Job & Person Specification

Title of Role:
Operations Manager - Customer Service
Administrative Unit:
Remuneration Level: ASO7
Division: Consumer and Business Services
Branch: Customer Service Centre
Role Number:
Role Docket Number:
Type of appointment:
Term - Temporary (12 months)
Term - 1 - 5 years
Job and Person Specification/Duty Statement Approval
Summary of the broad purpose of the role, and its responsibilities.
Accountable to the Deputy Commissioner for Consumer Affairs the Operations Manager Customer Service will be responsible for developing and managing a new Customer Service
Centre for Consumer & Business Services. Initially the role will lead and direct the design
and development phase of the new business unit with the view to integrating the current
customer-facing functions from existing branches into the centre. Once the transition is
complete, the position will be responsible for the ongoing management of operations. The
role will provide a high level of strategic and operational management support to the
organisation by reviewing, planning and implementing continuous improvement strategies to
ensure the delivery of consistently high quality customer services.
Reporting/Working Relationships (To whom the person reports, staff for whom the person is responsible,
and other significant connections and working relationships within the organisation.)
Reports to the Deputy Commissioner for Consumer Affairs;
Works closely with the Change Program Manager during design/ implementation phase;
Leads and manages the Customer Service Centre staff including Team Leaders, front
and back-of-office staff;
 Works as a member of the Senior Management Team to ensure the consistent
management and delivery of customer services across the organisation;
 Liaises and consults with a range of external stakeholders including other government
agencies, key industry groups, associations and organisations as appropriate.
Special Conditions (Such as non-metropolitan location, travel requirements, frequent overtime, etc.)
Some out of hours work may be required.
Intra/interstate travel with overnight absences may be required.
Prior to an offer of employment being made, candidates must provide written
authorisation to the Attorney-General's Department allowing a criminal history check.
Upon receipt of the original National Police Certificate the individual must allow
sighting of the original certificate for the purposes of verification and copying.
Statement of Key Outcomes and Associated Activities/Duties (Group into major areas of
responsibility/activity and list in descending order of importance.)
Lead and manage the development and implementation of a new Customer Service Centre
(CSC) that delivers services to the public and business community and that meets the
strategic and operational needs of the Commissioner by;
Managing the delivery of project tasks through development and implementation phases;
Leading the design and delivery of a business operating model and resource model that
detail the operational capacity and capabilities of the new centre, which include
contingency and business continuity strategies;
Identifying risks and issues, developing and implementing treatment strategies;
Managing the documentation of processes and procedures including process
reengineering where improvements are identified;
Leading the integration of the current customer-facing function from existing branches
into one new business unit;
Leading a training needs analysis and formulating an integrated training and crossskilling plan;
Closely monitoring the accommodation build and fit-out to ensure its fitness for purpose;
Ensure the efficient and effective management of Customer Service Centre resources to
provide consistently high quality services that meet customer needs by;
Developing and implementing flexible workforce planning strategies that promote
sustainable business operations;
Negotiating with Business Managers to ensure a collaborative and solution-based
approach to managing competing priorities and pressures on resources and workloads;
Leading the development of service level agreements and key performance indicators,
ensuring performance targets are met, monitored and reported on;
Ensuring operations comply with legislation, performance standards and that operational
procedures are applied consistently throughout the unit;
Ensuring customer feedback is collected and complex matters or complaints are
resolved or escalated to relevant stakeholders as appropriate;
Reviewing physical facilities to ensure continued fitness for purpose and provide
innovative strategies to assist CBS achieve its customer service objectives;
Contributing to the organisations budget planning and management by accurately
defining operational costs and reviewing, planning and reporting on the financial
performance of the unit against budget taking corrective action as appropriate;
Lead the continuous improvement of CBS customer services and contribute to
organisational change by;
Leading organisational and business unit change and developing and promoting a
culture of excellence and continuous improvement;
Regularly reviewing work practices, policies and trends in customer demand and
behaviour and identifying opportunities to improve service, performance and efficiency;
Recommending improvements to the Executive Group, including cost-benefit analysis
and business case development and implementing approved strategies;
Developing relationships external agencies and leading or participating in a range of
activities and special projects aimed at identifying industry best practice and
benchmarking our services.
Ensure CSC staff are provided with effective leadership;
Managing staff development by providing feedback, rewarding performance consistent
with core organisational values and providing individual support and guidance;
Designing and implementing service standards and workflow procedures;
Modelling effective leadership, providing direction and high level guidance to staff in
matters relating to performance and conduct to ensure positive and constructive team
relationships and performance outcomes;
Identifying and facilitating appropriate development and training opportunities to ensure
staff are empowered to deliver high quality and consistent levels of service.
Responsible and accountable for adhering to and implementing the relevant requirements
for managers/supervisors and employees as specified in the OHSW Act 1986, OHSW
Regulations 1995, relevant Standards and Codes of Practice; the Equal Opportunity Act
1984, the PS Act 2009, and the principles of diversity; and the Department’s policies and
Certified Correct by Line Manager ..................................................................................
Acknowledged by Occupant ............................................................................................ ........../........../..........
Essential Minimum Requirements (Those characteristics considered absolutely necessary.)
Educational/Vocational Qualifications (Include only those listed by the Commissioner for Public Sector
Employment as an essential qualification for the specified classification group.)
Personal Abilities/Aptitudes/Skills (Related to the job description and expressed in a way which allows
objective assessment.)
Excellent interpersonal skills with resilience and the ability to effectively deal with conflict
situations, and negotiate and advocate appropriate outcomes;
Flexibility and ability to quickly adapt in response to organisational and operational
change and develop appropriate courses of action;
Analytical ability to identify project-specific and operational risks and issues and
creatively formulate and implement solutions to problems;
Proven ability to build and maintain effective relationships with Business Managers and
negotiate successful outcomes to manage demand and competing priorities;
Highly organised with the ability to autonomously plan and prioritise work effectively,
perform under pressure and respond quickly to deliver results to tight deadlines;
Ability to analysis customer demand including transactional handling times, customer
traffic and process/workflow;
Excellent written and oral communication skills;
Ability to plan, implement and manage the activities and outcomes required of the role
relevant to the management of OHSW, equity and diversity.
Experience (Including community experience.)
Leadership at a senior level in managing cross-skilled and multi-functional customer
service teams in a front-line environment with high customer transaction volumes;
Leading staff in the delivery of services to diverse customer demographics with varied
expectations and priorities. The provision of timely, high quality service flexible to meet
customer needs from the general public or business sector.
Leading the development of operational service/ resourcing models, service level
agreements and key performance indicators;
Successful delivery of projects through application of project management methodology;
Leading teams successfully through change as a ‘Change champion’ and cultivating a
strong team ethos with a culture of excellence and continuous improvement;
Leading the transitioning and integrating of a number of existing business areas into one
new business unit;
Preparing and developing written reports including gathering and analysing data in order
to provide management information and recommendations;
Proven experience in business process review and implementing changes to bring about
organisational efficiencies.
Development, implementation and monitoring of service standards;
Project Management methodology;
Change management or continuous business improvement principles;
Knowledge of the principles and practices of OHSW management, in particular those of
Risk Management and Hazard Control, and the Equal Opportunity Act 1984, the PS Act
2009 and diversity.
Desirable Characteristics (To distinguish between applicants who have met all essential requirements.)
Personal Abilities/Aptitudes/Skills
Ability to independently research service standards and provide recommendations based
on best practice;
Ability to map, analyse and reengineer processes in order to bring about improvements.
Budget and resource planning and management;
Customer service centre based technology solutions;
Interpreting legislation in an operational context
Knowledge of industry standards, trends and best practice;
Knowledge of queuing strategies and technologies.
CBS legislation
Educational/Vocational Qualifications (Considered to be useful in carrying out the responsibilities of the
Tertiary qualification in a related business discipline will be highly regarded.