Dean Team Meeting September 19, 2006 8:30 – 11:00 a.m. Present: John Backes* Norma Goldstein* Carla Hogan* Kenny Lawson * Guest: Ted Haase Susan Hoyne* Jim James* Gillian Lewis* Tom Moran Berta Lloyd* Andrea Rye* Yvonne Terrell-Powell* (*) Members Present MINUTES The September 5, 2006 minutes were approved. FINANCIAL AID Ted Haase reported the Financial Aid Office (FAO) has four new staff members this past year. Three had never been through the complicated closing of a year, and three had never been through a start of fall quarter. Ted provided Deans with the FAO’s Mission Statement, General Competencies Expected, and the FAO Goals for 2006-07. The Deans were given the handout Ted provides to high schools that represents the basics of the FA process. It is a general overview of FA in the United States describing the three types of FA, the application process, questions to ask every college, timelines and FAFSA information. Shoreline’s process is within this framework. He explained that once the federal FA form is submitted, the federal government does database matches, comparing birthdates, SSN, etc. Any variables in names or incorrect numbers register as mismatches and will delay the FA process. Ted’s office helps students clarify these and gets the right data submitted. Every penny is set within the framework of federal and state regulations. The FA software is 20 years old, and although it works well and is closely tied to registration, cashiering, and the business office, it does not allow for easy communications with students. Most colleges require other forms in addition to the FAFSA. Shoreline requires a data sheet. Priority deadlines dates are commonly used to ration the limited amount of funds. In other words, it is better to apply early. Students who meet early priority deadlines will get more for their eligibility. Most parents and students need to be reminded that FA won’t do anything until they see the person has been admitted to college. Some people wait until they hear they are admitted before applying for FA. Parents can prepare to go through this process by having their taxes done early or at least an estimate of their taxes. They can also make sure the student has applied to be admitted. The majority of FAFSA are filed electronically now. Parents can request a PIN as a first step. In order to apply for FA, students must have parent information and signatures unless they are 24 years old, married, or a veteran of active duty in the military. This has been established by Congress. The federal government does allow students to appeal for independent status if there has been a significant break in the family. Most FA offices are fairly receptive to any appeal if there is supporting documentation or statements from adults, professionals, counselors, etc. The federal office determines the independent status, but SCC’s office gathers the information. 1 Ted recommended that students who want independent status talk to the front desk and ask for a petition. They do not need to reveal personal details. Both Ted Haase and Gail Holm can consider student appeals for independent status. Ted provided another handout comparing headcount for federal reporting which is from the HP3000. This is also what the State Board uses in their reports. He also provided statistics that reveal the FAO fully processed 282 more applications than last year by September 15. FA is always a possibility for students, so please continue encouraging them to apply. Ted wanted to emphasize the need to be on time with grades, since that can adversely impact students by causing them to lose eligibility, which means delays. Attendance has to be verified for FA students otherwise they have to repay the FA. It also protects the institution from having to repay that money from operational funds and potential audit liability. The FAO receives emails from instructors for DL students. It is better a student get an Incomplete grade than no grade at all. At some point the students will make up the Incomplete. Ted would be glad to attend Division Meetings to share information. On behalf of the Deans, John thanked Ted Haase and the FA staff for all their hard work. Instruction sends their best to Ted’s staff. ACCREDITATION DRAFT MATRIX Norma distributed and explained her proposed draft matrix to use to document Program Outcomes Assessments, Resources, Results and Improvements. She emphasized the need to “keep it simple.” Goals and outcomes are already defined on Prof-Tech Planning Guides, but not for transfer or developmental programs, so some work has to get done. In a sense, Prof-Tech programs with their outcomes stated are like “majors.” That is what really needs to happen in transfer programs. It is easier to think about in these terms: What is the core learning outcome for an Anthropology major? Norma talked about the common assessments accreditation evaluators look for, and how broad they are. She indicated it is important how you able to present information. You can make nonmeasurable data look measurable in the way you present it. The matrix is based on the format and matrix developed in Strategic Planning. Norma added three labeled items, stating that when schools make it easy for evaluators to find out what they are looking for, the labeling is very helpful. Norma provided an example of a Prof-Tech program matrix as well as English Department matrix for the Deans to review. This format will help accreditation in terms of documentation at the department level. Deans can start to mass that up into an executive summary for the division. The format is on target in terms of presenting information to the evaluators. It was suggested that when starting conversations with faculty, to start with what they have already done. We do not need to invent brand new assessments. Ask faculty what they have done to assess learning, have them process that, and hopefully they can come up with things they have done individually or as a whole program. Whatever it is, work with the data they already have. The only thing new here, is getting it down on paper. This is a way to highlight assessments and feedback they have been doing. 2 Jim James said the main motive for doing this is that it is good for the institution and the students. The main motive is not accreditation. Accountability is really important for the institution. That is why the focus is on what we have already done. If the document format meets with the Deans’ approval, John would recommend each Dean prepare an example to use when they meet with departments. External review documents are available in Division offices as well as Berta’s. Jim James can begin to generate data using this template. Norma also advised not to worry if the data indicates something bad or it didn’t work. That does not matter, as it is irrelevant. The point is we are doing assessments and aiming for program improvement. She also recommended thinking about the term “program” as it relates to other areas like the Academic Skills Center. A matrix could easily be filled out for that by indicating measurable data would be the number of students who have requested that service, the program improvement being it is now open in the summer with extended hours, etc. It really just requires thinking about changes that have happened, why we did them, and then back track from there. John said we have to have a strategy around this. We want some consistency in terms of how we approach this facet – it is a major instructional goal for us. He asked the Deans what their thoughts and ideas were when they approach this project with their faculty. Susan: She will start out with division goals already set (website), then every program will come up with 1 or 2 goals. The discussion will first be what kinds of things they want to achieve. If they go retro, they should see some trend that provoked the current set of goals. Susan said she would do that, and pass it by the faculty for review. Susan wants her faculty to concentrate on this coming year. Ken: IAS/SS will roll this matrix out during their division meeting. They will come up with a division goal, then program goals, then goals for each separate discipline. Ken will work with faculty to make sure they have the data. Norma: Her faculty worked on program goals last year and are familiar with the format. She will work program by program in adding results and analysis based on things already done. Carla: Her faculty have seen these forms before. It is a replacement of the PPA, and part of the accreditation process. She will get them into groups. She will suggest to Automotive to bring to heart the NATEF certification and make changes in the curriculum. The Business groups will do regrouping to set up their goals. For the division as a whole they can look at advising in the Big Event and see if they can figure some ways to measure that. Yvonne: She will make sure her team knows this is not a new document. This will give them the opportunity to look at the class they created and talk about how that assisted students and where they want to go with that. She can start some pieces for her team, but they prefers hands-on. This entire exercise will help all of us to get a bigger view on what is happening at the college and give us a broader knowledge about instruction. It is important we get into the community and are able to talk comfortably about the college. We need to start with the accreditation report. Everyone needs to read that report before introducing this project. That is what the evaluators start with. It would also be useful to review the results of the Noel-Levitz survey. 3 Deans discussed an appropriate timeline to accomplish this task. Information should be gathered by the end of Winter Quarter, then use the next quarter to present a finished document so faculty can see it before they leave for summer break. John wants to be able to thank the faculty for their work by the end of Spring Quarter. TO DO: Jim James will send everyone a copy of the evaluation report and Noel Levitz summary again. Jim James will be able to assist Deans with data and information. Jim would like a discussion about what Deans’ common feelings are as to what some format some data should like that will crop up over and over again, i.e., course completion. He will be able to raise questions for faculty if data does not seem to be enough or available. OTHER Budget Analyst 2. John introduced Ann Martin-Cummins, Budget Analyst 2, to the Deans. Ann will begin to monitor instruction’s budgets. She will start off with a broad overview from Holly Woodmansee and go to the State Board for training. She will begin working on revenue budgets and work her way into state budgets. She will be the one who will waive red flags for us and help us understand expenditures from certain budgets and recommend more appropriate means. She will also be working with coding and focusing on certain aspects around Professional-Technical areas. John expects eventually we will save money and expend more efficiently on behalf of students. Part of the Deans’ work will be to help her understand their budgets. The first six months will be looking at those budgets and working with Berta Lloyd, Jeanne Skaare, and Holly Woodmansee in any revenue budgets. Ann will also help us with our capital projects by tracking those budgets. Odyssey Days. Carla distributed an announcement for Opening Week meetings on Odyssey Days. They are looking for 50 volunteers to assist on October 13 and 14. There will be a planning and training meeting on October 4 at 11:30. Economic Development Plan. Berta provided copies of Governor Gregoire’s Economic Development Plan on how Washington is positioning itself in the nation’s market place. There is a wonderful report on the website that Berta recommended everyone look at. The information will assist Deans to inform the community what is going on. She will send the link to Deans. Future Agenda Items. At the earliest possibility, the Deans must have a brief presentation by Susan, Gillian and Jim around instructional efficiency and then discuss how we are going to put this together. The Deans will also review the 2005-2006 To-Do List. CASE Conference. Andrea reported success in getting funding to take 14 staff members to a conference on Washington DC on assessing student learning in Student Services programs. This will link Student Services and Instruction around outcomes. Orientation – 1 credit. Andrea reported success in getting funding (from the institution) for one credit of quarter-long orientation for students. Andrea and Yvonne will keep Deans posted on progress. Class Cancellations. Deans scheduled Monday, September 25 at 9:00 a.m. to meet regarding class cancellations. Meeting adjourned 11:25 p.m. Minutes Recorded by Kerry Fondren 4