Personal Finance FIN 1100

Personal Finance FIN 1100
Fall 2005
Instructor: Edith L. Strickland, CPA
Telephone: 201-8350
Office: 243 TPP Mon & Wed 12:05-2:30, Tue 1:00 -2:00, Friday 12:05-2:00 and by
Textbook: Personal Finance, Second Edition, Jeff Madura, Pearson, Addison Welsey.
Optional: Financial Planning Workbook
Available at the TCC Union Bookstore, Bills Bookstore on Pensacola and
Ocala and on-line.
Supplementary Readings: The Wall Street Journal, Money, Smart Money, Kiplinger’s
Personal Finance Magazine, and other personal finance general business
periodicals available at the library, and the World Wide Web.
Course Description: An overview of personal and family financial planning with an
emphasis on financial record keeping, planning your spending, tax planning,
consumer credit, buying decisions, purchasing insurance, selecting investments,
and retirement estate planning.
Grading: The semester grade will be determined from a combination of tests,
assignments, quizzes and a final exam.
3 unit tests
Insurance Unit Project
Personal Financial Plan (5 parts)
Cumulative Final Exam
300 points
100 points
100 points
150 points
A = 90%+ (585 points) B = 80%-89.9% (520-584 points) C = 70%-79.9% (455-519
points); D = 60% - 69.9% (390-454 points); F = Below 60% (Below 390)
Conduct and Attendance Policy
My goal is to teach you financial planning principles that will allow you to live a life free
of financial stress. To reach this goal, we must work together to maximize your benefits.
My part is to teach you the skills needed to become a financial success. Your part is to
learn the material. To be prepared for each class session, you should read the Chapter
before the class it is to be discussed (time schedule is listed below). Come to class
prepared to take notes and discuss the concepts in the chapter assigned for that session.
The class activities assume you have learned the information in your text and the sessions
build on that knowledge. We have videos, case studies and special speakers during the
semester. The class progresses quickly to cover much of the financial information you
will need throughout the balance of your life. The learning environment is of utmost
importance to me so I expect you to show courtesy and thoughtfulness to others. This
classroom is a cell-phone free zone. Please participate in the lively class discussions, but
take the private conversations outside of the classroom. Repeated class disturbance will
result in an alphabetical seating arrangement for the balance of the semester.
Class Participation
It is of utmost importance to attend every class session and participate in the class
activities. Over 90% of the material in this course is actively learned in the classroom
setting. It will be difficult to do well in this class if you are not attending.
Withdrawal and Incomplete Policy
If you determine that you need to withdraw from this course, it is your responsibility to
officially withdraw; do not assume that I will administratively withdraw you if you quit
attending. The last day to withdraw this term is November 8, 2005. Failure to officially
withdraw will result in an “F”. I reserve the right to withdraw students for nonattendance. Students reporting to the class late or leaving early may be considered absent
by the instructor. The Florida State Board of Education Rules allow for only three
attempts to pass any course. You may not withdraw or be withdrawn for any reason if
this in your third attempt in this course. For more information, contact Counseling or the
Financial Aid Office. Incompletes are very rare and will only be given in dire
unforeseen circumstances (for example hospitalization) that arise at the end of the term.
Make-up Work: Class attendance is extremely important in this class. We have many
active learning exercises, case studies, videos, speakers and discussions that will broaden
your horizon of understanding beyond your textbook. If you are not present to participate
in these discussions, your understanding of business may not fully develop. The
dynamics involved cannot be re-created. As a result, any missed quizzes and any in-class
work may not be made up. Any assignments offered for bonus points must be turned in
by the due date. If you miss class, contact a classmate to get the assignments and notes so
you will be prepared upon your return. You will be permitted to make up one test by
substituting the score of the cumulative final exam. Any other tests missed will result in
a “0”. It is recommended that you miss an exam for emergencies only, as some
students regret missing an early exam when a subsequent emergency resulted in a “0” on
the second test missed.
College Policy states, “The final exam must be taken at the scheduled time unless a
change is approved by the Dean of the TPP Division”. Without proper approval, a
missed final exam will result in a course grade of “F”. You may access the complete
Final Exam Schedule from the TCC Academic Calendar at
Web Enhanced or Web Assisted Course
This class is web enhanced. Financial Plan and assignments will be available on the web
as well as the syllabus, helpful web sites, Eagle Business Schedule and other helpful
links. Critical concepts will be posted to assist you in preparing for your exam. You may
access the web-assisted site by going through these steps:
TCC Homepage click on Distance Learning click on Access to
Web Assisted Courses click on FIN 1100 Ref # from your course You should be able to
log in with your username and password (same as EagleNet). Click on the buttons to
your left Assignments, Syllabus, Lectures to open each content area. You should visit
this site often for helpful information. It will not replace class lectures, but will be a
valuable tool for you this semester.
Academic Misconduct
Any student who is found to have committed acts of dishonesty including cheating on any
assignment will receive a 0 on that assignment. If you cheat on an exam you will receive
a 0 for that exam/course as indicated by the case. Read Article IV of Student Handbook,
pages 29-37.
Teaching and Learning Statement:
My efforts in this class are designed to create a learning environment for all students
which promotes, encourages, and fosters higher order thinking skills and critical thinking
skills that are grounded in an understanding of the fundamental concepts of personal
finance. You will be participating in class discussions and preparing your financial plan
and utilizing the Web Assisted Site applying the fundamentals and resources you have
learned in this course.
TCC Mission Statement
Tallahassee Community College is an open-admission, comprehensive community
college. Its mission is to provide excellence in teaching and learning through educational
programs that promote the intellectual, social, and personal development of students;
assist them in developing the ability to think critically, creatively, and reflectively; and
prepare them for productive and satisfying lives.
Semester Schedule
Test dates may be changed. You are responsible for keeping up with any changes made, whether or
not you are in class when the change is announced.
Aug 30, Sept 1
Sept 6, 8
Sept 13
Sept 15, 20, 22
Chapter 1 Overview of a Financial Plan
Chapter 2 Planning with Personal Financial Statements,
Chapter 3 Time Value Concepts
Chapter 4 Using Tax Concepts for planning
Test 1 - 100 points Chapters 1 – 4 (You must bring #2 pencil)
***Financial Plan Part 1 Due – Chapter 1-4 (28 points)
Sept 28 Eagle Business Society Meeting SU Ballroom 11:00AM Bonus points!
Sept 29
Chapter 5 Banking Services & Interest Rates
Oct 4
Chapter 6 Managing Your Money
Sept 27
Oct 6, 11, 13
Chapter 7 Managing Your Credit
100 point Test Chapters 5 – 7 (You must bring #2 pencil)
*** Financial Plan Part 2 Due – Chapter 5-7 (26 points)
Oct 20, 25
Chapter 8 Personal Loans No Brainer Car Buying Quiz
October 26th Wednesday EBS Distinguished Lecture Series SU Ballroom 11-12noon
Bonus Time!!!
October 18
Oct 27, Nov 1, 3
Nov 8
Chapter 9 Purchasing and Financing a Home
Chapter 9 Purchasing and Financing a Home
*** Last day to withdraw from course November 8**********
Nov 10
100 Point Test Unit 3 Chapters 8 & 9(You must bring #2 pencil)
****Financial Plan Part 3 Due – Chapter 8&9 (16 points)
Nov 15
Chapter 10 Automobile and Homeowner’s Insurance
Nov 17, 22
Chapter 11 & 12 Health and Disability & Life Insurance
November 24 Thanksgiving Holiday – No class
Nov 29 100 point Insurance Project due Unit 4 Chapters 10-12(You must submit it
at the beginning of class for points. No late assignments due. Accepted at the
beginning of class, TPP Division office delivery or e-mail.
****Financial Plan Part 4 Due – Chapter 10-12 (27 points)
April 6th Wednesday EBS Distinguished Lecture Series SU Ballroom 11-12noon Bonus
Nov 29 Chapter 13 Investing Fundamentals
Dec 1, 6
Investment Fundamentals
Dec 8
Tuesday, December 13, 10:00 AM Cumulative Final Exam in the usual
classroom (You must bring #2 pencil)
Please remember TCC’s final exam policy – you must take the exam at the scheduled time or you will
receive a course grade of F. Mark your calendar now!