WEEK 8 ALCOHOLS AND ETHERS Alcohols are the first class of organic compounds that function as both disinfectant and preservative agents. Ethers are considered to be derivatives of alcohols. ALCOHOLS Alcohols are organic compounds containing one or more –OH groups. The alcohols may be considered as derivatives of the hydrocarbons in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by –OH groups. Alcohols may be classified according to the number of –OH groups they contain. MONOHYDROXY ALCOHOLS – Alcohols containing only one –OH group are called MONOHYDROXY ALCOHOLS. The simplest monohydroxy alcohol is methyl alcohol. H H C OH H alcohol methyl In methyl alcohol, one of the hydrogen atoms in methane (CH4) has been replaced by the –OH group. Another way to name this alcohol would be to take the name of the corresponding alkane, remove the –e and add –ol. Therefore another name for methyl alcohol would be methanol. The next member of the series is ethyl alcohol or ethanol. H H H C C OH H H Monohydroxy alcohols are further classified according to the place of attachment of the – OH group as primary, secondary, or tertiary. PRIMARY ALCOHOLS These are alcohols in which the hydroxyl group is attached to a carbon atom that is joined to only one other carbon atom. For example: H H C H H H H C C C OH H H H n-Butyl alcohol (butanol) This is a primary alcohols because the carbon to which the –OH group is attached is also joined to two hydrogen atoms but only one other carbon atom. SECONDARY ALCOHOLS These are alcohols in which the hydroxyl group is attached to a carbon atom that is joined to two other carbon atoms. For example: H H H H H C C C C H H H OH H Secondary butyl alcohol The carbon to which the –OH group is attached is also joined to one hydrogen atom and two other carbon atoms. TERTIARY ALCOHOLS These are alcohols in which the hydroxyl group is attached to a carbon atom that is joined to three other carbon atoms. H H H H C C C H H C H OH H H Tertiary butyl alcohol It is not possible to have a quaternary alcohol because that would mean that there would be a total of 5 bonds on the carbon atom. DIHYDROXY ALCOHOLS These are alcohols containing two –OH groups. They are also sometimes known as GLYCOLS. An example is ethylene glycol: H H H C C H HO OH Ethylene glycol is named as an alkene even though it does not have a double bond. It is named this way because it is synthesized from ethylene (CH2 CH2) . Because of its high boiling point, low freezing point, and high solubility in water, ethylene glycol is used commercially as a coolant/antifreeze for automobile engines. IN EMBALMING FLUIDS, GLYCOLS REPRESENT THE SIMPLEST CLASS OF HUMECTANTS OR MOISTURE- RETAINING AGENTS. TRIHYDROXY ALCOHOLS These include alcohols containing three –OH groups. The most common of these is glycerin (glycerol). GLYCERIN IS USED AS BOTH A HUMECTANT AND A SOLVENT IN EMBALMING FLUID. POLYHYDROXY ALCOHOLS Alcohols containing more than three –OH groups are included in this category. SORBITOL, MANITOL AND DULCITOL, ARE COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN EMBALMING FLUIDS AS HUMECTANTS. IMPORTANT ALCOHOLS IN EMBALMING Methyl alcohol (methanol), the first member of the series of primary monohydroxy alcohols, is also known as Wood alcohol because it is produced by a process known as the destructive distillation of wood. Destructive distillation involves heating an organic substance(in this case wood) in the absence of air or oxygen and condensing the resulting vapors. It is extremely important to exclude the oxygen, because the complete oxidation of any organic substance results in the production of carbon dioxide and water. Once methanol has been formed, it can undergo moderate or partial oxidation. For example: partial partial alcohol oxidation aldehyde oxidation acid As a result methyl alcohol is instrumental in the commercial production of formaldehyde (methanol methanal). During complete oxidation of methyl alcohol it burns with a blue flame, forming carbon dioxide and water. 2CH3OH + 3O2 2CO2 + 4H2O If only partial oxidation of methyl alcohol occurs formaldehyde is produced: 2CH3OH + O2 Cu 2HCHO + 2H2O This process of partial oxidation explains the toxicity of methyl alcohol. If someone were to ingest methyl alcohol, the methyl alcohol is partially oxidized to formaldehyde in the body. Ethyl alcohol is the second member of the series of primary monohydroxy alcohols. Ethanol is also called grain alcohol because it is produced by the fermentation of carbohydrates. C6H12O6 zymase carbohydrate 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 ethanol Like methanol, ethanol burns with a blue flame, forming carbon dioxide and water (complete oxidation). 2CO2 + 3H2O C2H5OH + 3O2 Partial oxidation produces acetaldehyde (ethanal). 2C2H5OH + O2 2CH3CHO + 2H2O ethanal The oxidation and reduction of primary alcohols may be summarized by the following diagram: Oxidation Alcohol Aldehyde Acid CO2 + H 2O Reduction Denatured alcohol is ordinary ethyl alcohol to which poisonous or ill-tasting substances have been added in order to render it unfit for use as a beverage. In this form, it can be used in industry. Specially purified methyl and ethyl alcohols that are free from water and other impurities are called Absolute alcohol. The third member of the series of primary, monohydroxy alcohols is propanol. Like its predecessors, n-propyl alcohol undergoes oxidation and reduction patterns typical of all the primary alcohols. However, its isomer (isopropyl alcohol) is of special interest. Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) is a secondary alcohol. H H H H C C C H H OH H Isopropyl alcohol Secondary alcohols, on partial oxidation, yield ketones: H H H H C C C H OH H Isopropyl alcohol H + 1/2 O2 H H H H C C C H + H2O H O ketone H Isopropyl alcohol has many industrial uses, because it is relatively inexpensive and is sold tax free without restriction. Little use is made of it in embalming fluid. It is an excellent disinfectant, possessing approximately twice the germicidal strength of ethyl alcohol. The following table summarizes the important alcohols utilized in the embalming process. __________________________________ NAME FUNCTION Methyl alcohol Solvent Lowers the freezing point of the fluid Formaldehyde antipolymerant Ethyl alcohol Solvent Lowers the freezing point of the fluid Preservative Disinfectant Isopropyl alcohol Disinfectant Ethylene glycol Humectant Glycerin Humectant Solvent Lubricant Penetrating agent Increases the effectiveness of germicides in solution PHENOLS Phenols are derivatives of benzene containing one or more –OH groups. OH = C6H5OH = Carbolic acid Phenol Phenols are colorless, crystalline solids that are soluble in water and weakly acidic (pH 6). Phenol’s other name is Carbolic acid. A number of disinfectant compounds are derived from phenol, the most advertised of which is Listerine. Phenol has been used as a general disinfectant. It has also been used in compounds that are used to deodorize sewage. CRESOLS Phenols that are derivatives of toluene are called cresols. There are three isomers: OH OH OH CH3 CH3 CH3 Ortho-cresol Meta-cresol Para-cresol A mixture of the three is known as tricresol. The cresols have a greater germicidal power than phenol and are somewhat less toxic to humans. Cresols are combined with soap to produce Lysol. One of the highly desirable qualities of a good disinfectant is the ability to work well in the presence of organic matter such as soap. Because many phenolic derivatives possess this quality, they are extensively used in embalming procedures. COMPARISON OF ALCOHOLS AS GERMICIDES Concentration is the most critical factor in considering the disinfectant or preservative action of any of the previously discussed compounds. Ethyl alcohol is most effective as a disinfectant in concentrations of 50% to 70%. In concentrations exceeding 70%, ethanol is actually less effective, because its high affinity for water impedes its ability to penetrate cell membranes at these levels. By way of contrast, glycerin exhibits its best antiseptic qualities in strong solutions. In weak ones, it will actually promote the growth of bacteria. The use of phenol as a disinfectant varies widely according to its concentrations. In solutions containing 5% phenol, the material has the physical appearance of a reddishpurple liquid and the chemical characteristic of extreme causticity to living tissues. Although it must be handled with protective gloves, it is valuable in bleaching discolorations and also may be used in reducing swollen areas in human remains. This concentration of phenol is available in a number of commercial preparations and either may be applied by external pack or injected directly into the affected area by hypodermic syringe. When the concentration is reduced to 3%, the solution becomes somewhat less caustic and yet is still effective as an external drying agent. Lowering the concentration to 2% produces a disinfectant that is routinely applied to laboratory tabletops in microbiology labs. Gloves are not necessary at this concentration. At a 1% concentration, it is used in mouthwash (Listerine). The actual compound that you will find listed is Thymol and not phenol. Thymol is a derivative of phenol: OH CH3 CH CH3 H3C Thymol This compound demonstrates a pattern that will consistently recur throughout organic chemistry. THE SIMPLEST ORGANIC SUBSTANCES APPEAR TO BE THE MOST CAUSTIC. When the basic substance is modifids either by the addition of carbons in the chain or the substitution of side chains on the essential structure, its caustic or astringent characteristic is substantially reduced without the loss of germicidal activity. In fact, the germicidal quality seems to increase. For example, formaldehyde is the smallest aldehyde and also the most astringent. THIOALCOHOLS (MERCAPTANS) Mercaptans are the sulfur analogs of alcohols. These compounds contain the sulfhydryl group, -SH, instead of the hydroxyl group, -OH. The general formula for thioalcohols is R-SH. An example of a mercaptan is ethyl mercaptan: CH3CH2SH. The presence of sulfur produces obnoxious odors. Ethyl mercaptan is a tracer substance added to natural gas (which is odorless) in order to make gas leaks more readily detectable. The compound responsible for skunk odor is also a mercaptan. The odor of burning flesh and hair is due to the fact that many proteins are rich in sulhydryl groups. ETHERS Ethers are compounds in which two alkyl groups are attached to an oxygen atom. Ethers may be viewed as derivatives of alcohols in which the H of the ROH has been replaced with an alkyl group to form a substance with the general formula ROR. They also may be considered as derivatives of water in which both hydrogen atoms have been replace by alkyl groups. An additional expression of the general formula is ROR’, where R’ may or may not be identical with R. It is important to note that each R group must contain a minimum of a methyl (-CH3) group. SIMPLE ETHERS In simple ethers, the two alkyl groups are identical. These compounds are named by using the name of the alkyl groups attached to the oxygen. For example: H H C H O C H H H dimethyl ether This substance may also be called methyl ether. The next member of the series would be: H H H H C C O C C H H H H H H This compound is diethyl ether or ethyl ether. Under its common name, ether, this substance has become widely known for its qualities as a surgical anesthetic. It is no longer used this way because it is highly flammable and has undesirable side effects, including nausea, vomiting, and irritation of the respiratory passages. The simple ethers are chemically inert, so they make excellent solvents for organic compounds. As a result, they have sometimes been incorporated in embalming fluids for this purpose. However, because they are highly flammable, a great deal of care must be exercised in their use. MIXED ETHERS In mixed ethers, the two alkyl groups are different; hence their other name of unsymmetrical ethers. These are also named according to their alkyl groups. For example: H H H H C O C C H H H H Ethyl methyl ether WEEK 8 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES ALDEHYDES As a group, aldehydes comprise the largest percentage of disinfectant-preservative chemical agents routinely incorporated into embalming fluids. Aldehydes are organic compounds containing one or more –CHO groups. They are considered to be derivatives of the hydrocarbons in which two hydrogen atoms on the same carbon atom have been replaced by an oxygen atom. For example: O H H C H H C H H Hydrocarbon Aldehyde In naming the aldehydes, the –e ending of the corresponding hydrocarbon is changed to – al. Thus: Methane – methanal Ethane – ethanal Propane – propanal This naming system also reflects the relationship of an aldehyde to the alcohol from which it can be formed. We have previously defined oxidation as the removal of hydrogen. Oxidation of methanol yields methanal. Similarly, ethanal is formed from ethanol and propanal from propanol. The name aldehyde is an acronym for the first syllables of the three words alcohol deprived of hydrogen. Aldehydes can also be named according to their corresponding acids. Remember that a reduction of an organic acid produces an aldehyde. For example, the first member of the aldehyde series named according to the first naming system is methanal (HCHO). Formaldehyde is the familiar name for this substance. According to its derivation, then, formaldehyde is named as the reduction production of formic acid. Formic acid comes from ants (Latin formica, meaning ant). Formic acid was originally obtained by distilling ants. Formaldehyde is the primary preservative in arterial embalming fluids. FORMALDEHYDE (Methanal) Formulas: O CH2O HCHO H C H The commercial method of preparation of formaldehyde is the partial oxidation of methyl alcohol, accomplished by passing methyl alcohol vapors over sheets of hot copper that act as a catalyst. The equation is: 2CH3OH + O2 Cu 2HCHO + 2H2O Remember that if we were to completely oxidize methanol, we would get carbon dioxide and water. PROPERTIES OF FORMALDEHYDE 1. It is a colorless gas with an irritating odor. Formaldehyde is highly dehydrating and has been shown to have a detrimental effect on the nasal and pharyngeal mucous membranes. 2. It is quite soluble in water. Formaldehyde is generally available as formalin, an aqueous solution containing 37% formaldehyde gas by mass of 40% by volume. In order to increase the concentration above this level, it is necessary to use an additional solvent such as ethyl alcohol. Another way to express the concentration of formaldehyde in embalming fluids is INDEX. Index is defined as the number of grams of pure formaldehyde gas dissolved in 100 milliliters of solution. 3. Formaldehyde combines with water, forming methylene glycol: CH2O + HOH CH2(OH)2 When in solution in water, most of the formaldehyde is actually in the form of methylene glycol. 4. It polymerizes to form paraformaldehyde. Polymerization is a reaction between molecules of the same kind that produces a substance having a molecular mass that is approximately a multiple of the original substance. A polymer is the product resulting from polymerization. When formaldehyde polymerizes to form paraformaldehyde, it is composed of repeating units of CH2O. The formula for for this polymer is (CH2O) x. The more CH2O units that add into the structure, the heavier the molecule becomes, until it precipitates out of solution in the form of large paraffin-like flakes. This can be seen in bottles of embalming fluid that have exceeded their shelf life or have been subjected to low temperatures. Formaldehyde also tends to polymerize when subjected to low pH. As a result, commercial arterial embalming fluids are buffered to approximately 6.5 to 9.0 as a preventive measure. METHYL ALCHOL IS ROUTINELY INCLUDED IN THE COMPOSITION OF ARTERIAL EMBELMING FLUIDS AS AN ANTIPOLYMERIZING AGENT FOR FOMALDEHYDE. Although paraformaldehyde (paraform) is undesirable in arterial fluids, it is employed as a major preservative in solid autopsy compounds. When used in this situation, the paraform is hydrolyzed by the moisture in the body tissues and releases formaldehyde gas into the adjacent areas. 5. In very basic solutions, formaldehyde is unstable. Formaldehyde has a very limited pH range. If the surrounding medium becomes too acidic, it polymerizes. If that medium is too basic, it decomposes. 6. Formaldehyde reacts with ammonia to form urotropin. 6CH2O + 4NH3 (CH2)6N4+ 6H2O The formation of urotropin demonstrates the affinity of formaldehyde for nitrogen. This results in the neutralization of formaldehyde. Any source of nitrogen can bring about this reaction. Nitrogen is an important part of proteins. Therefore, as the proteins are broken down during decomposition, nitrogen is released. The formaldehyde demand is increased. This means that more formaldehyde above and beyond normal concentrations must be added in order to overcome the elevated threshold generated by decomposition. This is similar to the effect of hard water on soap in that a certain amount of the soap is used in reacting with the hard-water minerals before the remaining portion is able to function as a cleansing agent. Decomposition is not the only situation that increases formaldehyde demand. Uremic poisoning (urine in the blood) is an example of a pathological condition that produces a similar effect. When renal dysfunction occurs, the urea is not absorbed by the kidney tissues, resulting in dramatic increases of this toxic substance in the circulating blood. 7. Formaldehyde cross-links proteins. This will be discussed later. DIALDEHYDES The dialdehydes are organic compounds containing two –CHO groups. They are often incorporated in embalming fluids. Dialdehydes like monoaldehydes are named as the reduction products of their corresponding dicarboxylic acids. GLYOXAL – The simplest of the dialdehydes, (CHO) 2, derives its name from oxalic acid, its corresponding carboxylic acid which upon reduction produces glyoxal. It also gets its name from ethylene glycol, an alcohol which produces glyoxal on oxidation. Glyoxal is comparable in protein coagulability to formaldehyde. The resultant yellow color makes its use in embalming fluid undesirable. As previously stated, the stringency of organic compounds generally decreases as the length of the carbon chain increases. As A result, the higher dialdehydes have been investigated for possible application to embalming. Of these higher dialdehydes, glutaraldehyde has been found to have the best application to embalming. O H H H H H C C C C C H H H O Glutaraldehyde Two percent-activated glutaraldehyde has proved to be not only a good preservative, but also an excellent germicide. In fact, this compound has been described as a “cold chemical sterilant.” The term “activated” refers to the addition of a sodium bicarbonate buffer, which stabilizes the pH of the resulting solution at approximately 7.2. Like formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde operates best at this pH. The one drawback is that once the solution has been activated, it has an effective shelf life of only 14 days. However, this problem is circumvented by incorporating glutaraldehyde into embalming fluid in an inactive state. When this fluid is ready to be used in an embalming operation, the glutaraldehyde is activated by the addition of another chemical called a coinjection, which contains the buffer. Glutaraldehyde is much less astringent and dehydrating than formaldehyde. As a result, tissue preserved in this manner is not as hard as formaldehyde-treated tissue and retains much more of its original texture. CYCLIC ALDEHYDES The low-molecular-weight aldehydes have harsh, irritating odors. As the molecular mass increases, the odors become more fragrant. Aromatic aldehydes are used as perfuming agents in embalming fluids. Some examples are: CHO HC C H H C O OCH3 CHO Benzaldehyde (almonds) Cinnamaldehyde (cinnamon) Anisaldehyde (anise) KETONES Ketones are derivatives of hydrocarbons containing one or more carbonyl groups. C O The carbonyl group is common to both aldehydes and ketones. We may distinguish between aldehydes and ketones by the position of this group. If the carbonyl group is placed at the end of a carbon chain, the compound is an aldehyde. If this group is not on the end of the chain, the compound is a ketone. For example: H H H H C C C O H H Aldehyde H H O H C C C H H H Ketone We can name ketones by changing the –e ending on the corresponding hydrocarbon to –one. In this method, of naming, all of the carbons in the compound are counted including the one in the carbonyl group. For example: CH3COCH3 is called propanone because there are three carbons total.. Ketones are produced by the oxidation of secondary alcohols. Propanone is produced by the oxidation of isopropyl alcohol. Propanone is also called dimethyl ketone and acetone. This is the most important ketone as far as the embalmer is concerned. It is an excellent solvent that will dissolve most organic substances yet is completely miscible with water. It is sometimes incorporated into embalming fluids as a solvent, but it could cause problems because it will dissolve plastic and is thereby contraindicated for use with plastic hoses or plastic machine part. Acetone is most valuable in embalming as an external solvent for removal of road tar or bandage adhesive from the surface of the skin.