MODELING SHS IN POROUS SYSTEMS USING CELLULAR AUTOMATA APPROACH B.B.Khina and D.N.Loban Physico-Technical Institute, National Academy of Sciences, Minsk, Belarus A new stochastic model of the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), or the combustion synthesis, is developed, which in an explicit form takes into account the porosity of reacting media. Both conductive heat transfer between solid particles and radiative heat transfer across the pores are considered. The effect of the stochastic factor on the SHS wave dynamic behavior is examined through including into model both the intrinsic stochasticity of solid/solid reactions and random distribution of the pores throughout the specimen. The model is based on the cellular automata method. The dynamic behavior of SHS waves propagating through porous systems is studied numerically, and the transition from the "quasi-homogeneous regime" to the "relay-race mode" with increasing the overall porosity, which was previously observed in experiments, is traced by computer simulation. INTRODUCTION Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), also known as combustion synthesis or solid-flame combustion, is a cost-effective method for producing highpurity refractory compounds and advanced ceramics, including functionally gradient composite materials. Being ignited by an external heat source (typically, an electrical heating coil) on one end, an exothermic reaction propagates like a combustion wave through a charge mixture of solid reactants (e.g., Ti+C to give TiC or Ti+2B to produce TiB2) yielding progressively a glowing final product in a short time. Due to specific conditions in an SHS wave (steep temperature gradient, up to 106 K/cm, high temperature, up to 4000 K, high heat release rate, and fast accomplishment of interactions, 1 to 10 s), SHS products possess fine-grain structure and, very so often, superior properties as compared with the same compounds produced by traditional synthesis methods (1,2 and others). Since SHS typically proceeds in a relatively narrow range of parameters, is difficult to control after ignition, and demonstrates uncommon (from the point of view of Materials Science) structure-forming mechanisms, which are difficult to examine in situ, mathematical modeling traditionally plays an important part in the development of SHS-based technologies. Inherent in SHS waves is dynamic behavior, e.g. oscillating and spin combustion, which results in non-uniformity of the product structure and degree of chemical conversion. Recent studies using microscopic high-speed video recording revealed new dynamic regimes of SHS in porous systems: the so-called relay-race and quasi-homogeneous patterns and local inhomogeneity of the combustion front (scintillating regime) in highly porous systems (3-5). New patterns of SHS were also observed in microgravity on the Russian orbital space station ”Mir” for highly porous samples (6). However, the existing models of SHS don't take into account in an explicit form the effect of porosity on heat transfer in the reaction wave and its dynamic behavior. Besides, the traditional deterministic approach (i.e., partial differential equations using 412 the mean-field approximation of the system parameters) do not consider the stochastic effects, which reveal themselves in two ways: (i) the intrinsic stochasticity of heterogeneous reactions resulting from non-uniformity of the surface reactivity and contact surface area of solid particles, which is important in the narrow "thermal reaction" zone of an SHS wave, and (ii) random pore distribution affecting local heat transfer. From the above facts it follows that these effects may be important, especially in the conditions of unstable combustion. Previously, a stochastic model of SHS allowing for the former factor was developed for a one-stage (7) and multi-stage reaction in an SHS wave (8), which permitted us studying the onset of instabilities, development of spin regime, and transition from steady-state to unstable combustion. Thus, the objective of this research is to work out a new stochastic model of SHS in porous systems taking into account local inhomogeneity of heat transfer connected with random pore distribution, and to examine the SHS wave dynamic behavior using the “cellular automata” approach. Since the width of the "thermal reaction" zone is small, a limited amount of particles interact at the same time, and hence the stochasticity of heterogeneous reactions substantially effects the onset of a particular dynamic regime (7,8). The anisotropy of heat transfer due to the competition of heat conduction via solid-state contacts and thermal radiation across pores will cause a difference in the temperature of particles thereby introducing an additional instability factor not considered in the existing models. FORMULATION OF A MODEL The model considers the following physical factors: porous structure of a specimen, solid-state reactions, conductive heat transfer in the charge mixture via solid-state contacts of the particles and radiative heat transfer across the pores. The elementary particle size is implied to be small enough and the number of contacts of unlike particles to be large, thus diffusion mass transfer is not considered. The specimen structure is described as a two-dimensional matrix composed of equal square cells. Two kinds of cells are considered: cells imitating solid particles and "empty" cells imitating pores. For this situation, a unit cell can be interpreted as containing a small portion of both reactants (e.g., Ti+C) in a stoichiometric ratio, the cell composition being uniform throughout the specimen. Each reacting cell is characterized by temperature, T, and state or degree of conversion, ; = 0 for unreacted and = 1 for a reacted state. This corresponds to a one-stage chemical reaction. Heat exchange between solid cells is described by a discrete analog of the equation of two-dimensional conductive heat transfer including heat release rate due to the chemical reaction in a cell: T/t = a2T + [Q/(c)] /t (1) Here Q is heat release of the reaction per unit volume and c is the specific heat, a is thermal diffusivity, a = /(c), where is thermal conductivity, is density. It is implied that the reaction in a cell follows the first-order kinetics, and the reaction rate is described by the traditional Arrhenius law. A discrete analog of the reaction rate equation describes the probability of a reaction in a given cell vs. temperature: 413 P(T) = k exp[E / (RT)] (2) where P is the reaction probability, is a dimensionless time step, R is the gas constant per mole, E is the activation energy, and k is the preexponential factor. Thus, the stochastic model includes the reaction probability (or the reaction threshold) in a cell instead of the unambiguously determined reaction rate, and the state of an individual cell switches from 0 to 1 with a probability depending on temperature instead of demonstrating a continuous change of as in a deterministic approach. A specially developed computer code permits generating both chaotic and ordered distribution of pores throughout a sample with a preassigned average pore size and total porosity. Without losing generality of the model, the pores are assumed to be of a rectangular shape, and complex-shaped pores are subdivided into several rightangled pores. To describe radiative heat transfer across a pore, a numerical procedure is worked out using the integral heat flux balance method (9). The internal pore surface is treated as an ideal black body. The elementary heat flux between two cells (denoted by subscripts 1 and 2) having different temperatures, which belong to the pore surface, is written as dJr = B (T14 T24)[cos 1 cos 2 / (S2)] dA1 dA2 (3) where Jr is the energy flux by thermal radiation, B is the Stephan-Bolzmann constant, S is the distance between the cells, A1 and A2 are the elementary surface areas, 1 and 2 are solid angles at which these surfaces are viewed, T1 and T2 are the temperatures of cells 1 and 2. The resultant heat flux across a pore is determined by integrating expression (3) over the whole total pore surface. RESULTS OF COMPUTER SIMULATION AND DISCUSSION Computer simulation of the SHS wave propagation has been performed for a two-dimensional sample with boundary conditions corresponding to a cylindrical shell of an infinite length. The specimen is ignited on its left edge by the adiabatic temperature, Tad = T0 + Q/(c), where T0 is the initial temperature, and the combustion wave propagates from left to right. Figures 1 and 2 present unrollings of a cylindrical shell with the temperature maps calculated at regular dimensionless time intervals; the combustion front propagates from left to right. The Novozhilov criterion for stability against two-dimensional disturbances KII = 8.91/[1 + 3.1(1)], where and are the dimensionless combustion parameters: =RTad/E, =cRTad2/(QE) is used to estimate the parametric domain of stable combustion; at KII < 1 the stability loss occurs (10). The evolution of temperature field (in grayscale, lighter shade denotes higher temperature) shown in Fig.1 corresponds to a stable combustion regime ( = 0.11, = 0.16, KII = 1.2) for a porous specimen with porosity =23%. The combustion wave front is almost planar and propagates with a constant average velocity. However, the presence of pores results in short-term local distortions of the SHS wave front and the occurrence of small-sized hot spots whose temperature slightly exceeds the adiabatic value. These hot spots appear in cells next to pores. This is due to local anisotropy of heat removal from reacting cells since, according to simple numerical estimates, the 414 heat flux across a pore constitutes about 0.10.2 of the flux through solid substance at the same temperature gradient and maximum temperature in the SHS wave. Fig. 1. Temperature maps (unrollings of a cylindrical shell) for stable combustion in a sample with porosity = 23% and dimensionless combustion parameters = 0.11, = 0.16, KII = 1.2 As the combustion wave advances, the temperature of small-sized hot spots rapidly levels with that of the surrounding cells, and the local distortions vanish away so as to appear in another place. In the preheat zone of the SHS wave, i.e. ahead of the combustion wave front, where the temperature is much below Tad, the pores contribute additional "thermal resistance" to the heat transfer. In the parametric domain of unstable combustion, KII <1, porousless specimens demonstrate spin combustion regime when the exothermic reaction concentrates in a hot focus with T>Tad following a spiral path over the surface of a cylindrical sample. In classical deterministic models this hot spot continues its revolutions until the complete consumption of reactants. Spin combustion was observed experimentally in a many systems (1,2 and others) and it results in non-uniform product structure. In the stochastic model (7), the correlation between the temperature and reaction rate in a cell expressed in Eq.(2) brings about continuous generation of two-dimensional perturbations in the thermal reaction zone of an SHS wave. This results in spontaneous origin of spin regime from arbitrary initial conditions, and occasional disintegration of the hot focus after several revolutions if a sufficiently strong perturbation occurs; in the latter situation another focus emerges in a different place (7). In a porous sample (Fig. 2), the spin combustion regime demonstrates specific features not observed before in computer simulation. A pronounced hot focus with a superadiabatic temperature originates close to a pore wall because of local anisotropy of heat transfer. A developed hot focus may cover an area containing several pores. After having traveled along the wave front for a certain distance, the hot focus may disintegrate upon "colliding" with a larger pore or a group of pores, however, a new focus appears on another site of the combustion wave front. Thus, the porosity of a sample seems to acts as an additional factor of instability which, irrespective of the combustion regime, contributes to the generation of distortions on the initially planar combustion wave front, and facilitates the transition to an unstable regime of combustion under appropriate conditions (at KII < 1). To examine the effect of overall porosity of the transition from the quasi- 415 homogeneous regime to the relay-race mode, the local and average combustion wave velocities were calculated, following the approach used in experimental works (3,4). Fig. 2. Temperature maps (unrollings of a cylindrical shell) for unstable combustion in a sample with porosity = 19% and dimensionless combustion parameters = 0.09, = 0.12, KII = 0.82 In the mentioned works the location of the SHS wave was estimated by the maximal gradient of brightness determined using high-speed video recording and subsequent computer image analysis. We calculate the local position of the SHS wave front (along the 0x axis) and the corresponding local combustion velocity, u(y,t), using the field of the conversion degree, (x,y,t), where x is the longitudinal direction and y is the circumferential coordinate, 0 y 2r, r being the radius of the cylindrical shell: u(y, t ) h (x, y, t t ) (x, y, t ) / t (4) x where t is the time interval, h is the cell size. The average velocity of the SHS wave propagation, Ua, is calculated as the amount of cells burned during a certain time interval: h ( x, y, t t ) ( x, y, t ) Ua y x 2rt (5) The histograms in Fig. 3 show the distribution of instantaneous velocities in the SHS wave front with increasing the specimen porosity, the other combustion parameters being the same (here F denotes the frequency). It is seen that with increasing the overall porosity, the most prevalent instantaneous velocity of the wave front decreases while the difference between the average velocity, Ua, and this value increases. According to experimental works (3,4), this refers to the transition from the quasi-homogeneous regime to the relay-race mode of SHS wave propagation. A decrease of the Ua value is connected with lowering effective thermal diffusivity, a, of a specimen with a rise of porosity. The developed model does not permit simulating SHS in samples with open 416 porosity, and increasing the total porosity above 45% is impossible. However, the obtained results support a general idea that the transition from the quasi-homogeneous regime to the relay-race regime is connected with anisotropy of local heat transfer. Fig. 3. Distribution frequencies of instantaneous velocities in the SHS wave front for a sample with dimensionless parameters =0.07, =0.134 (KII = 0.99): (a) = 25%, (b) = 35%, (c) = 45% CONCLUSION The developed stochastic model for simulating the dynamic behavior of SHS wave in porous samples with closed porosity permits studying the novel regimes of SHS, vis. the quasi-homogeneous and relay-race regimes. The developed approach opens a prospective of linking the structure of the charge mixture, along with the classical combustion parameters and , with the regime of the SHS wave propagation, which, in turn, affects the structure of the target product. REFERENCES 1. Merzhanov A G: 'Scientific fundamentals, advances and prospects for the development of solid-flame combustion processes'. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk 1997 (1) 8-32 (in Russian). 2. Munir Z A, Anselmi-Tamburini U: 'Self-propagating exothermic reactions: the synthesis of high-temperature materials by combustion'. 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