study guide for the final exam

Study Guide Honors 10 Final
Cry, the Beloved Country
Characters, plot, themes
Hero’s Journey: major stages…
3.1 Departure (or Separation)
The Call to Adventure
3.1.2 Refusal of the Call
3.1.3 Supernatural Aid
3.1.4 The Crossing of the First Threshold
3.1.5 Rebirth
* 3.2 Initiation
3.2.1 The Road of Trials
3.2.3 Woman as Temptress
3.2.4 Atonement with the Father
3.2.5 Apotheosis
3.2.6 The Ultimate Boon
* 3.3 Return
3.3.1 Refusal of the Return
3.3.2 The Magic Flight
3.3.3 Rescue from Without
3.3.4 The Crossing of the Return Threshold
3.3.5 Master of Two Worlds
3.3.6 Freedom to Live
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Characters, plot, themes
The Bible: Genesis, Samuel II
Basic plot, major characters
The Divine Comedy
Choose 4-5 cantos to refresh including contrapassos, 7 deadly sins, basic Dante history
8 truths (remember the basics, know one well)
 The Gospels
 The Koran
 Bhaghavad Gita
 1001 Arabian Nights
 The Analects, Tu Fu/Wang Wei
 Kenko’s Essays on Idleness and The Pillow Book
 The Mahabharata
 Tao de Ching,, Li Po
Plot, characters, themes
The Tempest
Plot, characters, themes