A very interesting title that makes us want to hear more! F. Irst-Author1,*, C. Oworker1, and T.-H. Irdauthor2 1 Institution #1 2 Institution #2 * f.irst-author@whateveremailworks.edu In order to ensure that the presentation of all abstracts is homogeneous, we would like you to please follow this template. Thanks for not numbering the pages of the document. Your abstract has to be at most two A4 pages long, figures and references included. It has to respect the margins and spaces defined in this file, and it will be written in english. The abstract title is in Arial Big 16, centered. Coauthor names are in Arial Big 11, aligned to the left. Your name is underligned. The same goes for the name of co-authors, except that they are not underligned. Your name should be followed by an asterisk (as exponent), and your e-mail address is indicated in black, Times New Roman 11 (not big) aligned to the left and underligned. 2. Approach Here you can share your passion for your work. How do you try to address the questions/ challenges/… that you talked about in the introduction? Explain your approach and tell us how you are contributing to the field. It is up to you whether you prefer inserting your figures Affiliations are in italic Arial 11. The text bulk is in Calibri 10 and justified. Section titles are in big Arial 11. The whole file should not weigh over 500ko. Please try to avoid small figures with too many details. 1. Background Give us some background to your research and tell us what you are trying to find out or trying to achieve. Cite references like this1. Why is it new and what has been done before? Explain the interest of this research. You are addressing this abstract at a peer group of physicists in a (wide) variety of specialties. Explain the context and get us hooked! …. …. …. Fig.1 Figure captions should be in bold, 9pt size font and underneath the figures. directly into the text or to group them on the second page. After each paragraph leave an 8pt spacing (default in word). Leave one line blank between the author information and the text. …. …. …. 3. Conclusion and/or Perspectives Conclude on what you know so far and make us dream by telling us what the future might hold. If you are right at the beginning of your research, simply use this space for the perspectives of your project. The type of contribution has to be mentioned in the page foot (example: oral). The file has to be named following this format: ContributionType_LastName_FisrtName.doc For instance, if the contributor is named Emmy Noether and wishes to make an oral presentation, her file will be named: Oral_Noether_Emmy.doc; if a contributor's name is Isaac Newton and he wishes to present a poster in session SPC, then his file shall be named Poster_Newton_Isaac.doc. Please do not include middle names in the file name. The file type (.doc, not .docx) is important to ensure that all files are properly opened and processed. The reference format should be as follows: the first author's full name (middle names should be abbreviated), then “et al.” if there are more than two co-authors, followed by a comma and the title of the publication. If the publication is an article published in a journal, then the latter's full name should appear next, with the volume in big and, if relevant, the number between brackets as well as the pages. The year of publication and a point terminate the reference. References: 1 Jane Smart et al., A rather important piece of work, Journal of Knowledge 100(5), p.1-3 (2012).