maintaining the class website • Exploring new technologies and assisting in their implementation if they facilitate class interaction and/or academic learning. The MCC Representative will serve as the official liaison between the organization and the Medical College Council. The representative is required to attend meetings and maintain a dialogue between this organization and the other colleges on major issues. The representative will also maintain the Caroline Cody Library. The MCC Treasurer shall be elected during MS1 and serve as treasurer-intraining for the first year. He or she will assume responsibility of managing MCC funds, reimbursing and financing member activities, and documenting all budgetary information during MS2. The MCC Treasurer must assist in training his or her successor. The Fundraising Co-chairs will organize and implement events to raise funds for the organization. The Fundraising Co-chairs are responsible for duties that include, but are not limited to, maintenance of the class store, product sales, and planning at least one event per semester. The Community Service Co-chairs will plan activities to enable members of this organization to interact with the surrounding community. The Community Service Co-chairs are responsible for organizing a minimum of one service event per semester and serving as a resource for members interested in volunteering in the Gainesville Community. The Social Co-chairs are responsible for planning social events and recreational activities including, but not limited to, a minimum of one event per semester. Funds towards alcoholic beverages must be approved by the treasurer and used in moderation. The Intramural Representatives (IM Rep) will organize all class IM teams; help coordinate GradCup with IM chairs from other classes, and work with the Social Chairs in the planning of all recreational and competitive athletic activities. The Sustainability Co-chairs will organize educational and volunteer events while simultaneously increasing sustainability options on the UF COM campus. These educational events will be used to discuss how medicine and sustainability are related. Co-chairs will also plan monthly educational and volunteer projects to allow members of the medical school classes to participate in the Gainesville community. The Sustainability Co-Chairs will work closely with the Office of Sustainability at the University of Florida to maintain community service agriculture projects, recycling initiatives, and sustainable building projects. Section 5: Executive Board: The aforementioned officers will form the Executive Board of this organization. Executive Board members shall tend to their respective positions as well as contribute to the board as a whole and support its members for the betterment of the class. The Executive Board members shall function in unity to plan, organize and execute desired or necessary class functions or events. Article VII Elections: Section 1: Elections of new officers will take place the month of April. Section 2: Any full club member can be nominated for any office. Section 3: Members who are running for office must accept nomination. Section 4: Voting will take place at a meeting in which quorum of class members is met. Voting will be conducted via a hand vote. Section 5: Officers shall be elected by simple majority. Quorum must be established prior to voting. Section 6: If an officer resigns from office or is impeached, another officer will fill the position as decided by the Executive Board during the interim period. Nominations will be accepted for a permanent replacement and an election shall be held within two weeks of the original officer’s absence. This election process shall follow Article VII, Sections 2 - 5. Section 7: Any member of the COM Class of 2015 is eligible to be an officer. Article VIII Faculty Advisor: Section 1: The faculty advisor(s) should be one(s) whose ideals are aligned with the organization's purpose and is/are willing to serve as a source of information and advice for the organization. The Faculty Advisor(s) will support the club members in fulfilling the purpose of the club and be a resource as needed. Section 2: The position of Faculty Advisor(s) shall be chosen annually by majority vote of the Executive Board. The Academic Chair (President) shall confirm the acceptance of the faculty member(s). The faculty advisor’s term is at the discretion of the COM Class of 2015. Section 3: In case of replacement, a new Faculty Advisor will be chosen by majority vote of the Executive Board. The Academic Chair (President) shall confirm the acceptance of the faculty member(s). The faculty advisor’s term is at the discretion of the COM Class of 2015. Article IX Finances: Section 1: All Executive Board officers and chairs shall submit annual budget proposals subdivided into semesters to the Treasurer. Revisions for the second semester should be submitted by the second Executive Board meeting of the second semester. After budget submission, minor changes in budget allocations can be made but must be first approved by the Treasurer and then by the President. Section 2: No purchases using organization funds shall be made without the prior consent of the Treasurer. Reimbursement, if necessary, shall be submitted in a timely manner to the Treasurer with valid proof of purchase (i.e., receipt and invoice). All reimbursements are subject to approval by the Treasurer and Executive Board. Section 3: Investments • If interested in engaging in investment opportunities with class funds, the treasurer shall first submit an investment proposal to the Executive Board. • The Executive Board shall then discuss and vote on the investment proposal. Proposal can be approved by a majority vote. • No margin trading, options, futures, single stock or other speculative investments will be made. Section 4: Dues: The COM Class of 2015 shall collect dues as part of membership. Due fees shall not exceed $300 per year. Article X Dissolution of Organization: In the event this organization dissolves, all monies left in the treasury, after outstanding debts and claims have been paid and excess dues have been distributed to organization members, shall be donated to the “Equal Access Clinic.” Article XI Meetings Section 1: All officers are required to attend meetings called by the Academic Chair (President), and arrive on time. If an officer needs to miss a meeting, they shall inform the E-board by written notice at least 24 hours in advance. If the officer misses or arrives late to two meetings, without prior notification, the officer shall come before the board to present their case after which the E-board will vote on a course of action. Section 2: Quorum shall be obtained to formally vote. Quorum shall be defined as majority plus one of members for class meetings and 2/3 of the officers for Executive Board meetings. Section 3: Executive Board meetings shall be held at a minimum of once per month. Executive Board meetings shall be held as an open session allowing all members to attend. There shall be an optional closed session afterwards if deemed necessary by the Executive Board. Section 4: Additional meetings may be convened at any full member's request. Section 5: General member meetings shall be convened whenever deemed necessary by the Executive Board including but not limited to the election of officers. Quorum must be attained for all votes pertaining to the organization. Section 6: Removal from Office: 1.A. The removal of an officer can occur for failure of an officer to fulfill the requirements set forth in this Constitution. 2.B. Any full member may bring forth a motion to remove an officer at any Executive Board meeting. 3.C. The individual in question shall have the opportunity to verbally defend himself/herself at the time of the motion. 4.D. Pro/con debate and/or discussion shall take place; not exceeding ten minutes. 5.E. Vote shall be via secret ballot. 6.F. Motion to remove an officer will pass with a 2/3 Executive Board vote. 7.G. Upon the passage of a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board, the motion will be passed as a referendum to remove the officer from the office of the UF COM Class of 2015. The referendum will pass upon a 2/3 majority vote of a quorum of the UF COM Class of 2015. Article XI Debriefing Committees: Section 1: The duties of the debriefing committee will be to meet with the faculty and related advisors to review and evaluate the quality of the respective course. The debriefing committees shall be formed in conjunction with the Office of Medical Education. The Academic Chair (President) and Student Advocate (Vice President) are responsible for coordinating times of debriefings with the Office of Medical Education, forming the committees in a timely manner, and ensuring the attendance of the committee members to their respective debriefing. Section 2: Each debriefing committee shall consist of the Academic Chair (President), Student Advocate (Vice President), two permanent debriefing committee members, and four randomly selected members of COM Class of 2015. All class members will be selected to serve on a debriefing committee over the course of four years. Section 3: The two permanent debriefing committee members will be reelected at the end of the academic year for the following year. Article XII Committees: Committees may be formed at any time according to the needs of this organization. Each committee will consist of volunteers. The chairperson of that committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The chairperson shall serve until the project for which the committee was formed is completed. It is the responsibility of the chairperson to report, to the Executive Board and to the rest of the organization, the progress of the committee. Article XIII Authority: This organization shall conform to the regulations prescribed by the Student Guide and other laws and rules governing the University of Florida and its students. Hazing is, by all means, prohibited. Article XIV Amendments: Any member of this organization may suggest amendments to this Constitution. Initial submission and discussion will be limited to the Executive Board. A 2/3 consensus of the officers will bring the issue to a meeting of full members. A 2/3majority vote of members present at an authorized business meeting is necessary for approval.