Mesmerizing a Culture Katryna Bell Carolina Benedetti Nancy Howe 1 Table of Contents Executive Summary (3-4) Planning o Industry Background (5-6) Industry Users o Brand Situation (7) SWOT Analysis (8) Key Publics (9-17) o Primary Research (18) Survey (19-21) Sample Survey Responses (22-23) o Goal (24) Objective One (25) Strategies Tactics Objective Two (26) Strategies Tactics Objective Three (27) Strategies Tactics Objective Four (28) Strategies Tactics Implementation o Advisory Calendar (29-32) o Events Calendar (32-34) o Editorial Calendar (34-38) Evaluation o Evaluation Plan (39) o Stewardship Plan (40) 2 Executive Summary Mesmerizing a Culture is a documentary, directed by Hunter Hughes, separated from many other music documentaries. The primary focus, of this documentary, involves the community and culture surrounding EDM music festivals, rather than holding a focus on the musical styles themselves. Hughes hopes to create a community interested in the film with the help of social media. We decided to target college-aged individuals (18-25) in the city of Atlanta. We researched the Atlanta area narrowing it down to the zip codes of five universities: Georgia State University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Emory University, University of Georgia and Agnes Scott College. We created a survey to find out how music and documentaries influence a person’s lifestyle. We found the demographics, psychographics and techno graphics for the key publics. Due to the lack of budget, we decided to only use aspects of social media. These involve social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a personal webpage. We found the strengths of Mesmerizing a Culture to be its already existing fan base, and its focus on the culture with in EDM music festivals rather than the music itself. However, the weaknesses are its pre-existing competition with music festival documentaries, and its gear mainly being towards the Millennial Generation. The goal of our campaign is to create a knowledgeable community, interested in Mesmerizing a Culture, by increasing social interaction with present and potential fans. We created four objectives. First, we plan to increase number of likes on Facebook by college-aged individuals by 40 percent of 609 likes as of November 2013 by December 31, 2014. We plan to become more visible on Facebook through the creation of an editorial calendar, as an organizational tool, to help determine what and when to post on each day of the week. We will engage, intrigue, integrate and inform followers, with the creation and implementation of hashtags and contests with non-monetary gains. We plan to measure the success by using Facebook’s Page Insights. Second, we plan to increase the number of followers on Twitter, by college-aged individuals, by 100 percent of 7 followers as of November 2013 by December 31,2014. We plan to become more visible on Twitter through the creation of an editorial calendar, 3 as an organizational tool, to help determine what and when to post on each day of the week. We will engage, intrigue, integrate and inform followers with the creation and implementation of hashtags and contests. We plan to measure the success by using online websites such as Hashtracking and Social Mention. Third, we plan to increase number of followers on Instagram, by college-aged individuals, by 70 percent of 291 followers as of November 2013 by December 31, 2014. We have created an editorial calendar, as an organizational tool, to help determine what and when to post on each day of the week. We also plan to connect all social media accounts so there are multiple ways to access the pages. Fourth, we will create a personal webpage for Mesmerizing a Culture. The page will have information about the documentary, a biography about the director and contact information for viewers looking to get involved. There are four parts in the stewardship plan provided. The first part, reciprocity, is a way of showing gratitude to those who helped the documentary’s campaign succeed. Responsibility falls under part two. In this section the purpose is to ensure that Hughes keeps any promises made to Mesmerizing a Culture’s fan base. Under part three, reporting, we have devised a plan to keep the fan base informed about developments related to opportunities or problems, with documentary. The most important section falls under part four, relationship nurturing. In this section we have provided a plan in which Hughes can continue to nurture the relationship with Mesmerizing a Culture’s fan base, as a means of maintaining a positive standing with them. 4 Industry Background Music festivals are festivals created and focused around a specific genre of music. Most festivals are outside, with multiple stages in which different artist perform, lasting one to four days. Festivals that last a duration of more than one to two days are typically camping events where those attending can choose to stay on sight. There are two typical styles of music festivals: corporate and non-corporate. Corporate festivals are sponsored and promoted, by well-known brands that advertise throughout the duration of the festival period. Typically non-corporate festivals are annual festivals that have created and maintained a capital, directly through the sales of previous festivals. Mesmerizing a Culture is a documentary focused on the community and culture created by non-corporate music festivals, typically focused on electronic music, also known as EDM. The focus of the documentary is to introduce the audience to the people, from around the world, attracted to the festivals, and the environment they create and maintain amongst themselves. Users Event ticketing company Evenbright polled 1,109 people and found the following: 61% of EDM fans plan to attend more EMD events next year % of EDM fans that share on social media about an even before, during and after attending o 67% Before o 41% During o 6%3 After 73% of EDM fans say that seeing friends post on social media about an even makes them want to attend more Primary ways EDM fans hear about events o 67% Social Media 5 o 46% Online o 42% TV/Radio o 23% Print 53% of EDM fans would pay to see their favorite artist perform live in a streaming concert 1/3 of EDM fans started going to EDM events before they started listening to electronic music regularly EDM fans take an average of 25 photos per show 38% of EDM fans said the promoter is very important when deciding whether to attend an event 52% of EDM fans bought tickets on their smart phone 71% of EDM fans listen to music on their smart phone 64% of EDM fans look for information about music events on their smart phone 56% of EDM fans look for information on artists/performers on their smart phone 6 Brand Situation Mesmerizing a Culture is currently competing with a few music festival documentaries. Can You Feel It? is a documentary that focuses on Ultra Music Festival. It goes behind the electronic music movement through the eyes of the festivals’ DJs. The film and soundtrack are already on-sale on iTunes. Made In America is a documentary on Showtime that goes behind the scenes of the making of Jay Z’s Made in America festival. The film follows the artists as they prepare to play their sets and perspective from security guards, crewmembers, promoters and food vendors. Tweed River Music Festival is a documentary about the Tweed River Music Festival. It explores people’s love for rock music. The film features artist interviews, live performances and the attendee’s experience. Bonnaroo Soopergroop is a series documentary on YouTube about four bands that had never met, and collaborated for a 60 minute set as Bonnaroo Soopergroup. The series explores each of the bands and how they pulled off the collaboration at the music festival. The positive is only one of the films focus on an EDM event. Can You Feel It? focuses on Ultra Music Festival, but does not go in depth about the culture of the music festival, or the people who attend. People will be interested in watching the film but it will not hurt Mesmerizing a Culture because the final product is different. 7 SWOT Analysis Strengths o Has a dedicated fan base. o Unlike other music documentaries, “Mesmerizing the Culture” focuses on the culture of the festival rather than just the music. o Has an established hash tag for social media sites. o Already has over 600 likes on Facebook. o Focuses more on local music festivals rather than corporate festivals. Weaknesses o Competition from other music documentaries. o Geared only towards the Millennial Generation. o Social media followers are at a standstill. Opportunities o A variety of music festivals every year. o Having social media as an outlet to fans, especially with the Millennial Generation. o Branching away from corporate music festivals. o Many media outlets available to stream movies. o Competitors: Larger music festivals with a larger crowd. o Finding different varieties of music festivals. Threats 8 Key Publics Mesmerizing a Culture’s key publics are college-aged individuals. (18-25) Geographics for Mesmerizing a Culture are the city of Atlanta and the zip codes of the following colleges and universities. o Georgia State University (30303) o Georgia Tech University (30349) o Emory University (30329) o University of Georgia (30609) o Agnes Scott College (30030) The following demographics were found by calculating an average using o Gender Average Males: 52.9 percent Females: 47.1 percent o Race Average White—37.92 percent Black—47.2 percent Asian—2.44 percent Hispanic/Latino—10.54 percent Multi-Racial—1.42 percent Other--.25 percent The following psychographics were found using Claritas My Best Segments o Georgia State University (30303) Urban Achievers Lower Mid Younger Mostly with out kids Young singles, couples and families that are typically college- educated and ethnically diverse About one-third are foreign-born Diversity is White, Black, Asian Hispanic and mixed 9 Lifestyle and Media Traits o Shop at Fed Ex o Read comic books o Read New Yorker o Watch Soccer o Drive a Toyota Yaris Employment Level: White collar, mix Homeownership: renter Age: under 35 Bohemiam Mix Upper Mid Middle Age Family Mix A collection of mobile urbanites Liberal lifestyle Ethnically diverse: White, Black, Asian, Hispanic and Mixed Progressive mix of young singles, couples and families ranging from students to professionals. o Lifestyle and Media Traits o Shop at The Gap o Watch foreign movies o Read GQ o Watch Boxeo Telemundo o Drive Audi S4 Age: under 55 Homeownership: renter Employment level: white collar, mix Georgia Institute of Technology (30363): See Figure 2 Urban Achievers Lower Mid Younger Mostly with out kids Young singles, couples and families that are typically college- educated and ethnically diverse 10 About one-third are foreign-born Diversity is White, Black, Asian Hispanic and mixed Lifestyle and Media Traits o Shop at Fed Ex o Read comic books o Read New Yorker o Watch Soccer o Drive a Toyota Yaris Employment Level: White collar, mix Homeownership: renter Age: under 35 Bohemiam Mix Upper Mid Middle Age Family Mix A collection of mobile urbanites Liberal lifestyle Ethnically diverse: White, Black, Asian, Hispanic and Mixed Progressive mix of young singles, couples and families ranging from students to professionals. Lifestyle and Media Traits o Shop at The Gap o Watch foreign movies o Read GQ o Watch Boxeo Telemundo o Drive Audi S4 Age: under 55 Homeownership: renter Employment level: white collar, mix Young Digerati Tech-Savvy Live in fashionably neighborhoods on the urban fringe 11 Affluent, Highly educated and ethincally mixed Lifestyle and Media Traits o Shop at Bloomingdale’s o Travel to Asia o Read Dwell o Watch Independent Film Channel o Drive Audi A3 o Shop at clothing boutiques o Dine at casual restaurants and all types of bars (juice to coffee to microbrew) o Age ranges: 25-44 Homeownership: Mix, Renters Employment levels: Management Ethnic Diversity White, Asian, Hispanic and Mix Emory University (30329): See Figure 3 Boomtown Singles Lower Mid Middle Age without kids Live in affordable housing Single and working class Have active lifestyles Seen in bars, convenience stores and Laundromats Lifestyle and Media Traits o Shot at Target Pharmacy o Listen to self-improvement audio o Read Black Enterprise o Watch FX network o Drive a Kia Forte Age ranges: Under 55 Homeownership: Mix, Renters Employment Levels: White Collar, Service and Mix 12 Ethnic Diversy: White, Black, Asian, Hispanic and Mix City Startups Low Income Middle Age without Kids One of the youngest segments in America with ten times as many college students as the national average Young to middle-aged Multi-ethnic singles Live in cheap apartments Go to cafes, bars, Laundromats and clubs that cater to twenty somethings Lifestyle and Media Traits o Shop at Express o Vacation at casinos o Read PC gamer o Watch Talk shows o Lease vehicle Age ranges: Under 55 Homeownership: Renters Employment Level: White collar, Service and Mix Ethnic Diversity: White, Black Hispanic and Mix Young Influentials Midscale younger with out kids Young, middle-class singles and couples Preoccupied with balancing work and leisure pursuits Like going to ball fields, health clubs and casual-dining restaurants Lifestyle and Media Traits o Shop at Best Buy o Play racquetball o Read Details o Watch American Dad 13 o Drive a Mitsubishi Eclipse Age ranges: Under 35 Homeownership: Renters Employment Levels: White Collar, Service and Mix Ethnic Diversity: White, Black, Asian, Hispanic and Mix Up and Comers Upper Mid Younger without Kids Younger, upper-midscale singles Like athletic activities, the latest technology and nightlife entertainment o Lifestyle and Media Traits o Order from o Travel to South America o Read Cigar Aficionado o Watch South Park o Nissan Altima Hybrid Age ranges: 25-44 Homeownership: Mix and Owners Employment Levels: White collar, Service and Mix Ethnic diversity: White, Black, Asian, Hispanic and Mix Agnes Scott College (30030): See Figure 4 Young Influential Midscale younger with out kids Young, middle-class singles and couples Preoccupied with balancing work and leisure pursuits Like going to ball fields, health clubs and casual-dining restaurants Lifestyle and Media Traits o Shop at Best Buy o Play racquetball o Read Details 14 o o Watch American Dad o Drive a Mitsubishi Eclipse Age ranges: Under 35 Homeownership: Renters Employment Levels: White Collar, Service and Mix Ethnic Diversity: White, Black, Asian, Hispanic and Mix University of Georgia (30602): See figure 5 Young Influential Middle-class singles and couples living in apartment complexes Surrounded by ball fields, health clubs, and casual-dining restaurants Lifestyle & Media Traits o Shop at Best Buy o Play racquetball o Read details o Watch American Dad o Mitsubishi Eclipse Age Range: Under 35 Homeownership: Renters Employment Levels: White collar, service, mix Ethnic Diversity: White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, mix The following Technographics are according to Pew Internet Research Center o Social Networking Report: 72% of Online Adults are Social Networking Site Users, by Joanna Brenner and Aaron Smith, Aug. 2013. 72 percent of adults use social media sites. 70 percent of men of 1895 Internet users use networking sites. 74 percent of women of 1895 Internet users use networking sites. 70 percent of White/Non-Hispanics of 1895 Internet users use networking sites. 75 percent of Black/Non-Hispanics of 1895 Internet users use networking sites. 15 80 percent of Hispanics of 1895 of Internet users use networking sites. 89 percent of 18-29 year olds of 1895 Internet users use networking sites. 73 percent of individuals who have completed some college of 1895 Internet users use networking sites. 72 percent of individuals who have completed college of 1895 Internet users use networking sites. 75 percent of individuals who make less that $30,000 per year of 1895 Internet users use networking sites. 74 percent of individuals live in an urban area of 1895 Internet users use networking sites. 30 percent of 18-29 year olds of 1895 Internet users are most likely to use Twitter. o Social Networking Report: The Demographics of Social Media Users, by Maeve Duggan and Joanna Brenner, Feb. 2013. 15 percent of online adults say they use Pinterest. 13 percent of online adults say they use Instagram. 6 percent of online adults say they use Tumblr. 67 percent of online adults say they use Facebook. 20 percent of online adults say they use LinkedIn as of August 2012. Women are more likely to be on social media sites than men. People living in urban settings are more likely use social media sites. 30 percent of adults over 18 years old set up at least one account to include location of post o Video Report: Online Video 2013, by Kristen Purcell, Oct. 2013. 31% of American adult internet users upload or post videos online 27% of American adult internet users have uploaded a video so that others can watch or download it 16 18% of American adult internet users have posted a video to a website online that they, themselves, have taken or created 41% of 18-29 year-old internet users post or share videos online 36% of 49 year-old internet users post or share videos online 18% of internet users age 50 and older post or share videos online 78% of American adult internet users watch or download videos online 72% of American adult internet users watch videos on a video- sharing site like YouTube or Vimeo 56% of American adult internet users what videos online, including social network sites or using mobile apps 36% of American adult internet users download video files onto a computer or cell phone so they can play them at any time they want 57% of online adults watch online comedy videos 50% of online adults watch online educations videos 50% of online adults watch online music videos 58% of adults who watch online videos do so on social networking sites 41% of adults use their cell phones to watch online videos 17% of adults who watch online videos do so using a mobile app 17 Primary Research o Surveys consisting of closed ended questions that will measure attitudes and knowledge of the product o We chose this strategy because: The ease of compiling results The ability to produce cross tabulations with the psychographics and demographics of the publics To gain an understanding of who uses the product and who does not, through cross tabulations The access to substantive questions that will measure opinions about the product, helping us understand why and why not the product is used Surveys will be administered by Web using email and social media sites. We can contact university professors and ask if they can send out the survey to their students. 18 Mesmerizing a Culture Survey What is your gender? ___Male ___Female How old are you? What is your highest education level? ___High School or GED ___Some College ___College Graduate ___Post Graduate Study ___Other Which category best describes your ethnicity? ___Asian / Asian American ___Black or African American ___Hispanic or Latino ___White ___Multiracial ___Other Where do you live? ___Atlanta ___Decatur ___Peachtree City ___Sandy Springs ___Smyrna ___Marietta ___Douglasville 19 ___Austell ___Other What is your average yearly income? ___<$5,000 ___$5,000-$10,000 ___$11,000-$15,000 ___$16,000-$20,000 ___$21,000-$25,000 ___$25,000+ What kind of music do you listen to? Check all that apply. ___Alternative ___Country ___Electronic Dance ___Hip Hop/Rap ___Indie Pop ___Latin ___R&B ___Rock ___Singer/Songwriter ___Other What type of movies do you watch? Check all that apply. ___Action ___Adventure ___Comedy ___Crime ___Documentary ___Romance ___Thriller ___Other 20 Which of the following media outlets are you most likely to use to stream movies? ___Amazon Prime ___Hulu Plus ___HBO Go ___On Demand ___Netflix ___Showtime ___Redbox Instant ___Other Describe your interest about music festivals Not Interested Extremely Interested X X X X Describe your interest about documentaries Not Interested Extremely Interested X X X X X X I believe music provokes feelings that translate into ideas that shape our generation. Strongly Disagree X X X Strongly Agree X I am more likely to watch Netflix than cable television. Strongly Disagree X Strongly Agree X X X X Do you believe music has a culture of its own? Strongly Disagree X X Strongly Agree X X X X Music festivals are an experience of a lifetime. Strongly Disagree X Strongly Agree X X X X 21 22 23 Goal: To create a knowledgeable community, interested in Mesmerizing a Culture, by increasing social interaction with present and potential fans. 24 Objective One To increase the number of likes on Facebook, by college-aged individuals, by 40 percent of 609 likes, as of November 2013, by December 31, 2014. Strategy 1: To become more visible on Facebook to current and potential fans. o Tactic 1.1: To create and implement an editorial calendar as an organizational tool to help determine what and when to post on each day of the week. Spotlight artists, festivals and shows that are in the documentary or will be Release information about future events that will be included in documentary o Tactic 1.2: Using social media as an interactive media channel to create and implement contests with non-monetary gains. Attract attention to festival attendees by offering feature interviews in documentary to contest winners o Tactic 1.3: Using social media as an interactive media channel to create and implement hashtags. Create additional hashtag- #Beapartoftheculture 25 Objective Two To increase the number of followers on Twitter, by college-aged individuals, by 100 percent of 7 followers, as of November 2013, by December 31,2014. Strategy 1: To become more visible on Twitter to current and potential followers. o Tactic 1.1: To create and implement an editorial calendar as an organizational tool to help determine what and when to post on each day of the week. Spotlight artists, festivals and shows that are in the documentary or will be Release information about future events that will be included in documentary Follow artists, festivals and shows Twitter accounts and “re-tweet” and “favorite” posts Interact with followers from @MezACulture and trending posts pertaining to artists, festivals and shows followed o Tactic 1.2: Using social media as an interactive media channel to create Twitter chats with current and potential followers Attract attention to documentary by creating chat topics relating to the documentary o Tactic 1.3: Using social media as an interactive media channel to create and implement hashtags. Continue using hastag #Mesmerizingaculture Create additional hashtag #Beapartoftheculture 26 Objective 3 To increase the number of followers on Instagram, by college-aged individuals, by 70 percent of 291 followers, as of November 2013, by December 31, 2014. Strategy 1: To become more visible on Instagram to current and potential fans. o Tactic 1.1: Connect Twitter handle and Instagram name to be the same @MezACulture Change Instagram name to @MezACulture o Tactic 1.2: To create and implement an editorial calendar as an organizational tool to help determine what and when to post on each day of the week. Spotlight artists, festivals and shows that are in the documentary or will be, in video and/or photo format o Tactic 1.3: Using social media as an interactive media channel to create and implement “Take a Picture, Leave the Camera” festival trend Attract attention to festival attendees by setting up a table at featured festivals with a camera and a sign that says “Take a picture leave the camera, and follow @MezaCulture on Instagram.” Use photographs to spotlight festival attendees o Tactic 1.4: Using social media as an interactive media channel to create and implement hashtags. Create additional hashtags- #Beapartoftheculture, #takeapictureleaveacamera 27 Objective Four To increase awareness to current and potential fans Strategy 1: To create a web page (Free Wordpress) featuring documentary information o Tactic 1.1: To create and implement an editorial calendar as an organizational tool to help determine what and when to post on each day of the week. Create page tabs including Bio, Calendar, Progress and Contact o Tactic 1.2: Create Bio about documentary purpose and documenter o Tactic 1.3: Create event calendar of documentary featured festivals and shows Invite current fans to become volunteers at festivals they are already attending o Tactic 1.4: Create snippets and spotlights showing the ongoing progress of documentary o Tactic 1.5: Create contact page Include social media accounts and email 28 Mesmerizing A Culture Calendar (January 1 – December 31, 2014) We have created an advisory quarterly calendar. In this calendar we have highlighted some key connections and pitches that need to be made, and a suggestive outline on how to do so. Not every recommendation has a connection with the documentary and all that in entails. Each recommendation is an attempt to gain awareness, and to connect with others in both the entertainment and music industry. Quarter one, January – March 2014 o Launch web page, through Free Wordpress, featuring documentary information, see objective four. o Meet with upper management, of the following venues, to pitch documentary: Terminal West, The Tabernacle, The Masquerade, The Graveyard, The Basement, MJQ, The Drunken Unicorn and the Georgia Theatre. o Each month send out a pitch letter to each of the following blog sites:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and If a blogger has already made contact from one of the above sites, do not resend unless there are multiple bloggers available. o Each month send out a press release, concerning the documentary and its progress, to each of the following local entertainment reporters: Jennifer Bret of the AJC, Rodney Ho on Radio Talk & TV, Corinna Allen of CBS 46, Jenifer Brett of The Buzz, Mellissa Ruggieri of The Music Scene and to 29 o Each month send of a press release, concerning the documentary and its progress, to each of the following major Atlanta radio stations: Star 94.1, Streetz 94.5, Power 96.1, 97.1 The River, 99.7 Q100, V-103.3, Radio 105.7 and HOT 107.9. Quarter two, April – June 2014 o Meet with upper management, of the following venues, to pitch documentary: Variety Playhouse, Apache Café, WonderRoot, Buckhead Theatre, Center Stage Theatre, Criminal Records, Eddies Attic, The WB Event Center, Castleberry Hill Raw Space, Opera Night Club and Rush Lounge. o Each Month send out a pitch letter to each of the following blog sites:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and If a blogger has already made contact from one of the above sites, do not resend unless there are multiple bloggers available. o Each month send out a press release, concerning the documentary and its progress, to each of the following local entertainment reporters: Jennifer Bret of the AJC, Rodney Ho on Radio Talk & TV, Corinna Allen of CBS 46, Jenifer Brett of The Buzz, Mellissa Ruggieri of The Music Scene and to o Each month send of a press release, concerning the documentary and its progress, to each of the following major Atlanta radio stations: Star 94.1, Streetz 94.5, Power 96.1, 97.1 The River, 99.7 Q100, V-103.3, Radio 105.7 and HOT 107.9. Quarter Three, July – September 2014 o Meet with members of the Grammy 365 Atlanta Chapter. Senior Executive Director – Michele Rhea Caplinger 30 o President – Billy Johnson Senior Project Manager – Erin Baxter Each Month send out a pitch letter to each of the following blog sites:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and If a blogger has already made contact from one of the above sites, do not resend unless there are multiple bloggers available. o Each month send out a press release, concerning the documentary and its progress, to each of the following local entertainment reporters: Jennifer Bret of the AJC, Rodney Ho on Radio Talk & TV, Corinna Allen of CBS 46, Jenifer Brett of The Buzz, Mellissa Ruggieri of The Music Scene and to o Each month send of a press release, concerning the documentary and its progress, to each of the following major Atlanta radio stations: Star 94.1, Streetz 94.5, Power 96.1, 97.1 The River, 99.7 Q100, V-103.3, Radio 105.7 and HOT 107.9. Quarter four, October – December 2014 o Each Month send out a pitch letter to each of the following blog sites:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and If a blogger has already made contact from one of the above sites, do not resend unless there are multiple bloggers available. o Each month send out a press release, concerning the documentary and its progress, to each of the following local entertainment reporters: 31 Jennifer Bret of the AJC, Rodney Ho on Radio Talk & TV, Corinna Allen of CBS 46, Jenifer Brett of The Buzz, Mellissa Ruggieri of The Music Scene and to o Each month send of a press release, concerning the documentary and its progress, to each of the following major Atlanta radio stations: Star 94.1, Streetz 94.5, Power 96.1, 97.1 The River, 99.7 Q100, V-103.3, Radio 105.7 and HOT 107.9. Event Calendar We have created a calendar including events that have already been announced at the following venues. Not all of these events relate to the music featured in the documentary, they are recommendations based on the venue and the interest of its clientele. -Tabernacle events - January – Disclosure with Vic Mensa and Samo Sound Boy 22 8pm - Yonder Mountain String Band with The Travelin’ McCourys 22, 8pm - February – Moe 1, 8pm – Pixies 4, 8pm – Panic At The Disco 7, 8pm – Flogging Molly 15, 8pm – Mind Over Matter 22, 9pm – - March – Emblem3 with Mkto 1, 7pm – Excision with Ill. Gates, Dirtyphonics 7, 8pm – - April – Groulove With Ms mr, Smallpools 3, 8pm - May – The Wanted 7, 8pm -Terminal West- January – 4th, Indigo Girls – 16th, March Fourth Marching Band – 18th, Daft Phunk – 21st, New Politics – 23rd, The Ringers – 25th Connor Christian & Southern Gothic Sonia Leigh – 29th, Gaelic Storm - February – 1st, Paper Diamond – 3rd, Darkside – 9th, Vanessa Carlton – 14th, Marco Benevento – 15th, Larkin Poe – 17th, Kodaline – 20th, Jonathan Wilson – 21st, Emancipator Ensemble – 22nd, The Black Angels 32 - March – 3rd, Snarky Puppy – 4th Stephen Malkmus & The Jocks -Masquerade events – - January – Come What May 3, 7pm – Light The Avenue 5, 8pm – Autumn + Colour Artist Showcase 4, 7pm – The Atlanta Battle of the Bands 5, 4pm – Dorydrive 10, 7pm – The Wailers 16, 7pm – Tetrarch 18, 7pm – Archnemesis 18, 9pm – The Sword 21, 7pm – Another Lost Year 21, 7pm – Neurotic November 24, 6pm – Falling in Reverse 21, 6pm – Delorean 28, 7pm – Nekromantix 29, 7pm – - February – Headbang for the Highway 2, 7pm – Nonpoint 2, 7pm – Yellowcard 7, 7pm – 10 Years 7, 830pm – The Slackers 8, 7pm – Chimaira 12, 6pm – Hollywood Ending 12, 6pm – Manowar 12, 7pm – transit 14, 630pm, That 1 guy 22, 8pm - March – 14 – Children of Bodom 14, 7pm – Breathe Carolina 16, 6pm – Agent Orange 16, 7pm – Carcass 19, 6pm – We Butter the Bread With Butter 2-, 6pm – Dave Hause 21, 8pm – We are the in crowd 25, 6pm - April – Mephiskapheles 2, 7pm – Iced Earth 23, 6pm -Apache Café – - Every Sunday at 7pm Word is Born Poetry Open Mic - Every Monday 7pm Bohemian Circus - Every Tuesday Sound & Lyric -Buckhead Theatre – - Jan 25, Big Head Todd and The Monsters 730pm - Feb 5 Walk off the Earth 7pm - April 29, Bastille 7pm - May 22 The 1975 7pm -The drunken Unicorn – - Time Before The War Every Man For Himself EP Release Show Jan 4, 9pm - No Static Jan 10, 9pm - Into It. Over It Feb 11, 8pm -Center Stage – 33 - January – Downside 9, 730pm – QUEENSRYCHE 10,8pm – Afton Showcase 16, 630pm – Ehsan Khajeamiri 17, 730pm – AFI 18, 8pm- Amon Amarth 24, 7pm – Empire Theory 24, 8pm – Battle Of The Bands 25, 930pm – Afton Showcase 26, 630pm – Nipsey Hussle 28, 7pm – Newlore//Sear and Shake 29, 7pm – Comrade Blue 3-, 630pm – Afton Showcase 31, 630pm – - February – Skinny Puppy 04, 730pm – Andrew RIPP 15, 730pm – The Expendables 18, 6pm – White Lies 18, 7pm – Mayer Hawthorne 22, 8pm – - March – Andrew Belle & Diane Beurch 19, 7pm – AER 19, 7pm – Ellie Goulding – 20, 630pm – - April – Scott Stapp 9, 7pm – Stephen Ragga Marley 13, 8pm - May - Mogwai 2, 8pm – - September - Midweek Mayhem feat. Pain of Salvation 10, 6pm Editorial Calendar We have created a sample editorial calendar for social media accounts. Each day a post should be made on each account. All accounts should be connected, but not all posts should be shared on every account. This calendar should be used as a way to interact with fan base, use hashtags and create conversation of the documentary. Post should not be limited to this calendar and can shift based on relativity. If there is a trending topic then it should be noted. The more engaged with fanbase each social media account is, the more followers each will gain. Sunday o Facebook #sundayfunday – Release information on any EDM events taking part on that day. If there are not any EDM events taking place on that, release information on related events taking place that day. If there are no related events taking place that day, release a “take me back post” about a past event that took place on a 34 Sunday. Engage with audience by asking them what their “take me back” Sunday funday would be. o Twitter #sundayfunday – Release information on any EDM events taking part on that day. If there are not any EDM events taking place on that, release information on related events taking place that day. If there are no related events taking place that day, release a “take me back post” about a past event that took place on a Sunday. Engage with audience by asking them what their “take me back” Sunday funday would be. o Instagram #sundayfunday – Post a comical Sunday funday picture. Engage with fan base by asking how they will be spending their Sunday, or how they wish they were spending their Sunday. Use various hashtags to draw attention to photograph, including #mesaculture and #mesmerizingaculture. Monday o Facebook #macm (mesmerizing a culture Monday) – Release present and/or background information on documentary. Use various hashtags to draw attention to post, including #mesaculture and #mesmerizingaculture. o Twitter #macm (mesmerizing a culture Monday) – Release present and/or background information on documentary. Use various hashtags to draw attention to post, including #mesaculture and #mesmerizingaculture. o Instagram #mcm (man crush Monday) – spotlight male EDM artist or DJ with a photograph and an inspirational tagline directed at that 35 DJ. Use various hashtags to draw attention to photograph, including #mesaculture and #mesmerizingaculture. Tuesday o Facebook Thank your fan base for their support, and any one else who has made progress possible. o Twitter Tweet a thank you to any artist or festival featured in documentary. o Instagram #tut (turn up Tuesday) – Post an image of an EDM artist performing. Direct tagline, discussing performance, at artist. Use various hashtags to draw attention to photograph, including #mesaculture and #mesmerizingaculture. Wednesday o Facebook Humpday – Release a comical post about humpday directed at fan base. Provide information on events taking place that weekend, as an inspirational motive to get through the rest of the week. o Twitter Humpday – Release a comical post about humpday directed at fan base. Provide information on events taking place that weekend, as an inspirational motive to get through the rest of the week. o Instagram #wcw (woman crush Wednesday) – spotlight a female EDM artist or DJ with a photograph and an inspirational tagline directed at that DJ. Use various hashtags to draw attention to photograph, including #mesaculture and #mesmerizingaculture. Thursday 36 o Facebook #tbt (throwback Thursday) – spotlight inspirational, iconic artists from the past. Engage with audience by asking questions like “Who has made the best remix to one of (artist’s name)s songs?” or “What is your favorite song by (artist’s name)?”. Spotlight past EDM shows or festivals. Engage with audience by asking questions like “Who remembers when (artist’s name) played at (name of festival or venue)?” or “Who was your favorite artist at (name of festival or show)?” Use various hashtags to draw attention to photograph, including #mesaculture and #mesmerizingaculture. o Twitter #tbt (throwback Thursday) – Retweet images posted by EDM artists or DJs. o Instagram #tbt (throwback Thursday) – spotlight inspirational, iconic artists from the past. Engage with audience by asking questions like “Who has made the best remix to one of (artist’s name)s songs?” or “What is your favorite song by (artist’s name)?”. Spotlight past EDM shows or festivals. Engage with audience by asking questions like “Who remembers when (artist’s name) played at (name of festival or venue)?” or “Who was your favorite artist at (name of festival or show)?” Use various hashtags to draw attention to photograph, including #mesaculture and #mesmerizingaculture. Friday o Facebook #fff (fun fact Friday) – Post an interesting fact about an EDM artist or DJ. Use various hashtags to draw attention to post, including #mesaculture and #mesmerizingaculture o Twitter 37 #fff (fun fact Friday) – Post an interesting fact about an EDM artist or DJ. Use various hashtags to draw attention to post, including #mesaculture and #mesmerizingaculture o Instagram #funkyfriday – Post a “funky” picture. Engage with audience by asking if they know what, who or where the picture is. If it is not a known image, provide hints to the audience to help them guess what it is. Use various hashtags to draw attention to picture, including #mesaculture and #mesmerizingaculture Saturday o Facebook #savethedatesaturday – If any upcoming events, shows or festival dates have been released post the information. Engage with audience by asking who is attending or wanting to attend. Use various hashtags to draw attention to post, including #mesaculture and #mesmerizingaculture o Twitter #shoutoutsaturday – Tweet shoutouts to followers. Engage with them by commenting to their most recent tweet. o Instagram #savethedatesaturday – If any upcoming events, shows or festival dates have been released post a picture of the information. Engage with audience by asking who is attending or wanting to attend. Use various hashtags to draw attention to picture, including #mesaculture and #mesmerizingaculture 38 Evaluation First, we plan to create positive awareness by increasing social interaction, with present and potential fans of Mesmerizing a Culture, by increasing the number of likes on Facebook by 40 percent of 609, as of November 2013, by December 31, 2014. We plan to become more visible on Facebook through the creation of editorial calendar, as an organizational tool, to help determine what and when to post on each day of the week. We will engage, intrigue, integrate and inform followers with the creation and implementation of hashtags and contests, with non-monetary gains. We plan to measure the success by using Facebook’s Page Insights programs. Second, we plan to create positive awareness by increasing social interaction, with present and potential fans of Mesmerizing a Culture, by increasing number of Twitter followers by 100 percent of 7, as of November 2013, by December 31, 2014. We plan to become more visible on Twitter through the creation of an editorial calendar, as an organizational tool, to help determine what and when to post on each day of the week. We will use social media as an interactive media channel to create Twitter chats with current and potential followers. We plan to implement hashtags such as @MezACulture to engage with current and potential followers. We plan to measure the success by using online websites such as Hashtracking and Social Mention. Third, we plan to create positive awareness by increasing social interaction, with present and potential fan of Mesmerizing a Culture, by increasing number of Instagram followers by 70 percent of 291, as of November 2013, by December 31, 2014. We will become more visible on Instagram by connecting other social media outlets, such as Facebook and Twitter, to the Instagram account. We have created an editorial calendar, as an organizational tool, to help determine what and when to post on each day of the week. We will implement the festival trend called “Take a Picture, Leave the Camera” as a way to interact with current and potential fans. Lastly, we plan to increase college-aged individuals awareness, of Mesmerizing a Culture, by 20 percent through the creation of a web page, featuring documentary information. We will create and implement an editorial calendar as an organizational tool to help determine what and when to post on each day of the week. We will create an 39 event calendar, to help determine where and when the documentary will be featuring festivals and shows. Stewardship Plan It is important that Hughes establishes and maintains a positive relationship with Mesmerizing a Culture’s fan base, in order to meet campaign goals and continue progress. To ensure that this takes place we have devised a stewardship plan. A stewardship plan is set in place as a means to thank key publics, continue communication and preserve public interest and attention to the organization. Reciprocity – Hughes will show recognition and appreciation to participants and viewers of the documentary. This will be done through continued interaction, via social media, with current and potential fans. Responsibility - Hughes has promised to provide a documentary that explores the culture of music festivals. The documentary will continue to grow, connecting with viewers and participants, as a means of keeping this promise. Hughes will maintain an informative connection with music festivals, artists, and fans. In addition, fans will be requested to share photos, videos and stories of their favorite artists, shows and festivals on social media sites. Reporting- Hughes will continue to keep fan base informed through interactive media and non-media channels. Social media websites, such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, will be continuously updated showing the progress of getting, Mesmerizing a Culture, on movie streaming programs, such as Netflix or Hulu. Relationship Nurturing- Mesmerizing a culture will maintain a positive relationship with its fan base, through the kept promises of the documentary. Hughes will stay up to date with current and prospective fan base, as well as music festival fans. A good relationship with the publics will be beneficial as Mesmerizing a Culture continues to grow. 40