Applicant Eligibility Statement for an F31 NRSA

Update items in yellow (and remove yellow highlight)
Obtain the faculty member’s signature
Send to Kathy Smith (
Kathy will print on GDBBS letterhead, sign and send the student a PDF
Diversity Candidate (pre-doctoral): Student name
We hereby assert the candidate’s eligibility for support under the Ruth L. Kirschstein National
Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral Fellowships to Promote Diversity in HealthRelated Research (PA 11-112) program as follows:
1) The diversity candidate, student name, is a US citizen.
2) The candidate is a member of a nationally underrepresented minority (details, race,
disability etc.). Student has self-identified as URM status. As such, she is an individual that is
underrepresented in the health-related sciences on a national basis. Her recruitment will thus
support the NIH mission of promoting and fostering diversity in the biomedical workforce. This
fellowship will specifically allow this candidate to receive training in an outstanding laboratory
and develop into an independent scientist. This training will enhance the prospect for this
promising applicant’s retention and advancement in the biomedical and health-related
PI name
Kathy Smith
Director of Recruitment and Admissions