Syllabus - Blackboard - Tulsa Community College

Summer 2013
Intro to Business
TCC Summer 2013 Syllabus
Introduction to Business (Online)
BUSN 1053 – 290 - CRN 30569
June 3, 2013 – July 28th, 2013
This is an exciting, self-study, Internet approach to the Introduction to Business
course. Students will utilize the course text, Self Quizzes, free publisher
materials, and the Internet to complete assignments and test their learning. This
is NOT a Self-Paced course because you must meet all assignment deadlines and
complete the course by the end of the term in which you are enrolled.
Instructor: Gary L. Keck, B.S., MBA
Office: NEC, Room 2159
Phone: 918-595-7479
Business & Information Technology
Division Associate Dean: Kent Fockler
Office: NE 2372
Phone: 595-7441
Welcome to my Introduction to Business course. It is a development of the
faculty at the TCC Northeast campus. Congratulations on your decision to accept
responsibility for your learning activities! This interactive distance learning format
requires that you be a self-starter and highly motivated learner. You will be able
to choose when and where you work on this course.
To be successful in this course you will need to plan and organize your
activities very carefully. You should develop a weekly schedule for your
studies. It is important to find a special place to study, away from family,
friends, television, and other distractions. You should commit to completing one
segment of work, such as one chapter, each time you begin a study session. This
will help you to focus on the course materials and the logical sequence of
learning activities developed by the authors of the course in the Course
Documents area. Ultimately your success in this course will depend on
your time management skills, your commitment to study, and your
ability to retain the key terms, concepts and theories of the course's
Internet Instructor's Role
As a full time faculty member at TCC, I have been involved in the development and
delivery of this course, and am knowledgeable of both the course's process and
content. Please rely on your instructor, as a teacher, problem-solver and information
provider whenever you believe it is necessary.
Summer 2013
Intro to Business
Textbook and Other Materials
Understanding Business, 10th Edition, 2010. ISBN 0077684680. This is a
customized edition for TCC, and is available at TCC bookstores.
Author: Nickels, McHugh & McHugh
Publisher: Irwin/McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Catalog Description
Provides overall picture of business operation: includes analysis of specialized
fields with business organization; identifies role of business in modern society.
Course Objectives
To develop an understanding of global and domestic business
trends including ethics and social responsibility.
To explore the basics of entrepreneurship and business ownership.
To realize the contributions of empowered employees to satisfied
customers in a world-class organization.
To appreciate the value of human resources and the need for
employee development.
To acquire an understanding of marketing principles in a customeroriented environment.
To utilize technological and financial tools for decision making.
To understand both the domestic and global financial systems.
The General Education Goals are designed to ensure that graduates of Tulsa
Community College have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to carry them successfully
through their work and their personal lives. General Education Goals relevant to this
course include Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and
Technical Proficiency.
Required email address:
All TCC students receive a designated “MyTCC” email address (ex: All communications to you about TCC and
course assignments will be sent to your MyTCC email address; and you must
use MyTCC email to send email to, and receive email from, the instructor
regarding this course. You access MyTCC at
It is highly recommended that you have regular (daily) computer access,
preferably a home computer with broadband Internet access. This course
can be completed using public computers at TCC or other public access areas.
However, be aware that using public computers may create a hardship. All
Summer 2013
Intro to Business
course requirements remain the same whether your computer access is
public or private (home).
You should be comfortable with the following:
 using a word processor (changing font, spell check)
 using email for communication
 sending an email attachment
 navigating the Internet
 downloading appropriate plug-ins
 using an Internet search engine
Teaching Methods and Instructional Procedures
The course is totally online. Strategies include: Reading resources linked to the
Internet, project and process-oriented individual projects; use of the discussion board;
use of the Internet; and e-mails among students and between individual students and
the professor. This course is designed to allow the student to progress at a selfdetermined rate within the parameters of the semester time frame and specified
deadlines for assignments and testing. It is the student’s responsibility to read 14 of
the 20 Chapters assigned for testing, complete five (5) exams, and complete four (4)
Concept Application Assignments. Students may elect to do an Optional Bonus Internet
activity to earn up to 50 bonus points. I have posted a Testing and Assignment
Schedule that advises the same due dates for each test, discussion and assignment as
posted here in the syllabus. You can find this complete Schedule in the Course
Information tab of Blackboard.
Completing an Internet course requires self-pacing and commitment. Class begins on
June 3rd, 2013, determine a schedule that you can live with and then stick to the
schedule. The instructor is available through scheduled appointment or by e-mail at
Attendance – TIME commitment – Student Expectations
Attendance (regular participation in the online classroom) is essential for maintaining
the best learning environment. Learning occurs in relationship not only between student
and course materials, but, just as importantly, peer to peer, professor to student, and
student to professor.
Participation in this course via the Internet is the responsibility of the student. Students
receiving benefits from government agencies must adhere to policies stipulated by the
specific agency.
Summer 2013
Intro to Business
You are expected to log on to the course site 2-3 times per week. You are also
expected to participate in all assigned activities in the course. Attendance will be
measured by completion of course assignments.
This 3 credit hour course is customized to meet an 8-week abbreviated spring schedule.
Students who successfully complete the course report that they spend an average of 10
hours per week on the course. You may spend more or less, depending on your current
level of expertise.
NOTE: This Internet class demands that the student be self-motivated and
self-disciplined. You are responsible to keep up with the schedule,
assignments, and exams. I will be contacting you throughout the semester
by email and announcements on Blackboard.
What You Should Understand About Internet Classes
Be realistic about the amount of time required to do the
Plan to spend 3 to 5 clock hours per week for every credit hour
Schedule class time just as if you were attending class on
No late work is accepted! Turn in your work on time.
On-line is NOT easier!
Use email and the discussion boards to communicate often with
your instructor and other classmates.
Participate actively in the class.
Log onto Blackboard frequently (at least 3 times per week),
ideally every day if possible. Check for current announcements.
Do NOT fall behind!
Ask for help when you need help.
Students who fail to participate in the course during the first week or fail to
complete the first assignment by the due date will be Administratively
Withdrawn from the course.
Summer 2013
Intro to Business
If you are experiencing difficulty with this course, please contact the course instructor
through email at You should be patient and realistic when
you have questions as to the amount of time it takes for a reply. Please allow a
maximum 72 hours for a response to your emails. Many questions are covered
via the Announcements section of your course, and students are encouraged to
review this area routinely throughout the semester as I often post many things.
Turnaround time of graded assignments, test, and bonus projects will vary with
submission by class. You should receive immediate feedback on your tests as the online
test will automatically be graded. Other assignments are usually graded within 48-72
hours after due date.
Other Suggested Internet Courses
BUS 2363 – Supervisory Management
MGT 2323 – Organizational Behavior
MGT 2363 – Principles of Management
MGT 2453 – Human Resources Management
MGMT 2123 - Leadership Development
Evaluation Techniques:
Testing – Five (5) Exams – Required - (100 pts. each = 500 points)
The assessment tests will include chapter information from the text as indicated below,
as well as material available on the course site such as PowerPoint slides, notes, etc.
Each test will consist of multiple choice questions for a maximum possible test total of
100 points. A total of five tests will be given. You will be allowed a maximum of one
hour to complete each test. All tests will be completed entirely online in one sitting
(i.e., you cannot stop and restart a test). Please review the testing policy on the course
site for detail. All tests are timed; you have one hour (60 minutes) to complete each
test. Once you open the test link, a timer appears, and continues until 60 minutes have
elapsed. If you complete the test prior to the time limit, you should click ‘submit’. If you
go beyond the 60 minute time limit, your test will automatically be submitted whether
you are finished or not. Note: I do not reset online exams or allow multiple attempts.
This is to protect the integrity of the assessment process. Once you begin taking an
exam, you must complete it in one sitting.
Exams will be based on the following assignment areas. Each test will be
available from the beginning of the course until 11:59 p.m. of the due date
indicated below:
Unit One:
Unit Two:
Unit Three:
Unit Four:
over Chapters 1, 2, & 4 on or before…….06/12/2013
over Chapters 5, 7, & 8 on or before…….06/23/2013
over Chapters 10, 11, & 12 on or before..07/03/2013
over Chapters 13, 14, & 15 on or before..07/14/2013
Summer 2013
Unit Five:
Intro to Business
over Chapters 17 & 18 on or before………07/24/2013
***Absolutely NO Make-Up tests will be allowed for any reason!
Because it is impossible for me to differentiate any one individual’s reason
for missing a test (or assignment), no matter the reason, to be fair to all, I
However, that is also the reason I offer the Bonus Project, to make up for
missed points!***
The last day for testing will be July 24th, 2013. No extensions can or
will be given for any reason. No Make-up tests will be allowed.
Assignments – Required - (Four (4) Application Assignments @ 50 pts.
each = 200 points)
There are four written assignments in this course, each worth up to 50 points.
Specific instructions are posted under ‘Assignments’ on the course site. All assignments
are available from the first day of the semester until the due date shown. You may
submit an assignment early, but no late work will be accepted for any reason for
The paper should be sent to the instructor as a Microsoft Word .doc, .rtf, or .txt
file using the link in the Assignment area. Each paper will be graded on its course
related content, the application of concepts in the work setting, student's assessment of
the knowledge gained, and the grammar, punctuation, spelling, and neatness of the
paper. Deadlines for these assignments are noon (11:59 a.m.) on or before
the date shown.
Assignment #1 – Economic Analysis………………………………………06/16/13
Assignment #2 – SWOT Analysis…………………………………………...06/30/13
Assignment #3 – Personality & Motivation………………………………07/10/13
Assignment #4 – Pricing Analysis…………………………………………..07/18/13
Optional Bonus Project (worth up to 50 extra points)
This project is just as it is labeled, optional. If you choose to do it, you must complete
both reports as requested herein. The grand total of points that can be earned is 50
extra points but both assignments must be submitted. The deadline for this
project is on or before (11:59 p.m.) 07/28/2013 or before. No late work is
accepted for the optional bonus project.
The assignment is about Best Buy stores. Go to
Summer 2013
Intro to Business
Scroll to the bottom of the page below Best Buy Brands & Services box.
Under Product Services, click on Recycling. What kinds of things do they do?
What do they do in Oklahoma and Massachusetts? (Choose a state and the
program details change to what is being done in that state.)
Go back to Best Buy Brands & Services page and under Corporate Info, click
on Community Relations. (What kind of things do they support? What kind of
programs do they have?)
Go back to Best Buy Brands & Services page and also under Corporate
Info, click on About Best Buy. (What are they about? What is their history?)
Click on About best Buy under Media Tools on the right side of the page and
read about their history.
Assignment 1:
Tell me what you think about their Recycling and what are some of
the things they do? In your opinion, what are they doing for the environment? Write a
one page synopsis and tell me what and how you think they are doing.
Assignment 2:
What kind of things do they support under Community Relations
and what is their history about from “About Best Buy”? Write a two page synopsis and
tell me these things and give me your opinion as to what they are doing as a
Clearly title your paper: Bonus Project_ Your Name_BUS 1053-290_Fall_2012
The paper should be sent to the instructor as a Microsoft Word .doc, .rtf, or .txt file
using the link in the Assignment area. Each paper will be graded on its course
related content, the application of concepts in the work setting, student's assessment of
the knowledge gained, and the grammar, punctuation, spelling, and neatness of the
Final Grade
Your final grade for the course will be based on a total of 700 total points as follows:
A = 630 – 700 points
B = 560 – 629 points
C = 490 - 559 points
D = 420 - 489 points
F = 419 or below
No curving of grades will be done!
Submitting Assignments
All assignments (Application and Optional Bonus Project) are to be submitted via the
submission link provided in the Assignment Tab section of the Blackboard menu. See
submission requirements at end of assignment. Your corrected (graded) assignments
will be returned to this same location.
Please do not wait until the last minute to submit assignments. You are
submitting items over the Internet. There are many things that can go wrong in the
Summer 2013
Intro to Business
path between your computer and the Blackboard course site. Your personal
computer/Internet Service Provider issues are not acceptable explanations of late work.
I do not accept late work.
I will only accept assignments by email during emergency situations when connection
problems are the result of equipment or Internet failure at TCC. For example, if you are
unable to access the Blackboard server to turn in your assignment, please email it to
me: In addition, if TCC problems create a significant hardship
to the submission your assignment by the due date, I will adjust the due date. This
information will be relayed by email and through an announcement.
Course Completion
This course is to be completed by July 28th, 2013. All assessment test scores are
final and you are not allowed to retest in an effort to improve your grade. The class is
considered completed when you finish the last, required assessment test and you have
submitted your written Assignments. Students not completing this course will be
assigned a final grade based on the points the student has earned in relation to the
total points for the class.
PLEASE NOTE: All assignments may be submitted earlier than the due date
but no assignment will be accepted after the date on which it is due.
It is important that you establish a study and testing schedule. Because
students' schedules vary, you can develop your own assignment schedule
(as long as you meet stated deadline dates).You must complete this course
within the regular school semester in which it is taken. Please see the
Schedule of Activities for specific due dates and deadlines, which can be
found in the Course Information tab.
Testing And Assignment Schedule
The following testing and assignment schedule is being provided to help you follow at a
steady and consistent time frame in which to study throughout the course.
Note: All assignments and tests are due by 11:59 p.m. on date indicated. No late work
is accepted for these projects.
Test 1
Assignment #1
Test 2
Assignment #2
Test 3
Assignment #3
Test 4
Summer 2013
Intro to Business
Assignment #4
Test 5
Optional Bonus Project
The last day for testing will be 07/24/2013. No extensions can/will be given
for any reason.
Students are expected to display tolerance for others’ views on Discussion Board forum
and through emails. Comments and language should be respectful and appropriate
for a college community.
When posting on the discussion board or sending email you are expected to:
1. Be respectful.
2. Use acceptable grammar and spelling. There are now spell check features
in both email and discussion board functions.
3. Use color and font that are easily readable.
4. Use sentence case. Email or discussions posts type in all UPPERCASE is
unacceptable. It can be perceived as the equivalent of shouting. You may
format your text for emphasis.
5. Use TCC email or the email features available inside of Bb as this will
clearly identify you and the class you are enrolled. If these resources are
not available, and you must send from an outside account, clearly identify
yourself and the class you are enrolled.
6. Keep communication on the discussion board relative to the topic.
7. Converse with others the same way you would in a traditional classroom.
Harassment will not be tolerated. Refer to the Student Policies and
Resources Handbook for general classroom expectations.
8. If an assignment requires you to critique a peer’s work, be positive and
respectful. Take your responsibilities seriously and offer meaningful
Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC
Catalog, the TCC Student Policies & Resources Handbook, and semester information
listed in the class schedule. All information may be viewed on the TCC website:
It is a violation of the law to create unauthorized duplicates of copyrighted
microcomputer software. Tulsa Community College makes every effort to support these
copyright agreements and does not support illegal duplication of copyrighted materials.
Summer 2013
Intro to Business
Please visit with the TCC Counseling Center or the Counseling Center at the college or
university to which you plan to transfer to determine transferability status of this
The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the duration of any class.
Contact the Counseling Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course
(“W” grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Check the TCC Academic Calendar for
deadlines. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw will
receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid consequences for the
student. The last day to withdraw from this course is July 12th, 2013.
Students who are earning a failing grade should consider withdrawing from the
course by the official drop date. Failure to withdraw will result in the student
receiving a regular grade of “F” at the end of the semester. I do not give, nor
do I offer "AWs" to students who earn failing grades in the course. This
is a VERY RARE scenario and subject to professor’s agreement.
TCC provides accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans
with Disabilities Act. For information, students may contact the disabled Student
Resource Center, 918-595-7115, or the Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard of
Hearing, 918-595-7428V, 918-595-7434TTY.
Academic accommodations will not be provided unless appropriate
documentations is provided to the disabled student services offices to support
the need.
Reading, writing, math, and computer learning support services are available at various
campuses to support student learning. At the Northeast Campus, most of these
services are available in the FACET Center. For additional information call 595-7592.
Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be notified of
any changes to the syllabus in writing.
Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of others about one’s own
work or about the work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not
condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Tulsa
Community College adopts a policy delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary
action to the faculty. Such disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty include, but are
Summer 2013
Intro to Business
not limited to, the dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly students from classes. In the
case of academic dishonesty, a faculty member may:
Require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the student
to complete a substitute assignment or test;
Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question;
Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or
administratively withdraw the student from the class;
Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester. Faculty
may request that disciplinary action be taken against a student at the
administrative level by submitting such a request to the Dean of Student
The student should review the relevant sections of the TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy
Handbook. Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this class and events of plagiarism will result in
the student’s or students’ grade(s) being decreased as determined by the instructor. Cases of
plagiarism in this course will result in the following disciplinary action:
Access to computing resources is a privilege granted to all TCC faculty, staff, and
students. Use of TCC computing resources is limited to purposes related to the
College’s mission of education, research, and community service. Student use of
technology is governed by the Computer Services Acceptable Use Statements/Standards
found in the TCC Student Policies and Resource Handbook. The handbook may be on
the TCC web page at
The following services are available at the designated locations on the TCC college
campuses to assist the student in this course:
Metro Campus
Distance Learning, MP 200E (595-7282)
Microcomputer Lab, MP 200 (595-7146)
Communications/Reading Lab, MC 536 (595-7214)
Southeast Campus
Microcomputer Lab, SE 4231 (595-7643)
Communications Center, SE 1102 (595-7749)
Learning Resources Center, SE 7200 (5957701)
Writing Lab, MC 306 (595-7240)
Math Lab, MC 302 (595-6011)
Learning Resources Center, MC 200 (595-7172)
Math Lab, SE 8150 (595-7751)
Northeast Campus
Microcomputer Lab, NE A1 (595-7592)
Learning Resources Center, NE 1135 (595-7501)
West Campus
Microcomputer Lab, WC I166 (595-8122)
Reading & Writing Center, WC I116 (5958063)
Learning Resources Center, WC I266 (5958010)
Computer System Requirements
Summer 2013
Intro to Business
Multimedia IBM PC
486 DX-2 or higher processor (Pentium III recommended)
Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher
Microsoft Word 97 or above. (If you do not have Word, please check the Distance
Learning web site for information on downloading a free word processing program
called Open Office. (
Netscape 4.0 or higher (Java enabled) or
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher (Java enabled)
Internet service provider or capability to access the Internet
E-mail access
16 MB RAM (minimum)
1 MB hard disk storage
CD-ROM Drive
VGA monitor
Sound card and speakers
(NOTE: The time of your screen downloads will vary due to several factors, please
realize the better your hardware\software, generally, the faster your screen downloads.
Also if your browser is not Java enabled, you will receive gray boxes on your screen or
no means of response to questions and other items during the course. Please, upgrade
your browser to remedy this problem.)