North Peace Administrators’ Association Monthly Meeting – September 13, 2010 Location: North Peace Secondary School Cafeteria/Library Dinner: 5:00 / Meeting: Hopefully starts before 5:30pm Agenda/Minutes of Meeting Meeting called to order at 5:35 p.m. District Staff: Dave Sloan: aware of the problems with BCesis and concerns have been shared with the Ministry. There is a board meeting tonight. Staffing is almost done – 21 new hires to the district and 4 positions left to hire (mainly prep positions). As it stands right now, average time on TOC list to posting to a position is 2 years. Every primary student is impacting numbers and could be the $80 000 student. Hopefully the numbers are as high as they will go. Please remember to send in your numbers to Dave on the excel spreadsheet when changes occur. There will be more on Bill 33 and numbers at L.T.M .tomorrow. Lesley Lahaye: interesting week at the board office. There is a nice tone in the schools. Lesley’s focus this year is: Community Link, full day kindergarten, Federal French, and early learning. The learning resource budget will be out soon. Friday’s pro-d: sponsored event by the PRNTA. It is not a planned event for the EA’s. The EA’s need to make other arrangements. There are two sessions for EA’s: laptops at DKJSS and B/O training with Lilly Frey. Welcome Back – Randy welcomed everyone back to NPAA Adoption of Agenda – Lucy/Janet - moved Business arising from minutes - none Treasurer’s Report – 2010/11 Dues and pro-D allotments Kathy Scheck: reported that NPAA has received the pro-d funds from the district office for $65,100.00 and EI reimbursement for $53.72. Some members have not yet paid their golf portion for the golf social. Please send your portion to Kathy as soon as possible. A number of members have exceeded the $4500.00 pro-d allotment. There was discussion on pro-d allotments. Please remember to submit receipts prior to September 30th, 2010 for funds on current pro-d accounts. Kathy reported that it was also time to contact payroll so that yearly NPAA fees could be deducted from October and November payroll. In the past the deduction has been $350 split equally between October and November. Motion: Kathy/Jarrod: That all members are allowed to keep $5000.00 in their pro-d funds before this year’s pro-d allotment. The claw-back would be placed in the general fund. – discussion: moved/approved. Motion: Kathy/Ray: That based on the $65,100 allotment from district, that each member receive $1800 for their individual pro-d funds this year: moved/approved. Motion: Kathy/Lucy: That the membership fees remain at $350/member and that this be taken off in equal chunks from October and November payroll: moved/approved. Kathy will contact Gloria to have the fees deducted from our payroll in October and November. Correspondence- Thank you letter from Braden Scheck for receiving scholarship. President’s Report – Randy Pro- D – Future Plans/Conference/ In-service/How to spend your money: Please remember that your pro-d funds can be used for: in-services, conferences, memberships to professional journals (i.e. ASCD), internet connections Motion: Randy/Pat: That the NPAA put forth and contribute $3000.00 from the group pro-d to assist the PRNTA in the cost of the pro-d day on September 17th for Mark McLeod: moved/approved. Mark McLeod will be speaking on Saturday from 9:00-12:00 (and that our staffs may join us). Reports EFAP – no report – let staff know that the service is available Safety – get your safety reports in to Robert Lawrence Joint Forum – no report DPAC – no report Student Support Services – needs lists are being sent out, follow the deadlines, make sure lists are kept confidential Technology – do not send in work orders to change your lists for schools – technology will take care of this. Wireless writing – support is working as fast as possible. Please let Jarrod know when your grade 6 and 7 numbers are solid – paperwork will then follow. Jarrod is available for parent meetings –book through his calendar. Your grade 6 or 7 teacher should be at your wireless meeting for the rollout. Video dongles are available for wireless teachers – they need to request through Sharon 262-6013. BCesis –Jarrod is in contact with the Ministry contacts. He has expressed our concerns to everyone that is important in the Ministry. Old Business none New Business Start up Stories – no time for this Admin Time – make sure that you know what your FTE is for allotment of VP time. Please let Randy know if talks indicate your time is down and if you are concerned. Meeting Times – meetings will be held the first Monday of the Month. Supper will be at 5:00 p.m. and the meeting will occur from 5:30-7:00 p.m. The meeting will not continue after 7:00 p.m. April 4th will be elections and the March meeting will call for nominations. Chapter Council Meeting – November 5 and 6th. Randy will go Contract Negotiations Meeting – 2 members will go – two more can go. Let Randy know if you would like to go. AOB – Sunshine fund to purchase $50 coffee card and card for Gary Flury and $50 flowers and card for Lilly Frey Negotiations – New contracts –these were given to individual members Adjournment: Motion: Pat/Janet: 7:01 p.m.