Drama Homework Booklet. Denny High School. Introduction for parents / guardians: Drama is not just about being a good actor! In drama your child will be learning skills such as how to be a good communicator, how to be a good team member as well as learning more specific drama skills whilst hopefully building up their confidence levels. This homework book is to give you a bit of an idea of what we are up to in class so feel free to have a flick through and follow our progress throughout the year. Miss May & Miss Wood. 1 Drama Homework Booklet. Denny High School. About Me! What do you like doing in your spare time? What is your favourite food? What kind of music do you like? What are your favourite television programmes and films? Have you done drama in school before? Have you done drama outside of school? What things have you done before in drama? 2 Drama Homework Booklet. Denny High School. DRAMA IS NOT JUST ABOUT BEING A GOOD ACTOR! It is about being a good communicator and a good team member. Learning good communication skills will be important for you no matter what you want to do when you are older. Answer the following questions in the space provided. Write down three things you can do which will make you a good communicator and a good team member: 1. ________________________________ 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________ THE MERIT CODE One person speaks at a time. Respect each other’s views. Keep your hands & your feet to yourself. Work in your own group. Be a considerate audience. Try your best in all the activities. Choose one part of the merit code and write below why it is Important in drama: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 3 Drama Homework Booklet. Denny High School. Mime In your own words, write a description of what mime is below: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ In class we talked about the 5 important words you need to remember when creating an effective mime. Write the correct word next to the letter it begins with. __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Why is it important to use SPECS when creating a mime in drama? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4 Drama Homework Booklet. Denny High School. Movement 1) Look at the table below and fill out the missing boxes with either the correct movement term or meaning. Movement Term Meaning Messages given by the position or movement of the body. Facial Expression Movement of the hand or arm which communicates a meaning or emotion. Eye Contact The position of the body – How it is held. Use of Levels 2) Using the movement terms you have learned in class, describe the following: a) How you would change your movement to play a business man / woman who was running late for a meeting? ________________________________________________________________ b) If you had two characters onstage, how would you show through movement that one was more important than the other? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5 Drama Homework Booklet. Denny High School. Voice Link the meaning to each voice word by drawing a line between the two: Natural flowing speech Change of voice to express emotion Way of speaking according to a local area or country The stress on a word or phrase Speed of speech Loudness or quietness of the voice How high or low the voice is Clearness of the voice A break in speaking Using the voice words above, describe the following: How you would change your voice to play an old man / woman? ____________________________________________________________________ How would you change your voice to play a young child? _____________________________________________________________ 6 Drama Homework Booklet. Denny High School. Theatre Spaces Match the correct type of staging to each of the diagrams. AVENUE 1) END ON THRUST THEATRE IN THE ROUND 2) AUDIENCE A U D I E N C E STAGE ________________________ 3) A U D I E N C E STAGE ___________________________ 4) AUDIENCE A U D I E N C E S T A G E A U D I E N C E AUDIENCE A U D I E N C E STAGE A U D I E N C E AUDIENCE ________________________ ___________________________ Why is it important to make sure you always face the audience? 7 Drama Homework Booklet. Denny High School. Theatre Arts is the collective name for lighting, sound, costume, props, set and make-up. Write beside the picture what each Theatre Art is for and why you might use it in a performance. The first one has been done for you. Lighting Lighting is used to light up the stage so the audience can see the actors. It is also used to create atmosphere. You might use lighting if you wanted to create a spooky atmosphere by making it quite dark and using red lights. Sound ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Costume _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Props ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Set ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 8 Drama Homework Booklet. Denny High School. Script Writing To write a script you should remember three important things: To write which character is speaking. To write the lines which each character says. To write any stage directions which you think are important. (These should go in brackets next to the line of speech which they apply to) Script Example John: (Cheerfully) Hello Steve, how are you? Steve: I’m great thanks. Look at what I got given today (Steve takes a letter out of his pocket and reads it aloud to John excitedly). Below you should write a short script. Remember to include the three things above and set it out correctly. Think about what the letter Steve reads out says. Now write a script for the conversation they have after the letter has been read. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 9 Drama Homework Booklet. Denny High School. S1/S2 DRAMA TERMINOLOGY Freeze-frame: When the action onstage is frozen in time like a photograph. Stimulus: A starting point for a piece of drama Eg/ A line of dialogue, a poem, photograph, etc. Stage positioning: The positioning of the characters onstage in relation to one another Facial expression: An emotional state or mood conveyed by the use of the facial features. Body Language: Communicating meaning/emotions through the use of the body. Gesture: A movement of the hand or arm which communicates a meaning or emotion. Rehearsed improvisation: A form of drama where no script is used. The drama will be developed and rehearsed before it is presented to an audience. Drama form: The overall style of a drama, such as mime, musical, docudrama, etc. Mime: A stylised form of movement which creates an illusion of reality. All mimes should be: Simple, Precise, Exaggerated, Clear, Slow. Volume: How loud or quiet the voice is. Projection: Directing/”pushing” speech towards the audience. 10 Drama Homework Booklet. Denny High School. Pace: The speed of speech. Tone: The emotion, mood or attitude conveyed by the voice. Clarity: The clearness of speech. Emphasis: Stressing a word, sound or phrase in a sentence to make a point. Pitch: The height or depth of the voice. Accent: A way of speaking from a local area or country. Structural Devices: A storytelling tool used to present a small part of the action to the audience. You can use it to enhance the effectiveness of your improvisation and to help tell the story/give the audience more information. Narrator: An actor (onstage) giving information directly to the audience to help them understand the storyline. Monologue: One character delivering an extended speech either to the audience or to another character. This gives the audience more information about the situation and/or the character’s feelings. Soliloquy: One character delivering an extended speech. However, this is never responded to and is only heard by the audience. Flashback: Acting out an event in the past. Flashforward: Acting out a future or imagined event. Tableau (x) A freeze-frame that communicates a deeper level of meaning to the audience. It is not just a ‘freeze’ but has been consciously choreographed (staged) to make something clear. 11