U - Libertyville High School

Chapters 31 & 32
Due Tuesday, 2/18:
pages 770-775 (stop at Prohibition);
find your five sources; do at least an hour’s
worth of research reading (remember to start
with your overview of person’s life)
Due Wednesday, 2/19:
bring your five sources to class – books,
photocopies, print-outs (if textbook is one of
your sources, know the exact pages you will
Due Thursday, 2/20:
pages 775-781 (stop at Mass Consumption)
Due Friday, 2/21:
pages 781-786
Due Monday, 2/24
pages 786-788 and at least one hour of research
(and internet source re-check if needed)
Due Tuesday, 2/25:
pages 788-795
Due Wednesday, 2/26:
pages 798-803 (stop at Hiking the Tariff)
Due Thursday, 2/27:
pages 803-808
Due Friday, 2/28:
pages 808-812 (stop at Great Crash)
Due Monday, 3/3:
at least 2 hours of research, decide on 3 things
The Test on this unit is Tuesday, March 4
Remember, you don’t have to read the “special inserts”, but you should look at all maps, charts,
pictures, etc.
You are encouraged to consult the online textbook learning center for main ideas, practice
quizzes, and more goodies. See my webpage for hyperlink.
Important Terms
Carefully read the entire heading section first, then refer to the following to check for
comprehension and review the material. For each term you should be able to explain the
applicable who, what, why, where, when, and how details. Remember that while you may
take notes in whatever manner you find helpful to your comprehension and retention of
material, only hand-written notes on separate sheets of paper may be used for the occasional
open-note quiz.
Chapter 32: The Politics of Boom and Bust
Harding’s flaws
the Ohio Gang
goals of the Old Guard
Supreme Court actions
Interstate Commerce Commission
trade associations
union defeats
the American Legion
Adjusted Compensation Act
problems preventing isolationism
Washington Conference
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
effects of high tariff policies
Veterans Bureau scandal
Teapot Dome scandal
Harding’s death
personality of Coolidge
Coolidge and business
problems of farmers
McNary-Haugen Bill
European debt problems
Dawes Plan
Al Smith
campaign of 1928
outcome of 1928 election
late 1920s prosperity
Agricultural Marketing Act
Hawley Smoot Tariff
Chapter 31: American Life in the “Roaring Twenties”
Red Scare
A. Mitchell Palmer
anti-red laws
anti-union mood and actions
Sacco and Vanzetti
the new Ku Klux Klan
Emergency Quota Act of 1921
Immigration Act of 1924, significance / opposition
implementation of Prohibition
disregard for Prohibition
positive effects of Prohibition
Prohibition and crime
Lindbergh Law
high school graduation rate in 1920s
the Scopes Trial
William Jennings Bryan
Clarence Darrow
buying on credit
Scientific Management
Henry Ford
impact of auto industry
the Wright Brothers
Charles Lindbergh
Guglielmo Marconi
effects of radio
Birth of a Nation
The Jazz Singer
development of the movie industry
effects of mass media
changing sexual behavior
Sigmund Freud
origins of Jazz
Marcus Garvey
general themes and trends in literature
Harlem Renaissance
Frank Lloyd Wright
buying stock on-margin
Bureau of the Budget
Andrew Mellon and his tax policies