Senior Project - Chapman University


Senior Project

CPSC498, Spring 2006

Course Information

Instructor: Peiyi Zhao

Classroom: Thursday 7:00- 9:30pm, BK 207

Office hours: Monday 11:00-12:30 pm (BK207)

Tuesday 1:30 -2:30 pm (BK 403E)

Friday 11:00-2:30 pm (BK 403E)


Required Text:

J. Uyemura, Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, Wiley, 2002. ISBN 0-471-12704-3

Reference Text:

Weste and Harris, CMOS VLSI Design, 3rd Ed., 2005, ISBN 0-321-14901-7

Topics covered

Combination circuit(adder, multiplier, tri-state buffer design, inverter chain, etc)

Sequential circuit(flip flop design)

Clocking system

Low power design(dual voltage using level converter, double edge clocking, etc)

DSP architecture (FIR filter), ALU, etc ( senior projects in San Jose University :

Fabrication through MOSIS

Cell characterization for library(if time allow) (cell documents link:

Security design at circuit level(against DPA) and architecture level

Soft error

Processor verification

And other topics

Prerequisites: Math 211, CPSC365, CSPC 465 or equivalent.

Credits: 3

Attendance: Attendance at each class lecture is required and expected. Much thought and persistent work on your part will be necessary in order to achieve this goal. Making a regular and concerted effort to read the textbook will be a key to success. To prepare for exams, it is also recommended that you try working as many problems from the book as possible. Questions are ALWAYS welcome during class periods and during office hours. It is the student’s responsibility to get notes and handouts for any missed class.



Presentation and report



Tentative scale:

Score of at least (%) 95 90 87 83 80 77 73 70 67 63 60

Letter Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D D-

Disabilities: In compliance with ADA guidelines, students who have any condition, either permanent or temporary, that might affect their ability to perform in this class are encouraged to inform the instructor at the beginning of the term. Upon recommendation of the Center for Academic Success, adaptations of teaching methods, class materials, including text and reading materials or testing may be made as need to provide for equitable participation.

Academic Integrity Policy

Chapman University is a community of scholars which emphasizes the mutual responsibility of all members to seek knowledge honestly and in good faith. Students are responsible for doing their own work, and academic dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated anywhere in the university.


Schedule :

Early Mar. Project proposal

Apr. 6, final chip (if HSPICE works)

Written Progress report 1, 2- pages(for some team, it is final proposal), progress report guideline attached.

Apr. 27 Written Progress report 2, 2 -pages

May 18 demo+ final report

Progress report

(Mar. 31, 2006)

Adapted from The Writing Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Please supply 2 page report describing your project progress so far.

Begin with a one- or two-sentence introduction, summarizing your project and explaining why you are proposing it. Follow your introduction with the sections listed below:

Proposed Project and Purpose

State your proposed project, its goals, and your approach.

Why are you proposing this particular project? Why are you using approach X rather than approach Y? Briefly discuss the alternatives.

Why and how will this work meet the need or solve the problem you have previously identified?

Anticipate and respond to any major objections one might have to this project or approach.

How will your proposed work be of real intellectual or functional value to you as a student, to others in the field, and to the rest of the world?

Plan of Activities with Deadlines

List your major activities, and make a schedule for your work.

Mention any special tasks or needs. (Do you need special equipment? Computer space? Technical assistance?

Reading material? Will you need to interview experts?)

List specific items you will produce as part of your project, such as devices, test reports, or instructions for operating equipment or running computer programs.


Explain the criteria by which your work is to be judged: How will you or someone else decide how well your work solves the problem you defined? What features are to be assessed--principles of design, cost efficiency, accuracy, ease of operation, feasibility, ease of maintenance, effectiveness, environmental impact, etc.?

Progress Made to Date

Describe the progress you've made so far. Relate your specific activities to your overall goals so that we can see whether you are proceeding satisfactorily.

Practical Implications

Note any practical matters that may need adjustment, such as changes in your work schedule or need for additional materials, equipment, or expertise.

If, at this point, you think your work may result in a publishable article, indicate where you think it might be published. Check relevant journals to see what has previously been published in your area of research. Be sure to note the editorial policies for the format and style of these journals. Doing this work before you draft a final report or article will help you to avoid wasting time on subsequent revisions.




Final report

Adapted from The Writing Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

The format given here is fairly standard for technical reports, with some variations. The basic elements of a report (title, abstract, introduction, methods and materials, results, discussion and conclusions, and references) are also standard for articles in many professional journals. If you think you have the makings of a publishable article, read the last section of this handout before you write your report.

The writing you've already done for your project--your original proposal and subsequent progress report--may well be of use to you (perhaps with updating) in writing your final report or article. For example, you should be able to adapt your analysis of the problem, review of recent literature, and statement of purpose and approach for the introduction to your report. Furthermore, the criteria for evaluating your work should serve as a basis for your report's discussion section. Of course, you may want to revise your earlier ideas in light of what you've discovered in the meantime. As you organize your work into the sections described below, remember that you may want additional subsections with headings that help to focus your work.

Front Matter

Precede the body of your report with a title page, a table of contents, and an abstract.

I. Title Page

Your title should be concise, specific, and informative; each word should add meaningful information.

Choose words that readers would logically employ as "keywords" if they were searching a database or index to find a paper on this subject. Avoid abbreviations, formulas, and specialized jargon that might unnecessarily limit your audience.

II. Table of Contents

Your report should include both a table of contents and a list of the titles and page numbers of any figures you use.

III. Abstract

An abstract is a 100-200 word summary of your project that should be understandable in itself, apart from the rest of the report. The purpose of the abstract is to inform your readers of the essential details of your report (or article), thus allowing them to determine whether or not they need or want to read the entire document. A descriptive abstract simply describes what the report includes, listing what's covered without giving results or conclusions. Increasingly, however, writers, editors, and readers are promoting

informative, rather than descriptive, abstracts. An informative abstract encapsulates the most significant points in the report by presenting the problem and purpose, scope, methods (if they are of particular importance), and major results and conclusions.

Write your abstract after you have written the rest of your report. Use the active voice when appropriate to ensure that your prose is as vigorous and concise as possible. You might begin the process of condensing your report into an abstract by trying to write a one-sentence summary of each major section of the report. Be sure to set the context for your work by stating the problem that led to the project.

Typically, an informative abstract will concentrate on some combination of results, discussion, and implications. The emphasis may vary, however, depending on your purpose. For example, if your goal was to develop a new method, your abstract should reflect that goal by devoting more space to the

discussion of methods. Test your summary by asking people in your field who are not familiar with the details of your project to read the abstract and see if it gives them a useful and accurate summary.

Body of the Report

Divide the body of your report into the sections described below.

I. Introduction

The purpose of the introduction is to explain the motivation for your work and to provide the reader with the relevant background information. The introduction should answer the following questions:

 What is the purpose of your project?

 Why have you done this work: what need or problem does it address? (Briefly review relevant literature; refer to examples or other evidence that helps to show the nature, extent, or significance of the problem you define.)

 What are your goals and your approach? Why have you chosen this approach over others?

 What are the criteria by which this work is to be judged?

NOTE: Although the introduction is important, it shouldn't be so extensive that readers become impatient or get lost in an unnecessarily detailed discussion of minor points. Try to distance yourself from your work so that you can select and highlight the most significant points.

II. Materials and Methods

What materials, components, and equipment did you use?

What sequence did you follow to reach your goal? How does your method correspond to your overall purpose?

Why is this method preferred over other reasonable alternatives?

(Do not describe false starts and errors. Provide enough information so that someone else familiar with your field could repeat the procedure. Select details carefully so that you neither give too much obvious information nor leave out significant details or important modifications of standard procedures.)

III. Results

What did you accomplish? If your project resulted in some product, describe that product concisely. You may want to include here (or note its presence in the appendix) a picture, drawing, or specification table.

State your results clearly. Figures, graphs, and tables will help to support your claims, but don't rely on them exclusively to convey information. Express all of your significant results in verbal form. Give a name and number to each figure or table (e.g. Figure 1: Input Frequency and Capacitor Value). Insert the figure or table where you first mention it in your report, and refer to it thereafter by the label you've given it.

IV. Discussion

Many technical articles combine discussion and conclusions into one section, explaining why the results happened and what implications they have. In composing your discussion, you might consider the following questions:

 Did you accomplish the goals you presented in your proposal and in your introduction?

 What results did you expect? What results did you obtain? If there were any discrepancies, how do you account for them? How do your results compare with those obtained in other, similar investigations?

 Explain any key decisions you made that affected your approach and results. Why did you choose to proceed as you did? What constraints affected your decisions? Given what you know now, would you do anything differently? What do you recommend?

 Do your results (products, devices, programs) have any particular technical or theoretical interest, or any further applicability?

Back Matter

Follow the body of your report with appendices and references.

I. Appendices

Present supporting material--such as details of testing procedures, extended calculations, computer documentation, instructions, data tables, side issues, or large figures--in your appendices.

II. References

List any sources of information--articles, books, interviews--you've used.

III Describe what problems you met, what errors you find, how do you solve the problems, what lessons you learned, etc.

Preparing Your Work for Publication

If you think your project gives you suitable material for a publishable article, you should do some additional planning before you write:


Ask your project advisor if he or she thinks your work is publishable, and, if so, in what publication.


Look at copies of journals that may be possible outlets for your work. Does your article fall within the scope of what a particular journal publishes? Has anything already been published that covers the same ground you cover? Do you think your work is important enough to be published? Is it technically sound?


Read editors' comments and requirements, sometimes found in the front sections of journals, along with statements of editorial policy that describe the specific guidelines you should follow for style and format.


Solicit readers' comments before you submit your article. Bring a draft to the Writing Center for a critique.

When you give your article draft to your advisor to read, explain what your plans for publication, and ask for feedback and recommendations. Carefully consider your advisor's suggestions before submitting your article to a journal. Whenever you submit an article, be sure it's your best work; proofread carefully, and keep a copy. Check editorial policy to see if you should include a self-addressed, stamped envelope

(SASE) when you submit your article.


If your article is rejected, don't be discouraged; it's rare for an article to be accepted as it's first submitted. If the editor provides critical feedback, learn what you can from it. The editor may give you the option of making major or minor revisions and then resubmitting your article. If your article is rejected without the option to revise and resubmit, but you still think it has potential, you might make whatever revisions seem appropriate and submit your article to another journal (again consulting the journal itself to be sure it's an appropriate outlet for your work).
