SYLLABUS: COLLEGE PHYSICS I 4 SEM HRS PHY 2053C: SEC 0001 MWF 9:30 AM – 10:20 AM Instructor Prof. Abdelkader Kara FALL 2007 MAP 359 Office: MAP 321 Tel: 407 823-1527 Office hours: Monday 10:30 AM – 12:00 AM; Wednesday 10:30 AM – 12:00 AM Other times by appointment email: Textbook: COLLEGE PHYSICS by YOUNG AND GELLER, 8th EDITION and PHY 2053 LAB MANUAL. Description: PHY 2053 is the first of a two-semester sequence in introductory physics offered primarily for students majoring in information technology, the biological sciences and pre-health professions.Emphasis is placed on understanding major principles, and mathematics is used to clarify concepts. Students should have a good working knowledge of algebra and trigonometry. Laboratory: The laboratory component of PHY 2053 covers material related to class lectures. The laboratory is required for all students enrolled in the course. The laboratory score will determine about one-sixth of your final grade in PHY 2053C. Exams: All exams may be written, multiple-choice, or a combination of the two. You must bring a number two (2) pencil and a computer scored answer sheet to each exam. You also MUST know your student ID number and record it accurately in the proper location on the Test Form and on each written exam so that the computer can keep track of your scores as the term progresses. (You must SHOW your UCF photo ID card when you turn in your exam answer sheet.). A protractor, ruler and non-graphing, nonprogrammable calculator may be used during exams. Quizzes: Unannounced quizzes will be given during the semester. You must have a computer scored answer sheet for each quiz. Grades for the quizzes are be part of the homework grade. MISSED WORK POLICY: It is Physics Department policy that making up missed work will only be permitted for University-sanctioned activities and bona fide medical or family reasons. Authentic justifying documentation must be provided in every case (in advance for University- sanctioned activities). At the discretion of the instructor, the make-up may take any reasonable and appropriate form including, but not limited to the following: a replacement exam, replacing the missed work with the same score as a later exam, allowing a 'dropped' exam, replacing the missed work with the homework or quiz average. Homework: Homework will be submitted on the WEB at Shortly, you will receive instructions regarding it. You are expected to check for new assignments without being notified. Recitations: Selected set of homework problems will be discussed during the recitations. The recitations will take place during the laboratory time. Grades: The final Exam will be comprehensive including all the material covered during the semester and will count as 2 exams. The laboratory score will count 1/6th. Homework plus quiz scores will count 1/6th. All examinations will be closed book and closed notes. NO GRADE INFORMATION WILL BE GIVEN OVER THE TELEPHONE or by email. The grades of exams, labs, homework will be added together to determine your grade. 85%-100% A 75%-84% B 60%-74% C 50%-59% D Below 50% F CLASS ATTENDANCE IS VERY IMPORTANT SINCE MANY OF THE EXAM QUESTIONS WILL BE DRAWN FROM THE CLASS LECTURES, DEMONSTRATIONS, AND DISCUSSIONS. PHY 2053-001 FALL 2007 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Date Lecture Topic: Aug. 20 Introduction Aug. 22 Standards & Units and Vectors Aug. 24 Vectors Aug. 27 Motion Along a Straight Line Aug. 29 Motion Along a Straight Line Aug. 31 Motion Along a Straight Line Sept.3 Labor Day Sept.5 Motion in a Plane Sept.7 Motion in a Plane Sept.10 Motion in a Plane Sept.12 Newton’s Laws of Motion Sept.14 Newton’s Laws of Motion Sept.17 Newton’s Laws of Motion Sept.19 Newton’s Laws of Motion Sept.21 Applications of Newton’s Law Sept.24 Applications of Newton’s Law Sept.26 Applications of Newton’s Law Sept.28 Applications of Newton’s Law Oct. 1 Mid-Term I Oct. 3 Circular Motion and Gravitation Oct. 5 Circular Motion and Gravitation Oct.8 Circular Motion and Gravitation Oct. 10 Work and Energy Oct. 12 Work and Energy Week 9 Week10 Week11 Week12 Week13 Week14 Week15 Oct. 15 Work and Energy Oct. 17 Work and Energy Oct. 19 Momentum Oct. 22 Momentum Oct. 24 Momentum Oct. 26 Rotational Motion Oct. 29 Rotational Motion Oct. 31 Rotational Motion Nov. 2 Dynamics of Rotational Motion Nov. 5 Dynamics of Rotational Motion Nov.7 Dynamics of Rotational Motion Nov. 9 Mid-Term II Nov.12 Veterans Day Nov.14 Elasticity and Periodic Motion Nov.16 Elasticity and Periodic Motion Nov.19 Elasticity and Periodic Motion Nov.21 Mechanical Waves Nov.23 Thanksgiving Nov.26 Mechanical Waves Nov.28 Mechanical Waves Nov.30 Mechanical Waves Dec. 3 Final Review Final Examination Week: December 4 – 10.