
Help your child prepare for tests
Many students will become anxious at the thought of writing a test. Anxiety about
an upcoming test can affect a child's behaviour, thoughts and actions. Here are
some ways you can help minimize anxiety at test time:
Organize & Prepare
Encourage your child not to leave assignments, studying and homework to the last minute.
Schedule time for review and work on assignments each day.
Establish a regular time of the day for homework, studying etc.
Make the home a homework-friendly environment where learning is regular routine.
Remove distractions like the television, stereo, telephone when studying.
Tell your child to make sure tests and due dates are marked in their agenda.
Encourage your child to think about what, when, where, why and how when preparing/completing
Develop practice tests and help them anticipate questions.
Review previous exercises.
When appropriate, encourage your child to pair up with a friend to review information and
Build learning into family activities— suggest keeping a journal, writing a report or a news article
about family events, outings or trips.
Be in the know
Check out the curriculum for your child’s grade level (available as PDF files at
Ask your child’s teacher about major topics studied and how these topics are structured—
homework, assignments, exercises
Use your child’s agenda to communicate with their teacher—ask questions,
check for homework tips, etc.
Conference helps parents 'make a
difference in literacy and beyond'
Make a difference in literacy and beyond – practical ways parents can boost
learning is on Saturday, April 10, 2010 at Stephen Lewis Secondary School in Mississauga. This free
learning event is open to Peel parents of students at all grade levels.
choose from more than 45 practical workshops designed to help you help your child succeed in school
purchase educational materials from exhibitors
receive a free lunch, giveaways and more
Register online in the 'Parents Boost Learning' section of
Keep track of your child's
To attend school in Ontario, children require an up-to-date
immunization record. When your child receives a new
vaccination, remember to contact Peel Health and provide
the information. Peel Health monitors immunizations on a
regular basis to ensure all children attending school have
been immunized.
Make sure Peel Health has an up-to-date record of your child's immunizations by
Health Line Peel at 905-799-7700; Caledon residents can call toll-free at 905-584-2216. Translation
services are available
Workshop explores
parent, child relationship
Dr. Gabor Mate, physician and author of many
books, including Hold Onto Your Kids; Why
Parents Need to Matter more than Peers, will be at
the HJA Brown Education Centre for an evening
workshop on the parent and child relationship.
Attend this session for information on:
the critical importance of attachment
things that stand in the way of healthy development of our children
how parents can establish and maintain meaningful relationships with their children
Date: Monday, Feb. 8, 2010
Time: 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Location: HJA Brown Education Centre, 5650 Hurontario Street in Mississauga
Cost: $10 is payable in cash at the door
Space is limited—reserve your seat by calling 905-451-2862, ext. 380. This is an adult event and
childcare is not provided.
The workshop is open to all parents and is brought to you by the Peel District School Board's social work
Closing schools due to bad weather
During the winter months, we may need to cancel buses or close schools because of bad weather.
The board decides by 6:45 a.m. whether to cancel buses or close schools. To find out if busing is
cancelled or schools are closed, visit or call 905-890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146. You
will receive one of the following messages:
Peel District School Board buses are cancelled. Schools remain open for students and staff, but buses
are cancelled. Buses will remain cancelled all day. All activities that require busing will also be cancelled.
Permits, night school classes, daycare and other activities in schools will operate as usual.
All Peel District School Board schools and board offices are closed. Due to weather conditions,
schools and board offices are closed to students and staff. All activities in schools and board offices are
also cancelled, including daycare, night school and permits.
All evening programs and permits at the Peel District School Board are cancelled. Due to weather
conditions, all activities in schools and board offices are cancelled, including continuing education
courses and events. The buildings will be closed.
All weekend programs and permits at the Peel District School Board are cancelled. Due to weather
conditions, all activities in schools and board offices are cancelled, including continuing education
courses and events. The buildings will be closed.
Review winter bus safety to protect your child
Winter is here—now is a good time to review winter bus safety with your child. Review the following tips
with your child to help make his school bus routine safe and comfortable.
 Allow extra time to get to the bus stop.
 Wear bright clothing so the bus can see you in the early morning and late afternoon.
 Stand back from where the bus stops. Buses need extra room to stop when there is snow and ice on the
 Use the handrail when boarding or exiting the bus to prevent slipping on wet or icy steps or road
 Dress for the weather to ensure you stay warm.
 Don't throw snowballs at the bus or other children waiting for the bus.
 Don't slide on the snow or ice patches in driveways or on the street.
 Don't push or shove around the bus. Someone could fall and get hurt.
Nutritious lunch helps your child learn
Good nutrition comes from eating a balanced diet chosen from each of the four food groups in
Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating: grain products, vegetables and fruits, milk products, and
meat and alternatives. Children need to eat a variety of foods everyday to be healthy. With a little
creativity and planning you can make lunch fun for your child, while still meeting his nutritional
needs. Here are a few tips to get you started:
Try to give your child some choice about what she takes for lunch,
and if possible, get her involved in preparing her own lunch.
Plan ahead. Think through the lunches you will be preparing for the
next week. Make a shopping list to get all the items you'll need.
Give your child as much variety as possible. Keeping your child
interested in lunch is the first step to making sure it is eaten.
Make the food easy to eat. If it will take your child a few minutes to
unwrap his sandwich, he may skip it.
Resist the temptation to routinely send sweets, pop, chips and cookies in your child's lunch. Save
treats for special occasions.
Try to avoid sending pre-packaged, convenience lunches, which are often high in salt and fat.
By focusing on foods from the four food groups and limiting less nutritious foods, you can help your child
get the nutrients and energy she needs to have a successful school day.
Help your family stay warm this
Canada Safety Council recommends the following tips for staying
comfortable and preventing hypothermia when working or playing
Wear a warm hat—most body heat is lost through the head. Children should keep an extra hat at
Wear layered clothing. Layers allow warm air to stay trapped around the body.
Protect your feet and hands. Wear loose waterproof boots. If the boots have liners, carry an extra
pair to replace damp ones or take an extra pair of socks. Mittens are warmer than gloves. Carry an
extra pair of mittens to school, on outings, etc.
Prevent dehydration and exhaustion, which can lead to hypothermia. Drink plenty of fluids and
pace yourself when doing vigorous activities.
Stay fit by exercising and eating well—people who are fit are less susceptible to hypothermia.
If you stay indoors, avoid moving from a hot environment to a cold one. Excessive sweating
caused from an extreme change in temperature increases the risk of developing hypothermia.
Eat high-energy food such as nuts and raisins.
If you are travelling (on the road or in the wilderness) carry emergency supplies.
Watch for kindergarten census in March
If your child is in year 2 kindergarten (senior kindergarten), you will soon be
receiving a senior kindergarten census, a survey about the early learning
experiences of children living in Peel region.
The purpose of the survey is to:
 explore the influence of child health, the home environment,
parenting factors, child care arrangements, social demographics,
and neighbourhood characteristics on school readiness
 understand the type of school readiness activities children participate in before starting
 explore barriers parents/guardians face in accessing early years services
 use the information collected in the senior kindergarten census to understand what supports
families need for their children
The results of the senior kindergarten census will be linked to your child’s Early Development Instrument
(EDI) results. This will help us to better understand the results of the EDI.
Expect to receive the census during the week of March 1. Responses to this survey will be kept
confidential. It will not become part of the child’s school record, and no individual family or child will be
identified from the results. If you have questions about the census, call Nakiema Palmer at the Region of
Peel, Public Health at 905-791-7800, ext. 2734.
February Celebrations
February 1 or 2
February 3
February 7 to 26
February 11
February 11 or 12
February 14
February 15
February 15
February 15
February 15
February 17
Feb 25 or 26
February 26 to March 1
Sunset of February 27 to 28
February 28
month of Mulk
Magha Puja
New Year's Day
National Flag Day
Heritage Day
Family Day
Clean Monday (J)
Ash Wednesday
Intercalary Days
Aboriginal Spirituality
Buddhism, China, Vietnam, Korea and Tibet