Cemetery Committee Meeting Minutes November 5, 2013 Opening Prayer by Rod Kelley Attendance: Mike and Angela Doll, Rod Kelley, Ed Zuber, Jim Kuenstler, John Williams, Jim Blank, Elmer Weiler Carl Roark, Jerry Harper, Randy Kistler, Steve Patterson, Deb Jones, Kathy Hursta, and Kim Harrell Introduced the newest member, Kim Harrell. Motion to accept Kim by Ed Zuber, seconded by Elmer Weiler, all in favor. Old Business: Mowing: $8,100 to date. Possibility of one more mowing this year. Rod reminded us that we have had collections of $8, 540 for the year of 2013. That is only $440 left for the last mowing ...a little short of collections. Ask for increase of donations in Jan of 2014? Rod gave Kim a brief summary of the Schlepp Estate bequeath to our Cemetery. He told us that flowers were placed on the grave of Bernice Cowman Brassie Schlepp for Memorial Day. Angela Doll accepted the task of buying the wreath, or flowers, to decorate her grave for Christmas. Question asked of the CD and its value to date. Ed Zuber said that he will check on it. Question asked by Mike Doll --”Can we use the sale of lots, and put it as a separate income for maintenance? Finance minutes approved as read by John Williams, seconded by Ed Zuber .All in favor … New Business: Number of mowings are less than expected for this year New fence : Let it be known that the fence was done at no cost to the Church , Labor, materials , and equipment were all donated , There was a total of 9 gallons of black enamel plus 1 gallon of paint for the white posts . Shepherds hooks: Debbie is to put a reminder that they are to be removed by Easter, or they will be removed and discarded. They are making extra work for the mowing and weed eating –and are harmful to the equipment. This has been in the regulations for several years. Carl Roark brought the plat map that he has been working on, Lots of work has already been done, and there are some changes on the lettering to be made. Carl said it really will not be too hard to correct this. Kudos to Carl –and Kathy Hursta is going to help him correct it. Notice to put in the bulletin that the lots are still at $250 until January 1st, 2014. At that time, they will go up to $300. Considering the prices at the other cemeteries, this is a good price. Randy said that as of now, there are about 200 lots still left in the established cemetery –maybe enough for 5 years? Randy asked that “someone” could sell the lots. “Someone “who knows the cemetery, someone like Kathy Hursta. That person would need to be available to help mark the graves, and sell them. Because of the time needed, pay should be considered; Kathy would consider it IF she could work with Randy or Steve to learn the way things is handled. Randy said he would be willing to help her. Mike suggested that they work through Kim Kocher, who would give them Kathy's phone number -”To call and set up appointments at set times “. Kathy will talk to Kim about it. Kathy accepted the challenge. Randy and Kathy will discuss it until the next meeting. Report in March, 2014. Randy has 'booklets ' to show lot sales. He said they are running out of said books, and will need more. Lots previously sold cannot be resold privately. They can however be returned to the Church, then can be resold. It causes a problem with records. Randy brought to our attention that a bronze marker was damaged by the mower; it belongs to Bill Weston's grave. It was not set properly –“too high “. Steve Patterson will recheck with military that is in charge of them and see about a replacement. If we have to pay for it, the cost is $800. Brought to the attention that someone would like to have a plaque put on the altar in memory of Fr. Jerry Wirth. Suggested that it might be in memory of all priests that served our parish. Also brought to the attention and the committee that it could also need to represent the nuns that served here as well. It has been requested that we 'table ' this until the next meeting in March. The last 2 plaques cost us $1,758 for both, or $879 each. There are 6 trees that need to be cut and removed. Mike and Elmer will work together on this. Again, this will be put off until March or April. Rod has requested a new chairman. He has served for several years and would like to retire from it. Rod did ask Carl Roark to consider it. We all promised to stand beside Carl and walk with him through it, if he accepts. Motion to close the meeting for tonight by Ed Zuber, Seconded by John Williams, All in favor … Closing prayers: “Hail Mary” and “Glory Be” The next meeting is March 25th. (Ed called said the CD expires in 2015.)