Most Photogenic

Most Photogenic
Along with the pageant, we will be hosting a Most Photogenic contest during
intermission. You are not required to be in the pageant in order to participate in the
contest, but you are required to be there. It will cost $5 per pictures. There will be a $2
late fee if you turn in your pictures past the due date.
I am in the pageant, which means my picture entry fee is $5 per picture.
I am NOT in the pageant, which means my picture entry fee is $10 for the first picture
and $5 for each additional picture. This will include one ticket to the pageant.
Pictures are to be turned in to E. Foster, room 179, no later than February 7. CASH
ONLY. Please, place your name on the back of your pictures.
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Grade: ____________________________
Homeroom: __________________________________________________________
Number of Photos: _________
Total Paid: _____________________
Most Photogenic
Along with the pageant, we will be hosting a Most Photogenic contest during
intermission. You are not required to be in the pageant in order to participate in the
contest, but you are required to be there. It will cost $5 per pictures. There will be a $2
late fee if you turn in your pictures past the due date.
I am in the pageant, which means my picture entry fee is $5 per picture.
I am NOT in the pageant, which means my picture entry fee is $10 for the first picture
and $5 for each additional picture. This will include one ticket to the pageant.
Pictures are to be turned in to E. Foster, room 179, no later than February 7. CASH
ONLY. Please, place your name on the back of your pictures.
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Grade: ____________________________
Homeroom: __________________________________________________________
Number of Photos: _________
Total Paid: _____________________