C. Y. Yeung (AL Chemistry) F7 AL Chemistry (Tutorial 25a) ~ Suggested Solution ~ 1. Draw an energy profile for the electrophilic addition reaction between propene and dry hydrogen bromide. potential energy + CH3–CH–CH3 + Br CH3–CH=CH2 + HBr CH3–CH–CH3 H < 0 Br reaction coordinate 2. Complete the following equations, and label the major product and minor product if necessary. (a) dry HCl CH3–CH=CH2 (major) CH3–CH–CH3 (minor) CH3–CH2–CH2–Cl + Cl CH3 (b) CH3 CH3 dry HBr Br (major) (c) CH3–CH=C(CH3)2 (d) CH3–CH=CH2 (e) + dry HBr I–Cl + Br (minor) CH3CH2–C(CH3)2Br (major) + CH3CH(Br)–CH(CH3)2 (minor) CH3CH(Cl)–CH2I (major) + CH3CHI–CH2Cl (minor) H2SO4 OSO3H (f) dry HBr CH2 CH3 CH2Br + Br (major) (minor) (g) CH2Br CH2 + HOBr CH2OH Br + OH (major) (minor) OH (h) + H2O OH H3PO4 + 3000C, 65atm (major) (minor) 1/2 3. C. Y. Yeung (AL Chemistry) Draw the structure and name the major organic product from the reaction between cyclohexene and (a) bromine water Br 2-bromocyclohexanol OH (b) bromine in CCl4 Br 1,2-dibromocyclohexane Br (c) hydrogen bromide Br 4. bromocyclohexane An alkane (X) with the molecular formula C5H12 reacts with bromine in the presence of sunlight to give one monobrominated product Y only. KOH to give an alkene. Draw the structure of X and Y. CH3 CH3 X: Y does not react with hot alcoholic Y: CH3–C–CH3 CH3–C–CH3 CH2Br CH3 (no H atom on adjacent C, no elimination) 5. With no more than four steps, outline a synthetic route to accomplish each of the following transformations. In each step, give the reagent(s) used, the conditions required and the structure of the product. (a) CH3CH2CH2CH2Br alc. KOH CH3CH2CHCH2Br heat under reflux Br Br2 in CCl4 electrophilic addition dehydrohalogenation CH3CH2CH=CH2 (b) CH3CH2CH2CH2OH conc. H2SO4 heat under reflux CH3CH2CHCH3 Br dry HBr electrophilic addition dehydration CH3CH2CH=CH2 2/2