Swine Flu work Year 8 Drama (8T, 8K and 8R-taught once a fortnight) Create a script for a modern day version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Draw a story-board to show how you would like it to be performed for an audience. Choose a character and draw a character study, showing the thoughts of that character at one specific moment in the play (thought-tracking)-write the specific moment as the title at the top of the paper. Year 10 English Complete the activities in ‘The Withered Arm’ work-pack then attempt a rough draft of the essay question; ‘Which Character do you Feel Most Sorry For; Gertrude or Rhoda?’ Give evidence from the text to support your ideas’. Year 10 Drama Using ‘GCSE Bitesize’ website, revise the use of explorative strategies, mediums and elements, working through the online activities. If this is complete, students can re-draft their portfolios based on the work they did for ‘The Tempest’, in order to practice their written skills. Year 10 Media Studies Students can work on their Textual Analysis pieces on ‘Magazines’. Write a detailed analysis in which you compare the layout and style of two similar magazine texts produced some years apart. Students may use the WJEC course-book which can be accessed online, to remind themselves of the relevant key terms and analysis techniques to help them complete the task. Year 12 Drama Using the AQA A2 course book, read through chapters 1-18, familiarising yourselves with the examination criteria and requirements for the two set texts. (These are to be confirmed by BC but I presume one of them will be ‘The Good Person of Szechwan’ by Brecht). Research key themes, intentions and practitioner’s ideals in the production of the set texts. Research previous live performances of the set text plays and make notes on how they aimed to communicate specific effects for their audiences. Use the coursebook for a list of suggestions (p. vii and viii).