Seminário 5 de junho de 2015 (6a-feira), 14:00 h Sala B10 - Bloco B da Eng. Mecânica Understanding combustion chemistry: a prerequisite for emission control Prof. Dr. Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus Chair of Physical Chemistry at Bielefeld University in Germany President of the International Combustion Institute Prof. Kohse is the President of the International Combustion Institute since 1012. In this capacity, she oversees the representation of combustion research in 34 national and regional sections around the globe. She has made it a point to connect with combustion-related institutions and researchers in many countries in person, and it is for this reason that she is now visiting Brazil and Chile. Katharina Kohse was educated as a chemist and is Chair of Physical Chemistry at Bielefeld University in Germany, with a program of combustion chemistry and diagnostics. Her work is documented in over 200 publications and she was honored with several awards. She is also a member of the German National Academy and of many prestigious advisory committees and scientific boards. Katharina has held guest professorships in several countries, including China, Denmark and Saudi Arabia. She will present the opening lecture at the 2015 International Combustion Institute Summer School to be held from June 8th to 12th in São Paulo. She is furthermore a dedicated teacher and a science communicator with activities for school kids and young adults.