Kimpton Thruxton and Fyfield CofE Primary School

Kimpton, Thruxton and Fyfield
Church of England Primary School
Let your light shine ~ learning to care and to lead for today and tomorrow
Kimpton, Andover, SP11 8NT
Telephone: 01264 772297
Fax: 01264 772992
Executive Headteacher: Mrs Sally Jenkins NPQH, MA(Ed), B Ed
Dear Parents,
21st September 2015
As part of Eagle’s science topic on the earth’s solar system they have the opportunity to visit
Intech and the Planetarium at Winchester on Tuesday 20th October.
We will be experiencing 2 planetarium visits during the day and we will be travelling by coach.
The entry cost for the venue is £8.38 per child and we are asking for £11.57 voluntary
contribution towards transport making a total of £19.95 for the trip. The PTA have very kindly
given the class a donation of £5 per child so bringing the cost down to £14.95 per child.
Children will need to wear school uniform and will also need to bring a packed lunch and plenty
to drink (no fizzy drinks or glass bottles please) in a named rucksack. If you would like to order
a school packed lunch for £2 please indicate on the slip below.
Payment can be made either by cash, cheque (made payable to HCC) or online and the slip
below needs to be returned to the school office by Monday 12th October.
Miss Stonehouse
Eagle’s Trip to INTECH Winchester Tuesday 20th October
Name of child……………………………………………………………………..
I give permission for the above named child to participate in the trip to Intech
I enclose £14.95 payment
I will pay online
My child would like a school packed lunch and I enclose £2
My emergency contact number for the day ……………………………………………………………
Any medical conditions requiring medication ………………………………………………………………….
Signed ……………………………………………………………. Date ……………………………………………….