Unit/Lesson Plan Template 1. Unit Title: All The King’s Men Lesson Sequence: January Subject/Topic Area: English III United States Literature Grade Level: 11th Key Vocabulary/Phrases: Corruption, Blackmail, Machiavellianism, Idealism Unit Designer: Tara Hannum Time Frame: 10 – 12 days 2. Unit Goals: Students will acquire knowledge of the author Robert Penn Warren’s life and literary career as it relates to the novel All The King’s Men. Student’s will gain an understanding of the historical context of the novel through independent research assignments and class lecture. Students will examine the themes of history, political power/corruption, and alienation as they relate to the novel. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the ideas expressed in the novel by choosing a topic to explore further through a compare and contrast essay. 3. Content Standard: Objective 5.03 Demonstrate the ability to read, listen to and view a variety of increasingly complex print and non-print literacy texts appropriate to grade level and course literary focus. (www.ncpublicdvhoold.org/curiculum/languagearts/scos/) 4. Activities and Proven Teaching Methods: In class reflection of audio reading of chapter I. Design of book jacket – multimedia collage Webquest collaborative research assignments Compare/Contrast Essay Presentation of Book Jackets Reading Journal Viewing original All The King’s Men film 5. Assessment/Data Analysis: Reading Quizzes WebQuest collaborative Assignment Book Jacket/ Presentation Essay Reading Journal 6. Re-teaching/Enrichment: Students who did not reach mastery will be given the opportunity to correct quizzes to earn back points lost. Also, extra credit journal reflections will be offered to students that need extra points. The essay assignment can be edited and turned in again to earn back lost points. Those students that have reached mastery can extend their learning by reading the poetry of Robert Penn Warren and writing a reflective essay on one of his poems or viewing recent All The King’s Men film starring Sean Penn and compare and contrast it to the original film in essay form. Unit Plan Pacing Guide: All The King’s Men Day 1 Background on life of Robert Penn Warren Anticipation guide on themes of novel HW: Begin reading ch. 1-3 Reserve computer lab for webquest activity Day 5 10 pt. quiz on ch. 4 – 6 Discussion of Machiavellianism and the events of ch. 4 - 6 Book Jacket explanation and brainstorm HW: Read ch. 7 – 10 start work on book jackets Day 9 10 pt. quiz on ch. 7 – 10 In class work time on book jackets and essay assignment Day 2 Audio reading of AKM Discuss corruption and blackmail Reflection on ch. 1 Share reflections Day 6 Discussion of Idealism HW: Journal entry III Day 10 Book Jacket Presentations Begin AKM film Day 3 10 pt. quiz on ch. 1- 3 Webquest 1930’s activity Discussion of events in ch 1 - 3 Journal Entry I HW: Read ch. 4 - 6 Day 7 Explanation of Essay assignment Discussion of events ch 7 - 10 Day 11 Book Jacket Presentations cont. AKM film cont. Day 4 Webquest activity on Huey Long Discussion similarities and differences between Long and Stark HW: Jounal entry II Expect quiz on ch. 4 – 6 Day 8 Discussion of events ch 7 – 10 Discussion of themes Review for quiz Reserve tv/dvd player Day 12 Essay Due Continue Film Lesson I - All The King’s Men Review /Objective – (10 Minutes) After completing lesson students will: Have a basic understanding of the life and work of Robert Penn Warren by viewing, listening, and taking notes on a Power Point presentation about the author’s background. Have anticipated the themes of the novel by completing an Anticipation Guide about the novel. Instructional Input - (30 Minutes) Power Point presentation on Robert Penn Warren with guided notes. Student Activity – (30 Minutes) Anticipation guide Students work on their own to complete the guide then pair and share in groups of two. Debriefing – (15 Minutes) Short group discussion of activity What was learned about Robert Penn Warren What do students anticipate about the novel Closure – (5 Minutes) Distribute Unit Guide Assignment – Start reading chapters 1 – 3 Lesson II – All The King’s Men Review/Objective – (10 Minutes) After completing lesson student will: Have listened, reflected, and expressed their thoughts on an audio reading of the first chapter of All The King’s Men Have explored the meaning of corruption and blackmail as they relate to the themes in the novel Instructional Input - (30 Minutes) Students will listen to an audio reading of the first chapter of All The King’s Men. Discussion of setting and how the author establishes the setting in chapter one Student Activity – (30 Minutes) Students will work independently on a one page reflection of the reading of chapter one keeping in mind the way in which the author developing the setting of the novel in chapter one. Debriefing – (15 Minutes) Volunteers will read aloud their reflections on chapter one Closure – (5 Minutes) Assignment to continue reading chapters 1 – 3 expect quiz Lesson III – All The King’s Men Review/Objective - (10 Minutes) After completing lesson students will: Have demonstrated their knowledge of the first three chapters of the novel by taking a ten point quiz Have recalled and interpreted events in chapters 1 - 3 Have a general understanding of the fashion, music, politics and art of the early 1930’s by completing Webquest activity Instructional Input – (20 Minutes) Discussion of events in chapters 1 - 3 Student Activity – (40 Minutes) Quiz on chapters 1-3 Webquest Activity Debriefing – (15 Minutes) Exchange quizzes and grade Discuss correct answers Explanation of Journal and Journal Entry I – How is the fashion and music of the early 1930’s reflective of the time period? Closure – (5 Minutes) Assignment begin reading chapters 4 – 6 Lesson IV – All The King’s Men Review/Objective – (10 Minutes) After completing the lesson students will: Have collaborated to locate information on U.S. Senator Huey Long in the form of a Webquest Have basic understanding of the life U.S. Senator Huey Long and how his politics and life are similar to the character Willie Start Instructional Input – (10 Minutes) Explanation of the Webquest activity Student Activity – (45 Minutes) Webquest Activity Debriefing – (20 Minutes) Go over answers from Webquest Discuss the similarities and differences between Huey Long and Willie Stark Closure – (5 Minutes) Expect quiz on chapters 4-6 Assignment Journal entry II – reflect on the similarities and differences between Huey Long and Willie Stark Lesson V – All The King’s Men Review/Objective – (10 Minutes) After completing the lesson student will: Have demonstrated their understanding of chapters 4-6 by completing a 10 point quiz on the material. Have a basic understanding of the term Machiavellianism and how it relates to the characters in the novel Have recalled and interpreted events in chapters 4 - 6 Have started to think about creating a book jacket for the novel that illustrates either the conflicts, ideas, characters, or setting of the book Instructional Input – (30 Minutes) Discussion of the term Machiavellianism as it relates to the characters and conflicts of the novel Discussion of events in chapters 4 - 6 Explanation of the book jacket assignment Student Activity – (30 Minutes) 10 point quiz on chapters 4-6 Pair and share brainstorm for book jacket assignment Debriefing – (15 Minutes) Grade quizzes and discuss correct answers Share ideas from brainstorm Closure – (5 Minutes) Assignment chapters 7 – 10 Start working on book jackets at home Tara Hannum Unit Activity – All The King’s Men Web quest – Huey Long Answer the following questions about Huey Long using the websites listed at the bottom of the page. 1. What platform is Huey Long most remembered for? Describe three proposals he makes in his platform. 2. What was the title of Huey Long’s autobiography? In light of the title of Huey Long’s book, what can we conclude about Robert Penn Warren’s title? 3. Huey Long was in constant conflict with which St. Landry Parish judge? Describe how Huey Long tried to blackmail the judge? 4. What was the result of Huey Long’s use of blackmail? 5. Given the varied opinions of Huey Long’s platforms and tactics, what do you believe his legacy has been? www.hueylong.com www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAlongH.htm www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbyMeMApC3U historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5109/ Unit Activity – All The King’s Men Web quest – 1930’s Answer the following questions using the websites listed at the bottom of the page. 1. Many famous movies were made during the 1930’s. Name three that you recognize from the first website listed at the bottom of the page. Have any of the movies on the list been remade recently? 2. In 1935, who became the first person to fly solo across the Pacific Ocean? 3. In 1930 what was the average cost of a gallon of gas? A new car? A new home? 4. The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl were two events that shaped life in the 1930’s. Briefly explain what these events were and how they shaped the 1930’s. 5. The fashion of the 1930’s was very different from fashion today. What styles were popular during the time period? 6. Many slang words and phrases became popular in the 1930’s. Define the following popular words and phrases. Boondoggle Okey-doke Speako Hackie Flopperoo xroads.virginia.edu/~1930s2/Time/timefr.html www.thepeoplehistory.com/1930s.html www.kyrene.k12.az.us/schools/brisas/sunda/decade/1930.htm All The King’s Men Reading Quiz Chapters 1 – 3 1. Briefly describe how Jack Burden remembers his childhood. Who was like a second father to Jack after his own father left the home? 2. Explain why Judge Irwin was unhappy to see Willie Stark? 3. Name the construction company that was awarded the contract for the school. Describe the disaster that occurred two years after the school was built. 4. Explain how Willie stops the efforts made to impeach him from office. 5. Jack describes an image that became more vivid for him with the passage of time. Describe the image that holds so much meaning for Jack. All The King’s Men Reading Quiz Chapter 4 – 6 1. In chapter four we learn about the life of Cass Masterson the topic of Jack’s dissertation. Cass Masterson writes in his journal, “All men come naked into the world, and in prosperity 'man is prone to evil as the sparks fly upward.” Explain how this quote foreshadows the events that occur in Cass’s life. 2. Jack discovers that Mortimer L. Littlepaugh ‘s untimely death was caused by suicide. Briefly discuss why Littlepaugh commits suicide. 3. Explain what eventually makes Adam accept the directorship of the Hospital. 4. Describe the conflict that Willie and Lucy have over their son Tom. 5. Jack discovers some disturbing information at the end of chapter six. Describe the information given to him by Sadie Burke. Predict how this information will shape Jack’s relationship with Willie. Anticipation Guide All The King’s Men Yes/No Explain Do you believe that politicians should live according to higher standards than you and me? Should a person be judged by their mistakes or their accomplishments? Is it ok for a politician to use all their resources, even knowledge of improper conduct or deeds to get ahead? Would you protect someone’s reputation even if you didn’t agree with them? Is blackmail ever an acceptable behaviour? Do you think politicians of the past differ much from today’s politicians? Is there a difference between greed and ambition? Do you believe people reap what they sow? * If you need more space to explain your answers please use the back of your paper Robert Penn Warren 1905 - 1989 •American •Poet •Novelist •Critic Education • Born in Guthrie, Kentucky • Mother was a teacher – Father was a banker • Attended: – Vanderbilt - 1925 – University of California at Berkley - 1926 – Yale - Bachelor of Literature – Rhodes Scholar from New College, Oxford England, 1930 One Of The Founders Of New Criticism • New Criticism – A form of literary criticism that examines literature without considering reader response, author’s intention, or historical/cultural contexts. • The words on the page are all that matter. • The work is looked at as self contained. Fugitives/Southern Agrarians • Became involved with a group of poets called the Fugitives and later with the Southern Agrarians while studying at Vanderbilt. • The Fugitives were a group of poets that published their works in a literary magazine called The Fugitive. The magazine focused on New Criticism. • The Southern Agrarians evolved from the Fugitives and were strong proponents of keeping southern culture and tradition alive in the light of industrialization. • Robert Penn Warren later separated himself from the views of the Southern Agrarians as he became more progressive in his thinking and supported racial integration. All The King’s Men • Won the Pulitzer Prize in literature -1947 • The main character, Willie Stark, resembles the populist governor and senator from Louisiana Huey Long. • Robert Penn Warren was teaching at LSU In Baton Rouge during the time Huey Long was politically significant in Louisiana. Honors • Poet Laureate 1944-1945 • Pulitzer Prize in Literature 1947 for All The King’s Men. • Pulitzer Prizes in Poetry 1958 Promises: Poems 1954 – 1956, and 1979 Now and Then. • Presidential Medal of Freedom 1980 Personal Life • Married to Emma Brescia 1930 – 1951 • Married to Eleanor Clark 1952 • Children: Rosanna Phelps Warren, Gabriel Penn Warren • Lived later part of life in Connecticut and Vermont • Died of complications related to bone cancer in 1989