Chichester Counselling Services Student Handbook 2011 - Orange Section
Page No.
Introduction – The Courses and This Handbook
Staff team
Course Dates
Background & Development of CCS
Structure of CCS
Student Representation and Lines of Communication
Introduction to CCS and the Training Course
Diploma Assessment of Competence
Student Assessment Grades and Marks
Criteria for Entry to Year 2
Criteria for Entry to Year 3
Criteria for Award of a Diploma
Guidelines for Writing Essays
Plagiarism Policy
Guidelines for Referencing
Individual Membership of BACP
Appeals Relating to Course Decisions
Training Services Complaints Procedure
Role of Personal Tutor
Personal Tutor – Structure of the Year
Personal Tutor – Learning Journal
Personal Counsellor
Preparation for Tutorials
Personal and Professional Development Group (Year 2 & 3)
Students Requesting a Year Out
Procedures for Leaving the Course Part-way Through the
Probationary Year at CCS, and Leaving CCS
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Introduction – The Courses and This Handbook
The Courses
Overall, the course aims to prepare students for safe and effective practice as psychotherapeutic counsellors using a psychodynamic model of practice:
In the Certificate in Psychodynamic Theory and Skills (Year 1), at a preparatory level, which does not qualify students for working with clients seeking counselling.
In the Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling (all 3 years) to a standard adequate to supervised practice with clients seeking counselling and later development of the counsellor to becoming an independent, registered professional.
Psychotherapeutic Counselling
The following is an extract from the flag statement of the Psychotherapeutic Counselling section of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).
It is an excellent summary of the values to which we aspire in CCS's Diploma.
“The therapeutic alliance is key to all forms of Psychotherapeutic Counselling and the therapeutic relationship facilitates the opportunity for the client to experience acceptance, change and growth
The qualities of the practitioner in interaction with the qualities of the client are seen as essential to an effective outcome. This is demonstrated by a belief in adequate emotional preparation of the psychotherapeutic counsellor, for work of an intensity and complexity, which may be severely taxing of the practitioner's personal resources, and capacity for response.
Training for a psychotherapeutic counsellor would be expected to be at the equivalent of under-graduate or post-graduate level. The training would be rigorous and thorough and would be based on linking skills, theory and practice.”
Four overall areas of learning are addressed:
Personal Development of the student
Counselling skills
A developmental model of human psychology and well being
Ethical practice and attitude to clients
In the nature of vocational training within a counselling service provider, training input derives not only from the formal training curriculum, but is also continuously modeled in student interaction with other staff; influenced not least by the psychodynamic belief system of CCS and the course.
The Diploma and preparation for professional development beyond, also demand adequate standards of academic practice and achievement.
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This Handbook
This handbook is intended as a student’s guide to CCS’s Certificate and Diploma courses, including the achievements required to qualify for the awards and the resources and processes, provided by CCS, to that end.
The contents of each section include some background and descriptive information; also specific requirements for student assignments, which may apply to all assignments of the type and/or to a specific assignment. Compliance with them is essential to successful completion of the course.
Some aspects of basic procedure (referencing is a good example) are subject to assessment repeatedly as a part of various written submissions. Learning to follow such academic conventions and practices early on will later earn easily obtained marks
(typically 10%), for instance in Projects and Case Studies; also providing sound preparation for potential study beyond the Diploma. Such details may become critical in a marginal assessment.
Students are encouraged to refer to the handbook regularly, to refresh the basics and to check the requirements of each year and of individual assignments.
Guidelines and Procedures
Where guidelines, procedures and practices are provided, students should take care to ensure that submitted work complies with them.
Student assignments submitted in compliance with the requirements of this handbook will, as a basic obligation of CCS to our students, be assessed against those requirements. This cannot be guaranteed for assignments based on procedures and/or guidelines obtained from any other source.
From time to time, the need may arise for change to the content of this handbook, during the training year. All changes of this kind will be notified in writing, individually, to the students and staff concerned, including: amended procedures; any other relevant documents and notification of the handbook content that has been superseded by the new information.
Unless such formal notification has been circulated, students should base assignments on the relevant information provided in this handbook.
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Management Team
Chief Executive
Office Manager
Finance Administrator (part time)
Head of Training
Counselling Manager
Training Team (excluding training Supervisors)
Year I
(part time)
(part time)
STAFF 2011
(part time) Tom Morton (Interim)
Kerri Knight
Sue Newey
Paul Smith
Jan Irwin
Sue Esau
Marie Price Personal Tutor
Year 2
Group Facilitator (PPDG)
Personal Tutor
Project Tutors – continuing into Year 3
Year 3
Group Facilitator (PPDG)
Personal Tutor
Diploma Extension
Personal Tutor
Sue Arnold
Susan Willis
Fionna Smith
Paul Cawkill
Linda Connell
Dorothy Harte
Susan Willis
Caroline Betterton
Dorothy Harte
Caroline Betterton
Sue Esau
Clinical Team
Supervisors Sue Arnold
Sue Esau
Dorothy Harte
Rebecca Kirkbride
Clinical Consultant
Psychiatric Consultant
New Client Assessors
Dr Robert Snell
Dr Jean Sherrington
Caroline Betterton
Linda Connell
Pam Helme
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The idea of a local counselling service in Chichester first took shape in 1976, when a group of psychotherapists and counsellors, living and working independently in West
Sussex, met to discuss the feasibility of setting up a crisis centre, where people experiencing personal difficulties could receive the necessary professional support.
At that time, finance and accommodation were not forthcoming; but a continuing demand for counselling skills and training led, in 1978, to a course being set up at the request of the County Education Department. The tutors at that time were Rita Seymour, a psychotherapist, and the Reverend Michael Butler, Director of the Diocesan Board for
Social Responsibility.
The course was held at the Chichester College of Technology, but in April 1982, the opportunity was taken to relocate to the Fernleigh Centre. The course was then formed into the three Year form which exists today, though within that considerable changes have since taken place. This training gained status as recognised by BACP in June 1994.
Simultaneously, the community-based counselling service was developed under the supervision of the experienced medical psychotherapist, Dr Anne Zweig. In 2000 BACP realized that they represented psychotherapists as well as counsellors and changed their name to BACP and the course has continued to be accredited by them.
During 1983, the service was placed on a sound legal and administrative basis and an
Executive Committee was formed. The Charity Commission subsequently approved its registration as a charity in 1985.
CCS’ experience since its inception has revealed a consistently growing demand for its skills and services apart from a brief disruption when the expanding service and training moved to rent premises in Little London in 2004. After the move the demand started to grow once more in premises where there is room to increase the amount of work being done. The move also provided a common room for the volunteer counsellors and extra space for the provision of short courses and workshops to facilitate continuing professional development.
CCS adheres closely to the standards required by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, of which CCS is a member, and to the essential requirement of ongoing professional supervision.
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British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Chichester Counselling Services is a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and complies with its Ethical Framework for Good Practice.
There are changes taking place nationally and there are moves by BACP to adopt a more directive stance in relation to professional standards and especially training standards.
CCS is in broad agreement with these initiatives and has obtained formal ongoing
Accreditation of its training.
CCS is an independent charitable organisation as well as a Company Limited by
Guarantee and functions for training and counselling policy purposes under the overall direction of a Board of Trustees. Membership includes representatives of the statutory sector, the business community, the counselling world and trained counsellors working within CCS.
It is a BACP requirement that each group has a representative chosen by their peers from within each group.
This representative will be kept informed of the agenda of the Training Team meeting and normally may attend the Training Team meeting. Everyone is entitled to attend the
Annual General Meeting, usually held in February of each year, but only subscribed members may vote. Any student and counsellor within CCS may elect to become a member. The representatives should aim to invite items for consideration from fellow students not less than three weeks before the Training Team meeting for inclusion in the agenda. Representatives may also put forward any issues they feel necessary for discussion at Management Team meetings but may not attend these meetings.
Feedback to the respective groups will be the Student Representative’s responsibility, and time will be set aside at the beginning of each seminar for the student representative to canvas their peer group and to feed back information following meetings.
Representatives should ensure that all of their peer group has access to the Training
Team meeting minutes.
A Year 3 student rep has a place on The Clinical Management Meeting which considers clinical management issues and policy proposals on a 3 monthly basis.
The Management Team comprises the Chief Executive, Head of Counselling, Head of
Training, Office Manager and Finance Administrator.
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Course appraisal
At the end of each term there is a course appraisal meeting with year staff and the
Training Manager. It is an opportunity to discuss course-related issues, make suggestions and express views.
The session is half an hour long and the students set any agenda. We suggest that in the weeks prior to the appraisal session, you think and talk amongst your peers about issues that you may want to raise. If there are common issues, you may wish to elect a spokesperson to present these at the meeting. On the other hand, it is important that everyone feels included in this process and that each student has the chance to express individually held views.
June 2007
External & Internal Examining Boards
Duke of Richmond
Executive Committee
Business Development
Management Group House Committee
Year I
Training Meeting
Year II Year III Supervisors
Counselling Mgt Group
Assessors Counsellors
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The purpose of this post is to keep lines of communication open between students and the Management Team.
Students will report on issues relating to their training, there will always be an agenda item for students on the agendas of the Training Team.
Each year group is asked to elect a Student Representative who will represent student issues on the Training Team Meeting and keep their groups informed of any issues relating to students. Their input may be specifically asked for by the Board of Trustees.
The representative will retain the post, if willing, to 30 th September each year.
To sound out the peer group to ascertain whether or not there are issues and ideas to be raised.
Ensure that the Training Manager is informed of any items for inclusion on the
Training Team agenda at least four weeks before the meeting and immediately prior to the Management Team meeting.
Only major concerns should go to the Training Team that cannot be resolved through staff. “Nothing to report” or “course seems to be going well” may be sufficient. The
Board of Trustees would like to know of any general unsatisfactory situations.
To communicate to fellow students feedback from the Management Team.
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Chichester Counselling Services came into being to meet a need for affordable and high quality counselling in the local community. In order to provide well-trained counsellors, the training course was established.
Counsellors and trainees are in a privileged position in being able to work with clients and it is their responsibility to remember that the client’s needs are paramount at all times.
For this reason CCS monitors very carefully the allocation of clients to trainees and therefore there should NOT be an expectation that suitable clients will always be available to trainees.
In parallel with this policy towards clients, CCS also has concern for the welfare of the trainees and recognises that undertaking a demanding training course places the trainee under emotional strain as well as academic pressure. CCS aims to ensure that the trainee feels emotionally supported throughout the course in order to be freely and wholeheartedly available for their clients.
CCS covers this holistic approach in the following ways:
1. There is the opportunity for personal awareness, development and growth through allocated time throughout the year.
There are confidential tutorials with the Personal Tutor.
There is the requirement to be open to recognition of internal experiences and feelings which are recorded weekly in a Learning Journal. This is handed in to the
Personal Tutor at specific times and a written summary will be required once a year in the form of an essay.
4. In addition there is the requirement for all trainees to be in weekly, ongoing psychodynamic counselling/therapy from January in Year 1 until the Diploma is gained, at least, to a minimum total of 105 hours over 3 years. The counsellor must be selected from a list provided by CCS (see information on “Choosing a
Personal Counsellor”). This is not a term time only commitment but is ongoing except for holidays planned by you or your counsellor. It is essential that trainees have begun to be aware of their own material within a supportive environment before beginning to experience the material of their clients.
Our aim is to attempt to create and maintain therapeutic working conditions for the
CLIENTS and this can only be achieved by extending the same consideration to our trainees and counsellors. For this reason the importance of self-awareness and development as an ongoing part of training cannot be too highly emphasised. This enables trainees and counsellors to meet with their clients in the best possible way knowing that therapy, supervision, personal care and growth work will support them.
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Certificate in Psychodynamic Theory and Skills
Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling
Throughout your training at CCS you will be required to take part in a regular assessment of competence programme. Defining competence can be a very difficult task.
The BACP course accreditation specifies that trainee counsellors need to have an in-depth understanding of a core theoretical model of counselling and to have developed skills appropriate to that model. They should have opportunities for developing self-awareness, be familiar with and adhere to the Ethical Framework, have experience with real clients under supervision and be aware of both the social issues that affect their work as counsellors and the relationship between counsellors and other mental health professionals. The fact that this course is accredited is a sign that it includes all these components.
The assessment process therefore has to address a wide variety of factors. Schon (1987) defines competence as enlightened action involving a complex mix of skill and judgement in which critical capacities are all important.
Barnett (1994) has suggested four criteria for the application of the term skill that are relevant to counselling. Skills involve:
A situation of some complexity.
A performance that addresses the situation is deliberate and is not just a matter of chance.
An assessment that the performance has met the demands of the situation.
A sense that the performance was commendable.
He further suggests that in some situations in order to be skilful and perform effectively, a sophisticated knowledge base is needed to inform the choice of skills to be applied.
With respect to counselling the capacity to assess and conceptualise the difficulties of any client which present themselves could be defined in terms of a set of skills that depend on an extensive body of knowledge and experience. Achieving competence in applying such skills will be the result of considerable experience probably guided by a more experienced practitioner, namely a supervisor.
Robinson (1974) has described the stages of the development of competence as:
unconscious incompetence
conscious incompetence
conscious competence
unconscious competence
All of which are highly relevant to counselling, as theoretical knowledge is most helpful when it unconsciously informs action. By the end of your training with CCS we will expect you to be at least consciously competent in most areas which will become unconscious competence given further time and experience (which we continue to provide in your
Probationary year).
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Sue Wheeler (1996) summarises a competent counsellor as “one who is worldly wise, self aware, well informed theoretically, who has skills congruent with the theoretical model used and can make a good therapeutic alliance. Ultimately a competent counsellor is someone who can manage their own stress and take care of themselves so that they are able to give full attention to the client”.
Assessments will be made by course staff, supervisors, peers and yourselves using such methods as role plays, tapes, case studies, essays, personal journals, tutorials and verbal presentations which will result in individual feedback and personal learning objectives.
Although you are ultimately expected to reach target criteria (listed separately) the assessment procedures are not meant to be punitive but are to be used diagnostically as an aid to personal and professional development so that where necessary appropriate remedial steps can be taken. It is hoped that the process will provide a stimulating learning experience, as well as being a vehicle for confronting sensitive issues with students when necessary. Ultimately the system confirms for the trainee that they have achieved the desired competencies by the end of the course and informs them of their progress on the way. Above all, staff will be looking for evidence of movement as a result of reflection upon learning.
Copies of all questionnaires, feedback forms and reports will be subject for discussion between students and tutors and in some cases, peers. As a result of the discussion appraisal sheets may be amended or a dissent stated if agreement can’t be reached. The forms are then signed by tutor and trainee and are included in the personal and professional development assessment portfolio, which will be submitted at the end of the training.
BACP (1996) The Recognition of Counsellor Training Courses, Rugby, British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Barnett R. (1994) The Limits of Competence Buckingham SRHE and Open University
Robinson W.L (1974) “Conscious Competency, the mark of a competent instructor”,
personnel Journal, 53, 538.9
Schon D. (1987) Educating the reflective Practitioner. London, Jossey Bass
Wheeler S. (1996) Training Counsellors: The Assessment of Competence. London, Cassell
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Student Assessment Grades and Marks
1. Basic Assessment Students’ work is assessed not by marks, as such, but by grade: the best work has the lowest number; grade 1.
The grades available are: 1
Very Good
In need of attention
Seriously lacking
2. Marginal Grades Tutors and assessors may use dual grading to indicate a standard somewhere close to the margins between two grades, e.g 2/3 or 3/2. In such cases the first figure is dominant: 2/3 indicates a higher standard than 3/2. The available range of
10 grades is illustrated in 4, below.
3. Possible Outcomes are 3 : Pass, Re-submit or Fail
Pass normally results from an assessed grade of 2/3 or better.
Re-submission may be requested normally for grades of 3/2 or 3, depending upon the individual piece of work concerned; its status in the course and the nature of the shortfall. Re-submission in this context means amendment and re-submission to an agreed deadline during the current academic year and is normally applied to work needing minor attention.
Fail is normally applied to work assessed grade 3 to 4 and implies the need for an extensive or complete re-work, which may not be possible during the current academic year.
4. Complex Assessment.
In order to ease later processing of complex assessments, additive percentage marking is used in place of the grading system described above.
4.1 Weighted Marking.
Individual aspects of some submissions are weighted to alter their influence on the final, overall mark. For instance, three clinical aspects of a
Case Study may accrue up to 30% each, with a maximum of 10% allowed for presentation, thereby ensuring that clinically sound work is not too much undermined by relatively poor presentation.
4.2 Multiple Assessment. In order to ensure freedom from personal bias, among other measures, key assignments are assessed by more than one assessor. A problem may arise in reconciling differing grades awarded by individual assessors.
Such discrepancies are normally resolved in moderation meetings.
Profound differences are resolved by means other than moderation (see 5. below). Such instances are relatively rare and in most cases, the marks awarded are sufficiently consistent to use a simple average as a starting point for discussion, in the moderation meeting.
The outcome of complex assessments is finally presented as a grade according to the familiar scheme in 1 above. The following figure illustrates both assessment schemes and the relationship between them.
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<25% 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 >95%
4 4/3 3/4 3 3/2 2/3 2 2/1 1/2 1
Fail or re-submit Pass
5. Moderation All work assessed by more than one person undergoes moderation. The process is intended to take account of, and correct for, a number of minor variables that may influence student results, for which students are not responsible. These influences are normally significant only in the case of marginal grades.
Differences between judgements of assessors.
Year to year variations in course process, affecting all students.
Variations in tutelage between sub-groups of students, within a year group
The grade finally awarded to any piece of work is agreed in the moderation meeting, unless profound, irreconcilable differences exist among assessors.
Widely divergent assessments, unreconciled in moderation, may result in the work being referred to CCS’ External Moderator for independent opinion.
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Criteria for Entry to Year 2
1. Policy
Entrants to Year 2 must have received prior training to a minimum total of 90 hours including personal awareness, basic practice skills and psychodynamic theory.
Before commencing client work CCS also requires that entrants have been in personal therapy with a therapist from CCS’s Approved List for a minimum of 6 months continuously before meeting clients.
2. Normal Admission
The following applies to
Students entering Year 2 in September following completion of Year 1 during July of the same year. Such students are normally invited to join Year 2 in their end of year letter from CCS’s Examining Board, at that time.
Students returning from a contracted(*1) year out following Year 1
CCS’s Certificate in Psychodynamic Theory and Skills.
Positive assessment in CCS’s Assessment for Readiness to Practice.
3. Direct Entry
The following applies to any applicant who does not meet the above conditions for normal admission, including ex-CCS students who have taken a break of more than one year since Year 1; or an un-contracted (*1) break of one year.
CCS’s Certificate in Psychodynamic Theory and Skills or another qualification of equivalent content.
Successful interview as a Direct Entrant, including the written submission required for the purpose in CCS’s Application Form for Direct Entry.
*1 See CCS’s Course Framework.
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Criteria for Entry to Year 3
1. Entry Requirements
An overall grade of 2/3 or better for:
Year 2 Class work
Supervisor’s assessment
Personal Tutor’s assessment
Confirmation of continuous Personal Therapy is also required.
Progress with the Year 2-3 Project, to the Project Tutor’s satisfaction.
2. Delayed Entry
Students having taken a break between Years 2 and 3 are assessed at the Examining
Board preceding anticipated return at the start of Year 3 in September.
2.1 Contracted Year Out.
Conditions for a contracted break between Years 2 and 3 are set by CCS’s
Examining Board at the end of Year 2.
Students having conducted a contracted year will be required to meet the entry requirement from 1 above, plus assessments of 2/3 or better for any tutor with whom the student has been in contracted contact during the year out.
2.2 Non-contracted Break
In cases where the student has been unable to engage in a contracted break, CCS’s
Examining Board will stipulate conditions for return, at least:
Meeting the requirements of section 1 above
If personal therapy has been interrupted, resumption at least 3 months prior to joining Year 3.
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Criteria for Award of CCS’s Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling
These assignments must be passed:
Case presentation (Year 3)
Project (Year 2 – 3)
These aspects of the course must have an overall grade of 2/3 or better:
Year 3 Class work assessment.
Supervision assessment
Personal Tutor’s assessment
Practice must include:
Working with at least two clients per week.
At least 100 hours of supervised practice within CCS.
Attendance: Theory/skills:
85% minimum
85% “
Supervision: 43 sessions during the year of which 40 must be conducted in the presence of an appointed supervisor.
Written confirmation from that therapist that trainee has been in ongoing weekly personal psychodynamic therapy from January in Year 1 to the end of the course, to a minmum total of 105 hours.
All fees are paid in full.
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First some definitions:
Analyse - show the essence of something by breaking it down into its component parts and examining each in detail
Criticise - give your judgement about the merit of theories, or opinions about the truth of facts, and back your judgement by a discussion of the evidence
Discuss - investigate or examine by argument, sift and debate, giving reasons for and against
Evaluate - make an appraisal of the worth of something in the light of the apparent truth or utility
Examine - present in depth and investigate the implications
(Taken from: Marshall and Rowland, 1996; p740)
Make sure that you are quite clear about the subject matter of the essay. If you are in any doubt, ring your tutor and ask for clarification. It is much better to be certain that you understand the task you have to carry out before you start on it then to find yourself having to rewrite your essay at a later stage.
When you start to think about the subject matter of the essay, jot down all of your ideas whether they seem particularly important or rather trivial. When you are ready to start writing, you need to organise and integrate your ideas and the information you have in a way that supports your theme/thesis/argument. Group similar ideas together and then organise them in such a way that your essay will have a coherent, logical structure.
Your essay should fall into three main parts:
The Introduction
This section outlines what you are going to say. It:
Outlines your themes OR
States the case that you will argue OR
Outlines your reasons for focusing on specific aspects of a general topic OR
Gives selected data to establish an issue as worthy of writing about OR
Uses a quote which conveys the key ideas you will discuss
The body of your essay
Here you say what you want to say. Use a separate paragraph for each of your main points, and show how the main points are connected to each other. If subheadings will help your reader to understand your argument more easily, use them.
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Don’t expect your reader (even if s/he is your tutor) to be a mind reader. Remember that you have been researching and thinking about the topic recently, so a sentence which conveys a whole collection of ideas to you may not do so to someone else.
When in doubt about whether or not to include or omit material, refer back to your definition of the essay as stated in your introductory paragraph or as you have understood it from your Tutor and ask yourself if the material fits. If it doesn’t, be ruthless and cut it out. It is very important to stick to the word limit given for each essay.
This section must draw together what you have said in the rest of your essay, clearly outlining what you have learned or the case you have argued and its application to counselling/ your personal development etc. Don’t introduce major new arguments in this section. Bring the essay to a close in such a way that your reader feels satisfied that the argument has been well presented and rounded off.
D. References
Your essay needs to be supported by references drawn from your reading. Use references to add weight to your arguments and to support any general statements that you make. See Guide to Referencing later in this section.
The unacknowledged reproduction of quotes, passages or ideas taken from the literature or the internet and presented as the students own work is unacceptable. It will normally result in failure of the assignment, at least, or, depending on the circumstances, may result in termination of the student’s training contract. See Plagiarism Policy, later in this section.
Word Count
Guidelines for each assignment include a word count. The actual number of words in any individual submission may vary within 10% of the stated word count
For example, if asked to write a 2.000 word essay, 1.800 – 2,200 words will be acceptable. You should state a word count at the end of each piece of work, unless the individual assignment guidelines stipulate otherwise.
(These guidelines are heavily indebted to: Marshall L., Rowland F. (1996) A Guide to
Learning Independently. Buckingham: Open University Press and the NCT).
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Policy - Plagiarism
1. Objective of this Policy
The purpose of this document is to clarify the circumstances from which issues of plagiarism may arise and the range of responses available to CCS.
For present purpose, plagiarism is taken to be the written submission, by a student, of the work of one or more others, without proper attribution of the work and/or text to the originator.
Original sources may include work published in public, freely or by purchase; work or writing of other students, staff or individuals, whether produced independently or in collaboration with the student in question.
Material originating from collaboration among students must be clearly attributed as such.
2. Assessment
This section is much informed by “Plagiarism Policy 2007 – QMU”, published freely online by Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh; Revised 2008.
CCS takes seriously all instances of plagiarism and will normally apply a sanction in proportion to the circumstances of any case in question, taking into consideration:
2.1 Degrees of Plagiarism
Poor Practice e.g. Failure to properly indicate or reference quotations; inadequate paraphrasing.
Misbehaviour e.g. Tracts of text copied from other documents, electronically or otherwise, without attribution.
Misconduct e.g. The whole or a substantial proportion of an assignment deceitfully presented as originally the submitting student’s work.
2.2 Other Considerations
Proportion of the submission affected.
Significance and timing of the submission in relation to the eventual award in question.
Stage of Training of the student.
Underlying Intent, depending on the extent to which it may be assessed or admitted.
3. Sanction Guidelines
Occasional Poor Practice will normally be addressed by the assignment tutor, through resubmission.
Misbehaviour or Misconduct must be notified to the training manager in every instance.
The student will receive a firm and final warning, in writing, that repetition will result in termination of the student’s training contract with CCS. Immediate sanctions may also be included as follows.
Year 3 Project or Case Study.
Misbehaviour or Misconduct in either will result in award of an ungraded “Fail” for the submission, entailing unconditional failure of the year at least.
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Other Assignments.
Assessments for all 3 years must include a “Pass” grade for written assignments in each year. Awarding an automatic “Fail” for an individual assignment may therefore entail a penalty out of keeping with the infringement e.g. a re-take of the year at least.
In order to preserve the opportunity for proportional sanction, therefore, a re-submission of the piece of work in question, with the plagiarism corrected, may be stipulated and assessed for inclusion in the year results, as normal.
An additional piece of work may also be imposed, intended to assist end of year assessment of the student’s attitude and learning regarding the infringement. The outcome of this piece of work will be considered by CCS’s Examining Board, in addition to assessments of the student’s normal work for the year.
4. Process
Any tutor identifying or suspecting plagiarism, should at first inform the student’s year tutor, who will discuss the matter with the student.
In all cases of Misbehaviour or Misconduct, CCS’s Training Manager, in collaboration with the tutor(s) concerned will:
Convene/inform Year Team Meetings to agree assessment of the infringement and immediate actions according to section 2 and 3 above.
Notify the student, in writing, of the outcome.
Students disputing the fact of plagiarism, or sanction(s) arising, may address the issue, after notification of the outcome, using CCS’s Appeal Procedure.
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Bibliography : a list of books that you have read relating to the subject, but which may not be specifically referred to in the text.
Referencing : The practice of clearly identifying sources of ideas, quotes and research to which you refer in your written work. It is essential to lend academic credibility to the work, and facilitates understanding of the source and development of your ideas.
YOUR STUDYING. It is an important part of your written work, and once you are used to the process it will become second nature.
There are many different referencing systems in use, and consistency is required. CCS requests that you use the HARVARD SYSTEM.
This should be an alphabetical list, preferably on a separate sheet at the end of the piece of work, headed “References”.
Author or editor’s name(s) – surname followed by initial
Year of publication
Title of book, either underlined or italicized.
Edition if other than the first
City of publication
Publisher’s name e.g.
Jacobs, M. (2006) The Presenting Past, 3 rd edition, London: Open University Press.
This information will then go into the reference list at the end of the piece of written work.
If making general reference to the book, author’s surname and date goes in the text e.g.
“Jacobs (2006) provides an account of the principles underpinning psychodynamic counselling.”
If making a direct quote, then the page number should also be stated in the text e.g.
“Idealisation is one of many defences encountered. As Jacobs(2006:73) states ‘The child
– or the child in the adult – struggles to preserve the good against the ravages of bad experience, and idealization is one defence.’”
If there is more than one author, e.g. Bloggs, J., Brown, S., Smith, T. and Grey, Z.
(2009) they should all be listed in the reference list, but you may put “Bloggs et al
(2009)” in the text.
If the article or book to which you want to refer has only two authors, cite both authors in the text – e.g. Cooper and Ford (1985).
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The author of the relevant chapter referred to would be cited e.g.
Britton, R. (1989) ‘The Missing Link’ in ed. Steiner J. The Oedipus Complex Today,
Clinical Implications, London: Karnac.
Author ‘s name(s) – surname followed by initial
Year in which journal published
Title of article
Title of Journal
Page number(s) of the article in the journal
As much other info as you can find, e.g. volume and issue numbers. e.g.
Larson, L., Suzuki, L., Gillespie, K., Potenza, M., Bechtel, M. and Toulouse, A. (1992)
‘Development and validation of the counselling self estimate inventory’ Journal of
Counselling Psychology, 39,1,105-20.
Reference to this article in the text would read ‘Larson et al (1992)’.
Johnson, R. (2001) Access courses for women, e-mail to MIACE Lifelong Learning Mailing
List ( lifelong-learning@niace.org.uk
) , 22 Aug. (24 Aug 2001)
Not everything is listed here, and it is suggested that you consult your tutors for clarification.
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Categories of Membership:
Please contact BACP (for instance, at www.BACP.co.uk
) for full details and prevailing subscription rates.
Student member
As a student member it is likely that you are at the start of your counselling and psychotherapy career and also new to BACP. It is our intention to guide and support you as you progress to our member (MBACP) category and hopefully to become an accredited member of BACP.
Student membership is available if you are undertaking classroom tuition on a counselling/psychotherapy course that is a minimum of one year full time or two years part time with a supervised placement.
Associate membership is for all members who have not completed a one-year full time or two-year part time course, or who are not taking further qualifications, or for those whose qualifications do not meet the minimum standard for MBACP. Associate members will eventually move either into the student member category (with appropriate training) or remain in associate membership.
Member (MBACP)
If you have successfully completed and graduated from a minimum of a one year full time or two year part time counselling/psychotherapy qualification that included a supervised placement you are eligible to become a member of BACP with the use of the designatory letters MBACP.
Accredited member (MBACP Accred)
In order to become an accredited member of BACP you are required to join BACP first.
It is then possible to work towards your accreditation. Once you have become an accredited member you can use the letters MBACP (Accred). Accreditation criteria are at www.bacp.co.uk/accreditation
Those who have been accredited for six years can apply to become senior accredited members. This status affords the use of the letters MBACP (Snr. Accred).
Affiliate membership is a new category of membership for those who only want affiliation with BACP and who are not practising or qualified counsellors or psychotherapists. It is only open to those who do not have any formal counselling or psychotherapy qualifications but have an interest in counselling and psychotherapy.
Benefits of membership include subscription to Therapy Today and CPR and reductions in the cost of publications and events. Members of this category are exempt from voting rights and may not join any of the divisions as members.
Reduced rates of membership:
BACP offers two subsidised rates for categories of membership and individual membership of divisions/faculties. These are 'reduced fee' and 'reduced fee for life'.
Reduced rates are half the full rates.
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Responsibility for making training decisions in CCS relating to the award of a Diploma to a student or to defer to a subsequent stage of the course is vested in the
Examining Board. In carrying out its work the Examining Board is charged with making sure that the standards applied in their decisions are those commonly applied to comparable institutions. It is its responsibility to protect the value of the Diploma for all students - past, current or future. To the candidates, they are expected to ensure fairness and equality of treatment, freedom from bias, from prejudice and from favouritism. To protect academic standards, an External Moderator is required to be appointed to help maintain standards and to be able to report on their equivalence to the standards of other institutions.
In terms of treatment of the candidates, various devices are used to help ensure the fairness and equity of the proceedings. The anticipation of the tutor who had been concerned with the students, the double marking of projects where appropriate and the reference to the External Moderator, all help in the application of uniform and fair standards. The evidence of tutors and in particular supervisors will be sought to assist decision making.
The decision may incorporate consequences, for example that a candidate had failed in one aspect so the Examining Board defers him/her, that is, requires him/her to gain further practical experience and to continue his/her personal therapy. Mostly, however, consequences are implicit. A decision that a candidate had failed a first-year assessment implies (1) that he/she may not proceed to the second year and usually
(2) that he/she must leave CCS. It may well be that a student is aggrieved not so much with the decisions in themselves but in the application of the consequences.
Academic failure (meaning coursework and practice) is not the sole ground on which a student’s membership of CCS may be subjected to conditions or even terminated.
Other grounds include persistent failure to attend or to do coursework, and behaviour damaging the work or the social life of CCS, and ethical considerations including the breaking of the rules of confidentiality. This paper is concerned solely, however, with appeals against academic decisions and their consequences.
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Procedure for Appeals
A student who feels aggrieved over a formal assessment and/or its consequences is recommended in the first place to seek an interview with the Course Tutor and
Training Manager to clarify his/her position.
If a student wishes to appeal, the Training Manager should be notified of the intention, in writing, within 14 days of the notification, in writing, of the results of the
The only grounds on which an Appeal will be considered are:
That the Examining Board or assessor was unaware of a significant factor relating to a candidate which might have affected the decision upon his/her performance
That the procedures and conduct of the assessment were not properly followed.
It will be the responsibility of the student to produce evidence to support his/her contention. In any event, the student will also be asked to show why the existence of this factor was not communicated to the Examining
Board in time to be considered at their meeting.
Step 1. Upon receipt of notification of intent to Appeal, the Training Manager shall as soon as possible ask the student to write the basis of the Appeal.
Step 2. If the Training Manager, in consultation with the External Moderator, agree that no prima facie case exists, the Appeal fails.
Step 3. If a prima facie case is held to exist, the Training Manager will inform the
Chief Executive of the appeal. In consultation with the Chief Executive, the
Training Manager and External Moderator may jointly set an additional piece of work to be undertaken by the appellant, with the aim of providing further evidence towards resolution of the appeal. Terms and conditions of assessment of the work will also be stipulated in such cases.
Step 4. An Appeal Committee, including the Training Manager, External Moderator and Chief Executive will be formed and will assess evidence relevant to the appeal. At discretion of the Appeal Committee, this may include interviewing the appellant; the originator of the assessment(s) in question and/or others, either separately or jointly. All such interviews will be recorded in writing.
One colleague of his or her choice may accompany each Interviewee.
Having completed assessment of the evidence, the Appeal Committee will notify the appellant and other contributors to the appeal, in writing, of the outcome. The Appeal Committee’s decision is final.
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Chichester Counselling Services
Procedure for Formal Complaints against Trainers or Training.
1. Purpose of This Procedure
This procedure is intended to facilitate the progress of Formal Complaints raised in connection with provision of training by Chichester Counselling Services (CCS). This means training provided under the name of, and managed by, CCS.
A Formal Complaint must stipulate unethical or otherwise improper behaviour on the part of one or more staff engaged in delivery, management or administration, in breach of one or more specific items in the following:
The contract under which the complainant is engaged with CCS.
CCS’s Course Framework, Student Handbook (where provided) or other CCS procedure.
Relevant BACP Framework for Ethical Practice.
CCS endeavours to pursue an Equal Opportunities policy. This procedure is intended, if possible, to reach agreement and resolution of the issue(s) in question, without prejudice or pressure to any involved; consistently with meeting the ethical standards of BACP, of which CCS is an organisational member.
2. Limitations
Complaints will be accepted from those with whom CCS has, or had at the time in question, a Training Contract. In the absence of a formal contract document, for instance for day workshops, acceptance of a booking form by CCS will be considered a contract.
Complaints from third parties may be accepted at discretion of CCS’s Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) in consultation with the appointed Complaint Manager.
This procedure is not available for:
Questioning or challenging the outcome of student assessment or other course processes. In such cases CCS’s Training Appeal Procedure should be used.
Complaints against external trainers, who may be using CCS’s premises under hire.
Such trainers must provide a corresponding procedure as a pre-requisite of hire.
Communication, verbal or written, regarding the content or process of an ongoing complaint is restricted to those who need to know under this procedure, until the procedure is complete, as notified by the Complaint Manager.
CCS undertakes to maintain confidentiality as stated. Any breach by an employee of CCS will be regarded as a disciplinary offence and addressed under CCS’s Disciplinary
Procedure. In the event of a breach occurring externally, CCS reserves the right to terminate the procedure, in writing, or take other action in response.
In case one party or another may wish to refer, in confidence, to an external professional body such as BACP, such disclosure will normally be acceptable, provided that the disclosure is restricted to the circumstances in question, without identifying the other individual(s) or organisation(s) involved.
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3. Procedure
Receipt of Verbal Complaints
Any member of CCS, on hearing what he or she believes may be a verbal complaint, should inform the complainant that a formal complaint may be made and that a copy of this procedure is available in CCS’s Diploma Student Handbook or, on demand, from
CCS’s Office Administrator.
No further comment should be made.
Receipt of Formal Complaints
Complaints must be made in writing, as (1) above, to the Chief Executive Officer of CCS.
On receipt the CEO will normally appoint the Training Manager as Complaint Manager, unless the Training Manager is the subject of the complaint, in which case the CEO will appoint an alternative.
Complaint Manager
The primary responsibility of this appointment is to convene Complaint Hearings, as detailed below. Throughout the procedure the complaint Manager is also responsible for ensuring:
Adherence to procedure.
Accurate, prompt written communication among those involved.
Storage of all relevant correspondence, maintaining confidentiality.
All communications specified in this procedure will be in writing.
Initial Procedure
In consultation between the CEO and Complaint Manager, the complaint will be assessed for compliance with (1) above. If necessary, re-submission, with administrative support
(see note 1) of the Complaint Manager, will be requested. In any event the Complaint
Manager will acknowledge receipt of the complaint, including a copy of this procedure.
In the event that the complaint does not qualify at the third submission, the complainant will be informed that the complaint cannot be processed under this procedure.
On receipt of a qualifying complaint, the complainant will also receive notification that an
Internal Hearing will be arranged within 30 working days and that he or she may be accompanied in the hearing by a colleague of his or her choice (See Note 2).
The Complaint Manager will then also notify the complained against, including:
A copy of this procedure.
A copy of the complaint.
A requirement to respond, in writing, within 10 working days.
Notification that an Internal Hearing will be arranged within 20 working days of receipt of the response.
That he or she may be accompanied in the hearing by a colleague of his or her choice.
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Hearings will be recorded in writing.
The aims of the hearings are:
To allow each of the principals (complainant against complained against) to speak to their written submissions with comment from others, as invited by the Chair.
If possible, to reach a conclusion acceptable to both complainant and complained against, including potential compensation acceptable to the former.
Records of hearings will be circulated to all attending, inviting amendment and signature from each. In the event that unanimous agreement is not reached at the second iteration of the record, a final copy will be circulated, with proposed amendments noted, but unincorporated.
Internal Hearing
The Internal Hearing will be attended by:
The Complaint Manager (Chair)
A recorder (normally CCS’s Administrator)
The complainant, plus a colleague of his or her choice.
The complained against, plus a colleague of his or her choice.
External Hearing
The External Hearing will be chaired by the CEO of CCS and attended by those attending the Internal Hearing, plus an independent consultant such as CCS’s External Moderator, or other person not otherwise employed by CCS, whose attributes should include:
Ideally, experience of complaints administration and process in the counselling and training sectors.
Counselling or psychotherapy training and practice, with ongoing practice and/or management of counselling/psychotherapy service(s), supported by membership of an appropriate professional body.
Training and practice as a teacher or trainer with ongoing practice and/or management in the field of further, higher or adult education, supported by membership of an appropriate professional body.
The consultant’s role is not to arbitrate, but to provide comment, opinion and advice as to possibilities and best practice.
Ending Process
This procedure will end if and when: a) Agreement is reached at any point. b) Either principal fails to engage with this procedure, without reasonable notice and explanation. Should the complainant be in default, the complaint will be considered to have been withdrawn; should the complained against be in default, the allegation will be considered valid. c) The External Hearing concludes without agreement.
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The Complaint Manager will notify each of the participants of the fact, requesting signatures as before. In the event that a breach of BACP ethics has been agreed, CCS will notify BACP accordingly.
If breach of BACP ethics has been in question and remains unresolved, the complainant will be notified that the BACP Complaints procedure may be available, at the discretion of
Note 1. Complainant Support
Without prejudice to the complainant’s right to seek external advice at will, the
Complaint Manager’s responsibility is to provide impartial guidance to the complainant regarding conduct of this procedure and, specifically, the documents from section 1 above, applicable to the issue under question. Also to supply copies of them as requested to the complainant and later, should the need arise, to the complained against.
The Complaint Manager will not act as a mentor or advisor for or against the substance of the complaint.
Note 2. Colleague of Choice
The colleague of choice accompanying either complainant or complained against is invited to provide personal support in the hearings, regardless of any other role they may fulfil otherwise. Such individuals may be invited to contribute to the hearing by the Chair, but are not invited as an advocate or representative in general of complainant or complained against.
Should complainant or complained against consider that circumstances demand a formal advocate or representative, separate application for a concession on the point should be made in writing to the Complaint Manager, accompanying the substance of the complaint.
PAS 29.01.10
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We recognise that undertaking a training course such as the CCS Diploma is emotionally very demanding and that the necessary growth in personal awareness can be both exciting and at times painful. It is an essential requirement of counsellors that they are open to lifelong learning about themselves and others, are flexible in their thinking and are willing to change. Counsellors also need to be able to challenge others and be open to receiving challenge themselves.
All staff work together to provide support for students throughout the course within their specific areas. The Personal Tutor is particularly concerned with supporting the student’s emotional and physical well-being and with personal awareness. The Personal Tutor treats students’ personal material as confidential; exceptions to this might arise, for example if the tutor feels that the student might be at risk of harm to self or others, or if the student discloses information we are legally obliged to act upon. Any sharing of information with other staff is normally discussed and agreed with the student in advance.
The BACP Ethical Framework requires counsellors to take responsibility for themselves and their clients, to monitor activity and the limitations of their own competence.
Counsellors whose functioning is impaired due to personal or emotional difficulties or illness should not be working with clients. In such circumstances the Personal Tutor can support the student in deciding on the appropriate course of action.
For continuity, wherever possible students keep the same Personal Tutor throughout their training.
The Personal Tutor’s role includes:
Providing overall support for the student throughout the course.
Monitoring, encouraging, and facilitating the student’s personal growth, development in self-awareness and ability to work with issues as they arise. This may include challenging students about areas that need addressing.
Collating reports from tutors and supervisors. Issues arising from these reports may be discussed in tutorials called by either the student or the Personal Tutor.
Being available to other members of the training team and supervisors to share concerns about a student or a student’s work.
Monitoring students’ personal therapy, including seeking confirmation that weekly therapy has been maintained for the required period. No other contact will be had with the therapist regarding the student.
Assessing personal awareness, looking to see evidence of development and change throughout the course. Assessment takes place through termly tutorials, the student’s learning journal, a short essay and the end of year assessment.
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Throughout the year, weekly entries must be made in a learning journal. (See later in this section for full explanation and details)
Students are required to attend one tutorial each term with the Personal Tutor. In exceptional circumstances extra tutorials may be made available/required.
The tutor will set up a timetable for tutorials and the appropriate section of the Learning
Journal must be submitted to the Personal Tutor by the given date prior to the tutorial.
Journals should be placed in the year group tray, in a sealed envelope with the name of the tutor and student on the envelope.
Students are required to write one essay of 1000 words each year, based on the
Learning Journal, to be handed into the Personal Tutor by the given date of the spring term. This copy will be kept on file. If the essay fails to meet the requirements, the student may be asked to re-write. You will receive a completed essay assessment form from the Personal Tutor. (see forms )
Essay Titles:
Demonstrate your growing self-awareness with reference to your Learning Journal.
Demonstrate your growing awareness of themes and patterns as they emerge in your Learning Journal and your understanding of how they affect you.
Use your Learning Journal to show your understanding of transference, counter transference and projections with reference to yourself and your personal relationships on the course and elsewhere
To be handed in to the personal tutor by the given date of the summer term.
Write 100 words on each of the Journal learning objectives using evidence from your learning journal. Each topic must be headed and graded 1-4 using the same grading that you will find on your “Personal Tutors End of Year Assessment” form in your pack.
For example, if you feel that you are highly competent then write 1 beside the title.
Underneath support the grade you have given yourself in 100 words using page numbers to refer to your journal.
The Learning Journal is a requirement for all students throughout the course and is assessed each term by the Personal Tutor. It is a tool with which you will be able to
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Chichester Counselling Services Student Handbook 2011 - Orange Section - Page O32 recognise your growing self-awareness and areas to be worked on. It should incorporate evidence of change and learning in a variety of forms, including statements about self, feelings, ideas, reflections, observations, statements from peers and tutors, covering all aspects of the training and how it impacts on your personal life. This will help you in all areas of the course by raising your self awareness.
The Journal must demonstrate an awareness of your thoughts and feelings, linking past events with the present, including thoughts and feelings raised by the course. The ongoing exploration of your thoughts and feelings should include awareness of personal assumptions, beliefs, values and attitudes, the dark side (such as envy, jealousy, anger, rage) and how you interact within the group.
Learning Objectives for the journal:
Awareness and exploration of thoughts and feelings including the dark side, such as envy, jealousy, anger and rage.
Awareness and exploration of blind spots, blocks and vulnerabilities.
Recognition of how you impact upon others, at C.C.S. and elsewhere.
Recognition of your position in groups.
Reflection on learning in all parts of the course (e.g. reading, therapy, role plays, group discussion)
Exploration and of unstructured learning throughout the course (e.g. conversations, observations, group dynamics, reactions, events)
Awareness of personal assumptions and beliefs, values and attitudes.
Impact of training on all other areas of life.
Framework of the journal:
-It should incorporate the above learning objectives.
-It must be legible.
-Use loose-leaf A4 paper so that only appropriate sections can be handed in.
-Entries must be made weekly, dated and pages numbered.
-Entries should be of no less than 250 words per week.
-It must be referenced to the learning objectives.
Before each tutorial your personal tutor will read the most recent section of your journal dating from the previous term’s hand in date.
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It is a requirement of the Diploma course that you are in weekly counselling for the duration of your training and we ask you to choose a counsellor from our
Approved List, to start by the beginning of Spring Term (January) in Year 1.
Your counselling will be ongoing throughout your training except for planned holidays. It is not a term time only commitment.
It is important for all counsellors to experience being a client themselves.
A good role model is helpful in applying theory to practice, hence our requirement that you go to someone working psychodynamically.
The course content and experience and working with clients raises issues for us of which we may have been unaware. These may be painful and we need a safe, detached and confidential place in which to work on them. Apart from our own need to do this, it is a responsibility we have to our clients, because it is possible to unconsciously block a client from working on something which is also a painful area for us.
Your personal therapist must be selected from among those listed on CCS’ Approved
Therapist List. The list includes numerous counsellors in an area bounded roughly by
Southampton, Brighton and Epsom, all of whom have been individually assessed by CCS as providing therapy compatible with your training.
The full list usually includes therapists whose names are not shown on the current published list, indicating that they are not available to new student contacts. Please contact only those whose details appear on the current published list.
We are aware that it may be difficult for you to know where to start in making your choice. You may find it helpful to consider the following factors:
Cost – some counsellors are willing to negotiate a lower fee knowing that you will be attending for a minimum of 2½ years. It is perfectly OK for you to make enquires about charges, including costs for your holidays, breaks for illness etc.
Geography – you may wish to use a counsellor near where you live, for convenience and to reduce travelling costs and time. You need to be aware that this might also mean that you meet your counsellor in other contexts such as your local school or supermarket! You could elect to see a counsellor in Chichester on a day when you are already coming to CCS. If so, you may want to consider your energy levels and also allowing enough time after your session to “recover”. It is not always easy to go from your own personal material to considering client work.
Gender – it is quite acceptable to shop around to find a counsellor who feels right for you, you may want to meet with several before making your choice. This would also enable you to experience the counsellor’s set up and see if you like the room, seating, facilities etc.
Flexibility – if you might want to change the day/time of your counselling in future you will need to know that your counsellor can offer some flexibility with this. It is OK to make enquiries.
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Individual students may sometimes find difficulty in taking up with an existing approved therapist. If so, the matter should first be discussed with your Personal Tutor. In the absence of other solutions, CCS is willing to assess candidate therapists. In seeking such candidates, students should look for experienced psychodynamic counsellors who are
Individually Accredited by BACP or registered with UKCP or another relevant, national professional body.
Having identified a potential candidate, please refer to the Training Manager or your
Personal Tutor before making contact with the candidate.
Therapist assessment process is confidential between CCS and the candidate therapist.
The student will be informed of the outcome when assessment is complete.
All the counsellors on our list are asked to use the psychodynamic model in working with you. They are also expected to be exemplary in establishing and maintaining ethical boundaries as well as boundaries of time, place and money etc. If boundaries are broken this becomes part of the work between you and the counsellor – you will both want to explore the dynamics of what is happening. If you have any unresolved concerns about your counsellor you may discuss them in confidence with your personal tutor.
You need to be aware that there may be other students who are using the same counsellor, though not normally students from your own training group. We suggest that you exercise caution in discussing your therapy with other students and in naming your counsellor. You may, for example, pick up on someone else’s feelings about their counsellor and it could interfere with your own work if you then discovered you are working with the same person.
If you have any queries or concerns about making this choice you may contact your personal tutor at CCS for a discussion.
Please complete the tear-off slip below and return it to your Personal Tutor by the beginning of the Spring term.
At the end of each year you Personal Tutor will write, with your signed consent, to your counsellor to confirm your attendance, but no other contact is made in relation to you.
We hope you find your personal counselling stimulating and supportive.
Please return to your Personal Tutor by the beginning of January.
Student’s name:
Counsellor’s name:
Date started in counselling:
Signed (Student):
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Tutorials provide an opportunity for review, for an exchange of information between tutor and student and for clarification of issues pertaining to the course.
Usually, tutors will put up a list of possible appointments prior to the tutorial and you will be expected to sign up for a time. Although we attempt to make the timing as convenient as possible, inevitably this can cause difficulties. Time available is limited by room availability, tutor availability and the marking schedules. Appointment will be for
50 mins.
Tutors normally provide at least 4 weeks notice of the available tutorial appointments.
Time spent beforehand preparing is important. Your tutor will prepare for the tutorial and expect you to have done the same. What that preparation might be will vary from student to student, term to term and Year to Year and many different factors.
You may consider:
Where a Student self-assessment form exists for the tutorial in question, it should be completed before, and taken to, the tutorial, unless agreed otherwise with the tutor concerned.
Your thoughts about the tutor’s comments from previous term(s), which you may want to discuss further.
Your own progress and your thoughts and feelings on this matter.
If you are clear about your strengths and areas for development at this stage of the course.
If there is any point you wish to clarify as a result of reading ahead on the requirements for the next term.
Anything else that you feel you want to communicate during the tutorial e.g. feedback on the course or the tutor.
Although tutorials are about your progress with the course work, how you are feeling and what is difficult (if anything) may be very important to your progress with the course work. So please do mention things that you think are relevant.
Final Tutorial of the Year
During this tutorial your tutor should be able to give you information about how you have done in the Year so far and whether they consider that you are ready for the next
Year/Pass the Diploma. This will be based on your assessed work and self-awareness.
However, remember, a pass is not down to any one tutor but to the examining board at the end of the year, when all your work and development will be considered.
Bring any necessary documentation (e.g. term’s/year’s work, which has been returned to you).
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Year 2 & 3
This group takes the form of an experiential group. It provides an opportunity for understanding group processes, for thinking about what is happening in the here and now, and for gaining personal insight through the interactions that take place within the group. Both professional and personal issues may be brought to the group. The group provides an opportunity for members to explore how they behave, feel and react in an unstructured group (i.e. does not have a fixed agenda and is not ‘directed’ by the facilitator).
The experiential group is not a therapy group, though therapeutic insight can and does take place in the group. The therapeutic and academic needs of the student are met elsewhere on the course, and so there is no responsibility in the group for therapy or prescriptive teaching. The purposes of the experiential group in training are clearly identified in an article written by Joan Hutton. They are as follows:
To heighten awareness of self in the here and now.
To heighten awareness of others in the here and now.
To explore the significance of the fact that individuals can and do perceive the same events differently.
To place responsibility for learning with individual members.
To heighten members’ capacity to think about feelings and observations as they happen.
To further the appreciation and use of difference developing an openness to feelings, thoughts and experiences that are different from their own.
To develop the capacity to monitor what is work (on task) and what is anti-work
(diversion from task).
(Psychodynamic Counselling 22 May 1996)
The tasks of the Personal and Professional Development Group Tutor/conductor are as follows:
To provide students with the opportunity to develop and enhance their levels of selfawareness and professional development.
To provide a setting which is safe enough for students to be able to reflect and work on issues in the group, and where they can develop greater understanding and awareness of group processes – in other words the provision of a reflective space.
To draw attention to patterns and sequences in the group and what these mean to the speakers and the group.
To offer group hypotheses for consideration.
To keep time boundaries, and be aware of the stage of term and course.
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As with any kind of counselling activity, confidentiality is essential, and group members must respect the confidentiality of the group and all matters pertaining to it. However, it is recognised that individual students may wish to discuss their personal feelings about the group with their Personal Tutor.
Another boundary to be respected is that of time-keeping and students are asked to be punctual for the start of the group.
The following books are recommended:
Barnes, B, Ernst, S, Hyde, K (1999)
An Introduction to Groupwork, A Group Analytic Perspective (Macmillan Press)
Rose, C (2008)
The Personal Development Group: The Student’s Guide (Karnac)
The following may also be of interest:
Baron, R et al (1992)
Group process, group decisions, group action (O.U. Press)
Whitaker, D.S. (1985)
Using Groups to help People (London, Routledge and Kegan Paul)
Yalom, I.D, Leszcz, M (2005)
Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy (Basic Books)
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Chichester Counselling Services Student Handbook 2011 - Orange Section - Page O38
Following Year I
Students taking a break following Year 1 may do so in 1 of 2 ways: a) Those taking a complete break will need to apply for Direct Entry to Year 2 at some later date, by completing an application form and attending interview.
Direct entrants are required to be in personal therapy, with a counsellor from
CCS’s Approved List, for a minimum of 6 months before entering Year 2. Those having taken a break from therapy, should apply, therefore, before March of the year in which they wish to join Year 2 in September
B) Alternatively a contracted break my be taken for one year. The student must remain in personal therapy throughout, maintain the learning journal and attend once per term tutorials with the Personal Tutor. Subject to satisfactory assessment by the Personal Tutor, at the preceding Examining Board, the student may then enter Year 2 without new application or interview. A charge will be made to cover the cost of personal tutorials.
Advanced Students
Students taking a year out en route to a Diploma must attend and pay a charge to cover attendance at one tutorial, with his or her personal tutor, per term.
Personal therapy must be continuous throughout the year out, subject to normal breaks for holidays, etc.
A piece of work of the student’s choice and approved by the personal tutor must be undertaken during the year. Evidence of study, either written or verbal, must be to the Personal Tutor’s satisfaction.
Students who enter their year out with significant work outstanding may use the outstanding work as their subject of choice. In these circumstances, an additional charge will be made according to the tutorial time required; this will be assessed and advised to the student at the beginning of the year out.
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Procedures for leaving the course part-way through the year
If you decide to leave the course at any point, we ask you to follow these procedures:
Make an appointment to speak with your Personal Tutor to discuss your intentions and plan your ending.
Write to the Head of Training outlining your intentions. Send copies to all staff concerned, including Head of Counselling and Office Manager if Year 2,3 or the
Diploma Extension.
Make an ending with your course group and supervision group, preferably in person.
This allows the group to have a proper ending with you. It can cause a lot of distress for a group when someone simply disappears. The training will have demonstrated to you the therapeutic value of clients having a proper ending, and this is equally valid for yourself and your colleagues at Chichester Counselling Services. If you are physically unable to do this, then a letter to your group would be second best.
Tie up any loose ends, e.g. collect any of your work from tutors.
Give notice re client work – 3 months for the client, discussion in supervision.
Sort out your financial situation. You will need to arrange to pay your fees as agreed in the offer of acceptance of place letter you signed at the beginning of the year. This means giving one full term’s notice, but may run from half term to half term. Please let the Head of Training and the Finance Administrator know how you are intending to do this.
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Chichester Counselling Services Student Handbook 2011 - Orange Section - Page O40
All qualifying students are required to complete a one-year Probationary Year. This year is an essential component in counsellor training and a time for integration and consolidation of the learning from the Diploma.
To ensure consistency with the academic and supervisory year, the Probationary Year commences on 1 st October after successful completion of the Diploma in
Psychotherapeutic Counselling and finishes on 30 th September of the following year.
It is very much hoped that counsellors will continue to counsel at CCS after the completion of this year and work towards BACP Accreditation. Counsellors’ contribution to the organisation and to the community is greatly valued and needs qualified and experienced counsellors for the more difficult clinical work.
In return, counsellors are currently offered some help towards fares and car-parking, continuing professional development and the advantages of working with a wide range of clients, either with an open-ended or a time-limited contract, with free high quality supervision. CCS has a Fixed Fee Scheme through which experienced counsellors can do paid work.
Qualified counsellors leaving CCS are required to give at least three months notice in writing to the Chief Executive, copied to both supervisor and Head of Counselling.
Client’s best interests must be taken into account in the planning process for ending
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